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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
usa = commie jew nation with their bailout bucks
Jews rig elections uses nigger with endless handouts to destroy white societies.  
jews can't collect income tax on an anonymous currency that they can't spy on people transactions.  then steal ure money and give endless handouts to nigger pets to destroy white civilizations
monero replaces bitcoin and us petrol dollar
Monero is replacing Bitcoin Jews can't collect income tax on XMR fuck niggers
No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
Replies: >>3956
Good luck running a moner miner in a few years, at the rate the blockchain size increases.
Also i think that in the future (now actually there are already options) we'll have Smart contract capable blockchains giving private services to make your money untraceable.

In any case nothing is replacing Bitcoin at this point as a settlement layer.
Replies: >>3957
>>3918 (OP) 
Crypto is fake and gay.  Go shill your pyramid scheme somewhere else.
Replies: >>3957 >>4021
>in the future (now actually there are already options) we'll have Smart contract capable blockchains giving private services to make your money untraceable
Adding privacy to bitcoin was always going to be easier than adding popularity to monero.

>the billionaires and politicians told me crypto is bad
You'll get it one day.
Replies: >>3959
No.  Really.  Real currencies are baked by something tangible, like gold, or petroleum, or represent a slice of the issuing nation's economic productivity.  Crypto is based on absolutely nothing.  There's no "there" there.

Let me lay it out for you.  Crypto was created as a thought experiment in decentralized economics, then immediately seized upon by people who thought--incorrectly--that it would allow them to buy fentanyl and CP anonymously and untracebly over the Internet.  Crypto is based on massively complex mathematical calculations that can be used for cryptography, you see. That's the "crypto" part of the name. When you set up to "mine," you are doing crypto calculations that, once completed, you can barter and trade with other "crypto" enthusiasts, sometimes for real-world money, which is the only point at which it intersects with anything whatsoever that's real.

Mining gold creates wealth and enriches not only the mine owner but the society in which he lives.  Extracting petroleum creates wealth and is good not only for the oil man but his nation.  Growing food creates wealth and also increases the supply of a commodity in constant demand, making the farmer's country better.  Generating crypto hashes, by contrast, creates abso-fucking-lutely nothing.  Crypto miners plug the machine in and press the button and it sucks up electricity, making it more expensive for everyone, and--if they have guessed right and timed it right--makes money condense out of the ether, really out of everyone else's bank account, into their own bank accounts.  There is nothing here of value.

The big players in crypto, the only ones who are going to make any significant amount of money, are banksters, hedge fund managers, and trust fund babies who put hundreds of millions into Bitcoin back around 2008.  Well, and the people who sell mining hardware.  No one else, though.

Since then, at predictable times and places, generally coinciding with tax refund season, or when the Great White Father in Washington is mailing out stimmy checks, a bunch of "Internet financial advice influencers" you never heard of before, and will never see again, appear all over Youtube and TikTok and the rest, with short punchy videos telling the normies, "BITCOIN WILL MAKE YOU A BILLIONAIRE!  You've got to BUY NOW or you'll MISS OUT!  BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!  Gotta buy crypto!  Do it now!  NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" and enough of the normies will do exactly that to give the Bitcoin price a good ol' bump, which will last until the people who hired actors to pretend to be investment advisors can dump some of their Bitcoin at a tidy profit.

And that is all any of this ever was.  This is all e-gold was.  This is all Monero is.  This is all NFTs are.  This is all Dogecoin and Chia and Ethereum are.  They're ways people who think the world owes them a living make the world a worse place because they think they can plug in the machine and press the button and get rich quick.  It is fake.  It is gay.  It is, to be honest, fam, pretty cringe.
Replies: >>4088
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unironically it's not...as long as fiat "paper" exists, there will be cryptocurrencies. .. Until gold backed money aka real money comes back, shitcoins will be around.
>Real currencies are baked by something tangible, like gold, or petroleum, or represent a slice of the issuing nation's economic productivity
The only tangible thing the dollar & euro are backed by is crippling debt.

>When you set up to "mine," you are doing crypto calculations
Monero is backed by electricity.  That's the reason it's called proof-of-work.  You need to put in electricity to get Monero.

>you can barter and trade with other "crypto" enthusiasts, sometimes for real-world money, which is the only point at which it intersects with anything whatsoever that's real. 
The only thing that's real is goods and services, materials, houses, food, vehicles.  Fiat money is only worth a shit because someone is offering you shit for it in return.  Gold and petroleum don't have value because they are tangible but because they provide genuine use cases.

>This is all Monero is
Monero is the only cryptocurrency that hasn't turned into a faggoty speculative asset.  There are markets where you can buy and sell (legal) goods and services with Monero without any middle man, which is part of the reason why its market price doesn't fluctuate nearly as much as Bitcoin and others.  People are actually using it as a currency instead of trying to sell off their bags.

>Well, and the people who sell mining hardware
There is no specialized mining hardware that will give you an advantage and nobody can see how much you have or where you got it from.  Monero's mining algorithm is meant to be used on consumer grade CPUs.

I pay my hosting service with it.  I buy groceries with it.  I buy muh games with it.  I've bought hardware with it.  Nobody has ever considered Monero an alternative - let alone a replacement - to gold or petroleum, or any other precious metals.  But even so, it isn't nearly as fake & gay as the US shekel and I can transact with it faster and with less of a hassle than using GoyPal.
Replies: >>4147
Tell me how I into Monero like I'm retarded.
Replies: >>4098
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Install, make a new wallet.
write it down and store it somewhere safe & secret. The seed phrase is kinda like your master password to always be able to spend your coins. Anyone who has the password can do the same.

Click on the Receive tab and you'll see a bunch of addresses. These are all yours, you can give them out to people and they can send you monero.
When you receive monero you can't see where it came from, so use the different addresses as a way to identify where the monero could've come from.

If you want to buy monero, the best way is to first by something like Litecoin and then swap that for Monero. Look at https://kycnot.me
Go to https://monerica.com to find places to spend your 'nero.
Replies: >>4148
>Monero is backed by electricity.  That's the reason it's called proof-of-work.  You need to put in electricity to get Monero.
A currency is backed by a commodity if and only if you can take it back to the issuer and exchange it for a fixed amount of that commodity. Anything else is jewish word games. I'm not saying that cryptocurrencies have no use cases but they're not backed by electricity because it's thermodynamically impossible to turn them back into electricity. It's the difference between putting gold into a vault and throwing gold into a black hole: both actions require you to put something in but only one allows you to take it back out.
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How many Moneros do I pay to lick her armpits?
Is Wownero superior to Monero?
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