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Thread from /b/

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The zzzchanners favourite movie.
Replies: >>199028
>>199025 (OP) 
The plant was the only character with depth in that entire movie.
Replies: >>199044
you don't understaaaaaaaaaand
it's not about deeeeeeeeeeeepth
it's about kinoooooooooooooooo
Replies: >>199045
Your mom has a lot of depth to her
trans map bbc kween kino

Thread from /b/

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i miss him so much already
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he was such a tender and loving soul.
one that knew how to guide himself right. how to guide himself true
sweet angle you are gone now
oj, your absence doesn't fit my life.
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eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
eceleb thread
>eceleb thread
Replies: >>198162
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>Guy who became famous 30 years ago is now an eceleb.
bump for dj

Thread from /k/

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No thread on this? What a shame.
Looks like Hamas has gone as far as they can and is now getting pulverized by JDF. If jew leadership is to be believed lol Gaza City is about to get turned into Wasa City. I just wish it lasted longer, unless Iran suddenly decides it wants a piece of that kazar ass.
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>House has introduced a bill that will make portions of the Bible illegal
>it also just shreds the first amendment in general
Replies: >>1785
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Saudi Arabia Steps Up Arrests Of Those Attacking Israel Online
Replies: >>1785
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Replies: >>1785
>no we don't controll the world!
>does exactly what a world controlling power would do when people start hating them
Replies: >>1789
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Oh it gets better. The bill technically also outlaws portions of the Talmud as well.
Apparently the Republican party hurt itself in its confusion.

Thread from /tech/

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Repost of the Julay /tech/ sticky with some minor edits: https://archive.vn/znAXT
Beginner Info
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux because of https://itvision.altervista.org/why-windows-10-sucks.html, you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine (preferably using KVM or Oracle VirtualBox for newfriends).
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything (keep in mind that the performance of live distros might be very different than from distro that was booted from your HDD, as most distros are loaded in RAM and don't include the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA GPUs or up-to-date Mesa libraries in their isos).
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows (make sure to install Windows first, as it can "replace" GRUB or other UNIX bootloaders, and troubleshooting of Windows replacing your bootloader of choice might be painful for people that just started learning about the Linux kernel)
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux (you really shouldn't do this, if you don't know what you're putting yourself into, see: https://itvision.altervista.org/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.current.html).

Use your web browser and search engine of choice. Good comparison between them is hosted here:
If not sure which browser to choose, just use the Tor Browser Bundle:
or paste these commands to your terminal emulator of choice (please make sure to first learn what they're exactly doing):
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>All modern software...
Not to sound like a boomer but I remember seeing this comic at least 15 years ago.

>they do like systemDicks
They were the fucking first in line to suck redhat cock. Even fedora hesitated for a few released before switching systemd.
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This guy has levelled up since I last saw him.

I suppose Linux was significantly worse 15-20 years ago and Win/Mac hadn't completely turned into dumpster fires yet. Updates did actually add features back then.
Not if he's (hopefully) keeping his router up to date
Replies: >>12885
>routers are magic shields so i don't have to update my os
Why do people post on /tech/ boards when they don't know anything about tech.
Update on this: Void has been a pleasant surprise after a couple months of secondary use and the occasional small project (though I haven't actually completed anything yet). Partitioning was a bit awkward as any kind of manual partitioning is, but I did find a couple good guides that explained the process in enough detail for my caveman brain. The XFCE version that came with it had a ton of different options and I had a fun little time choosing once since Devuan only had two or three and they all looked gay.

What I found the most surprising is how much stuff is in the Void repos, including seemingly low-demand programs like fsearch (the closest you're going to get to the Everything search program from Windows). I had prepared for some aggravation due to my web browser of choice, LibreWolf, not being there, and there being only a handful of laughably outdated and incompatible browsers available, but when I tried the LibreWolf AppImage executable the system didn't bitch at me and now It Just Works™ (should I have just compiled from source? perhaps).

More to the point, after having explored the repos and generally messed around with my machine, I don't get this looming feeling that I'm doing something wrong or that I am wasting my time chasing snipes. If there is a program I need, I can reasonably get it, and if there is something I want to do, I reasonably can, and in both cases the OS doesn't waste my
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Thread from /japan/

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Weekly stream of random schizo music I find, usually small soundcloud artists. Many genres.
Sometimes jazz, rock, and lots of electronica lately. Post requests/complaints/threats here.  
I reserve the right to play whatever I want.

Every Wednesday at 7 to 10 PM PST. One hour of soku beatings usually starts around 8PM but this varies.

Stream here: https://cytu.be/r/nightfly
Countdown and Archives: https://nightfly.xyz/radio.html

Lets find out if this will actually post now
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Got home a bit late today and am feeling sleepy. I think I will do a short stream in an hour. More geimu.

I will learn for next time thank yous
live! cutscene now!
Replies: >>12259
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blushed marieru
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surprised marieru

Thread from /v/

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Sony Replaces The Word “Hard” With “Crime” In ‘Stellar Blade’ After Being Accused Of Racism
Alleged Internal Ubisoft Document Declares “Representation Is Part Of Our DNA” And It “Firmly Stands For Diversity And Inclusion”
>This alleged document was shared to social media by YouTuber TheQuartering. The document begins, “First, we want to make it very clear that we do not accept hate, harassment and other forms of abuse in any way, and we are deeply saddened to see the negativity and hatred currently spreading on our co-workers’ personal profiles, and on our and our partners’ social media platforms.”
>It continues, “We are proud to represent the diversity and inclusion that exists in society as part of our everyday work. Representation is part of our DNA and will remain that way regardless of external pressure or influences.”
>Next, the document instructs, “If you are exposed to or witness any negative behaviours towards your colleagues online, do not hesitate to reach out to your manager, Arcade HR or the Communications Team. We are here to help. Should a situation escalate to a point where you feel unsafe, please contact the Ubisoft Security and Risk Management (SRM) team. SRM has a team of dedicated staff to manage security concerns: they will assess the severity of the situation and provide personalized guidance. As always, report immediate and sever personal safety concerns to your local emergency number.”
>“Given the current polarization of this topic online, we believe that having a respectful and constructive dialogue is difficult – if not impossible – to achieve. In this context, we ask you not to engage in or interact with these conservations, as this could worsen the situation for yourself, our teams and our industry peers. You can also set your accounts to private and/or turn off private messages from people who are no tin your list of trusted friends. Do his across all your social accounts, even if you are only receiving unwelcome messages on certain platforms.”
Games Workshop CFO Sells Two-Thirds Of Her Shares Amid Growing Warhammer Boycott
>Rachel Tongue, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Games Workshop, sold two-thirds of her stake in the company worth approximately $865,000 as hobbyists have begun cancelling their Warhammer+ subscriptions and have indicated they will boycott the company.
A Response To GamesRadar’s Abigail Shannon And Her First Warhammer Experience: This Female Gamer Is A Male Ally
Sweet Baby Inc Detected curator launches DEIDetected website
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>but this is actually good news
<Mobile 94.7% 
Not really. I don't understand why they are so enamored with gachashit, but if they don't straighten that out then there will be no future for the Japanese game industry.
Replies: >>244599 >>244606
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After Purchasing Gearbox, Take-Two Interactive Reportedly Shuts Down Two Developers
Matthew Bromberg becomes new CEO of Unity
Limited Run Games under fire for burning games to low quality CD-R
>Limited Run Games has been called out by critics for releasing games for the 3DO console using burned CD-R disks instead of higher quality pressed disks.
>Typically, when software is released on disk format, it comes in a pressed disk which is made off of a glass master copy. This ensures that the disk is created with quality in mind, as the process allegedly results in a more reliable disk.
>Meanwhile the burned CD-R disks that Limited Run Games is using are allegedly no different than the spools of disks you can buy at Office Depot in packs of 100. Although the LRG release will at least look a little prettier.
>Since the news broke, other users began sharing their quality concerns with not just 3DO produ
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Replies: >>244599
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>I don't understand why they are so enamored with gachashit
You can play it on the train.
>if they don't straighten that out then there will be no future for the Japanese game industry.
People keep saying that about the western game industry but indie and small devs still exist. The same will be true of Japan, and arguably is right now with shit like Palworld (which is the product of a small studio despite the obscene hype) and Heroine of the Sniper, you just don't hear about it because there's no money in telling you.
Burn-on-demand has precedent (Warner Bros does it to sell their massive back catalog on disc without pressing 100k DVDs, of which 90% will end up landfill because nobody bought them) but they should be using CMC Pro media and industrial writers that are built to better standards than commodity PC shit. If they aren't doing that it's just another reason to wish ruin upon LRG, if they are then this is just more internet outrage bait with no purpose.
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>remember when the ok hand sign became a racist nazi dog whistle?
I do
The mobile market dominates the world. Fucking Monopoly Go has made 2 billion dollars because retards hand over money when you add casino elements in cheap mobile apps. By this trend games should only be some form of mobileshit but instead there still exists devs wanting to make actual games.

Thread from /digi/

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This is a friendly off-topic singular thread-board for weary anons. There's no set topic here, so you can discuss anything you want as long as it follows the rules, we are also unapologetically gatekept.
Oh!, and we have lots of flags.
Have fun!

Board rules (READ NIGGER READ)

Di Gi Charat music collection
Last edited by dejiko
495 replies and 355 files omitted. View the full thread
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The only left for me is the campaign mode but it's getting late and I need to sleep. I'll come back to this tomorrow.
Thank you guys for organizing this event, it was really fun (BS and everything).
Good night all.
Replies: >>23387 >>23389
good night i was just rendering one last video but oh well lol
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last video. first try arcade only mode, bear on professional. it's quite doable, but dear god you should see master. the jump from professional to master is absolutely nuts. i can probably go through and professional everything but master is gonna actually take me several tries unlike the other difficulties.
Replies: >>23389
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im back, need to catch up
fnaf porn is so weird. people seriously looked at this and went "damn..."
Nice job
good night dude, nice hunt.
i wonder if master is fully doable considering how precarious this game is, i doubt it was even tested, less so than the other modes.
i can still hear that little victory horn from "hunt" playing in my head.

Thread from /v/

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Ask ITT whatever you feel like asking that's related to videogames; anything that doesn't deserve its own thread, nebulous denominator notwithstanding.

Why are the PS2 controllers such a cheap Chinese piece of shit? I've got two of them lying around and both of them are ridden with issues. Joystick drift, shoulder buttons caving in after a press, face buttons not working, broken D-pads; the thing falls apart the moment you lay an eye on them.
The original Dualshock, while uncomfortable, was well built and meant to last long, and for once isn't plagued with any of the above. It'd be a no brainer given how the PS2 is compatible with PS1 controllers, but there are some games which forces you to use the PS2 controller and its "features".

What am I supposed to do, buy a bunch of PS2 controllers and throw them away every 3 games? How easily can they be repaired, or at least fiddled with to work a little longer? Even if I were to track down some obscure conversion dongle for the PS2 I'd still not be able to play the games that use the pressure sensitive buttons (MGS, Silent Hill, Siren).
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>anon asks for recommendations for WH40K SP games
<faggot replies him with a reddit thread
If you have nothing to say why did you post? Let someone else who's into the genre give him his own suggestions, because clearly you don't have them.
If no one replies maybe it's because no one on this board cares about WH40k and anon will have to look somewhere else, but sending him a leddit hotlink is the gayest thing I've never seen anyone else do on an imageboard.
Replies: >>244572
Your little faggot rant is cringier than my reddit link post that provided useful info to the guy. Not all of reddit is bad you sperg, so go back to cuckchan and whine about reddit there you retarded spic
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No 40k game has outright tranny crap yet that I know of, maybe Owlcat's Rogue Trader RPG since they're the fags who did the Pathfinder CRPG series.

The leddit list is at least somewhat accurate but has a massive recency bias because leddit. It's important to remember that most 40k games are janky as hell.
>I'm playing space marine, it's fun, hope it doesn't get too repetitive
It sort of gets repetitive, but I didn't think it overstayed its welcome when I played it years ago.
Games I would recommend you play next, from experience or reputation:
>Space Hulk Deathwing - FPS, basically the game the EYE Divine Cybermancy devs wanted to make but were forced to settle for EYE instead. Probably the closest you'll ever get to the "feel" of being a spess muhreen in Terminator armor and the visuals are fantastic, but because it's StreumOn it's blatantly unfinished from a gameplay perspective.
>Chapter Master - management sim, except you're managing a spess muhreen chapter. Not much to look at but it's a genuine fa/tg/uy product, or it was until GW took a fat shit on them. Be prepared to see "your chapter has crumbled" a lot. No idea where the most recent successor project is.
>Battlefleet Gothic Armada - real-time tactics, control small squads of frankly obese Imperial boats in n
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Replies: >>244605
>tin-foil hat time.
Stumbled across this. It really is that time.
>Japanese Togetter blogger Misato Nakayama reported finding the form as a QR code in the Shimbun Akahata, the daily newspaper for the Japanese Communist Party (JCP). The form asks questions such as whether convenience stores carry adult magazines, and names manga magazines that carry seinen titles for young adult men such as Young Animal (which serializes Berserk)
>finding the form as a QR code
>a QR code
>in the daily newspaper for the Japanese Communist Party
Hilarious on one hand. On the other, this shit glows.
>This push to vilify anime and manga appears to partially contradict the party’s statements in 2021, where the JCP affirmed their alleged commitment to “free expression”
Thank you anon, I was considering gothic armada before downloading space marine, I guess that one is next

Thread from /v/

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What is this?
>Sven Co-op is a co-operative game originally based around Valve Software's Half-Life.
>In this game players must work together against computer controlled enemies and solve puzzles as a team.

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

All weekends until May 25, including this one starting 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want, even on weekdays. Just post ITT for anons to join the server.

Windows and Linux (both packed together), choose one of these:
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Here's another few changes to the server:
>"Medic" and "Take cover" voice commands are now spammable
>Removed model restrictions on certain maps like They Hunger
>Added current custom maps to votemap list

I'll look into FastDL. Meanwhile try downloading the pack in OP instead even if you already have the game from elsewhere, just for the maps and models.

And if you want to play, there's 8 anons right now in the server
was fun af
OP reset map rail broke
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Had a blast playing with you anons. Hope to play even more this weekend.

Thread from /b/

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[Paul's letter to the church in Rome (1st century)]
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. 6But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. H
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"Well this whole thing seems difficult if I have to give up the world and my whole current life!"

The thing is, the only reason any of us want to give up the world is because we know God. The holy Spirit is what makes us want to do good in the first place. God doesn't make mistakes, humans do, but if God chooses you for salvation He means it to the end. He will not give up on you when you mess up. And this process of sanctification continues throughout your life. I used to have 4TB of porn, I collected it over many many years, I would spend time in porn every day most of the day usually. Eventually I tried to get rid of it, but I could never fully rid myself of it. For years it tormented me and I felt like I could never get to heaven. Only God's salvation led me to destroy it all. I rid myself of it all the next day he saved me, and then I deleted my anime stuff over a few months. Because God visited me and forgave me and saved me. After I truly learned the Gospel for the first time and confessed my sins asked for forgiveness and the holy Spirit, just so I could even be a servant in heaven. And porn is just one thing of course. But the point is, this is the real promise of salvation that He will give us His holy Spirit, it's not a matter of "who is going to heaven and hell?" We know who is saved, those who believe that Jesus died for their sins and that their sins may be paid in full. When you look at believers who have walked with God for decades like Justin Martyr or the
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[Paul's letter to the church in Rome (1st century)]
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things. But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: but unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; but glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: for there is no respect of persons with God.

[Wisdom of Solomon (10th BC-1st century AD)]
For thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things. Therefore chastenest thou them by little and little that offend, and w
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One of the greatest blessings of forgiveness is the lack of care towards other people's sins. You can't be saved unless you desire, and who asks unless they understand they need it. Therefore who is going to heaven but those who know they first deserve punishment and separation from a holy pure God. Christian's don't care about your past evil, only in that you should know it can be forgiven by God, even we have believed to the same. That through the blood of Jesus we are cleansed of sin when we confess. This is between the individual and God and to a lesser extent other believers for help. It is again not a vain hope but witnessed by the Spirit inside a believer. I don't remember a single evil thing I did before salvation, I really don't care. I could have strangled a baby to death and I would feel no guilt today, because God has forgiven me and I have repented (not that I ever strangled babies). Guilt is taken away 100%. But evil I do since Jesus forgave me, He brings to my mind. Whenever I am judging someone, thinking less of them, the Lord brings to mind these things I do, so that I can come down from that pride. and little by little I can be put more inline to the narrow path.

The pastor Mar Mari Emmanuel recently lost his eye after being attacked by a muslim. The fact he forgave him and wishes no harm on him is expected. So much so it is a mundane fact, of course he forgives him. But often you find that isn't always the case in the ordinary world. Rather the hatred to
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Bible hymns are cringe and sound like shit, I have superior taste to you

Thread from /v/

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>t. Hideo-kun, age 8
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some psyop or shitpost to make people who like games think they are pedos or something retarded
Replies: >>244589
The artist is a huge lolicon.
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Thread from /pol/

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How do you live knowing it's all going to shit and you are unable to change any of it? How are you able to continue, knowing the truth, but being labeled a madman? Is there no way to escape this perverted game?
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Replies: >>4026 + 6 earlier
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Well look at this, another acceleration hotshot posting on comped-net cuckflare via a botnet-approved browser/OS/hardware.
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This is a job for super Greta!
Restart the occupy movement, we know it really spooked the hell out of ((( them ))). Learn from the mistakes of the past and shut down any kikes, niggers, or faggots that come in to try and fuck the movement up with social justice nonsense.
I vote harder every 4 years.
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>>764 (OP) 
I wish Ron Paul had won the presidency back then, so much of this laughable clown world madness could have been avoided but the FED and war mongers got their way sadly.
>How do you live knowing it's all going to shit and you are unable to change any of it?
Just worry about the little things I can change like upvooting in small local elections that barely anyone participates in as well as making sure to watch my diet and hit the gym at least three times a week so when I turn into an old hag I'm not riddled with expensive health complications. Also saving up so I can own a home in New Hampshire or Idaho some day, the two lest pozzed states in the union.

Lastly buying a box or two of 12 gauge slugs or bird shot whenever I pass a shop that sells them doesn't hurt.

>Ride the Tiger
Don't mind if I do anon.

Thread from /v/

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Recommend good indie vidya or rant about pozzed shit.
I been playan some good stuff:
This game fucks. Is the only instance I can think of, of a game doing the 90s/early2000s look right. No modern lighting, no pixelated textures, no bullshit. Just pure quake-like goodness and busty babes. Gameplay is fast-paced without unnecessary complex mechanics. It oozes personality, from the graphics, to the SFX, to the fun enemies.   My only grudge is that the music is just atmospheric with no tunes to rock with. I listened to old metal while playing which I recommend doing.
Overall, I recommend it a lot. Full-game is out on itch.io. Releases June 8th on steam.
>Spooky Milk Life
Just an eroge I played. Nothing special but has nice smut.
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>$2000 pc 
>Mostly used to play pre2009 games
I hear ya, I got a 4080, 7800x3d and a 4k monitor all I still play the same shit I used to 10 years ago, occasionally trying out some new modern games only to get bored 1 hour in
idk play Zortch or MGRR or something.
>there’s nothing worth playing nowadays
There are lots of good indie games being released, some of which you can find in >>230640. I think the "Crysis era" of building a super hardcore gaming rig and playing the newest games in extremely high definition is gone.
Replies: >>244552
> I think the "Crysis era" of building a super hardcore gaming rig and playing the newest games in extremely high definition is gone.
In more ways than one
Building a high end PC then was like maybe $2-3k, now it's $5-6k,  though the good "price perf" price point hasn't degraded as badly
Modern games still run like trash on a top of the line modern PC, like 1080p/60 not stable tiers of trash granted Crysis on period correct hardware wasn't much better

Nowadays you build a powerful PC because shitty devs can't optimize so you have to power through, even indies run into that issue.
Hell probably the only reason I see a good PC being really worth is if you've fell into some endless autism pit of a game that also happens to run like shit for one reason or another like Starsector / Rimworld / Dorf Fort etc
Replies: >>244598
It’s also best to go with a higher spec build to future proof yourself for a couple years. I don’t see the 3080-90 cards becoming irrelevant for another decade

Thread from /b/

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I'm just thinking... Basically all strategy "builder" games are you controlling the economy, something that would not be possible in a free-market society. So what is the role of "you" in this strategy game? The player assumes the role of the marxist state-controlled government. These games are meant to instill a false confidence in the player that they are capable of central planning, therefore making the player predisposed to marxist thought. 
The Katamari franchise is the franchise for capitalists. 

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> be me, white dragon
> only buy south african gold krugerrands
>>198342 (OP) 
So what you are saying is that if you don't pay to win in your game it's marxist? :O
They can't if you're not racist as when racist you see jews as okay to live in your society. It's why they got the Murikans dicks cut on, so they could hide there. They wear, or used to wear, funni hats to find one another in far away lands. Even without money they can invade and do whatever they want as long as you're okay with another culture being there, and thus the issue is multicultaralism more so than what one would call race as race wasn't real to begin with. To kill the jews do what a Roman would, force them to be Roman or die. Money isn't the issue, culture, the concept of race,  is. 

Of course they are okay with this post.
I was about to complain about the awful b8 but then I double checked the thread I was in. lol
>>198342 (OP) 
Yeah I felt the same too, especially with Vichy 3. I felt that a free market society would have less intervention on the economy while are marxist state would have to manually control the economy. Alas, your nation's economy is entirely central planned planned.
Replies: >>199040
Well, in Victoria 2 works that way, you can't build things and capitalists do, the thing is that AI in that game is dumb and end up building a steel factory in your tiny island with no iron.

Thread from /b/

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mods are now banning loli. zzzchan is finally dead

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST lying gaslighting faggot

There is a loli, that is a prepubesent girl, showing off her vagina in a banner on this board. It's anime so it's okay. But all porn is evil anyways.

zzzchan is already dead, dead toward God and is an enemy of the Lord.
Replies: >>199022
But if loli images or any type of porn has now been banned I do want to say that is very good and wonderful. And we could all learn a thing from the owenr of the website in ridding porn from our lives.
Interesting how you aren't posting the actual thread that ban correspobds to
Gaslighting nigger
wrist thraed do not interact
Fake news, check logs

Thread from /b/

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Warning, this webm is a screamer.
Replies: >>199029
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Replies: >>198989
What the fuck?
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>Being this lazy on editing.

Warning, this anon is a faggot.
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Thread from /liberty/

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Post your best.
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Get back inside
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Cringe and mostly dead board, might as well contribute I guess.
Replies: >>668
Board is dead because zzz mods keep deleting effort posts with no warning or reason.
Replies: >>669 >>670
Really? I figured the camels simply left for long journey greener pastures after this place dried up since we webring folks are basically forced and used to be nomadic to find like minded discourse or fun shitposts to participate in. Though I suppose mod autism is the reason in particular for it drying up, shame really but oh well I guess.
>effort posts
What kind of posts? Because if those have soyjaks then I wouldn't consider them "effort".

Thread from /v/

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Books and Tutorials
Sometimes they get nuked but >we try to keep them updated.

Thread making resources + the OP can be found here: https://mega.nz/#F!Suhz0D5Y!BSrBrV1kxK9B5G1SSiJmwQ

Helpful Resources
Learn fundamentals with excercises: drawabox.com
8Chan Art Wiki: infiniteart.wikia.com/wiki/InfiniteArt_Wiki
Online poses with timer: quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed
HOW TO DRAW - an /ic/ guide: hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn
Drawfag resources: mediafire.com/folder/5strtvods5gda/Drawgfag_Resources

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420 replies and 245 files omitted. View the full thread
What did Kiki do to Rad Dude?
Feels like a panel is missing between the end of >>243490 and this.
She burnt his comic in the Live Journal zone.
Finally,  a Kiki and Jimmy Himmler interaction.
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I feel like I fucked myself over bigtime playing vidya and immediately came to a dead stop. Last time i had it I was drawing everyday in April but by then I stopped and now its May. Picking up a pencil and practicing shapes now feel completely awkward and I feel as if I have reseted back to square one drawing again.
What can I do to keep my drawing momentum going again and how do other artists manage to keep it going.
And also what do they do ,to not hop on a  video games get distracted when they need to draw.
Replies: >>244594
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I tend to draw the entire afternoon and play videogames after dinner.
If I get burnt out I lay off for a couple of days, do something else, feel bad for not drawing then go back to drawing again.

Thread from /v/

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Planned release date: Q1 2024

#1: https://files.catbox.moe/p9ivcb.zip
#2: https://files.catbox.moe/85kj7n.zip
#3: https://files.catbox.moe/bgkd2g.zip
#4: https://files.catbox.moe/bosv0h.zip
#5: https://files.catbox.moe/plzavp.zip
#6: https://files.catbox.moe/szw3sc.zip
#7: https://files.catbox.moe/09ke9b.zip

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190 replies and 122 files omitted. View the full thread
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How have you not killed yourself yet, nerd?
Replies: >>244538
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I leave this pit of negativity to laugh at other memes sometimes, that's how.
Replies: >>244546
What the fuck you don't sit here and shove your nose into your own asshole and then complain about how everything stinks? You must be cattle or a nigger or something.
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>2nd pic
>giving the fat retard kike any consideration
Replies: >>244593
This faggot posts his shit everywhere, not just here, specially on Xitter and 8moe, which is where he's from. He'll turn over every rock in order to get the tiniest amount of attention.

Thread from /b/

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Having a cup of tea.
192 replies and 127 files omitted. View the full thread
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Replies: >>199030
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I ate my meat and veggies, now an tea.
Replies: >>199030
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Damn I haven't seen this guy since the bowling incident.
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im eating cake now instead
i wanna sniff frieren's feet
Replies: >>199031
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Elves are a type of cake

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