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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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What do you think we should do with people liek this? 

>Salvador Ramos
>some TikTok model
>no history of mental illness
>some incel creep who stalked, harassed and threatened women 
>shut-in who didnt know how to drive at 18
>animal abuser
>one day decides to advertise his psychopathy online by flaunting his guns and calling himself school shooter
>kills 19 children, 6 adults and injures 20 more in Uvalde, Texas
Why Lord does this shit happen?
Replies: >>3107
nice olds
>>3104 (OP) 
>some incel creep
Found the simp (or talking meat/woman).
The world is not about sex and does not revolve around sex and women.

>stalked, harassed and threatened women 
There is nothing wrong with that. All women are parasites and deserve only suffering and death.

Socialization is a mental illness. Socialization is just another form of mass hysteria.

>didnt know how to drive at 18
Cars are for idiots to waste their money on corporate products that will break easily.

>kills 19 children
Good. They are not my children, so their deaths makes more room for me and my family and provides more resources for us.
Children are not sacred and it is ok to kill any children that is not one's own.

>6 adults and injures 20 more
Anyone that is passive deserves to be killed.
Those who don't actively kill the people that they hate must be killed.
Replies: >>3109 >>3111 >>3114
He's cute, I'd fuck his bussy
How are you going to have a family if you never have sex?
Replies: >>3112
>Family is only children made through sex
I see that simps are as dumb as women.

No wonder you cavemen only think about sex, as women do.

I laugh at the deaths of your women children.
Unironically have sex nazi
Replies: >>3117 >>3118
It is always ok to kill jews and leftards
Women and sex are not important.
The world does not revolve around women and sex.

Also, you will never have OUR money, while we keep moving away from women and from buying anything to impress women.

Whole industries will cease to exist because of me and others like me.
While we laugh at all of that.

And you, women, will be abandoned to die alone.
Especially those of you who get old and ugly, after 30 years old.
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