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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Hypothetically, what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making and wealth?

Because the laws of a country can be anything, you can make laws that say that people have to wear shoes on their hands, you could make laws to advance the least fit members of a civilization. 

So what would happen if you did that?

What if you made laws to cap the IQ of people in law enforcement and intelligence work?

What if you made economic laws to transfer the wealth to the least productive and psychopathic individuals by legalizing rackets for non-productive people that are so ethically wrong that only a psychopath would "invest" in them?

What would happen when you put idiots in charge of government and psychopathic leeches in charge of managing the economy's resources?

Do you think the idiots and psychopaths that profited and advanced because of warped laws like that would allow anyone to change things until everyone was dead when it means they would have to admit they were inferior people, lose their ability to boss people better than them around, and lose their ability to make a living? Or would they keep fucking everything up until everyone was dead, always attributing the problems they created to something else?

And what would happen to the smart and ethical people in a civilization like that where people that would otherwise be incapable of surviving are promoted to positions of power and wealth? They'd die out because of the laws, wouldn't they?

You can make bad laws in a country to destroy the people that actually kept it going and completely obliterate both the civilization and the people so it can never recover and the mediocre people that were promoted won't see a problem with it while they terrorize people that say it's wrong and unsustainable.
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The country could still function for a while by companies, run by psychopathic non-productive individuals, hire a handful of smart people: but the number of smart and ethical people would decrease by tens of millions a decade until there were none left because there are only about 10,000 positions in the entirety of the country that require a high intelligence and those highly intelligent people aren't going to leave smart kids to be used as slaves by a twisted civilization. So it would be completely over within 3 generations and those companies would absolutely have to recruit high IQ people from other countries that would just loot the tech and then go back home before the civilization collapse from more than brain drain, but brain extermination policies.
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Who gets rich in the USA? 

Who gets hired and who is excluded from key positions like those in government?

Don't you have to be smart and able to recognize patterns to enforce laws? So why does the USA have IQ caps on law enforcement?

Why is it that the USA's investments are all in things that don't produce anything like treasury bonds, rental schemes, and the trading card game of stocks in zombie companies that don't produce anything? Aren't the people that got rich from those things the very least capable of managing an economy?

Why is it that the USA's media celebrates mediocrity and rubs it in everyone's faces?

Aren't these things a clear sign that people within the USA are deliberately destroying it and it's population? And if they were doing that, such a systematic destruction of the human capital of the country, couldn't it only be for an enemy nation?
Replies: >>3324
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Hypothetically, how would the smart and ethical people of a country get out of a situation where there dumbest and most psychopathic people only were allowed to gain wealth and institutional power due to gatekeeping through changing the laws and hiring processes of a country? 

Wouldn't the dumb and psychopathic people defend their claims that they earned their advancement to the death and terrorize the good people as they died from policies designed to destroy the population?

After transfering all the wealth to psychopathic non-productive people, would they ever allow you to ban the rackets, much less force them to return the wealth they didn't earn?

If you make a law saying you could hold people up on every road and demand a fee, and that created a 20 million strong population of racketeers claiming holding people up to demand a fee was a legitimate business, do you think they'd let you put an end to their "business" and take all their stolen wealth?
>>3296 (OP) 
Good questions, but no answers. No solutions.
Replies: >>3390
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'Failed Keynesian Policies Have Left Big Debt, High Inflation & Weak Growth'

The evidence from the last thirty years is clear. Keynesian policies leave a massive trail of debt, weaker growth and falling real wages. Furthermore, once we look at each so-called stimulus plan, reality shows that the so-called multiplier effect of government spending is virtually inexistent and has long-term negative implications for the health of the economy. Stimulus plans have bloated government size, which in turn requires more dollars from the real economy to finance its activity.

As Daniel J. Mitchell points out, there is evidence of a displacement cost, as rising government spending displaces private-sector activity and means higher taxes or rising inflation in the future, or both. Higher government spending simply cannot be financed with much larger economic growth because the nature of current spending is precisely to deliver no real economic return. Government is not investing; it is financing mandatory spending with resources of the productive sector. Every dollar that the government spends means one less dollar in the productive sector of the economy and creates a negative multiplier cost.

When society decides to use a certain part of the resources generated by the productive sector for non-economic return activities, be it social spending or mitigation of threats, it can only do it by understanding how much of the productive capacity of the economy is able to sustain a larger cost. When costs are not considered as a burden, but considered as entitlements that can only grow, the productive capacity is not strengthened, but weakened.

The main problem of the past decades, but particularly since 2008, is that government spending and monetary policy have become solutions of first resort to any slump in economic activity, even if that decline was created by government decisions, such as shutting down the economy due to a health crisis. Furthermore, government spending increases and loose monetary policy continued even in growth periods. This, in turn, creates an unsustainable public deficit that needs to be monetized or refinanced. Both mean a larger harm for the productive sector as the debt increase leads to higher taxes for everyone but also a soaring cost of living coming from the destruction of purchasing power of the currency.

Government spending does not boost private sector activity, even less so when the entire budget is spent on non-investment outlays. It is even worse when citizens believe that infrastructure or real economic return investments should be conducted with taxpayers’ money. If an investment is productive and economically viable there is no need to involve the government. At best, the government should only participate as a co-investor, as the example of technology and defence shows, but never as a resource allocator for a simple reason. Public intervention is always aimed at perpetuating the existing inefficiencies and maximizing the budget. Efficient resource allocation cannot come from entities that have a core interest in expanding the budget and always perceive any inefficiency or poor result as the consequence of not having spent enough.

The past three decades have shown us that each recovery from a crisis is slower, with less productivity growth, weaker real wage growth and employment. This has coincided with the arrival of trillion-dollar spending and “stimulus” plans that balloon each time but never deliver a sustainable and productive improvement. That is why debt continues to rise and deficit spending is never truly eliminated.

'Government spending consumes capital. It does not create it.' As such, government spending must be seen as the last resort option, not the first one. When it becomes larger and too big to curb, it simply consumes more capital through taxation and inflation.

'Higher government spending financed with rising taxes and weakening of the purchasing power of the currency is just a form of nationalization of the private sector.'

The global economy is now on the verge of another recession after trillions of dollars of public stimulus plans and monetary injections. The narrative is that it is all due to a war in Ukraine and a few rate hikes, but that is simply laughable. The global economy is entering a productive sector recession because the unprecedented spending plans of the past years have delivered no benefit to the economy, have zombified hugely indebted economies and have crowded out the ability of the private sector to invest more in times of opportunity.

Some idiots will say it was because the government did not spend enough. Sigh.

Constantly rising government spending is not increasing choice, freedom, and economic prosperity, it is a slow nationalization of the economy. When inflation and stagnation set in, your dependence on government will be such that you will not be able to complain and will only hope that government will absorb more external resources to compensate you. It does not happen.

As much as I hate to say it America is an Empire in the middle stages of collapse. Systemic corruption absolutely destroyed and gutted this once-great nation. It's really very sad. The only profits to be made in the USSA Today (Inc) are: endless wars, pornography, recycling mass consumed trash, fraud, politics that will not benefit normal people or productive workers, more fraud and garbage entertainment. Seriously the US hardly produces anything else today. And now they're in the process of killing the world wide web because free speech is no longer in the interest of these despotic oligarchs & politicos running/ruining our country.
It's simple, we: 
>create our own incentive structures that select for intelligence and skills
>learn important skills like machining and first aid or find allies who have these skills
>starve the ZOG beast by not supplying it with any more human capital or tax revenue
>don't get caught in the controlled demolition of the country
>>3296 (OP) 
> what would happen if you changed the laws of a country to advance the very least fit members to positions of decision making 
We already do this. Strong leaders who understand economics rake in millions as executives and entrepreneurs.

It's the leftovers who couldn't even get a $300K a year job managing a 100 person company who end up in politics.

Then everyone is shocked pikachu face when all these politicians are equally hopeless at running an entire country.
>>3296 (OP) 
Laws are powerless. As are law enforcers.
>>3296 (OP) 
Slow grinding systemic collapse as the organs of government rot and fall apart due to poor management. The people in power develop a sort of abstract cargo cult for the government, worshiping the “systems” that they don’t understand the function of, purely because ‘they are systems’. It’d be like Trigun or Fallout, where pseudoreligions form around the vestiges of the institutions and tools that were created before them, with all knowledge of their maintenance having been lost.
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