/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

with a mortar launcher

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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Looks like the CIA niggers want to kick the East Palestine incident off of public consciousness. What, you wanted to discuss something that wasn't related to the antics of the newest retard with a shotgun?
Also, it's a girl this time. But I don't know, she's past expiry date and has the ogre thing going on with her. Not exactly tickling my pickle. What do you guys think?
Replies: >>3694 >>3697
It's a dude. I'm going to go kill myself.
Replies: >>3681
No. It was a women pretending to be a man.

Now everyone is freaking out about the fact it happened at a ((( Catholic)) middle school. But they real story is that all trannies are psychotic and likely to commit violent crimes because they are psychotic. What people should be talking about is psychotics who self harm are now going to harm you, but no the (((Catholics ))) get all the attention.

In the future I predict that all school districts will have special units for gender non conforming students in case they go postal in school or some time in the futuer.
Replies: >>3712

Try this video. It talks about how trannies are openly targeting normal people. Really interesting segment is when it's mentioned that the mom of the shooter is an anti-gun activist and the shooter child was high-functioning autistic. Really seems sus like Sandy Hook.
>>3670 (OP) 
Either you kill your enemies or they will kill you.
If you don't like this dyke killing children, start killing all lgbt abominations and jews who enable them.
Replies: >>3696
>killing all lgbt abominations and jews who enable them.

Wow, you folk down at the bureau are really getting edgy; must think NYC V Trump is home run.
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>>3670 (OP) 
troons are mentally ill

a society that tolerates and promotes that degeneracy has already collapsed
>No. It was a women pretending to be a man.
This shit is so fucking confusing.
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Trans people should not even be political because they are just confused going through retarded phases.
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