/fascist/ - Surf The Kali Yuga

National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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ZZZchan on Tor: (save locally!)
to be added as I create them, for now our main fallback Location is /cob/ on lynx.farted.net

/fascist/ is a board for discussion of fascism in its various manifestations and, in a more general sense, third-position ideology (e.g. Strasserism, etc). Though this board is centered around the discussion of fascist movements, leaders and ideology, non-fascists are permitted to post here regardless of political beliefs as long as they respect the rules of this board! This thread will also serve as a thread for requests to moderation (currently just me), banners and general bitching.

1. Global rules apply (see https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html )
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread  >>2
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go in the QTDDTOT
4. No avatarfagging or tripfagging without reason(Should be confined to a single thread at most)
5. No self-advertising. No Discord shilling.
6. No degeneracy*
7. No spam, flooding, serial double- / triple posting
8. No fedposting**

* Note on 'No degeneracy' 
 For purposes of this board, this means no unspoilered gore, no pornography, no advocating for race-mixing, transgender ideology, homosexuality, bisexuality, sexualizing prepubescents, etc.

**Note on 'fedposting'
Fedposting will be defined as posts that actively attempt to rouse users into carrying out terrorist attacks or acts of violence. Speaking positively about Breivik, Tarrant or similar individuals does not count as fedposting, nor does advocacy for violence in a general sense, think more of ""Hey kid, you wanna bomb a federal building?"" type posts

Here on /fascist/ we want high quality on-topic discussion and threads. If a major news event occurs (e.g. war breaks out, major terrorist attack, migrant crisis 2.0, another 9/11-tier event), go ahead and make a full thread. WE ARE NOT A NEWS BOARD, generally speaking. We don’t care about what Trump did today or muh Republicans and Democrats, that should go to the /pol/ of your choice( Such as: https://zzzchan.xyz/pol/index.html%29 or you may post in the news general thread.

This means we don’t want here on /fascist/ shit-tier threads which do not foster any interesting discussion or contribute anything of worth. This style of thread will in most cases be locked after being directed to the QTDDTOT or outright deleted. Examples of this type of thread:
>what do fascists think of X Y Z 
>can gays / blacks / trannies / Jews be fascist?
all of that can be posted in an 'unpopular opinions' thread so that we can roundly mock you and/or show you how you are wrong.

Of course, but the main objective of this board is to foster actual discussion about National Socialism, Fascism, third position ideologies, movements, religion, and literature.

Some archives of the old boards:
(Will add more later as Blackshirts provide them or I find them)
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Feels good to be back.
Let's fucking go!

t. /cob/ BO
>>1 (OP) 
Was thinking of trying out a new custom css for the board, anyone who wants can submit their own, here is the one I was going to try out first.

:root{--icon-color:invert(17%) sepia(89%) saturate(7057%) hue-rotate(2deg) brightness(93%) contrast(120%);--alt-label-color:#001010;--alt-font-color:#00CCCC;--background-top:#064C54;--background-rest:#380418;--navbar-color:#001010;--post-color:#001010;--post-outline-color:#8C180A;--label-color:#001010;--box-border-color:#8C180A;--darken:#00000010;--highlighted-post-color:#003030;--highlighted-post-outline-color:#FF0000;--board-title:#af0a0f;--hr:lightgray;--font-color:#0A8C59;--name-color:#8C180A;--capcode-color:#f00;--subject-color:darkorange;--link-color:#8C0A3D;--post-link-color:#0A7E8C;--link-hover:#0A8C59;--input-borders:#00AAAA;--input-color:darkred;--input-background:#000505;--dice-color:darkorange;--title-color:darkorange;--greentext-color:darkgreen;--pinktext-color:pink}#action-menu,#float .post-container,#livetext,#postform,#threadstats,.board-banner,.bottom-reply,.catalog-tile,.close,.collapse,.label,.live,.modal,.pages,.post-container,.postform-style,.stickynav,input[type=file],input[type=number],input[type=password],input[type=submit],input[type=text],select,table,textarea{border:2px outset #590A8C }hr{border-top:2px inset #590A8C}.navbar{border-bottom:2px inset #590A8C}a .post-name:hover,a:hover{background:var(--link-hover)!important;color:#000!important}.anchor:target+.post-container .post-info,.post-container.highlighted .post-info{border-bottom:none}@media only screen and (max-width:600px){.post-info{background:0 0;border-bottom:none}}
Last edited by orlog
I've been seeing CP ad spam around the slow imageboards the past months. I'm not in a US/EU timezone, so if you want a janny to help clear our degeneracy then I'd be glad to help.
username: geogentile
Replies: >>57
I'm thinking about it, I'm just not sure we need the extra help right now.
Don't know if you know this already but you can get all the banners from anoncafe at picochan
Replies: >>70
You mean all the ones posted in threads or those he put up on the site, and how?
Replies: >>76
>all the ones posted in threads or those he put up on the site
Replies: >>81 >>87
I didn't even know he had done that, I wonder if i can get the flag files from there too, well now to learn how to open a .tar.xz file, wonderful.
The download keeps failing not sure why, gonna keep trying, if it fails too much I can see if there's any way neeshy can upload it somnewhere that can be accessed from the clearnet or fork it over some other way.
Where did this ugly new theme? The old black one was so much comfier.
Replies: >>121
Oh did I save it on the board? I was tweaking my css, I'll undo it, give me a second.
So apparently flags don't have a particluar size requirement, they just need to be of the right aspect ratio and they'll work.
Can you add a Self Improvement thread?
Replies: >>135 >>138
If you want one there's no reason you can't make it yourself.
>jews jews jews
Why do you call yourself /fascist/ when you're national socialists. It's almost as if you guys don't know the difference.
Replies: >>138 >>142 >>167
ill make one for you was thinking of doing so yesterday but you gotta explain further what tf you mean by this >>137
Replies: >>142 >>172
Both fashBO and myself are, and in his case, possibly were National Socialists, The board is for discussion of Fascism and other third position ideologies, as when he created the board FashBO was a Strasserist aka a Nazbol, he soon realized the retarded nature of such a belief, and the truth that while they are not the same, Fascism and National Socialism are related.
I think that ID is a TOR ID, those two posters are not the same person.
Replies: >>149 >>150 >>152
You're not "third way" though. You're just racist communists who believe in borders.
Replies: >>153 >>154 >>167
i know those pp are both the same imao they have the same ID im basically saying "sure bro ill make you that thing but you gotta explain this gay ass text you sent me" thats what im basically saying calling /fascist/ all natsocs while at the same time going >jews jew jews 
is weird af and doesn't explain crap  also the /sig/ thread i make is dog shit hope a mod deletes it i tried to delete it but the capa system is too autistic like i get it im supposed to put the white on were the white chess piece is but that's hard when your doing it from a image that doesn't even have lines explaining were that piece is
Replies: >>152 >>159
High IQ recruits you've got here.
Can't even understand basic internet privacy.

It's Tor not TOR by the way. If The Jews are as powerful and vindictive as you say they are maybe you shouldn't be posting with your real IP.
Replies: >>154 >>159
there's 100s of different fascist ideologies yet your too fucking retarded to understand what fascism even is literally stfu or completely explain what the hell your even saying
there's 100s of different fascist ideologies yet your too fucking retarded to understand what fascism even is literally stfu or completely explain what the hell your even saying 
 >>152 >whaaa ur not using a vpn also whaa ur not using tor whha 
bro do you think i fucking care? literal soyboy cuck i prop should be using tor while on here to be safe but i just dont feel like it
Reread what I said, that ID is a Tor ID, meaning multiple people can use it at the same time.
 I hoped this website would have tor posts be obvious with 000000 as an ID but it does not, and I remade your thread and moved your contribution into that thread.
IIt would be Tor if I were referrinf to the people who make it as a group but I am using the Acronym TOR standing for, The Onion Router, and it really doesn't matter you nitpicky fuck.
As for me using my naked IP, you have no idea whether I am or not, I only use Tor to access websites and information only contained there, Otherwise I prefer not to be helping Government agents(the people who funded the creation of Tor) and other degenerates hide their activity from the world but I still have my identity obscured.
Replies: >>160 >>162
>Note: even though it originally came from an acronym, Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.

I wasn't joking by the way. You guys really don't have the IQ for this. Nothing destroys an ideology faster than being badly defended in open discussions.
Replies: >>161
it's incredible how far you are reaching for a point. take a break and cool off you deranged moron, or keep making yourself look pathetic as fuck lol. that's always fun too.
ya i realized you were right a few mins ago i just didnt feel like saying anything its pretty obvious now sense the dude started spouting more trash unlike the other ID also why tf is the capa like that anyways why a chess board
Replies: >>163
you want to mark the boxes that correlate to the filled-in shapes on the distorted image. the shapes are arranged 4x4 just like the grid. sometimes it is too distorted and i just refresh it, but i think it is an ok captcha design
Replies: >>164
ya its a good idea but needs to be tweaked a bit
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Italian Fascism and German National Socialism are political manifestations of the same exact worldview based on the eternal laws of Nature. if you can't comprehend that, you're most likely a lolberg or a coping brown mutt who thinks 'Fascism' was merely an Civic Nationalist™ ideology not different from the others despite all evidence to the contrary.
>You're just racist communists!!!111
Organic class unity and collaboration is the exact opposite of class struggle that is instilled by various subversives. Communism has more in line with unregulated capitalism because both their end-goals are petty selfish interests.
Calisthenics Archive link is dead
Replies: >>187 >>1960
Thanks for making the self improvement thread, i am using tor, i have no issue accepting my ideology and i don't plan on hiding it but it only takes a few minutes and is more secure.
Replies: >>173 >>175
imao the thread i made was trash so i asked a mod to delete it and he made a new one with the stuff i posted from my thread i guess your welcome imao.
Robert Malone the mRNA guy said that Musolini said that fascism was corportatism, as in big pharma corporations are fascist. 

But i thought that the people were for the state in fascism and in NS the state was for the people, i.e. two sides of the same sword. 

What the fuck is corporatism anyawy? is it just some wank  like malthusianism or libetarianism?  So sick of the covax insurgency pulling out the six gorillion to dunk on the current biomedical tyrrany.  bunch of blind men is what it is.
Replies: >>177
>you're most likely
If you have to guess then it doesn't matter. Doing personal attacks against an anonymous poster is not going to save you from your own lack of arguments.

>Organic class unity and collaboration is the exact opposite of class struggle that is instilled by various subversives.
You just changed what the classes are. Instead of proles vs bouj it's aryans vs jews.

>both their end-goals are petty selfish interests
Working class solidarity is "selfish" but race solidarity isn't? Try again.

>i am using tor
Are you sure you want to use that tranny pedo zog sponsored honeytrap?
Replies: >>176 >>178 >>183
man this site has degenerate boards. I think this is why the push for hivechan beat this place before that site fell over

not getting comfy here
Replies: >>188 >>214
The way economists define it:
government controls corporations => socialism
corporations control government => fascism

That's not what our new high IQ friends call fascism though obviously. If they understood economics then they wouldn't be lefties.
Replies: >>179
>Are you sure you want to use that tranny pedo zog sponsored honeytrap?
Why not? I only use it for discussing politics
what a cop out, Malone is sketchy because he knows that the corporations ARE the government, or at least the arm of the octopus that is the biotech-inteligence complex. 

Phizer-moderna are just that half degree of separation they need to plausibly deny that the ZOG is doing experiements on the goyim and culling the herd. 

and dont quote the israeli vaxx experience to me because palestine jews are cattle to the global jew, and they sacrifice their own for the sake of optics. thats well known. 

your not vaxxed are ya?
Replies: >>181 >>189
>what a cop out
Communist propaganda has spent 90 years programming people "fascism = bad" so Malone could just be using that to get his point across ("pharma = fascism = bad"). That's possible too.

>dont quote the israeli vaxx experience to me
I have no problem believing isreal gave different "vaccines" to different people based on ethnicity. They did it before when they sterilized ethiopian women.

>your not vaxxed are ya?
Nope. I'm against all forms of socialism including yours
Replies: >>185 >>189 >>342
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>You just changed what the classes are. Instead of proles vs bouj it's aryans vs jews.
There doesn't have to be a conscious global jewish conspiracy for NS/Fascism to exist, but it exists anyway.
>Working class solidarity is "selfish" but race solidarity isn't? Try again.
Communism all in all is a direct product of Individualism and Capitalism during the Industrial Revolution, which shaped distinct groups that could be identified, namely the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie, however both ultimately wanted the same thing, it's just that the latter had already achieved it and relied on the former to maintain their prosperity, hence the inevitable narrative of exploitation: the Bourgeoisie essentially "cheated" the Proletariat in the competition for material wealth, and to finally get what they deserve, the Proletariat had to unite and to "expropriate the expropriators.”

Communism simply becomes the pursuit of Capitalist goals without the Bourgeoisie to stand in the way of the Proletariat. The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work, work is an obstacle to be overcome on the path to having material wealth that can be enjoyed and thus decadence sets in. The Bourgeoisie achieved this goal to the envy of the Proletariat that decided that it was robbed of its take and thus rose up to claim that wealth for itself. It is only logical that with the advancement of technology ideas like "fully automated luxury communism" would appear, proving Spengler right: Marx hated work, making him in that sense no different from capitalists, as that scenario is the dream of every capitalist as well. You can read more on this criticism of Communism and Marx being ultimately the same as Capitalism in Oswlad Spengler's "Prussianism and Socialism" and in the "Marxism" chapter of France Parker Yockey's IMPERIUM.

Racial solidarity is already a biological instinctive self-interest of all races. You can be a racist liberal but that doesn't matter since NS is more than "self-interests." it is based on doing what's right, what Hitler felt to be "the eternal principles of the supreme wisdom." or what Mussolini thought that "one must be acquainted with reality and its laws.". Ignoring/disrespecting it tends to have severe consequences. If you really think you know better than Mother Nature, I would dare you to challenge her laws of gravity by jumping off a cliff or her laws of survival by drinking a cup filled with the deadliest poison.
Replies: >>186 >>189 >>344
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even N.S. guys will call themselves Nazi sometimes, its just a colloquilism like we say jews when we mean global jews or zionists.  Even anti-vaxx is used by the insurgency in the absence of anything better. The ironies that stem from the crossover between the six million paradigm and anti-vaxx are pretty cloying but say much about their purveyors. 

we need a corona vaxx general and maybe one for these socialismists you speak of.
Replies: >>189
>There doesn't have to be a conscious global jewish conspiracy for NS/Fascism to exist
There doesn't have to be a class struggle for communism to exist. Everyone has their post-struggle utopia.

>Communism all in all is a direct product of Individualism and Capitalism during the Industrial Revolution
Except we now know that's wrong because marxism took hold everywhere except industrialized countries.
This realization is what prompted mussolini to leave the socialist party and join the italian fascists.

>The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work
Is this you still larping as a commie or is this what you actually believe?

The goal of capitalism is the efficient allocation of resources. You convert resources into products. If people buy your shit that means it was a good use of resources and you now have more money to re-invest in your operation. If people don't buy your shit that means you wasted resources and will have less opportunity to waste resources in the future. You get rich by generating the most value for the most number of people. It is selfish and positive sum at the same time (everybody wins).

>The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work
Except the millionaire wants to be a billionaire and the billionaire wants to be a trillionaire.
There is zero correlation between wealth and retirement so that's bullshit.

>Racial solidarity is already a biological instinctive self-interest of all races.
What about mixed races. If racial solidarity was such a biological imperative then you wouldn't be attracted to asian chicks. White, brown, yellow, maybe black, if she's spreading her legs then your cock doesn't care. For most of human history you were limited to women who were within walking distance, which meant they were probably the same race. There is nothing sacred or divine about that.

>NS is more than "self-interests." it is based on doing what's right, what Hitler felt to be "the eternal principles of the supreme wisdom." or what Mussolini thought that "one must be acquainted with reality and its laws.".
This is just nonsense mysticism now. If "Hitler said it therefor it's good" that's just a cult my dude.

>If you really think you know better than Mother Nature, I would dare you to challenge her laws of gravity by jumping off a cliff or her laws of survival by drinking a cup filled with the deadliest poison.
This is a false equivalence because evolution and human nature is a moving target. What was "right" 40.000 years ago is not necessarily right now.
Replies: >>189 >>345
Alright, I'll see if I can't find or make another version of it. I have everything in it on one of my computers.
Replies: >>1960
On the contrary, get comfortable here, aside from places exclusively on Tor, this is the least degenerate alternative. I have spent hours now and will still spend hours looking for other bunkers besides the one on 8moe, and the one I am trying to gain control of on 9chan.tw, but all I am finding is places where no boards can be created, or where the entire site is focused on things that are far more degenerate than even 8moe, some that have consistent CP spam, and apparently no moderation to clean it up. Both current bunkers have shitloads of MUCH more degenerate shit on them than here, and yet even they are better than what I am finding. I, in keeping with fashBO's wishes, want to keep this on the clearnet as long as possible otherwise, we'd all be on /cob/ or a new board called /fascistcobbers/, maybe. The only possibility for a bunker other than those we already have is Endchan, and I'm not sure whether I want to make one there just yet, if I were allowed to.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>987 >>1064
Take non-meta or moderation discussions to an appropriate thread, QTTDDTOT, if your discussion isn't going to be exhaustive. for covid shit, go ahead and make a COVID/Vaxx thread or use the news thread.
Replies: >>209 >>216
Alright, to the QTTDDTOT it is.
>man this site has degenerate boards
literally where? there isn't a single porn focused board on the site list and the admin specifically said he isn't interested in adding any, plus being on the webring increases exposure to the maxx. unless you're referring to /b/, but that's just /b/ being /b/.
I accept your defeat. You guys have been here 1 day and you're already getting rekt.
Replies: >>223 >>225
What the hell are you talking about?
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Anon... My response is in QTTDDTOT.
94chan has a board request thread and the site seems pretty free of degeneracy. Got no problems with zzzchan, but who knows how long the admin will be willing to host this board (especially with some obsessed faggot whining nonstop). Who knows if 94chan would take /fascist/ in either tho.
Replies: >>240
I will take it under advisement, I'm in the midst of finding boards that have board creation, I had looked at 94chan and thought it was ill-fitting but I will take another gander.
Replies: >>241
I guess they are 'not' accepting board requests right now, but maybe worth keeping in mind for the future.
You should make it clear in the board rules that this board is strictly limited to Fascists and Nazi circlejerking. 
You proved it yourself when you deleted a post about Israel on the unpopular opinion thread >>249. Instead of actually delivering an actual rebuttal of how Israel is still the hub for global Jewry despite all immigrants and vaccines the local Jews took inside the country you opted for the cowardly way of deleting the post silently.
Replies: >>267 >>290
Jews and their Israel worship get deleted, second the opinion in the post wasn't exactly unpopular it was just stupid, there was nothing to gleaned or gained from arguing with it, by anyone and struck me as you trying poorly to elect a reaction.
 /fascist/ is not now, nor has it ever been a free speech zone, and low quality posts put up not for discussion but to annoy and distract will be deleted as they always have been.
Replies: >>274
>Jews and their Israel worship get deleted
Stating opinion derived from facts =! worshiping. 

>opinion in the post wasn't exactly unpopular it was just stupid
Then prove it was stupid, that was the point of the thread right? To make fun of people disagreeing with thr consensus.
You have at least 3 anons exchanging random slurs for that ethnoglobe discussion that had been ongoing before this board moved here and their posts are still there.

>there was nothing to gleaned or gained from arguing with it
You didn't even try. Or maybe the whole board is too scared to face the facts?

>low quality posts put up not for discussion but to annoy 
How rich of you saying that when dozens of lower quality posts can be easily found in the same thread yet they're still there. Some many of them are pure assertions without reasoning.

>fascist/ is not now, nor has it ever been a free speech zone, and 
But at least you affirmed that this board is for  circlejerking.
Replies: >>275 >>277
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>b-but you MUST give me free speech! you are a danger to our democracy!

Go looking for some free speech on reddit and facebook and see what you find.
We have no obligation to keep any imaginary moral high ground, especially not in an environment where our enemies do not and never will grant us reciprocal treatment.
Mod felt like deleting your stuff? Tough shit.
Fascists ARE a danger to your democracy, and we are tired to pretend we still play by our (((enemies))' rules.
Replies: >>276
> you are a danger to our democracy!
Never I have spoken one word about political system in this board and here you are making a strawman. 
I've done pointing out the hypocrisy of this board; you can't say you're welcoming discussion even from non fascists then immediately shutting it down. 
Have your little kiddie underground cave, it must feel nice having a few people sharing your illusion while hiding from cold hard truth.
Replies: >>277
Fascist is for Fascist political discussion nothing else if you want to talk about whatever the fuck you talked about to get your post deleted take it to /pol/
Replies: >>279
>saying this when the vaxx and anti abrahamism threads exist
You didn't even try thinking before typing tbis post didn't you?
Replies: >>280 >>282
im going to be honest i just jumped on the bandwagon lol at lest those threads actually have meaningful discussion
Replies: >>282
Those comments follow clear reasoning, albeit schizo reasoning prefabricated by destabilizing agents wanting to delegitimize Fascism, but clear nonetheless.
Technical discussion of the ideology needs to be encouraged, I'm just too careless to start it, if someone else makes an insightful comment i will definitely join though.
Also, can you add a legionnaire flag?
Replies: >>292
9chan has been taken down. Just saying this to update OP.
Replies: >>291
One, it's stupid because we've covered it before, talking about Israel is boring,  because it's always OMG, JEWS BEING JEWS, what a fucking surprise Two, it was more suited to the Vax thread, it did not read as an opinion to me so I deleted it, may have been better to move it, but it's done.
The point of the thread is to deal with unpopular opinions among fascists, that we allow others to post there and confine their autism and opposing opinions there is a grace, I do not need to, nor am I required to let any of you speak whatsoever, I choose to.
Replies: >>302 >>307
Yeah I'll get to that.
I'm not particularly fond of Codreanu beyond the one wise thing he said, butI will think about it.
Any info if this was done by someone exterior or by site owner?
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>>1 (OP) 
>if it's not back up in a week or two i'll remove this
Better remove it then
so why dont you let us decide, if its a gay post then that will become clear. 

you see now you look bad because we all assume it was a good post in the absence of anything to the contrary.
Replies: >>304
Why let you decide? I decided the post was unfit for that thread and I deleted it, I stand by my decision, one can argue about it all they want, but it does nothing but waste your time and mine, the deed is done accept it and move on.
Replies: >>322
>One, it's stupid because we've covered it before
Tell that to all anons on the literature thread. How many times have anons recommended the same book?

>Vax thread
So you were ignoring half of the post.

>it did not read as an opinion to me
<meanwhile the deleted post started with "I do not believe that..."

Keep making excuses and I'll keep making fun of you.
Replies: >>315
>Tell that to all anons on the literature thread. How many times have anons recommended the same book?
Many a time, which is that threads purpose, The purpose of Unpopular Opinions thread is mockery for you and entertainment for me, not discussing some bullshit about Israel.
Nope, it was better suited for another thread.
>Keep making excuses 
Keep whining all you like, repost that in either the vax thread or QTDDTOT, Or even news, if you have some article or other to post in addition to it. I am not stopping you, I haven't banned you, yet, I just deleted your post that I thought was not suited to the thread in which you posted it,  post it in a more appropriate thread or shut up.
Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>322
> I decided the post was unfit for that thread and I deleted it
> thread is mockery for you and entertainment for me
So you clearly only allow posts when you have a clear chance to win the argument. The moment you don't, you delete posts.
This is a clear sign of a power hungry ruler.

>Nope, it was better suited for another thread.
He did say something about immigrants in Israel, did he?
Replies: >>324
Nope, 'tis but a sign that it was better suited for another thread, If I had thought it would be interesting I would have let it stay despite my thoughts on it's suitability, the purpose of this board is discussion, mostly on topic, (conversation always meanders a bit) within each thread, with the intention being for an Anon to find the thread most suited or post it in the QTDDTOT and if it generates enough discussion there, have them move it to it's own thread. I might even have responded to it, but it was boring, and unsuited to the thread, so I deleted it, and I will continue to do so if he posts it there again. He could, if he thinks it will generate enough discussion, make a thread dedicated to it but if it's a low quality OP and doesn't pop off, I'd delete that too, high quality and it stays unless it becomes disruptive. The intention of /fascist/ is not your quick /pol/ tier shit and thats conveyed right here in the Rules thread, and I expect anyone who wishes to use this board to read this OP, at a minimum.
>did he?
I think so, but Zzzchan doesn't keep the post itself in the log even for Moderators, (unless I am not yet familar enough to find where it keeps them) so I can't tell you, regardless he has the opportunity to post it elsewhere, and I have given him several suggestions.
or malone is just like a freshly redpilled burger and still uses fascism as a slur like it was done during ww2
communism is state capitalism, but with hypocritical taboos because making profit is sin so when the collective does it, it's called something else, such as "work" for the "greater good" and the final victory of the proletards
>The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work
it's so hard to come up with a good definition of capitalism, especially after it being etymologically pushed by marx, which implies giving him credit and thus somehow proving him right to some extent
a short hand definition routinely used in burger pop prods is to say that it's the pursuit of the highest profit at any cost, that from a moral perspective, and at the possible lowest cost, from a labor perspective.
both this definition and yours lead to the conclusion that parasitism and lording over slaves is the simplest way to achieve this
it is also observed then that capitalism is absolutely not sustainable at all
>The goal of capitalism is the efficient allocation of resources
>capitalism can be good / humane / moral

he was 100% right about traitors and jews and who shall fall first

ffs that dark green quotation text over dark gray background format is killin me eyes
bo, plz do something about that css setup

and finally, is this the true and latest place for /fascist/ since the early morning booting out of 16chan? if yes; has anything been saved aside from that outdated bunch of threads hosted wherever i cant even remember?
Replies: >>352 >>383

>he was 100% right about traitors and jews and who shall fall first
That he was
>ffs that dark green quotation text over dark gray background format is killin me eyes
bo, plz do something about that css setup
If you know anything about CSS editing please go ahead and edit the Tomorrow CSS this board uses I use a custom CSS which I believe I posted in this thread, which is easy on the eyes and, to me at least, is more aesthetically pleasing, you are welcome to plug that in to your personal settings for zzzchan.

This is our current home location and aside from a few persistent Tor using trolls who I cannot ban things seem to be mostly normal.
Most of the 16chan threads seem to have been archived here:
whether they will stay up there I cannot say.
There, I did something.
We're gonna try this out for a while, I kind  of like it.
Replies: >>386
haha that has a little dnd/rpg vibe
at least all colors are sharp but are not burning the pixels up
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Update on the /cob/ emergency bunker, new clearnet address from november is going to be http://lynx.farted.net/
Or he runs from the burger definition of fascism which remains a ww2 slur thrown at anything like ultra capitalism or plain tough as nail authority that needn't even be fair nor moral, but just gratuitously oppressive.
Burger defs of fascism (=capitalism) and socialism (=communism) are so retarded that it's impossible to get a proper discussion started without first purging the broken framework.
Replies: >>431
>all evidence to the contrary
All no evidence? All the evidence that socialism is as socialism does and every fascist economy imploded just the same as their red brothers?
Communism is some airy fart with no relation to the world or the systems that are called communist, sure, but those systems are of their father the devil totalitarianism just the same as any fascist and bear all the same sins.
Replies: >>432
Every fascist economy imploded? I dare you to name any fascist country that went through a major financial crisis (you can't).
Replies: >>433
Neetsoc germany
Fascist Italy
Interwar pooland

Bonus round: after walking back from fascism, spain experienced the second greatest economic boom in the electronic age
Replies: >>434
>>Every fascist economy imploded? I dare you to name any fascist country that went through a major financial crisis (you can't).
>Neetsoc germany
>Fascist Italy
>Interwar pooland
>Bonus round: after walking back from fascism, spain experienced the second greatest economic boom in the electronic age
Imagine being that much of a communistic kike that you can't smell your own chutzpah.
Germany was saved by Fascism and the international banking cartel. Same for Italy.
Poland was not exactly fascist and the most fascistic period in Spain actually protected the nation from, you guess it, communism. It never became a great economic boom either, it was seen as a lesser and poor country by all northern countries that cucked for the Jews after the war. As a matter of fact Spain never recovered from her long gone royal days. Franco's blend of soft fascism and republicanism is what kept the country afloat.
But we can understand why it makes you seethe, you pathetic cockroach, that your kin had big plans for Spain and wanted to turn Madrid cinto the headquarters of Western communism, and you rallied to the cries of no pasaran, yet you got steamrolled and BTFO'd out. And now we have all the evidence we need that there is no prosperity neither in communism nor in capitalism.
Replies: >>438
Your response to being accused of making all the same mistakes as communism (because indeed, one flavor of totalitarianism is precisely the same as another in all but name) is to claim that I'm a communist?
>Poland was not exactly fascist
If major Piludski's, god rest his soul, poland wasn't fascist and neither was franco's origin iron grip on spain then you're using a made up term. Though both the countries you yourself mention did indeed crash and burn within the span of less than twenty years even with the overwhelming advantages given them by the international reserve banking system and the single generation experiencing the greatest expansion of wealth in human history.
>Franco's blend of soft fascism and republicanism is what kept the country afloat.
Franco's hard fascism is what crippled the country. When he walked back the fascism, declared the technical monarchy, and adopted republican reforms and generally more liberal we got the spanish economic miracle.
Replies: >>444 >>446 >>462
Might I ask you why are you here if you hate fascism?
Replies: >>445
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To amuse myself? To excise the weird specters haunting my idle thoughts? I dunno man, it's an imageboard it's a modern day coffee house. I'll argue if it's going and profitable to me.
If you're asking me why I'm not 'with my people', so to speak, then I feel like you're putting the cart before the horse in arriving at the need to ask that. The moderate lolberts forking off a board like /liberty/ instead of haunting the finance boards and unregulated /pol/s was always anemic and pointless. I mean, the fact that we've got a teenbro run /pol/ torboard here and they didn't flock to this site kinda goes to show that there wasn't anything really to say. Ya gotta have striving to have, y'know, dynamicism and progress and all that.
>you hate fascism
Maybe stronger language than appropriate. Fascism is just one of those gross dull things that comes with this world of dirt and weakly fertile filth, like needing to shit or toilet's becoming dirty with use.
Replies: >>446 >>447
utter nonsense. it was fascism that produced the economic miracle, and the shift away from that was ruinous to Spain.

>one of those gross dull things that comes with this world of dirt and weakly fertile filth, like needing to shit or toilet's becoming dirty with use.
an apt description of your posts.
>Maybe stronger language than appropriate. Fascism is just one of those gross dull things that comes with this world of dirt and weakly fertile filth, like needing to shit or toilet's becoming dirty with use.
You know that you've descriped your posts to a t.
What will you do next? Go to /a/ and talk about how much you hate anime?
A really sad life you have. Instead of going somewhere to talk about the stuff you like you end up going to a board about stuff you hate. You are nothing more then a sheep and a loser in the game of life.
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/monarchy/ requests a jewel of friendship from /fascist/.
We have had good & bad run-ins.
But I think I would be honored to have a jewel from /fascist/.

>what jewel?
Give a name for the jewel, maybe, and description.
There are examples.
>Understood. I gift to you, the "Great Lemon" jewel discovered in Baja California, México. Is in the St Edward's Crown.
>On behalf of /b/ we offer for a jewel...
And some have posted a picture of a jewel.
This is requested for the /monarchy/ crown jewels.
Replies: >>456
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I'd go with black onyx, if that's permitted. Something like pic related, perhaps etched with a fasces.
We may have differences, but we also have common ground. Fascism borrows heavily from both monarchy and the republic.
Replies: >>463
>Your response to being accused of making all the same mistakes as communism (because indeed, one flavor of totalitarianism is precisely the same as another in all but name) is to claim that I'm a communist?
Yes. Because you sound like one and adopt the same arguments.
Maximum power in Jewish hands is going to produce a radically different outcome than in the hands of Aryans.
>If major Piludski's, god rest his soul, poland wasn't fascist and neither was franco's origin iron grip on spain then you're using a made up term.
You might have not been informed to any sufficient extent about the debates on how much of fascist ideas they incorporated. Franco, for example, had some people close to him who absolutely espoused fascism, but he didn't press on this as much as they did, although he certainly saw the obvious gains to be had in using such values. Some say he was really fascist, but I disagree and see his political model as something that was a complicated compound that borrowed from varying sides.
>Though both the countries you yourself mention did indeed crash and burn within the span of less than twenty years even with the overwhelming advantages given them by the international reserve banking system and the single generation experiencing the greatest expansion of wealth in human history.
But at that point they were totally irrelevant to fascism so why bring these cases?
We know what being liberal meant, both culturally and economically: short term spoiled illusion for a long term destruction. 
Yet no matter what you could think or claim, German fascism saved the country and its economy. It is impossible to deny, and that is why the Jews always try to shift the focus onto how the Germany miracle and rise happened and then explain them by the foulest lies possible: stealing from Jews, being supported by the heavy industries or even being funded by unscrupulous bankers.
Germany was bound to veer into a new type of Monarchy supported by an elite of wise men.
To the usual question, where did everyone go since 2018?
>>gab, telegram, /fascist/, various /pol/s on chans now defunct aside from meguca and lilpone
>>rest went back into fleshspace
>>many were bots and CIAniggers, hence the high noise ratio, with lots of fake activity

What about the contingency plan?
Automated archives, at least twice a week? Auto copy/pasta to some bunker? Zip files to share? Anything? If webz definitely go down we'll have to be able to share the good stuff on burned lazor pancakes like in the old days.
Replies: >>474 >>481
New FashBO, are you planning on doing any adverting for /fascist/ considering the loss in userbase?
Replies: >>474
I have no idea how to automate an archive nor do i have the money or time to even begin, nor do I have any idea about copy pasta to a bunker, except maybe 8chan, and I have no idea if that could be set up by their administration, and it would probably get fucked up, as I cannot disable posting short of locking the threads, I have spent my free time searching for places that allow or are open to board creation just for the bunkers, I have had little to no luck, I have found Endchan, maybe frenschan and thats pretty much it, as 9chan and another site, both of which had board creation and which were run by the same guys as Endchan, went down for good last week, I think. 
I have plenty of shit stored up from old archives and torrents but dumping it on the board will just lead to clutter.
No, why would I? We're on the webring and most of the sites show zzzchan and we have a bunker on 8chan directing here.
Replies: >>482 >>493
 while trying to delete a low quality degenerate post I accidentally deleted your post, please repost it.
Forgot 3ch, but the website has been coded by a monke or something. And bitchan.
Right. I understand that it requires some work to achieve this level of redundancy and structural safety.
Is zzzchan a solid and safe place? Do you know of any backup? Or is it another lone server stuck in a bedroom which can quickly be visited by the feds too?
Replies: >>483
ZZZchan has an array of proxy servers routing the traffic to the main appserver. Any traffic to these proxies that isn't from the onion service or cloudflare is dropped, and the appserver does the same with traffic not from the proxies. This makes the proxies replaceable and very hard to take out or even report for wrongthink, and the appserver may as well be invisible. Offsite backups are updated every 6 hours and the entire stack could be rebuilt in a day if it somehow got nuked. All servers are on proper hosts and in different datacenters.
Replies: >>487
Holy mama. Thanks.
That's the bestest news I've heard in a while. With this kind of backing, it looks like we should double down on rebuilding the content and gather again, we've lost some souls lately and they could get a new welcome and nice cup of coffee too.
I just wanted to know what's the 8chan link to /fascist/, i thought it was gone
Replies: >>503
Oh I simply recreated it as a bunker, it's a place to fall back to, in the worst case, and to help anons looking for /fascist/ find their way here.
Thanks for moving those posts FashBO v2
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Not that it matters too much at this point, but just to let it be known.
Replies: >>546 >>1065
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Not that it was much of a surprise after all.
>pic rel
>>1 (OP) 
Sorry for the mess with my posts about old archived threads new BO.
I was trying to put them in chronological order but kept finding new archives and couldn't edit my posts for some odd reason.
Maybe it would be a good idea for you to edit each OP and add the archives there and then delete my posts.
I also changed the wayback machine archives to archive.today since the link is smaller and it won't clutter everything.
Below are the archives for each thread in order:

Fascist And Third Position Books


Fascist OC Thread

Unpopular Opinions Thread

I will try to post the archives properly in the others threads.
Replies: >>584 >>595
>>1 (OP) 
Another fuckup

Self-Mastery General
Replies: >>595
>>1 (OP) 
Previous Threads

Replies: >>595
I'll leave the links you posted here up and delete the others.
CP is the ultimate form of freeze peach, i do not get why you are so opposed to it BO. maybe those terabytes of CP on your hard drive perhaps?


Replies: >>606
Captcha won't load so I can't report, please BO ban this faggot agitator
Replies: >>610
He's on Tor, I can't ban him for any length of time or you get banned too.
I see there is no bypass to post here, if there was you could ban by unique bypass.
Oh well, I still believe you should at least delete useless shitposting and trolling posts such as >>612 and >>613

The captcha system here is awful anyway. No way to switch to a different type?
Replies: >>616
Sturgeon is working on something for the Tor ban issue, no idea what he's doing specifically but he's working on it.
The captcha is part of jschan, I think, i'm not sure even sturgeon has a choice to change it, it's different but once you get the hang of it, it works well, might be harder to crack for spammers too.
Assuming >>621 can be unlocked, may I suggest we use it as host for content to shoot down Duginism and related doctrines, by editing the thread's title into our former 
National Bolshevism Exposed
Replies: >>684 >>779
I'll consider it.
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/monarchy/ thanks /fascist/ for their jewel.
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/monarchy/ asks /fascist/ for aid in the /tkr/-/monarchy/ war.
And requests they visit the 8moe /tkr/ meta to shitpost or RP attack for our side.
just create a new thread, dumbass
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There is a very pointed and intentional blackout of all threads, information or mention of the Russian war against Ukraine.
One can only speculate ((( why ))) that is.

I have repeatedly told you to use the news thread and that if you truly think that a thread specifically for the Donbass war is necessary, to put in the requisite effort and make one, do one of those two things. If you can't manage that, just shut up
You mean on this board?
There is a very simple reason: this is not /pol/ and current event discussion is not strictly the focus of this board.

If you want to discuss whether groups fighting in Ukraine against Russia are legit fascist or not, open a new thread about it.
So are there actual Fascists operating in the world in a meaningful way? If so, who and where? Wouldn't this be the board to discuss it?
Replies: >>876
 If they're smart you won't know ever this until SHTF at the very least.
 Yes feel free to discuss it here, in the appropriate threads, the Race war thread is one place.
Replies: >>879
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Replies: >>880 >>881
lolno, they aren't cowards like you
Replies: >>891
((( /pol/ )))
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Shills claim to be disinterested and unmotivated to take sides in the "fake war" yet there's at least two pro-Putin banners being used on the site and the ((( Z ))) psyop is unambiguous government propaganda.
Why not just admit that you chose the losing side and are trying to downplay the daily butthurt you have to suffer watching Russian orcs get curb stomped?
Replies: >>882 >>885
I don't know if subtle shilling is actually the motivation for choosing to use russian propaganda as a banner or if its simply due lack of better judgment, but either way it makes this site look like its picking a side.
Replies: >>891
Stop using this thread you fucking retard, this is a meta discussion about the board rules, not about your personal opinions on current events.
Go to the proper thread or I hereby request BO to ban your newfaggot ass.
Replies: >>886 >>891
What is smarter? To blast your intentions for all your enemies to see, and constrain oneself to only legal or "legal" alternatives or to strike from the shadows, like Hitler, however you wish to do so, until your enemy is weak enough for you to capitalize on?
At best one could claim the owner of /v/ and /pol/? are choosing to support russia, or are just using memes they find aesthetic, AFAIK the site admin doesn't manage any board aside from /meta/ and I have seen no banners for either side there, but I only visit rarely, and regardless, even if he did, as long as he doesn't touch my board unless there's a cp spam bot or sitewide attack, I don't really care.
I have repeatedly told you that until sturgeon fixes it, I cannot ban anyone using Tor for more than a second, or all Tor users are banned.
I have no idea why Russia-niggers come here to bitch about Ukraine winning.
Replies: >>893
>strike from the shadows
Only an option under optimal conditions, not when your ancestral homeland has been invited by a jewish dictator with imperial ambitions.
>site admin doesn't manage any board
Yes xe does. sturgeon, alexander and rapeman are all heavily invested in micromanaging /b/ which only amplifies their radioactive glow since it's easily the shittiest board on the entire site but it's still muh legacy board so glowies still place a high value on it
Replies: >>894 >>896
has been invaded*
can you repeat this without crying?
Replies: >>900
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>without crying?
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Replies: >>904
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>y-yeah I g-got him with that one
Replies: >>906
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Keep running, faggots
Replies: >>907
Replies: >>910
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are you sure about that
Replies: >>909
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LOL America lost 50,000 men after 10 years in Vietnam. Russia loses twice that many in under a year.
Where's your s-sage, copefag?
>y-yeah I g-g-got him with that one
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If Russia wasn't such a completely corrupt commie shithole, jewtin would have already been pulled out of one of his palaces and strung up in Red Square for his constant stream of failures, his trashing of the economy, the theft of the future from young people and the pointless slaughter of 100,000 Russian citizens.
Replies: >>912
ukraine speaks russian
Replies: >>913
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Not anymore.
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>I, in keeping with fashBO's wishes, want to keep this on the clearnet as long as possible otherwise
I'm impressed, I had no clue that there was even a new /fascist/ until today. 

t. OG fashBO
If no a larp, why'd you go dark? Did you just go quiet until you thought everything with 16chan blew over?
Is 16chan coming back?
Replies: >>999 >>1064
If it's really you, nice to see you're still around.
Fairly sure it's dead dead, unless you have some news from either the Admin or Owner of 16chan, regardless, I'm keeping /fascist/ here.
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>>1 (OP) 

Good to see somebody carrying the torch. Keep up the good work.
Is this really you?
Why did you up and disappear, deleting the existing bunkers? It is not true that there was no traffic on /fascist/ even after 16chan was shut down. Couldn't you just offer the janitoring to some volunteers before deciding to delete everything because you were busy?
If this is really you I am glad to know you are fine, but post a proof at least.
Friendly reminder, /christian/ is full of literal cucks and lolcows who love niggers and kikes above fellow white man.

Replies: >>1066
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With challenge comes experience, only by quitting the game can the loss in a hand or draw be converted into failure. 

 We kicked around hivechan until it crumbled, the precipitous drop in traffic showed the value of your previous efforts. Are you back on Matrix?

16chan was shut down by the owner 663, no one knows what happened but apparrently he's ok. Theory is he was doorknocked by the cucknadian feds. Weather the server was shut down and deleted or seized is up for conjecture. I hope 663 returns in the same way as fashBO here. 

Endchan may be a reasoable bunker for here, i post with the SO there occasionally who seems solid.  I know that the board /ausneets/ has a persistent troll and commie problem.
I have the question about why the SO ghosted me on matrix after the site snow crashed.
Replies: >>1074
Using tvch as proof for your post is the perfect example of pot calling the kettle black
Replies: >>1071
tvch ain't that bad, you just need to filter out the lolcows.
Replies: >>1077
i didn't ghost you. i was too busy IRL. i wish to talk to you again. i sent you messages. sorry for being away for too long. it was for the same reasons as the 1st FashBO did. and i want to talk to the current one as well
yes its me, the HiveMoot. i want to talk to the Australian as well as the BO. i apologize for being away for too long. had to deal woth other issues and so things were delayed. hope you guys can forgive me. now that i am active again, we can talk in private so as not to clog this thread up. i will explain there what happened
Replies: >>1076
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No worries mate. I am glad you are still playing the game.
>you just need to filter out the lolcows
So basically 99% of the site then?
Replies: >>1079
pretty much, it's like going to a landfill looking for diamonds
not sure where else to put this, but I recently discovered that you can look up old youtube videos with
(keywords) before:2012-01-01
as an example. I've rediscovered some good stuff this way.
I have a personal project, and I was very interested in the optional flags. Could the board admin please share them? In whatever way is easiest, I don't want to get in the way too much.
Please, I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
Replies: >>1417
What optional flags?
Replies: >>1418
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These here.
Replies: >>1420
I took them from some vexillology website, what do you want them for?
Replies: >>1424
You don't understand. I need them small, like the ones here. Wouldn't it be possible to share a zip folder with them?
Replies: >>1427
No I don't have them small, I put the full file in and the website does the conversion, You can take them from posts using the flags though.
Isn't there supposed to be some sort of christian containment thread?
Replies: >>1471
There is, the Anti-Abrahamism thread, why?
Replies: >>1472
Anti-abrahamism is for anti-abrahamism. Not for christians
Replies: >>1473 >>1474
Board owner made abundantly clear that christcuckery is not welcome here.
Remembering what christcuck spammers and trolls did to neinchan, I fully agree with him.
Christcucks are free to go there and spew their nonsense, it is the only fitting place, as I have watched every thread specifically for Christianity turn out to be nothing beyond another Anti-abrahamism thread, idk 10 to fifteen separate times now, so to avoid cluttering the catalogue with worthless threads about muh Jesus, muh Christ Fascism, blah blah blah, I decided that any Questions about christniggery will go there. 
You want questions about christcuckery answered you will ask them there, or you will not ask them at all.
Have I made myself clear?
New /fascist/ and the BO keeps Christians in their place? Nice.

If I could give you one piece of advice it would be to delete those circumcision psyop threads you see a lot on 4/pol/. Discussing the topic is important of course but constantly throwing pictures of it in people's faces is almost as bad as porn spam imo.

Thoughts on advertising this place on frenschan? They seem like mostly former redditors so I could understand wanting to keep this place low-key.
Replies: >>1525
Thank you and fortunately nobody has created one yet. 
As for frenschan, no, I haven't considered advertising there if any of /fascist/'s former users that aren't already here, are smart they'll find their way here
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<It is easier than ever before to make propaganda.
Replies: >>1554 >>1840

What is it?
I thought it was.moe
Replies: >>1841
I'm not making propaganda, I'm just making beautiful art praising eternal values while I wait for the country to blow up due to jewish incompetence. Nothing to see here!
It's both, .se is a back-up domain, if I recall there's three domain's not including their Redchanit shit.
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Ecofascist loli anon here, it's been a while but I hope you are doing well
Replies: >>2785
You can find the second version of the Calisthenics Archive in post >>1938 and download it using the following link:
Can you please change the captcha. So may people aren’t posting here just because of the captcha.
Replies: >>2174 >>2177 >>2203
Take that up with Sturgeon, I can't change the captcha he uses, and it is astonishingly simple, yes it is sometimes frustrating but It only comes up on this board every now and then, I haven't had to do it in months.
There is no captcha
Actually never mind I get it now, although sometimes it gets pretty hard. So that leaves the question, why don’t more people post here? People leaving frenschan because they’re against “fedposting” and etc…
Replies: >>2204 >>2209
I have no idea, maybe they don't like the way I run it or just think sturgeon is an idiot, or they abandon the clearnet entirely, many possible reasons, and to be clear I only have the captcha on for thread creation atm, as an additional low intellect and low effort filter, and the triggers for universal captcha and locking are set at about 50 posts per hour, and 5 threads per hour.
Frenschan seems to be slowly loosening the rules around "fedposting", as for why they aren't posting here, it is because /fascist/ looks dead.
Replies: >>2210
It's only "dead" because people aren't here posting, and unlike frenschan's administration and userbase Sturgeon hasn't interfered here at all, and aside from some whiny bitches when we set up here none of the sites users has complained, or even bothered us, honestly from what I can tell, as long as we respect the global rules, he will not interfere.
Replies: >>2211
I agree, but the people who go on frenschan rarely start conversations, they prefer to react instead. A certain threshold of activity is needed before users start migrating here.
Replies: >>2212
Then consider me fine with the situation, I don't like dealing with derads every day.
Haven't been around in a long time, but frenschan posters are undesirables.
Replies: >>2786
>ecofascist lolicon
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jfl frenschans rules are cucked
>no anti wymyn
Collection of useful 3rd position resources:
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Replies: >>3198
>anon cafe where /fascist/ was originally kicked out from

This spam should just be deleted on the spot
Replies: >>3220 >>3228
this glownigger board should be deleted on its entirety but alas.


Replies: >>3231 >>3247
Anime is Aryan you dumb Jew.
Nice one. Not like the k BO on cafe who whined about fascist was a literal glownigger or anything.
/fascist/ won, rest in piss anon.cafe.
I want to talk to the BO on matrix. We have a matrix instance as a bunker. 
Replies: >>3367 >>3369
Why not talk to me right here
Replies: >>3370
Even if i wanted to join, it's not accessible as a public room
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my board got spammed >>3322
I can DM you but I cant remember your matrix handle. 
Replies: >>3790
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CulturedThug is back
Replies: >>3551
Unless he shot himself for how own admittance of having non-white blood, and disavowed his retarded civic nationalism, nobody cares.
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B-b-but baysed Russia iz supposed to sayve da huwite rayce guise!
Replies: >>3791 >>3795 >>3812
Hope you're doing well, lemon thief
>a country cared enough about sleepy to ban it
Replies: >>3794
It is probably a mile-long list that some kike bureaucrat adds to every few months when any  jew finds a website with a swastika posted to it.
that is beyond based
/fascist/ is nothing but faggot posers

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST IF you have nothing of merit to say, do not say anything at all

Replies: >>3796
this except unironically

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST IF you have nothing of merit to say, do not say anything at all

Replies: >>3810
>orlog still fuming
Your only accomplishment in life is being able to delete other user's posts.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Contribute meaningfully or don't come back

Replies: >>3817
i was not ironic
this place is so fucking laughable i bet admin is brown 
they love jews so much they wont let you offend them , how very fascist!
Replies: >>3821
Russia banned Nazi symbols from at least 2021, why is anyone surprised now?
Replies: >>3817
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>so arse-shattered you ban the same post twice
At least you're back to public bans instead of sneaky deletions, it's not much but it's progress.

Because they're refugees that fell for le based trad puccia "meme"
Replies: >>3824
>the won't let you offend them
But kiketin is a shitskin-loving, pedophilic eurasian ashkenazi mutt?
Replies: >>3825
I only banned it the second time to fix a typo in the ban message, no other way to fix it. So, just deal with it you whiny bitch, you're lucky I didn't ban you for evading.
They're literally retarded, this borad has been aware that Putin is a jew for at least 5 years now. I think it funny that anybody thinks retards simping for Putin offends the jew when most of the Ashkenazim in Israel came there from Russia.
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