/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

with a mortar launcher

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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Welcome to /pol/, the RADdest place on the internet for political discussions, educational projects, and Minecraft event planning. This thread will remain open for all your meta needs. Should it grow too large it may get a spinny wheel or spinoff threads to contain any extra spillage.

Due to government mandated "guidelines" there is a rule:
1. Keep it tangentially political. If this board turns out to be a carbon copy of /b/ the big fish will probably delete it. Global homo rules still apply yada yada. Explanations for precedent setting moderator actions will be given in the logs. That's pretty much everything as far as I know.

Fight the info war easy!
Last edited by kimeemaru
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
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Anyone knows where I can download highres images of Hitler's art?
Replies: >>3984 >>3993
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Yeah, I love Hitler's art too.

Replies: >>3994

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How do you live knowing it's all going to shit and you are unable to change any of it? How are you able to continue, knowing the truth, but being labeled a madman? Is there no way to escape this perverted game?
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Replies: >>4026 + 6 earlier
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Well look at this, another acceleration hotshot posting on comped-net cuckflare via a botnet-approved browser/OS/hardware.
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This is a job for super Greta!
Restart the occupy movement, we know it really spooked the hell out of ((( them ))). Learn from the mistakes of the past and shut down any kikes, niggers, or faggots that come in to try and fuck the movement up with social justice nonsense.
I vote harder every 4 years.
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>>764 (OP) 
I wish Ron Paul had won the presidency back then, so much of this laughable clown world madness could have been avoided but the FED and war mongers got their way sadly.
>How do you live knowing it's all going to shit and you are unable to change any of it?
Just worry about the little things I can change like upvooting in small local elections that barely anyone participates in as well as making sure to watch my diet and hit the gym at least three times a week so when I turn into an old hag I'm not riddled with expensive health complications. Also saving up so I can own a home in New Hampshire or Idaho some day, the two lest pozzed states in the union.

Lastly buying a box or two of 12 gauge slugs or bird shot whenever I pass a shop that sells them doesn't hurt.

>Ride the Tiger
Don't mind if I do anon.

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Get woke, go broke.
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Replies: >>3718 + 3 earlier
>>3571 (OP) 
unfortunately this has nothing to do with going woke and everything to do with the Fed raising rates
pretty much every problem we face in America in today traces back to the Fed
is fake news. they still don't have meta-cognitive processors. The hiring was just to get people injected with poison and then drop them so Biden's Paycheck Protection Plan loans are forgiven and MS doesn't have to pay for their now disabled ((( injected ))) employees' disabilities.
this has nothing to do with going woke and everything to do with the fed raising rates. Microsoft is nowhere near broke.
capitalism jewish doe

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No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
usa = commie jew nation with their bailout bucks
Jews rig elections uses nigger with endless handouts to destroy white societies.  
jews can't collect income tax on an anonymous currency that they can't spy on people transactions.  then steal ure money and give endless handouts to nigger pets to destroy white civilizations
monero replaces bitcoin and us petrol dollar
Monero is replacing Bitcoin Jews can't collect income tax on XMR fuck niggers
No Major Jewish Business has been allowed to fail sense bailout bucks jew money printing FUCK NIGGERS
1 reply omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>3956
>>3918 (OP) 
Crypto is fake and gay.  Go shill your pyramid scheme somewhere else.
Replies: >>3957 >>4021
>in the future (now actually there are already options) we'll have Smart contract capable blockchains giving private services to make your money untraceable
Adding privacy to bitcoin was always going to be easier than adding popularity to monero.

>the billionaires and politicians told me crypto is bad
You'll get it one day.
Replies: >>3959
No.  Really.  Real currencies are baked by something tangible, like gold, or petroleum, or represent a slice of the issuing nation's economic productivity.  Crypto is based on absolutely nothing.  There's no "there" there.

Let me lay it out for you.  Crypto was created as a thought experiment in decentralized economics, then immediately seized upon by people who thought--incorrectly--that it would allow them to buy fentanyl and CP anonymously and untracebly over the Internet.  Crypto is based on massively complex mathematical calculations that can be used for cryptography, you see. That's the "crypto" part of the name. When you set up to "mine," you are doing crypto calculations that, once completed, you can barter and trade with other "crypto" enthusiasts, sometimes for real-world money, which is the only point at which it intersects with anything whatsoever that's real.

Mining gold creates wealth and enriches not only the mine owner but the society in which he lives.  Extracting petroleum creates wealth and is good not only for the oil man but his nation.  Growing food creates wealth and also increases the supply of a commodity in constant demand, making the farmer's country better.  Generating crypto hashes, by contrast, creates abso-fucking-lutely nothing.  Crypto miners plug the machine in and press the button and it sucks up electricity, making it more expensive for everyone, and--if they have gu
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unironically it's not...as long as fiat "paper" exists, there will be cryptocurrencies. .. Until gold backed money aka real money comes back, shitcoins will be around.

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do not download anything related to this unless you are using tails.

Spoiler File
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Post your /pol/itical WEBMs in here. MP4s and other video containers may apply as well. Pardon the demoralizating video. I don't have much at hand, but the thread must be made.
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Rest in peace Australian solders fighting the subhuman japs

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This is a thread on the isolation & elimination of bad goyim under guise of "COVID-19". 
Its obviously a global matter of importance to the White race and especially those who are actively fighting or preparing to fight for the preservation of our people against ((( (((ZOG))) ))) mandated sterilization of Whites.

Portugal starts on Monday the simultaneous administration of vaccines against covid-19 and flu
<https://archive.ph/nzaS9 (directly jewgle translated)
>It is recalled that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced, on the 11th, that it considered the simultaneous administration of these two vaccines “acceptable”. This was the opinion that DGS had been waiting for to move the process forward. 
The Directorate-General for Health (DGS) informed, this Friday in a statement, that Portugal will start the simultaneous administration of vaccines against covid-19 and against flu, from Monday. 
>Vaccination against COVID-19 will be possible at the same time as the flu vaccine from Monday, October 18th. This measure aims to facilitate adherence to vaccination within the scope of vaccination campaigns against the flu and against COVID-19" , reads the note. 
>It is recalled that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced, on the 11th, that it considered the simultaneous administration of these two vaccines “acceptable” . This was the opinion that DGS had been waiting for to move the process forward. 
>For this reason, in a statement they explain that: "The available data analyzed by the Technical Commission on Vaccination against COVID-19 (CTVC), which include the results of the meeting of the World Health Organization expert group on vaccination, show that there is an acceptable safety profile after taking both vaccines" . 
>However, the DGS emphasizes that it is necessary to "maintain the efficacy of both vaccines", since there is, so far, "evidence of alteration in the immune response". 
>At the time of vaccination, “users must be informed about possible adverse reactions, and may choose to administer them on different days”.
>DGS and CTVC, together with Infarmed and INSA, are closely monitoring scientific knowledge, the epidemiological situation and pharmacovigilance assessments and the effectiveness of vaccines, and may change their recommendations if necessary” , says the statement.
>The administration of the third dose of the vaccine against covid-19 is underway in Portugal, with priority being given to the elderly aged 80 and over and users of homes and long-term care, and at this stage, people aged 65 and over.

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128 replies and 52 files omitted. View the full thread
All j-e-w-s and l-e-f-t-a-r-d-s will be k-i-l-l-e-d.

It is an argument. You are a born loser for being a l-e-f-t-a-r-d/j-e-w.
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you folks down at the bureau must be getting pretty desperate. ((( tax payer's dollars at work )))
We live in a fascist society, dumby.
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After Four Years and Thirty Million Deaths
some excerpts:

The Covid Epidemic and the Trump Neocons
>The origin of Covid had been my primary contribution to the public debate and now that four years have gone by and the dust has partially settled, I think it’s worth revisiting that question and reviewing some of my arguments.

>An extremely serious example of Trump’s inability to control his own underlings came in late 2018 during a crucial summit meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. Huawei was one of China’s most important corporations, a global technology champion whose CFO Meng Wanzhou was the daughter of the company’s founder and chairman and was herself one of her country’s highest-profile executives. But just eight months after taking office, Bolton ordered her arrest as she was changing planes in Canada on charges that she had violated American sanctions on Iran, an action that severely damaged our relations with China.
>Thirteen months later, an even more shocking incident unfolded in the Middle East. For many years, Gen. Qasem Soleimani had been regarded as Iran’s most important military commander and given his very widespread popular appeal, he was considered a likely candidate in his country’s 2021 presidential election. But in early 2020 American officials lured him to Baghdad for Middle East peace negotiations with our representatives and then persuaded Trump to order his assassination when he arrived there on January 2nd. That heinous killing brought our two nations to the very brink of war as the outraged Iranians bombarded our Middle Eastern bases with a dozen or more ballistic missiles in retaliation. Although Iran provided sufficient advance warning that no American lives were lost, more than one hundred of our servicemen were injured.
>The public, peacetime assassination of so high-ranking a foreign leader was an almost unprecedented act during the last three centuries of world politics, while our disingenuous mainstream media carefully avoided suggesting the obvious Israeli dimension to the crime.

The Covid Outbreak as a Biowarfare Attack?
>Soon afterward, I discovered that many of the Covid theories promoted by these right-wing, anti-China activists apparently had their roots in American government propaganda efforts. As early as January 9th, before even a single Covid death had been officially reported, our CIA-associated Radio Free Asia outlet had begun running stories that Covid might be a Chinese bioweapon that had leaked from the Wuhan lab, and a couple of weeks later the right-wing Washington Times picked up on the same story, quoting unnamed U.S. government officials who seemed to lend it credence.
>America and China had spent the previous several years locked in bitter international confrontation and then a sudden, mysterious virus had appeared in the latter country, potentially wrecking its society and economy. That hardly constituted any sort of proof, but it certainly raised my reasonable suspicions:

>>The writer also noted that shortly before the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, that city had hosted 300 visiting American military officers, who came to participate in the 2019 Military World Games, an absolutely remarkable coincidence of timing.
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4chan glownigger trannies really hate.
i make videos eating chocolate and make fat jokes.

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This Is What Happened To The MH370- Video Footage Of The MH370 Teleportation Event

There are two videos of classified U.S. Military assets filming MH370 and people still can't accept that these videos are real even though the official search didn't find even a single piece of the plane.


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There must be formed and renewed a union of the Celtic and Germanic peoples. This union must be spiritual and societal in nature, inviolable while sill maintaining the sanctity and sovereignty of each people. Unlike the ancient Etruscan and Hispanic faiths, ours was not fully extinguished by the millennia of tyranny, though it was gravely wounded. To end Romano-Abrahamic ambitions to see us destroyed, the culture of our ancestors must be restored to the public consciousness. This must not be construed as Pan-Europeanism, it is not. The Celts, Gauls, Germans, and Norse are all peoples free and separate, but only by their union in purpose can the very concept of freedom be saved. The swarthy legions of the Latins, Hispanics, Hellenics, Balkan Slavs, among others, have proven time and time again their eternal enfeeblement before the architects of that so wretched tyranny they call the Great Work, the world's end for which the ((( Legacy of Rome ))) strives so passionately.

More to follow
Replies: >>4009
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>>4008 (OP) 
Our history, hidden and ripped from us, was full of wonder and (for the era) a great civility and general hope for human prosperity. Our heartlands are the most fertile on Earth, hosting great man and great beast alike, and naturally, the greatest share of meaningful developments in history. Though the tyrant would claim otherwise, our peoples were not warring, barbaric tribes as one might imagine a caveman, but rather, growing societies with architecture (destroyed in the massacres), general order, and freedom. Divide et Impera has worked its foul magic on the peoples of Europe for far too long, and we must set aside our perceived (or manufactured) differences to ensure our survival against the greatest threat in our history, Romano-Abrahamism, the fusion of Abrahamic world-hatred with the bureaucratic monstrosity of the Romans, who have so proudly touted their disgusting history predicated upon fratricide, an embarrassment to any sane people.
Replies: >>4010
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The situation, to many, will seem hopeless, but remember what the enemy has done to you and your loved ones, and the righteous fury they have instilled in you will rally you against any doubts. They have massacred our people, and razed centuries of our architecture and wealth in a fraction of the years it took to build it (Karl der Gross). They have eradicated our just faith, which celebrates the beauty of Creation, and family, and justice, only to replace it with a Gnostic abomination pieced together from Babylon, to Jerusalem, to Rome. All that we love, nature, children, ideals, etc. is an affront to those we face; mere fodder for the great silence of destruction, and their fantasy of nonexistence. Recall that our people have for millennia pulled a great part of their sustenance from the very claws of death, and as the truffle consumes the corpse of ages past, our people bring it out to sustain new life in perpetuity. If our ancestors did this, what can we not accomplish?

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