“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin
HELL HOLES Inside Putin’s ‘torture conveyor belt’ prisons as leaked videos ‘show horrifying rape and mutilation’ - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16339717/putins-torture-prisons-rape-mutilation/ Meanwhile Netflix published the teaser of the second season of "Squid Game": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXr8Rb97nIk[Embed] The second season will be called "Welcome to Russian Hell".
>>597 (OP) I don't want to see what israel does.
>>599 Russia and Israel are close enough but they are still separate countries
pure coincidence goyim, etc.
>This trailer is a concept-mashup that shows my idea of how the teaser trailer for Squid Game Season 2 might look like. fake news after watching it I realized that this motherfucker just ripped clips from the kaiji live action film
what the fuck is squid game and why should i care
>>605 Gook excrement.
>>606 >gook Its netflix shit with a gook wrapper
>>605 happens from year to year in russian army, schools, prisons etc
Hey everyone, remember when The Squid totally beefed it?