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/k/anteen threads will be merged  and banners updated when images aren't borked on tor.

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I said come in, don't stand there!
The rules:
2.Don't spam
3.Spoiler porn and gore
4.Try to remain on topic
Get out of here stalker

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No thread on this? What a shame.
Looks like Hamas has gone as far as they can and is now getting pulverized by JDF. If jew leadership is to be believed lol Gaza City is about to get turned into Wasa City. I just wish it lasted longer, unless Iran suddenly decides it wants a piece of that kazar ass.
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>House has introduced a bill that will make portions of the Bible illegal
>it also just shreds the first amendment in general
Replies: >>1785
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Saudi Arabia Steps Up Arrests Of Those Attacking Israel Online
Replies: >>1785
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Replies: >>1785
>no we don't controll the world!
>does exactly what a world controlling power would do when people start hating them
Replies: >>1789
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Oh it gets better. The bill technically also outlaws portions of the Talmud as well.
Apparently the Republican party hurt itself in its confusion.

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Current Happenings:
>Absolutely nothing

Link Dump: (documents equipment losses; strong Ukrainian bias)
Maps: (THETI maps: shows both troops deployments and conflict areas) (Weeb Union Map)
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42 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
I guess they want to push as much as they can before the new equipment arrives.
Replies: >>1774
>I guess they want to push as much as they can before the new equipment arrives.
The dynamic front line also makes it harder to deploy the new stuff effectively.
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Oh fug, the Russians are coming after New York.
Replies: >>1780
The Ukrainians keep trying to blow up Russian refineries, despite the Biden administration telling them to knock that shit off. If they actually manage to Pepcon the shit out out one of them then things might get pretty heated in Ukraine.  Also Europe and America will suffer a fuel shortage and rising prices going into an election.

>post 1776
>Russians coming for New York
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>make AI spokesperson
>make a nigger

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Thread for discussing everything wrong with THOSE DAMN CHICOMS STEALING OUR FREEDOMS

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>watch webm related
>war game about chinks vs chinks
>US and it allies
>China attacks Taiwan and gets surrounded
>GG well play, taiwan lost in the first fucking turn you retard
>next turn is US attacking China
What the fuck am I watching?
Replies: >>1773
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I don't understand the game of that webm, it doesn't have little hexagons, how are you supposed to move the units?
I like this one, GMT Next War: Taiwan, i read an article once and some US officers were playing this and china won. I'll play it if i had friends. Or are you supposed to play this kind of games alone? Island defense is fun, remembers me of Saipan.
>another not-veiled /pol/ thread
>biting from the hand that feeds you
You didn't learn from huh.

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Vidya thread for vidya autism and news.

Apparently a dev of stalker Володимир Анатолійович Єжов (Volodymyr Anatoliyovych Yezhov), whose face is present as Loki in Call of Pripyat died died Bakhmut last year. Must have missed it in the shitshow that meatgrinder that was.
>pic related
Now get outdoors of here stalker
19 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Pretty much my opinion as well.

>t-14, burger heavy but still with shermans turret and cannon. 
Burger T-series tanks don't have a hyphen; the hyphen marks it as a Vodkamobile.
Also, if only it had a Sherman turret. Instead, it has an absolutely ridiculous turret with a face so thin that literal reserve guns can pen it at 500m.
It also has the most glaring shot trap of any tank in its hull MG, its armor is also a complete joke. It can be penned from literally every direction by over 2/3rds of its peers, and somehow for some reason people still insist its one of the most OP vehicles in the game.
It's a fat fucking hamburger, an obese Sherman, a Locust that decided to grow up to be a balloon.

Admittedly, I actually like the thing from a historical standpoint. It's just absolutely not a good tank verse anyone that can aim, so yeah, not worth grinding a BP for.
Replies: >>1759
>t-14 heavy tank with paper thin armor on 4.7
>worse in every way except the shell type then the M4A5 medium tank on 3.7
Gayjew always finds a way to amaze me.
Replies: >>1775
To be devils advocate, it has sloped armor on all sides and weird geometry, meaning shells will bouns off it due to fucked up volumetric shell models. 
Same reason as to why t-34 and panther are so tough.
Replies: >>1777
The thing with the T14 is you just have to center of mass it in 3/4ths of the turret; it's only ~101.6mm thick cast armor, and it's early cast armor at that so it's only worth 0.96x.
And, yes, I'm aware that a there are a lot of tanks with thinner turret armor on the sides/rear. The Tiger H1's turret is only 82mm thick on the sides a full BR higher.
The difference is you can angle most of those turrets and bounce shots, you cannot do that with the T14.
With the exception of the front and a perfect 45 degrees off either side (of its front) a center-of-mass shot on the turret will go through for every on-tier (or above) gun that isn't an SPAA, secondary, US 75mm (or it's derivatives) outside of 250m, or the Russian ZiS-5. Frontally, you just hit it on either side of the mantlet, it's about 10mm less effective thickness vs most guns. If you're on that perfect 45 degree angle, you just have to shoot its turret a little bit lower than center-of-mass (admittedly a much harder shot to make at range).
This being the reason why the T14 is not a good tank. If you know where to shoot it, it's vulnerable to its peers from any angle; and that vulnerable part is impossible to hide seeing as its sitting on top of the hull and is easy to hit at most ranges.
For most tanks that have glaring weakpoints (MG ports and Mail Slots, for example) you actually have to aim for that point; with the T14, your 
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Replies: >>1778
Of course, if the T14 had a moderately usable gun (it could have fit the 76mm, IRL, they designed it for that), it would have been a fine tank in-game. Even at BR 5.3; could have put it at the same BR as the Panther D and called it a day.
The problem with the T14 is it doesn't actually have anything it can rely on; it's relying entirely on the incompetence or lack of experience of the other player.

Sorry for the doublepost, forgot my point.

You can post videos in this thread.
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>making shit up
>accusing me of being your boogieman
It's on the fucking site news and you can verify it yourself or ask the admin, this site was blacklisted in Russia. Fucking troglodyte.
Replies: >>1722
I'm talking about your constant insistence that there's Russia dick sucking at all in an effort to start your gay cuck/pol/ slapfights here, cuckchanner.
Replies: >>1723
Nice strawman, faggot.
>noooo you're supposed to call me hohol and then I'm supposed to respond with christian schizo shit and black cocks
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Retro and Modern for discussion of A-Bombs and their effects on history and the modern world. Including contributions to popular culture. So everything from serious discussion to giant gila monsters are both welcome here.
''tl;dr nukes, rockets, & radiation goes here.
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Let's begin again. The other thread was about to die anyway.
Hopefully we can keep this one alive for another 4 years and bring some new content to it.
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Annoyingly these things are almost real. If I could find a compact enough power 
supply I could just make my own.
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Does anyone still care
Replies: >>1699
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I'm a little disappointed to discover that this is a 3D render of a scifi gun instead of an actual product. It could have been the next Zip .22.

I do.
Replies: >>1702
That looks like a water gun.
Replies: >>1705
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It looks shockingly like Shou Tucker preformed forbidden alchemy on a hairdryer and a HiPoint. Specifically this one red hairdryer I've had for years.
Of course I suppose it could have gone in the other direction.

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Post historical weapons: guns, melee, and other old-school experienced beauts. Everything goes from the beginning of recorded history to the end of the Cold War.
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I present to you, Soviet Autism. 
>With folding stock
>Chambered in experimental 6x49mm cartridge with 1,150m/s (3,770 fps) velocity
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>dustbuster guns
You have know idea how deep this autismhole goes.
Replies: >>1684
I like the first one.
Replies: >>1696 >>1697
It looks like something Keltec would have come up with. The first time I saw that image, someone had edited out the text; so I actually went looking to see who made the gun.
I was disappointed.
Replies: >>1697
It almost reminds me of one of those eastern european "traumatic guns".

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And hell why not ancient China and Korea as well and maybe further afield. The last thread was going well until all the slav vs slav stuff took over.
From what I remember we largely exhausted the discussion about Japanese sickles and even took a tangent to Africa and back with their amazing autistic throwing knives/metal boomerangs.
So this time let's perhaps start with armor? I personally can't decide if I'm more fond of Asian lamellar type armor or of the southern barbarian armor made in the style of, or sometimes even from, European armor. I do know that I prefer the later style kabuto to the classical types.
12 replies and 26 files omitted. View the full thread
Do they write anything about why the sword is hanging  backwards?
Replies: >>1353
Nope. I think it might have something to do with mongol horse meta, probably easier to hold it like that while riding when you also have bow, quiver and lance strapped to yourself.
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Mirror mail is really nice. One of those says Ottoman but I generally think of it as being Indian or Nepalese or somewhere in that region. I think the Mongols used it too.
Replies: >>1685 >>1693
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Kind of depends on which era of the Ottoman Empire. I buy that it could be from one of the eastern provinces.
Replies: >>1693
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The Greeks perfected it

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