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5. Low quality shitposting will be met with DELetion or all files in the post being unlinked (frogposting, wojaks, >he doesn't use [insert thing here], Reddit logo spam, etc.). Otherwise, shitposting is allowed but try not to derail threads.

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2. Try not to ask questions that can be found on any search engines. You will most likely be told to search more and not receive an answer.

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Meta-Thread: >>190
'Useful programs'

4/g/ Wiki
8/tech/ Wiki
https://wiki.cloveros.ga/Main_Page (link dead)
Linux distro wikis (can apply to all distros)

'Tech article sites (need to add more)'
https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ [ onion: http://digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion/ ]
https://spyware.neocities.org/ [ onion: http://spywaredrcdg5krvjnukp3vbdwiqcv3zwbrcg6qh27kiwecm4qyfphid.onion/ ]
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Repost of the Julay /tech/ sticky with some minor edits: https://archive.vn/znAXT
Beginner Info
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux because of https://itvision.altervista.org/why-windows-10-sucks.html, you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine (preferably using KVM or Oracle VirtualBox for newfriends).
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything (keep in mind that the performance of live distros might be very different than from distro that was booted from your HDD, as most distros are loaded in RAM and don't include the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA GPUs or up-to-date Mesa libraries in their isos).
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows (make sure to install Windows first, as it can "replace" GRUB or other UNIX bootloaders, and troubleshooting of Windows replacing your bootloader of choice might be painful for people that just started learning about the Linux kernel)
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux (you really shouldn't do this, if you don't know what you're putting yourself into, see: https://itvision.altervista.org/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.current.html).

Use your web browser and search engine of choice. Good comparison between them is hosted here:
If not sure which browser to choose, just use the Tor Browser Bundle:
or paste these commands to your terminal emulator of choice (please make sure to first learn what they're exactly doing):
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>All modern software...
Not to sound like a boomer but I remember seeing this comic at least 15 years ago.

>they do like systemDicks
They were the fucking first in line to suck redhat cock. Even fedora hesitated for a few released before switching systemd.
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This guy has levelled up since I last saw him.

I suppose Linux was significantly worse 15-20 years ago and Win/Mac hadn't completely turned into dumpster fires yet. Updates did actually add features back then.
Not if he's (hopefully) keeping his router up to date
Replies: >>12885
>routers are magic shields so i don't have to update my os
Why do people post on /tech/ boards when they don't know anything about tech.
Update on this: Void has been a pleasant surprise after a couple months of secondary use and the occasional small project (though I haven't actually completed anything yet). Partitioning was a bit awkward as any kind of manual partitioning is, but I did find a couple good guides that explained the process in enough detail for my caveman brain. The XFCE version that came with it had a ton of different options and I had a fun little time choosing once since Devuan only had two or three and they all looked gay.

What I found the most surprising is how much stuff is in the Void repos, including seemingly low-demand programs like fsearch (the closest you're going to get to the Everything search program from Windows). I had prepared for some aggravation due to my web browser of choice, LibreWolf, not being there, and there being only a handful of laughably outdated and incompatible browsers available, but when I tried the LibreWolf AppImage executable the system didn't bitch at me and now It Just Works™ (should I have just compiled from source? perhaps).

More to the point, after having explored the repos and generally messed around with my machine, I don't get this looming feeling that I'm doing something wrong or that I am wasting my time chasing snipes. If there is a program I need, I can reasonably get it, and if there is something I want to do, I reasonably can, and in both cases the OS doesn't waste my
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I, Asukadomo Type VIII, issue a fatwah on Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare.

He pretends to be part of the infosec scene while he's actually just a lawyer.
He isn't even a real lawyer, just a dropout.
He conveniently invokes either identity when he needs to appeal to one side.
He has single-handedly blocked Tor, VPN, etc from the internet, for 11 years without rest, by making a trendy webshit as a service that blocks Tor by default, requiring each website admin of a Cloudflare-backed website to overcome philosophical and technical hurdles to even realize this is a problem and to fix it by configuring Cloudflare properly.
In the above, he violated the end-to-end networking principle.
For the vast majority of these 11 years he used ReCaptcha, the most broken piece of shit captcha on earth (which blocks Tor over 50% of the time). It could only be solved by all kinds of tricks like disabling JS which itself raises more red flags on the website that acts like a paranoid retard. If you are blocked by a Cloudflare-backed website, say "somewebsite.com", you have to fill out a ReCaptcha (and then a second one to access "cdn.somewebsite.com"). Each of these steps takes multiple minutes. If you're doing some research it will take hours just to do what took 10 minutes before Cloudflare was invented.
Due to the above, many billions of man hours were wasted browsing websites over Tor, VPN, offices, universities, cafes, etc, due to his broken dipshit idea of blocking "hackers" by IP and making them solve a captcha.
In the above, he violated the purpose of a captcha: to throttle bot comment posts (and similar use cases). There is no other purpose for a captcha, and none would be acceptable. "Thing that stops my site from being rooted" is not a valid use case for a captcha. If you just put a captcha somewhere and only justify it by your opinion, you deserve DEATH. A captcha is not something that can be taken lightly, in network protocol design. He was given high levels of authority, and abused it.
He has single-handedly fabricated a new concept where a website just gives you a captcha because you might be trying to hack it according to some heuristic which almost always gives false positives. Let me state this again: websites did not require a captcha for viewing content before Cloudflare. Not one single website. Dumbass kids getting into webdev now think a captcha gate on the front page is a thing, thanks to Matthew Prince. If you put a captcha on your website anywhere other than a comment or signup form, you are just a nudev eating feces downstream from Matthew Prince.
While implementing all the fuckery above using webdevs (AKA retards), he created the CloudBleed security vulnerability, which caused all of his client bank websites to leak user credentials literally all over the web. Cloudflare no doubt has more of such vulnerabilities, which were obvious and predictable even long before he disclosed Cloudbleed.
He claims that websites are properties, by consistently calling them "web properties", thereby aligning the web as some sort of real estate market where the land owners can sue / jail anyone for made up reasons just like the entertainment industry does with DMCA (or just like land owners do to anyone and everyone for bullshit like "hanging around"). When in reality the internet is just for lulz.
He aligns his philosophy of attacking users when it has a 0.000000001 cent cost to the "web property" with liberal politics. So if you argue that blocking Tor is fucking retarded and pointless, you are labelled a nazi by the left wing sheep. He got rid of 8chan because it was too far from the left - it allowed people to say things without "moderation" (actually it had heavy moderation and /tech/ was complete center). But 8chan made the mistake of not hiring N employees to "moderate" every single thing a user ever posts, and so /pol/ was allowed to exist with its 5 users, and then Tarrant posted his manifesto there. He then tried to formalize his reasoning as "8chan does not uphold rule of law", which means absolutely nothing, but he thought he was real smart for using a phrase he got from his half assed law degree. In reality, he just kicked off 8chan because it was not left wing enough. It did not ban people for saying "nigger".
He has centralized most of the internet. He MITMs every user of his service. He grants this access to the NSA. Not maybe, he does. Just like before Snowden, it was obvious before it was "revealed".
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I guess I've gotten used to cuckflare breaking the web at this point. But then again, there isn't much of anything left worth browsing these days, so it's not like I've got any incentive to stop using Linux and text browsers.
Replies: >>13359 >>13370
Care to share more anon?
Replies: >>13368
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I don't have any solution. If a site gets cuckflared and stops working for me, then I just stop going there. I'm not going to change my hardware/OS/browser just because they don't like it.
Replies: >>13370
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No I meant about your picture here >>13358
Replies: >>13371
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I got it from artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/
I dunno what this one's from though.

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Discuss /tech/-related news.
What will happen if section 230 is nuked?
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Looks like nigger poettering now wants to replace sudo KEK
Here is him talking about it:
Fuck pottering. I can't describe how much do I hate this nigger. It is only a matter of time now before they announce a 0day in sudo and they won't fix it to force people to switch. Just like tmpfiles.
Replies: >>13369
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No sudo here (or systemd). Worst case I use su, but really I just login as root on a spare tty.
This is one of the few things he is right about. S6 did it better however.

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>I’ve been working as a mobile developer for 12 years. I’m a straight white male who knows what I am doing in my occupation. But lately I’m struggling to find another place to work.
>I applied for a job at DuckDuckGo, and got told to go fuck myself right away. So I reapplied as a black lesbian 5 years of experience who can’t program or spell. They are moving me to the 2nd round of interviews.
>What do we do in an industry that fucks straight white men over so relentlessly? >Do I just become a NEET? Feeling down and super blackpilled atm. Fuck this gay clown world where nothing makes any sense.
Source: https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/duckduckgo-ignore-highly-qualified-white-man-interested-in-black-queen.509/
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Something similar happens if you're white, but from a brown hellhole. A lot of HR sluts seem to be too dim to tell the country of origin of surnames, so they pass you, thinking they're getting some obese black tranny, but then they see you're a white man.
>>3357 (OP) 
Amazon mturk did this too but with mexicans. Only the mexians would get surveys. I know due to neeting for like 10 years straight. I'm a cis white male so I never got the bucks though. Gossip said to lie about your race to make more money. 
Don't give people bad advice.
Replies: >>13352
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>>3357 (OP) 
Find a company that needs talent more than diversity score. Companies that are profitable and don't depend on funding, debt or public stock price are the least cucked. Companies that just got a round of funding and now needs to deliver results to investors are the 2nd least cucked.

>give up trying to support yourself and live at the mercy of state handouts
Might want to have a little think about who owns the state and what they think about straight white males before you go down that road buddy. inb4 OP is not straight

>lie about your race to make more money. 
Somebody will probably do that. Make some kind of lifelike AI avatar that lets you larp as an obese black tranny on zoom calls for your 100% remote job where they have never met you irl.
duckduckgo was always kiked...use startpage
Replies: >>13367
Startpage is just jewgle proxy that doesn't anonymize you. Recently cuckcuckno started doing the exact same thing that got me off startpage. It started returning results that are related to my previous, even though I cleared history and everything between them. They have built a shadow profile. It's like a stalker telling you things about you that you didn't tell him.
use searx.space

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Are you employed in a technical capacity? What job is it? How did you get it? What does your daily wokload look like? Are you looking for a different line of work?
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>i quit my job
There is currently a second Great Depression occurring if you are a straight white man. Do you have another job lined up where you can make half a million dollars a day, or will you be joining the bread line in four months?
Replies: >>13309 >>13334
My company just announced no raise and no promotion for everyone. I have been working my ass off for the past year well exceeding what a level 1 engineer should do. My team is stuck at dealing with a piece of crap where everybody who worked on it either quit or moved to another team. My manager told me nobody opposed to my promotion before this dropped. Ever since I have been applying left and right. ZERO positive response.
I knew it I shouldn't have picked computer science. Even burger flippers' future look brighter than mine.
What do?
Replies: >>13336
You don’t get it either I die or I get good at coding. I don’t care about anything else.
I already got another one during the first 2 week after quoting the previous. Right now I just want a place to learn and gain exp, don’t really about high salary.
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The whole economy and financial system are FUBAR, as is the USD reserve currency. Keep working there as long as they pay you, and start stacking some silver and/or gold.
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Auto test guy here, I fucked up again. Last week I went drinking with my co workers and got so fucked up and lost my mind that night. I was so fucked up that I had to beg my friend to come save me. Apparently I talked way too fucking much and now I’m the butt of the jokes these last few days. Also all the head of my department came to drink that night as well. I’m so fucked. I’ve been hesitant coming to work. I don’t know if I sexually harassed any girls there I don’t know I’m too scared to ask. I went to sleep and woke up a few hours later vomiting all over my toilet.

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I'm starting my journey of making money online. I will be documenting everything that I do here in hope that i can stick with it and help fellow anons make money from the comfort of his room without having to show his face anytime.
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What does this have to do with /tech/?
The bank always wins.
Replies: >>13344
i had no other option. 70usd will not change much. i will try to recover. i need to get to 1k at least than i can reduce the risk and go to spot
Yeah what >>13033 said
just do stocks at long term
OP here. My method right now is reupload content to popular sites like TikTok Yt Fb … till I get enough views and I can switch account status to making money. It’s not easy but a lot of people already making more or less with it, some way too much. I bought a few courses off some forums and now teaching myself how to make it. Been busy with college and work and my neet disease but I swear I will make it and post proof here for everyone to see.

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My friends made an app. It's very cool. Imagine a youtube-like interface except you fetch videos and data from different sources and people write plugins for each source. As a result, a creator can switch from e.g. Youtube to Odysee to whatever else is the best without losing their audience. There's also decentralized comments and thumbs upping and downing

We are destroying Youtube's network effect. They are fucked.

It's an open source android app. There's no desktop version yet because making it work well on another platform is a lot of work.

Another interesting thing is that Youtube is now deleting videos that mention Grayjay
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>just look at how sophisticated their tracking systems are
They were already as sophisticated as they had to be a decade ago. There were already ways to de-anonymize browsers and phones made that even easier. All they do now is change shit to show higher ups they're doing something so the higher ups can tell their higher up that they are doing something. 
A monopoly is a two sided dagger. They're the only video site but because they're the only video site there is always going to be hundreds if not thousands of people working 24/7 to crack the site, and they can thwart any roadblock Google is willing to pay for.
>>12146 (OP)  what happened to newpipe did it die or something?
wow i love that simplistic birb logo also boycott KDE and thier disgusting furbait KATE mascot i just want my text editor back not this stupid blue pink woodpecker turd.

cucked censored piece of shit that takes down "muh notsee content" and videos related to some cuckchan school shooting smells like controlled opposition for sponsored alt tech jewtubers

never heard about it yet QRD me on this algorithm

Also speaking of censorship (when 2020 started rolling) what are your thoughts on wokist/lefty youtubers who suddenly encoraged users to visit "bad-goy" websites like 1984chan and the likes and they also admitted to shitposting themselves (mutahar and moonreal is a big example of this) this whole thing honestly looks like standard practice at this point to appear unbiased and legitimate even though anyone who isnt retarded can see thier hidden agenda.

its just strange isnt it? dunno if its just me but why is youtube suddenly allowing covert "far righter rhetoric" under the guise "godly self imporvement" its almost like they earn good profit from selling out "toxic nofap motivation" ideologies from these staged eceleb channels behind everyones backs.

i fucking swear to god the comments section is literlly filled with edgy teenagers trying too hard to LARP as self righteous mature 10/10 chad aryan males spewing out (sometimes fabricated) force positivity quotes and trying to bully those "ebil weak men" who dont confom to thier "mentally strong mindset™" literally like /r9gay/ but inverted.
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Replies: >>12153
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you never get the actual link to anything, the server generates timed links and give you a scrambled url, the ytplayer has the instructions to descramble the url into a working link, its just a sequence of shifts and splices on the url but it changes each week, its easy to get around only because they always obfuscate the code exactly the same way so its easy to find the cipher instructions they could make it a lot harder they just dont care
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>>12146 (OP) 
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>>12146 (OP) 
Hi Louis

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I thought we should have one of these. Someone from the QTDDTOT suggested these questions for the thread.

>best private mail host?
>best private browser?
>how do you stay private online?
>how do you airgap your phone?
>Best VPN

I imagine some people have made guides on privacy, so if you have any you can post them in this thread too.
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Even with fde, if you forward discards, you will leak tons of info.
Replies: >>13353
Alright, thank you for the advice. Wonder if the technicians will care enough to check if I used a keyserver to license Win11 after wiping the drive or if it's even worth the trouble to do that. Maybe I should just soak the drive in water or run a magnet over it.
Replies: >>13337
Never mind. Magnets won't work I guess.
>Even with fde, if you forward discards, you will leak tons of info.
False. TRIM is only a problem if you have a hidden volume or doing some other trick to hide the fact that you have encrypted data. It does not leak any information about the encrypted data itself. If you are not aware of such a trick  then your encryption program probably write a plaintext header to the disk already in which case you gain nothing by disabling TRIM.
Replies: >>13354
No, read your own link. Trimming leaks unused blocks and fs type info. You are not supposed to be able to reason about how much of an encrypted volume is free and where the gaps are.

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My mom just picked up a commodore PET that was given away for free by a relative :^)
Lets have a proper retro computing thread. 
Post about practical uses of this ancient computer hardware - how this simplistic architecture can be used as a learning tool.
Planned pojects: Restore this decayed machine.
Write Tetris in 6502 assembly.
Replies: >>13348
>>13347 (OP) 
Which year or architecture do you consider retro? Is 386 old enough?
Replies: >>13351
386 is retro 'nuff in my book and propably very good for learning since it's so well documented - it was the original platform linux was wrotten for after all

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