/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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/revolution/ general, thread for detailing how we as the white men of the world will overthrow the governments of today and instill the national socialist movement of tomorrow! Main focus is on peaceful methods of getting into power and overthrowing the system, violent methods are welcome but not the glownigger type shit of being a mass shooting incel, if you want to shoot up some place do it at your local synagog or political establishment or fed building, killing random niggers or sandniggers wont do shit as they'd have more babies to replace them easily within the next 24 hour period.

We need to show the kikes who is the boss of this gym! We need to rid the world of this global weimar republic once and for all, if words don't work then and ONLY then should you resort to violence. talk about making your own groups, fundraising, helping the less fortunate in your communities, how to win votes with the average joe,etc.

We MUST secure a future for white men, women and children and we MUST do it NOW. There is no "i'll do it later" we need to act fast and furiously bring back national socialism from the grave and make our countries great again, im sure many of you and i know i would love to see a natsoc world in my lifetime, a world free of non-whites, kikes and other subhumans, clean energy, more guns in the hands of the people and food on every table.

Come along with me! And an adventure you will see, glorious reich and change will come to us but only if we act sooner rather than later! Ditch the cuckeo games, the flicks, the shitty books, ditch everything and become involved in politics as if it was the last thing on earth, because it IS the last thing on this jewforsaken hellhole you will ever need to do to secure a bright future for all of the white race!
Replies: >>2781 >>2795 >>3046
What's the point of trying to create heaven on earth when real heaven and hell await us? Everyone dies and then the righteous will live forever while the evil will DIE forever. Why worry when judgement will sort everyone out at last? Also what's an evopa?
Replies: >>2779 >>2783
GTFO newfag christcuck fed, you clearly do not belong here.
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>>2777 (OP) 

as i told you before, it is too late for that, only armed
global revolution will change that
Replies: >>2791

God will held you accountable for being a traitor to your race and to your people

Replies: >>2787
beat it.
Replies: >>2792 >>2801
It will be done, then.
You will all be killed.
>>2777 (OP) 

i didn't say anything about christianity you nigger
>>2777 (OP) 
blessed digits

what we need is to work on unifying Neo-Nazi movements in both Germany and the U.S. the point is for international and interorganizational unity. Hitler was a figurehead and something we hugely lack with the modern movement. Trump's thinly veiled white supremecy is the closest we've gotten to Hitler in a while due to how much he united these sorts of movements under a central leader. he however, is a huge fucking pozzed piece of shit and should function as a steppingstone to a proper Nazi leader. in short: search for proper unifying figureheads to prevent movements from merely being disorganized sects. they day that the Swastika rises over German government buildings is the day we've regained out momentum. 1488
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