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Sieg Heil!

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Get your shit together, Blackshirts

Books and Info:
>EasyPeasy Method (free yourself from porn)
>Calisthenics Archive
>Convict Conditioning (Calisthenics)
Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness - Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength
Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, and Bulletproof Joints
>Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
gotta find a copy will edit and attach later

Previous Threads

if any links are dead let me know in the meta thread >>1 and I will try to find replacements.
Last edited by orlog
Some anon copied this from the endchan/pol/ board:
Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves

<OLD THREAD >>12552532

""Go to the gym, or start a body weight routine fat ass. Don’t neglect cardio, go for a morning run. Take a cold shower. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night, avoid stimulants in the late afternoon. Become a morning person and get up early.""

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=XtDc_iJ-j-M

""Hygiene is important. BRUSH YOUR TEETH TWICE A DAY FOR 2 MINUTES, don’t forget to floss. Make your own toothpaste. Get a tongue scraper too. Your tongue should be a nice pink color, not white or yellow. This is not some ancient, long forgotten secret, but its amazing how many people neglect oral health - it’s just as important as lifting. Deodorants containing aluminium salts are toxic, avoid their use at all costs. You can make your own spray from baking soda, water and a few drops of a nice smelling essential oil. This will stop body odour without making you sterile.""

""Lower your carb intake and eat more animal fat. Eat lots of organic meat and fish. The (((  food pyramid  ))) overestimates the amount of carbs you should be eating - stop consuming excessive amounts. Do not eat feminized products soyboy. Treat yourself to an occasional glass of good red wine. Try intermittent fasting, a simple 18/6 routine can work wonders.""

""Do not breed with roasties or THOT’s. Find a wholesome waifu. Do not expect to meet a wholesome girl in a bar, nightclub or university campus. Plan a family. Raise strong men and respectable women who will lead in the race war.""

""Meditate. It calms the mind, builds discipline and is an ancient, tried and tested method of building mental clarity, control and spirituality. Start today, it only takes 10 minutes.""

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=Q-L2ZKYMsag

""Do not act like a nigger, do not steal, rob or vandalize. Violence should be used sparingly when there is no other option, you are not a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degeneracy of feminism.""

""Stop consuming (((  pornography  ))). Oh, you think that you’re not addicted to porn? Prove it. Try to go without porn or fapping for a whole week. Then aim for a month. Its harder than you think.""

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU

>h ttps://hooktube.com/watch?v=7oFVOJf0TzY

""Quit playing video games faggot. Do something productive, write something or build something. Plan your career, climb the ranks or start a business. Learn something useful.""

""We need more strong, kike-free men in positions of power.""

""Now get off the internet, go /out/side and get some sun. Go for a hike. Go camping. Join some wholesome clubs and make some normal friends. Do not reveal your power level to normalfags, drip feed them redpills. Stop smoking cigs and don't do drugs. Don't watch degenerate (((  media  ))) and read some good books. You can easily source used books cheaply from local stores or online.""

>h ttps://w ww.abebooks.com/

""Work towards owning property and/or land. Don’t waste your time and money buying new cars on finance, it is a jewish trick.""

""Save 10% of your income for a rainy day, even a little will go a long way. Stash some money in safe alternate forms, like silver and gold (maybe a little crypto too, but be cautious).""

""Become informed on prepping and homesteading, make sure you’re ready when SHTF.""

""This is your life now.""

The following are what i assume are posts by the OP of the thread  on Endchan taken from within the thread:

OP here, decided to try expand with some concepts and ideas to help any good NatSoc or Fascist on the long path to becoming an overman. There were always a good few questions regarding mindset and how to steel yourself for the coming tide so i'll post something regarding that.

The first thing for any man seeking to improve is to understand the disctinction between motivation and dedication as hinted in the original image. It is the very core of your development. The best analogy I came up with is to imagine a forest and within the said forest imagine a great tree. This regal creation full of verdant leaves and ever expanding branches of noble oak expands and grows forever onwards and can weather come what may. The only way to destroy the oak, much like a man whose heart is filled with fire and dedication, is to fell it completely, to tear it assunder. Much like man, it can weather storms, bear deep scars and face almost anything thrown at it. Only the most cataclysmic event can fell the tree or the spirit of a steeled man.

Motivation, by comparison, is the leaves of this grand oak. They come and go, felled by everything from a breeze to being displaced foraging creature. Much like a leaf, motivation is fleeting in it's nature, a fluid thing that changes form at the smallest whim. This is the defining difference between the two mindsets and must be understood before one is to start upon the road of achieving greatness. Once a man has taken this realisation, he can begin the path to mastering his own fate, free of semetic and degenerate influences. He no longer will require strength from outside sources but can find his own, whether from the drive to protect his family or to becoming a man willing to stand for his people.

So now we understand the fundamental idea behind real self improvement we move onto expanding upon the topic; the reason to fight. Not merely fight in a physical aspect but in what one could potentially term a "spiritual" way. Allow me to explain.

A man can steel his body, sculpt a perfect example of the European man's true form through hard work indeed. But there needs to be a deeper purpose to it. Merely identifying a deeper purpose is just the first step, it must become an entrenched bulwark for the mind to detect and defend against potential corruption influences (nihilism, ego death etc). Let us begin.

So, let us state an obvious goal we all share; the protection and propagation of the European peoples and their long term survival in a world of chaos and deeply embedded corruption. Now this sounds a rather grand and sometimes almost impossible feat but the truth is it is much simpler than it first appears. The initial routes to dedication must come from personal aspects and expand from that, the roots must be bedded deep as it were. Therefore a wise decision is to attempt to begin with family or a loved one. As a European man, your role, first and foremost, is the protection of those you hold dear. Blood. Ethnic nation. Race. For some expanding this to your entire racial group is fairly easy, for others it can be challenging, hence this approach.

So, how can one protect those he loves? Each person decides different priorities when it comes to this but for the most part in my experience the overarching concepts are;

- Physical mastery. To become strong enough to protect them in case of attack. It does not need to simply be an immediate threat but a long term threat such as encroaching (((  diversity  ))) or some such. Use that initial fear as a drive. Realise this is a fear to be conquered and overwhelmed by your dedication to physical improvement and sheer will. Once you have begun to improve and grow stronger you will find this fear replaced with instinctive awareness and the fight reflex in place more firmly than before. This is just part of mastering your physical world though for you must also remember the world you live in; food may be plentiful but the items of plentitude are rather vile and poor for you. A man can buy a Big Mac for a couple of pound but if he wishes to buy real meat without hormone treatment or factory farmed you'll be paying a fair bit more. As the old adage goes, you are what you eat so if you wish to master your physical aspects you must first understand the fuel you are taking in. I will expand further on this point at a later date however.

- A drive to provide stability. Any man of noble spirit and heart wishes to ensure his family and his people deserve a place to rest easy. We are often deprived of this by the hate fuelled semetic parasites who force the outsider upon us in an effort to drive us to the brink. We are forced to live among Negroes, Arabs and assorted other unwelcome offshoots of humanity resulting in a devastation of the European spirit for it is forced to live in a state of constant threat and unending aggression commited against ourselves. Thusly we must forge new homestead and bastions far from the maddening crowd and in order to do that we must provide both financial capabilities and emotional succor in the interim. As a man this is vital and must become a key aspect to any improvements you make, be it for personal or familial reasons. A man can begin the path to /sig/ but if he is trapped within the belly of the beast he can only go so far in such a vile environment. You must become the unmoving mountain of both physical and emotion aspects.

- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be

OP here, decided to try expand with some concepts and ideas to help any good NatSoc or Fascist on the long path to becoming an overman. There were always a good few questions regarding mindset and how to steel yourself for the coming tide so i'll post something regarding that.

The first thing for any man seeking to improve is to understand the disctinction between motivation and dedication as hinted in the original image. It is the very core of your development. The best analogy I came up with is to imagine a forest and within the said forest imagine a great tree. This regal creation full of verdant leaves and ever expanding branches of noble oak expands and grows forever onwards and can weather come what may. The only way to destroy the oak, much like a man whose heart is filled with fire and dedication, is to fell it completely, to tear it assunder. Much like man, it can weather storms, bear deep scars and face almost anything thrown at it. Only the most cataclysmic event can fell the tree or the spirit of a steeled man.

Motivation, by comparison, is the leaves of this grand oak. They come and go, felled by everything from a breeze to being displaced foraging creature. Much like a leaf, motivation is fleeting in it's nature, a fluid thing that changes form at the smallest whim. This is the defining difference between the two mindsets and must be understood before one is to start upon the road of achieving greatness. Once a man has taken this realisation, he can begin the path to mastering his own fate, free of semetic and degenerate influences. He no longer will require strength from outside sources but can find his own, whether from the drive to protect his family or to becoming a man willing to stand for his people.
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>>155 (OP) 
>Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness - Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength
This seemed cool and all until just a few pages into the introduction we meet...
>The Mighty Atom
>one of the most famous strongmen of all time. Standing at just 5’4” and weighing 140 lbs.
>He broke out of chains
>drove spikes into pine planks with his palms
>bit penny nails clean in half
>in 1928, he prevented an airplane from taking off, by pulling on a rope attached to it. He didn’t even bother to use his hands — he tied the rope to his hair.
>He was famously able to change a car tire with no tools — he unscrewed the bolts bare-handed before lift- ing the car up and slipping on the spare!
>In the mid nineteen-thirties he was viciously attacked by six burly longshoreman, and he hurt them so badly that as a result of the brawl all six had to be sent to hospital
>he regularly bent steel bars like hairpins
Uh... Yeah ok. Then I went to look further into this "Mighty Atom" guy, here's an excerpt from his wikipedia page
>Joseph L. Greenstein better known as The Mighty Atom
>born to a Jewish family in Suwałki, Poland
>Greenstein traveled with Volanko and the Issakoff Brothers Circus for eighteen months, learning the strongman's training regimen
>The Houston Daily Post reported that a friend of Greenstein accidentally shot him in the middle of the forehead.
>The report states the bullet did not enter his skull, and "flattened out against his forehead".
>Later in life, Greenstein sold coconut oil soaps and health elixirs at fairs and farmers' markets
>Greenstein continued performing his strongman feats well into his eighties

How am I supposed to take the rest of the book seriously when it presents a snake oil selling Jewish conman's tales of blatant bullshit as examples of what you're to achieve with its teachings? Am I to believe the nazis shoved 25 cm of wood up his ass but he managed to crush it with his mighty ass cheeks and shoot it back at the nazi, decapitating him and freeing 6 trillion Jews from a nazi death camp too?
Replies: >>166 >>190
just read the book. it's style is bad but the actual instructions are good.
Replies: >>3338
The books wouldn't be recommended if they didn't have good info, those are the stories of what he did whether they are truth or not is up to you to decide, and there are many Aryan men talked about as well, in equally idolizing terms, if that is what a jew could do with calisthenics imagine what an Aryan could do.
Convict Conditioning seems promising but how does it compare with similar books live Naked Warrior by Paul Tsatsouline?
Replies: >>226
Just read Starting Strength and skip this weird shit lol
Replies: >>227
It was bundled in the calisthenics archive with that book, they both cover different things, CC is more on basic progressive Calisthenics and Naked Warrior is on more specialised techniques.
Calisthenics is about training your body and increasing your strength with your body never turning your body against itself and puts more focus on joint strength and actiuve motion and active strectching than from what I recall in Starting Strength which has to do almost exclusively with barbell training which does not train your muscles as a unit, and does extreme damage to your joints, even a single mishap can end your life or your ability to move without extreme pain, Calisthenics are the superior strength training option, and when I can redo the Calisthenics Archive, there is a book entirely on gaining mass and another for more advanced calisthenic techniques.
What is everybody doing for cardio? I've been running for a while now and have gotten my 5k time down to 25:16 with tempo and interval runs.
>ACAB all coomers are bastards therefore ban it all
good luck with that i already have most of my shit in a 4tb NAS storage
trolling aside why are coomers the universal scapegoat of society's problems these days how come nobody is actively persecuting the producers behind it. Why blame US instead? is it easier this way? we are just doing our thing and then suddenly everything is our faults now rather than jews
for lolis ive seen people use the same exact rhetoric even though im not a gigacoomer myself

>but mindgeek is jewish (incase you asked)
i just download all my shit from random imageboards or a reliable pirate website hosted in a third world country most of the crap on pornhub is 360p reposted garbage fuck that kiked shithole i almost got virus there

(serious) i swear to god whenever i go to woman hate threads on another chan board (cakedgov /b/) it looks like nofappers have an unreal hatred for the opposite sex yet completely opposed to jewish porn unlike those on incel forums can someone explain this phenomenon? arent we supposed to be caring for each other
Replies: >>337
Is this a good schedule I literally do nothing all day waiting for a single class for welding that comes once a week for college I dont know what to do with my self I used to have a pretty good system before covid in High school but don't remember it + it focused primarily around me doing sports.

wake up at 5am meditate for 10mins 
brush teeth 
hike for 30+ (I'd prefer not jogging in town because i feel like i'd be embarrassing)
read and write my interpretations of the what im reading
play vidya or watch Murdoch Murdoch etc
idk what to do from here tbh I don't really want to workout at night or early morning the college is filled with niggers that got scholarships for sports there is a gym but it costs money and i'd prefer to only be paying for the dorms and food everyday its so boring and bland playing hoi4 all day eating then going to sleep i need to get back to it improving myself instead of wasting away playing vidya all day so ya i need serious help
Replies: >>335 >>346 >>2157
Use the Calisthenics books provided, most of them don't require anything more than you and an armless chair or low bench, no need to pay the gym, you can easily do most of them while listening to your murdoch murdoch, or whatever, some even while watching it. the only expense to make doing the exercises easier would be a pull up bar and some different height like step stools or whatever those foam steps are called, that gyms usually have laying around.
Replies: >>339 >>369
I like no one replied to this guy. Clearly shows that anons do not even bother entertaining those different from them. An improvement, I shall say. There should be a policy where if someone who does not behave like us posts something, we should not reply.
Replies: >>338
He's literally a GGnigger or one of Josh's retarded trolls from 9chan. They're a waste of time and space.
ok ill give it a try
The schedule sounds good enough, but the most important part is getting started. Once you get going, you'll drop or add what seems best to you, and eventually have a concrete habit. Just take the first step, and you're good.
Replies: >>369
For a while I would run a few miles every day in the early morning then plan the rest of my routine around that. I would add in calisthenic exercises immediately before or after to balance things out. I think that starting with one consistent habit like that and then adding things to your routine is the way to go.
>>155 (OP) 
>EasyPeasy meme
I've seen this around a lot, but never looked into it. So far it's promised me:
>You'll stop even wanting porn
>It won't be hard
>You need no willpower
>It will be basically instant on finishing the book
This all leaves me quite sceptical, but I'll give it a shot. I've been trying to kick this for years.
Replies: >>442
It's not an instant cure, but it does show you the path forward with a method that actually works. The idea is not to quit porn, but to rewire your brain so that you lose desire for it.
Replies: >>492
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I finished the book. It actually worked, I'm still surprised several days later.
Thanks to OP for sharing good resources.
its really cute though
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No one cares whether if it is aspect of older boards or history. No one comes here for anime itself. Anime is still a product of consumerism, (((   waifuism   ))) actively discourage men from procreating, encourages and advocates race-mixing, and was pioneered by a communist who was into adolescent boys. This board is about fascism and for fascists who take it seriously. Obsessing over gook toons is a product of consumerist mentality via lolberg, and means you don't take fascism seriously at all. If it is an issue that you cannot live without gook toons within fascism, then don't call yourself a fascist, call yourself a faggot and go to /pol/. You should love your own culture not someone else's.
Replies: >>996 >>1008 >>1016
>You should love your own culture not someone else's
Try telling that to a shitskin. Shitskins deep down desperately hate their culture and love White people's culture. But can't admit that they hate White people. But I digress.
Replies: >>1006
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I'm not like everyone else my age. I have been looked after a lot throughout my life, which has resulted in a lot of social challenges in my life. I can't leave home without thinking about all the situations that can happen if I don't get home before night falls. I am extremely homesick, and I miss my family immensely if i leave home. I have no respect for my parents, both because they have in no way taught me that you MUST do certain things, and because they have looked after me so well and done everything for me. How do I break this. I want to manage myself, I don't want to sit and watch TV with my father every night as an eighteen-year-old. 
I have an inner fear of being away from home, my parents not knowing where I am. I have sat in front of my computer my entire life, and thus have never experienced any kind of resistance. I think this is what you call a helicopter parenting.
Replies: >>1003 >>1004
Don't namefag.
Replies: >>1004
Here's an in-depth guide written by me:
                           JUST FUCKING DO IT YOU PUSSY                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Hope it helps.
Eat shit and die, retard.
>Try telling that to a shitskin.
Shitskins are stupid and should stop doing that. They should learn to follow their own culture and leave ours alone. 

>Shitskins deep down desperately hate their culture and love White people's culture. But can't admit that they hate White people
They do this, because they acknowledge that White culture is superior indeed, but refuse to publicly admit its greatness by lying on how it was not built by Whites even though we have numerous evidence that niggers were only picking cotton and tons of photos of White laborers constructing everything that defines or represents our culture and way of life. No matter how much they LARP as a European they never will be one and never will be able to construct anything as great as Whites do. This arrogance also will be their undoing.
Replies: >>1028
>You should love your own culture not someone else's.
As a German, I like anime because for years now it has loved my culture more than most of my people love their own culture. There are works in the genre of anime, manga and Japanese light novels that touch on subjects from my culture, that you cannot find in contemporary German media. To find them, I would have to pick up a book from an antiquarian bookshop and even if I do that, there is the problem that most of these books aren't fun to read. There is a generational divide, even if you ignore the destruction and indoctrination that Germany had to suffer, that is difficult to bridge and so this kind of literature is not suited for entertainment that rests the spirit and allows one to relax.

Further more anime allows a younger generation to come into contact with these older subjects, from which they are completely isolated if they just remain inside contemporary German culture and by it's virtue of being "foreign", it flies under the radar and is tolerated in the open. Only by looking outside the contemporary German cultural sphere are we able to relearn what we have lost and can then go looking for it in our own country.
Replies: >>1013
>I like anime because for years now it has loved my culture more than most of my people love their own culture.
Where does anime love your culture? I don't know why you weebs use this argument, because it is lacking and often the ones who use examples ends up proving my point that anime is actually degenerate.  

>here are works in the genre of anime, manga and Japanese light novels that touch on subjects from my culture,
There are also works of Japan that degrade and degenerate your culture for perversion, plus I rarely seen cases of anime actually celebrating German culture in a sense that it is truly respectable and illberal, whether an anime likes your culture or not. It Is still not an excuse to be a consumerist who engages in activity that has no purpose to fascist causes, unless you want to admit that you're a soyboy who needs to consume product in other to enjoy the joys of life, which many weebs admit they do.

> that you cannot find in contemporary German media
I see this cope argument a-lot from anime fans. I have seen plenty of German media that celebrates our culture, whether it is from the past or present. What I conclude the issue being is that people like you say this to justify anime as the lesser of evil when it comes to deconstructing White cultures, or maybe anime has occupied your minds so much that you make claims from one-sided perspectives to validate that there is an excuse of watching it. Even though it has a large number of works attempting to rid of biological and sexual norms (trans shit, cross-dressing, LGBT content). Many are even accepting to the idea of a foreigner coming to their country and mixing with their own race.

>here is the problem that most of these books aren't fun to read. 
That's a personal problem. Not an actual problem, zigger. 

>There is a generational divide
<we ziggers needs pretty pictures, oversexualized cartoons, and theme-park theatrics in order to enjoy our ethnic culture's literature and constructs
You don't sound very German to me and aren't giving me much hope in the newer generations. 

>that is difficult to bridge and so this kind of literature is not suited for entertainment that rests the spirit and allows one to relax
I don't know why you typed this out, because you're sounding and looking more like a redditor as I continue to read your post. Cartoons can't "reset" the spirit (this doesn't even make any sense lol). What you are stating are not real issues, but merely personal problems that are bullshit. The internal and external conflicts that many young guys, such as yourself, are a result of the general modern environment that most Gen Zers have succumbed to, and that is consumerism, nihilism, laziness, and conformity that the jew implants within young minds. This is one of the reasons why many of the youth looks up to niggers or consume complete garbage nowadays which explains why they excel at being the dumbest generation as shown by tiktok and twitter. We as fascists (or at-least National Socialists) do not succumb to these things, because they are TOXIC and bred degeneracy. They have us neglect our ethnic faith and spirit, otherwise you get men who are sexually frustrated porn addicts and introverts, which their loyalties to a corporation of Japan. If the new generation cannot come to love what their forefathers have created in the past, then its because they lack spirit, and are occupied by foreign ideas or maybe they are just simply mutts. 

>Further more anime allows a younger generation to come into contact with these older subjects
No it doesn't. Weebs have only become massive degenerates and hypocrites as result of anime that many literally mock them for when they go around quoting Evola's quote on the modern world and then proceed to look at pornographic material. Some weebs even reject Evola and want to accelerate technological progress. This is especially true for when it comes to types like groypers/af-tards, futurists, incels, or cuckchan culture in general. Why do you think so many trannies are into anime as well? Because it is oversexualized and trannies sympathize with animes' common questioning of sexuality and reinforcement of the concept of gender. You shouldn't depend on consumerism to enlighten you in particular subjects, because they're not going to a very good job of it in the first place. All enlightening things are discovered by passing the information to your fellow comrades or you simply discover them yourself. Another soy talking point from you.

>from which they are completely isolated 
The solution isn't to accept the jews' terms.

>they just remain inside contemporary German culture
Boy oh boy are you sounding like a faggot. Again, the solution isn't to pretend to be something you're not, via Japanese. Should young people fully accept what entails within anime and become pathetic losers who have no loyalty towards their people and culture, because they "think" anime does things they like better. That's how you get gay losers like Funetes and his fans going around complaining about how real women are inferior and "le 2D is supreme!!"? This nothing more but a reinforcement of escapism and delusions which encourages passiveness and submission. This sounds like you and many of the youth are fully accepting of the jewish world and their transhumanism they have in plan. Most animes do not represent Western culture as nothing more, but a form of consumerism in itself. It is ignorant and arrogant to think this is a healthy form of mindset. Why call yourself a nationalist if you have no motive in protecting what your ancestors built, or hell, why even be here? 

>Only by looking outside the contemporary German cultural sphere
In the end Anime does not support German cultural sphere and never will. All it has done is support modern Japan. It perverts other cultures for its own usage. You shouldn't support a thing that does not directly support your own culture. You're making poor excuses for why you are in-favor of degeneration of our culture through media.
Replies: >>1017 >>1032
Don't confuse the medium with the content. That being said, a lot of anime is pure garbage aimed at a degenerate audience, but if you get triggered by pictures of cute anime girls, I'm afraid you don't stand a chance in this struggle as it indicates that you would easily get manipulated by other means. You'd also be missing on subtle redpills and contents based exclusively on white culture (that may substitute the lack of actual white culture in the modern age). 

Fascism is merely a means to an end.
Replies: >>1020
>Where does anime love your culture? 
There is nothing wrong wioth one availing themselves of entertainment that they feel portrays their culture in a positive light, there are many Anime and Manga that do so, it is more difficult to find but it does exist, I do not think he was arguing that all anime portrays it to be so and you will never find anyone who does, the japanese have as much anti-white material as they do material that portrays whites in a positive manner, and many issues are borne out of anti-white translators and not the source material.
>There are also works of Japan that degrade 
This isn't really an argument, and especially not a sound one, being largely based on your anecdotal evidence and your own personal interpretation of things, even so everyone even the most stringent of National Socialists needs time to decompress, and there is nothing wrong with them finding some media that helps them do so whether that be playing a video game, or watching an anime, a smart and educated NS will take the opportunity to watch for the propaganda within and finetune his senses for more difficult to see things while using it to relax. As long as you aren't paying for it(and most who watch it don't) you aren't doing much more than watching an old NSDAP era movie would do and that's just waste a little time.
>I have seen plenty of German media that celebrates our culture,
There is no contemporary German media that celebrates the Germanic race and German culture as it truly is, but the more degenerate form of today, your argument is as shallow as his here, and completely ignorant, in and of itself, but I rarely see any German media myself as an American, and what does come through mocks Germany to it's core.
>That's a personal problem.
This is so far the only thing you've said that had any merit that Anon should learn how to enjoy reading, Nietzche is quite the entertaining read with all the context of today.
>You don't sound very German to me and aren't giving me much hope in the newer generations. 
Mockery of a less mature soul here, serves nothing but your own ego.
>I don't know why you typed this out, because you're sounding and looking more like a redditor as I continue to read your post. Cartoons can't "reset" the spirit (this doesn't even make any sense lol).
He said that many of the older books are not suited as entertainment to rest the soul, and he would be correct, they are intended to rouse one's spirit, which is not always what one wishes to experience, as such you made up an argument that doesn't attack or address the other Anon's claim in any way.
Gen Z has succumbed to Hedonism more than anything else, which encompasses laziness. Nihilism is a prevailing problem mostly bred out of Christianity and Christian morality, which a good portion of anime lacks in many respects, making it a fair choice for media to rest your soul, if you choose the right ones to watch.
NS has a significant overlap with appreciation Japanese culture mostly due to Hitler's own appreciation of japan, and Hitler would not have begrudged anyone what they needed to get through the struggle of life as it is now and where they fall short he would have pointed them in the right direction rather than berate them.
I saw nowhere that the other Anon said anything about himself not appreciating the older German media he was describing a generality about youth around him.
>futurists, incels, etc.
Most of those bandying about Evolan quotes and having Anime PFP's are christniggers, and derads from Thuletide on, none of them are Futurists, something Evola explicitly encouraged, which are NS who recognize that we need to leave in the past what is not useful for the future, and actively destroy that which is harmful from the past, at it's most basic level.
I'm not entirely sure why you mention incels, the word is a pointless insult that due to the left and rights overuse, has lost any and all meaning beside you disagree with me.
>The solution isn't to accept the jews' terms.
The solution is to encourage them to watch Animes which open their minds ,so that you can get them to read and watch what you wish them to, while we live under occupation it is easier to push them outward from within the bounds of what the occupation has set and then once they're sufficiently open to push them towards the truth. Most of the time this will fail, very few are capable of truly seeing the truth and seeking out more of it from there.
>That's how you get gay losers like Funetes and his fans going around complaining about how real women are inferior and "le 2D is supreme!!"? 
That shit is an /a/ and /d/ meme from long ago, and those who perpetuate it are lost utterly and will not likely survive at all.
>protecting what your ancestors built,
Very little that still exists is worth protecting most of Europe should be razed and purged of anything stemming from christianity whatsoever no matter how old it may be, so that we can begin again to live according to, and in guardianship of, nature.
>In the end Anime does not support German cultural sphere and never will. 
He didn't say it does, he said it could be used as a tool to show what we have lost and there are Anime that do that, and from there can be used as a guide by one's own self or a skilled teacher to push one to look towards past media that can open a persons eyes about their own culture and the truth of it all, as said before it won't always work.

As for your idiocy about ANIME BAD IT MUST NEVER BE USED, It's all a matter of degrees, and the person who decides what is over the line is the BO and not you who seems to be an excessive moralizer.
Replies: >>1018 >>1020
>Nihilism is a prevailing problem mostly bred out of Christianity and Christian morality
Replies: >>1019
Read Nietzche
Replies: >>1021
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> but if you get triggered by pictures of cute anime girls, I'm afraid you don't stand a chance in this struggle 
>That being said, a lot of anime is pure garbage aimed at a degenerate audience
You contradict yourself. If anime is aimed at a degenerate audience, then the picture of a anime girls is questionable and is probably causing degeneracy in a way in itself. It's also funny how many RW weebs always have anime girls profile pictures or worse they create memes where they are the anime girls themselves. If you get triggered when an actual fascist demands you to stop soyjacking over weeb shit and other products of capitalism, then you don't stand a chance at any real-life struggles that are outside of the internet. 

>Muh redpills
Anime is not based off of White culture, which not a single weeb as proven otherwise. It is liberal and consumerist. 

>There is nothing wrong wioth one availing themselves of entertainment
You sure about that buddy? Because as we clearly see within all entertainments and their respective fandoms they always devolve their fans into obsession and forms of mental illness. Look at pic related.

>hey feel portrays their culture in a positive light
Really? Tell me what so positive about LGBT shit and having blond women dress-up like whores in your gook toons? What is so great about having underage children being sexualized? They may respect certain traditions, but in the end they do not fully respect all their traditions that may break them away from the issues that reside within their nation today. Which means they are not fully in for their culture, but the aspects they can or will accept. 

> the japanese have as much anti-white material as they do material that portrays whites in a positive manner
Portraying Whites as sexual objects or presenting the desire to intermix with them isn't positive at all. By the way, if anime as much anti-White content as it does pro-White content, then it supports my point that it is garbage and should be avoided. It is either pro-White or not.  Again these are just cope arguments, because you refuse to face the issue within Western culture and need escapism which is the mentality of a weak man.

>This isn't really an argument, and especially not a sound one
You sound like an idiot claiming that common sense is not a sound argument. I've seen literal animes that take Norse mythology turn them into perverted garbage. Even a weeb can tell you off the bat which animes combines White mythologies and culture with sexual content.

>even so everyone even the most stringent of National Socialists needs time to decompress, and there is nothing wrong with them finding some media that helps them do so whether that be playing a video game, or watching an anime, a smart and educated NS will take the opportunity to watch for the propaganda 
An actual National Socialist wouldn't need nor do any of these things. Hitler didn't do anything of the sort during his time, as his inspiration and motivation was painting, listening to music, and reading books that actually relaxed and broaden his mind, because they were the reinforcement of the Germanic spirit.  A proper National Socialist would not spend his time on the internet consuming garbage, because these things do not educate anyone on particular subject. Your education comes from propaganda as you admitted, but nowhere do I see you argue on how anime has broaden your mind. If you can't find time in your life, then that is your personal problem that needs to be resolved by asking for recommended hobbies. Arguing for and watching National Socialist propagandist alone doesn't make you one a proper one, otherwise we could also consider those psy-op trannies and the bronies who LARP as ones are genuine. There are a hundred things you can do to relax, and anime isn't a good one, so your argument sucks.

>There is no contemporary German media that celebrates the Germanic race and German culture as it truly is,
This is lie and I'll use your words here against you.
<This isn't really an argument, and especially not a sound one, being largely based on your anecdotal evidence and your own personal interpretation of things
You are an American, you don't know what goes on within German media.

>your argument is shallow
You sound upset, because this isn't argument. I would love to see you point out where my argument is shallow, especially when I responded to your assertion that there does not exist German media that celebrates German culture. I would also love for you to explain to me where anime celebrates White culture or if you acknowledge it doesn't, then explain why we should ever watch it. If anything it is simply that you do not find German media interesting, because you have no ties to Germany at all or feel it is necessary to honor your origin any longer. If you are a pagan, you would know why this is important to love your culture.

>but I rarely see any German media myself as an American
Oh I know, Amerimutt. You don't know anything about Germany.

>Mockery of a less mature soul here, serves nothing but your own ego.
You have literally established that you have no cultural loyalty or spiritual ties to Germanic culture, because your view of all Western medias and cultures are one-sided and you shows hints that you view that a culture would be best represented by a particular questionable form of media in order to get the youth to actively engage within it, which is retarded.

>He said that many of the older books are not suited as entertainment to rest the soul
You're not reading what I'm saying. Older books have all the things to say that rest the souls. As I said before, if you cannot find what makes older books so great and why great men such as Mussolini and Hitler were intrigued by them, then it is questionable if you can call yourself a proper fascist or natsoc. Those who cannot understand the spirit of the men they preach, do not understand the beliefs and spirit of these respective men and who they are, but they support the things they want or will receive out of these leaders. All of what you say are personal issues and a negative result of the environment that you are surrounded by and grown to accept. You're giving excuses for why you should continue to be engulfed into this negative surrounding that is affecting your mentality. 

>Nihilism is a prevailing problem mostly bred out of Christianity and Christian morality
While I agree that Christianity is indeed nilhilitisic. Nilihism within this age is a result of ZOG and the deconstruction of traditional culture. Anime reinforces this with escapism.

>NS has a significant overlap with appreciation Japanese culture mostly due to Hitler's own appreciation of japan,
I knew you were going to say this. Note that Hitler appreciated Japan, because of two reasons.
1. They were one of the major forces that accepted National Socialism and were willingly to fight side by side to end a greater threat to both respective nations.
2. Hitler admired only the warrior culture that was of Japan and nothing else. He loved their way of dedication, loyalty, and self-sacrifice towards grander goals that encompassed the betterment of nation as a whole.

But in the end, Hitler still loved his own nation more than foreigner ever could. He understand how to respect others and love Germania. He never needed other cultures in order to love his own. Also note that this was a time of an entirely different Japan that was respectable and centered on honor, so your argument is meaningless here. 

> I saw nowhere that the other Anon said anything about himself not appreciating the older German media he was describing a generality about youth around him.
<here are works in the genre of anime, manga and Japanese light novels that touch on subjects from my culture, that you cannot find in contemporary German media.
<Only by looking outside the contemporary German cultural sphere are we able to relearn what we have lost and can then go looking for it in our own country.
Two of these statements are lies in which that proves that you are just an anime-tard whose trying to justify his love for Japan over your own. Your arguments are of acceptance and in support of the youth who are ASTRAY and what they decide to do, because "contemporary culture bad". I never said that you were wrong in this statement, I'm simply telling you that this isn't what you should be doing as well, dimwit. I do not see you proposing a solution, nowhere did I see you suggesting that this is an inherently negative thing that must be stopped. Stop fellating yourself, please.

>Most of those bandying about Evolan quotes and having Anime PFP's are christniggers,
You're just scape-goating the christians, because no matter the religious background of weebs I've seen many of them all act retarded. Plus, I don't think you understand what this entails if anime is so attractive to christcucks, aka the people who reject ethnicity and native culture. 

> none of them are Futurists
BS, I've seen quite a few of them on twitter and telegram.

>I'm not entirely sure why you mention incels, the word is a pointless insult 
I mention incels, because this is what many weebs unironically identify as and are supportive of, especially when they constantly declare that all White women are coal burners and that "le 2D is superior". The Funetes fandom are prime example of this.

>The solution is to encourage them to watch Animes which open their minds
Most reddit statement I've read tonight. Next you'll tell me that hentai is enlighten of the soul and spirit. Again show me where anime opens minds. No one becomes a fascist or natsoc because of anime.

>so that you can get them to read and watch what you wish them to
According to you being a fascist means to be a libertarian. It's not about what you want to read. It's about what you SHOULD read and then do after being inspired.

>That shit is an /a/ and /d/ meme from long ago
Why do you constantly lie? Weebs still say these things. I don't even have to use imageboards an example, because otaku culture within Japan is literally centered on rejecting reality.

>and those who perpetuate it are lost utterly and will not likely survive at all.
Agree, and those who religiously defend anime as a need to "rest" are no different.

>Very little that still exists is worth protecting most of Europe should be razed and purged of anything from christianity
Edgy. Spoken like a true mutt. Most of the things whether they're christian or not do not have to be burned down as they still merit value as they are a result of White laborer. Churches, sure, but many of the things within Europe are not inherently christian or the jewish crap can simply be taken out of its context or contents. The statue of David shouldn't be destroyed, because it is christian. But, one question, If I said that statues of anime should be burned and destroyed all across Japan, would you be accepting of this action?

>He didn't say it does, he said it could be used as a tool to show what we have lost and there are Anime that do that,
< I like anime because for years now it has loved my culture more than most of my people love their own culture.
<There are works in the genre of anime, manga and Japanese light novels that touch on subjects from my culture, that you cannot find in contemporary German media
Anime isn't a good tool to get people to love your culture. Again, you come of as redditor trying to use consumerism as a way to get those who have lost their way and unironically think its somehow going to magically make all White people love themselves again by getting them to watch psuedo-Judeo garbage that oversexualizes children and has entire series that revolve around incest and is generally pornographic. The youth shouldn't be taught to love German culture, because a cartoon told them so, or because the blond women is wearing skimpy clothing. As I said it is a toxic product of capitalism and modernity. You cannot get ziggers to love their culture by support the thing that stirs them away and confuses them on who we are and those before us. Gods you are such a dolt and didn't even answer most of what I said on anime is degenerate.
Replies: >>1023 >>1026 >>1037
>says gods instead of god
pretty based.
There tends to be a lot of bad info in the online fascism community about weight training. Weights don't inherently make you slow or inflexible, but only using weights can lead to a body that isn't very useful. A balanced body is best built with weight training combined with calisthenics, hiking/rucking, and sprinting. You will probably never need to run a mile, but you might end up needing to travel extremely far distances on foot. If you are capable of long hikes and sprints you will still be able to jog a long period of time when needed.

Westside barbells sample workouts for fighters along with Josh Bryant's tactical workouts would work well for these purposes. I believe Matt Wenning also has a book on training for military/fire fighters that would apply.
Replies: >>1031
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>You contradict yourself. If anime is aimed at a degenerate audience, then the picture of a anime girls is questionable and is probably causing degeneracy in a way in itself
It's the same as if you wrote that just because modern movies are poz'd garbage made with a goal to degenerate the population, that means that every movie ever made and movies in general are poz'd. It doesn't follow. As for anime girls, see picrel. Naturally, as a straight male, you should look favorably upon them (as soon as you get over the uncanny valley kek). I don't see how could it possibly degenerate you unless you had some repressed troon tendencies to begin with. It could easily be made into something based that teaches youths and adults proper values. I've seen perfectly innocent anime that motivates young men to get their lives in order, raise families etc, but also over-the-top degenerate stuff (that was too ridiculous to ever be taken seriously).

Your mindset is not fascist, it's Christian. You are looking for skeletons under your bed looking to somehow corrupt you while missing the big picture and not focusing on what matters. It's a form of conditioning.
Replies: >>1042 >>1043
The position of any National Socialist is Exterminationism. While I cannot befriend a shitskin hating on his own race, it is important to realize that a shitskin has reached his own version of enlightenment. Other races cannot be proud of themselves due to the cold truth of Nature. It is silly.
Would it not be a case of training for the job you need to do? If you envision yourself in an infantry type role, train as the infantry does. If you need to be able to box some niggers into submission, train as a boxer does. If you just want aesthetics, train as a bodybuilder does.

It seems dead simple to me unless I am missing some obvious flaw.
Replies: >>1033
>Where does anime love your culture?
In every anime that shows German characters, German culture and German philosophy in a positive light. Of which there are a shit tone. Anime is on another level compared to Western Media both in quantity and quality. The only Western country that can hold a candle to Japan in terms of media output is France. Hence why Anime is often copying stuff from France.
>I have seen plenty of German media that celebrates our culture, whether it is from the past or present.
Do it. Make your own thread in which you list works from contemporary German media as an alternative to Anime. Be a creator and stop being a faggot who shits up the anime thread with demented neurotic ramblings and conjurations about stuff nobody mentioned in the first place. At the moment you are just acting like the typical jewish mongrel with mental issues that shits up image boards to make them unreadable.
>You don't sound very German to me and aren't giving me much hope in the newer generations. 
I am a middle aged German, neither a member of generation z or a millennial. I still have the Ahnenpässe of all my grandparents and I can follow my family tree back to the 17th century. Your family tree probably only reaches to the next Döner restaurant.
>What you are stating are not real issues, but merely personal problems that are bullshit.
Nah it's actually a real problem, because you don't win the cultural war by being unfun and dreary. The renaissance of fascism on image boards happened, because we are more fun than the opposition. Current fashion is also obsessed with youth and you can't entice the current youth with the old nicotine encrusted relics of their great-grandparents. Each new generation has to express their own culture in their own way. Young people fall to poz, multiculturalism and degeneracy, because it is the only thing they have access to. Our duty is not only to show them alternative, but also to provide alternatives that are engaging for them.
>Some weebs even reject Evola and want to accelerate technological progress.
You complain about weebs and gooks and yet you worship an italian occultist spaghetti nigger, who's works have no place in serious German National Socialism. Truly you are a clown and should change your path before you end up like Rudolph Heß.
>Again, the solution isn't to pretend to be something you're not, via Japanese. 
If you weren't neurotic, you could comprehend that this isn't what I meant. There are several works of Anime that show WW2 Germany in a positive light, such positivity can bring younger people to take an interest in the German side of WW2 and this can lead to them picking up books like Storm of Steel and other works of Ernst Jünger, which are on the reading list of this board.
Replies: >>1042 >>2116
That's true, but few people on this board need to specialize. You should be ready to do multitude if things. I recommend the fighter/tactical population style training books because that's the most useful type of body for general purposes. A soldier or fighter should be strong but also have speed and endurance. I personally train for strongman contests but I have trained people who have entered law enforcement and military using those methods with success.
Replies: >>1034
Do you happen to have your books in an uploadable format? I have been very grateful for blackshirts here providing copies of Convict Conditioning and have taken full advantage of the program.
>You sure about that buddy?
 >Because as we clearly see within all entertainments and their respective fandoms they always devolve their fans into obsession and forms of mental illness. Look at pic related.
So you mean to tell me the mentally ill gravitate towards obsession on any given possible thing whether it encourages healthy things or not? shocker.
>Really? Tell me what so positive about LGBT shit and having blond women dress-up like whores in your gook toons?
Blond women dressed like whores on the street, and did so long before Anime was even slightly popular in the US, or even Europe. I fail to see how this is intentional destruction and see it more as a reflection of reality, The trans shit has always kind of been there from what I recall, haven't looked terribly deeply and it was until recently usually confined to Hentai aka Porn, which until recently only attracted the already lost degenerates.
>What is so great about having underage children being sexualized?
Loli shit is frowned upon even in Japan. The vast majority of Moe content doesn't sexualize children either, most traditional Anime depicts it in a positive and non-sexual light.
>Portraying Whites as sexual objects or presenting the desire to intermix with them isn't positive at all.
I didn't say it is, but you are frankly retarded if you think that's all anime is. much of it takes place in Western fantasy settings, which even in japan tend to do better than most eastern fantasy.
>because you refuse to face the issue within Western culture and need escapism which is the mentality of a weak man.
I seek to destroy western society and the degenerated, to it's core, culture, as it stands today. So that our true nature can birth a new culture, I know what the issue is, and I know what must be done, the difference is, I don't care what crutches people wish to use to survive happily until the bloodshed starts in earnest, to be frank, I don't watch much anime, I prefer reading fantasy novels for relaxation or playing video games. I have been known to indulge in some Japanese light novels(none of which I will ever pay for), such as Goblin Slayer but most of it isn't to my tastes.
>You sound like an idiot claiming that common sense is not a sound argument.
"common sense" can be a good argument when it's basic logic but many a time, it isn't and that's when it's a bad argument.  
>I've seen literal animes that take Norse mythology turn them into perverted garbage.
And the same is true of western media in both, there are things that do that, and things that don't, the key is having the ability to discriminate, and finding what rings best to your senses, rather than complete isolation. 
>Even a weeb can tell you off the bat which animes combines White mythologies and culture with sexual content.
I'm sure many a weeb could, but I don't really care that sex and Norse culture intertwine in some anime, because that which I have an issue with, I avoid. Will I exact a price from the japanese for the insult, sure but the Eddas depict the Gods getting up to sexual escapades too so maybe it's not as insulting as you think. 
>An actual National Socialist wouldn't need nor do any of these things. 
Hitler did many things you wouldn't consider reflective of an actual National Socialist, and he would tell you that it is up to each man to determine that which is in accordance with his own portion of the Germanic spirit, if he were alive today there is much he might watch or do that you would take an issue with, I personally despise most classical music because it doesn't reflect the Germanic soul but rather the profoundly Jewish soul of Christianity, I could fault Hitler for that, but do I? No.
As for Anime broadening My mind, I didn't come here through that path, I came here through my own will to the Truth so I will not argue about it broadening my mind, I will however point out that many an NS I have talked to, reference Anime/Manga, like Berserk, which helped them reach some catharsis and for them it worked, for me, not so much.
>You are an American, you don't know what goes on within German media.
I don't need to be German to notice that most of the shit popular enough in Germany to make it out is degenerate and Anti-White, sure, maybe there are a few pieces of media that I haven't seen or heard of that are better than what was made by Hitler and co, but somehow I doubt it. Germany is fully under the spell of Anti-White guilt and that isn't changing anytime soon, barring a full collapse.
>You sound upset, because this isn't argument.
Not upset at all, your argument is shallow because you provide nothing of substance merely claims that German media celebrates German culture, forgetting that German culture is completely degenerated and is deeply infected with Christian Moralism to the point that little is recoverable better to burn it down and begin anew than let any of the infection remain.
I am no expert on anime, I've watched like 5 series, ever, You want exclusively pro-white Amine maybe go ask /a/, I'm sure they'll tell you, if you ask the right way. I am "pagan", and I recognize that nothing, even much of that produced by the NSDAP is worth my time watching, not because I have no ties to Germany, or the Nordic Spirit,(I may actually be partially German btw) but because so much fails to actually touch the truth of the Nordic soul.
>Oh I know, Amerimutt. You don't know anything about Germany
<Wah amerimutt 
Okay, you Rhineland Bastard
I know enough from other Germans that speak my language better than you do, to fill several books, and most of them aren't excessively moralizing fools like you are.
>You have literally established that you have no cultural loyalty or spiritual ties to Germanic culture,
I have established no such thing, what I have established is that all White cultures need to be burned to the ground, so that the ashes may provide the sustenance for Aryan cultures to grow anew. You think there is something worth preserving in cultures infected to their core with a foreign ideology, morality and religion, I do not.
What I said was that each person has their own journey and some may come here through anime. You would throw them aside and drive them away just to satisfy your own misguided ego, and desire to feel superior even though you really aren't.
>Older books have all the things to say that rest the souls.
The only true rest for the soul is achieving Gnosis, a connection with one's ancestors and/or the gods, for one's own self, old books may merely provide guidance and aid in doing so but they are entirely unnecessary and in some cases may even be actively harmful. You find rest in them, that other anon may not and yet still he may and was simply describing what he has found that has aided others in finding that piece of themselves that appreciates the old knowledge, I never said or claimed anything about my own appreciation of them, nor will I. Nobody is saying to spend all of ones time watching fucking Anime, they are merely pointing out that some people, even NS, like to escape from time to time, and that some use anime, others read, others still go to the range, etc., etc..
>While I agree that Christianity is indeed nilhilitisic. Nilihism within this age is a result of ZOG and the deconstruction of traditional culture. Anime reinforces this with escapism.
Nihilism is a direct result of christianity, that it is encouraged by ZOG is simply a result of that infection, as is the very existence of ZOG in the first place.
Anime only reinforces Nihilism to those already lost to it, One big reason why so many christniggers on Twitter, Gab, and elsewhere, use it as their PFP's, though that is not exclusive to them, it is particularly endemic there.
>BS, I've seen quite a few of them on twitter and telegram.
So like 20 people who claimed to be Futurists vs the hundreds of christniggers, note also that there are many infiltrators with many different goals who larp as futurists while knowing nothing of Futurism.
>The Funetes fandom are prime example of this.
Fuentes and his followers are majority racial inferiors and exclusively christniggers they are representative of nothing.
>Again show me where anime opens minds. No one becomes a fascist or natsoc because of anime.
I have encountered many NS who watched anime as part of their journey to the truth, that you haven't just shows how very blind to possibility you really are and again, I am not an expert on anime, I am merely pointing out how you are excessively moralizing and being insulting to assuage your own ego, and to feel superior.
>According to you being a fascist means to be a libertarian.
No, one, I'm not a fascist, I am a National Socialist and it means recognizing the truth and being resourceful enough to utilize what you have, even if it's not ideal.
>It's about what you SHOULD read and then do after being inspired.
 I quite directly told you that Anime can be used as a tool to get people to read what you, personally wish them to read, aka What they SHOULD READ AND WILL INSPIRE THEM, learn to english motherfucker, it's closely related to your own language, how do you have such difficulty understanding it?
>Why do you constantly lie. 
>Weebs still say these things
I didn't lie, I said it's origin, truth be told it could come from Otaku culture or from fucking 2channel, but I do not care enough to find out.
>Agree, and those who religiously defend anime as a need to "rest" are no different.
No, excessive moralizers like you are no different, you are as inflexible as those you proselytize against.
>Most of the things whether they're christian or not do not have to be burned down as they still merit value as they are a result of White laborer.
Anything Christianity had a hand in should be burned to the ground or ground to dust, especially the David, product of White laborers or no. I have, multiple times, stated that I believe all non-whites should be completely exterminated, I don't care what happens to anime statues in japan, burn them, crush them, I do not care.
>Anime isn't a good tool to get people to love your culture.
Did I say that it was? No, I like the other Anon merely said that it could be used as a tool to open the minds of some of the people you so despise to the truth of their culture, not that the media itself is what is important, rather what you can use it to do. There is plenty of degenerate Anime, but there is just as much if not more that can be used as a tool to bring to mind questions in the minds of youth and from those questions you can lead them to the truth, will many fail and fall along the way? Absolutely! But once on the other side, only the fates knows what those who have the will to Truth will do.
Replies: >>1044
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>All of this autism over cartoons
For fucks sake. This is pathetic. You losers would rather be consumerists.

>Pic related
These are nothing, but psuedo-intellectual ramblings and a ((( journalist ))) sperging out which isn't unusual. You're not making a concrete point here, just circumstantial evidence that triggers jews even though many jews are weebs themselves as well. As you find autistic spergs who hate anime, I can find you Whites who are self-hating or hate White women to the degree that they stay loyal to corporatist product over their own race.

>It's the same as if you wrote that just because modern movies are poz'd garbage made with a goal to degenerate the population,
False equivalence. Cinema isn't inherently jewish and can have different central themes and motifs without being centering itself around Hollywood or Judeo-American culture, unlike anime does before and now. As a matter of fact, the early history of cinema was exactly the opposite of this, where many of them were just used for recording modern life, or works of romanticism, propaganda or pro-war films. My simply reply to this argument is that you should avoid watching modern movies altogether and only indulge into things that align with our beliefs.

>don't see how could it possibly degenerate 
That's because you are blinded by the obsession that is common amongst all otaku cultures. You are in-denial and refuse to believe the reality in front of you. You make an example of solid case I've made, because my previous posts states specific degeneracy I've seen within anime that are COMMON.

>animes that raise families
Again, no one can state examples of what they're talking about, likely, because these are the very few cartoons that do such things. Here are two questions that should make you question your position on anime. Are there enough animes that are truly traditional? Have you mostly watched any of gook toons that are legitimately traditionalist, fascist or National Socialist? If the answer is no, then nothing you say about anime being pro-White or European comes close to being constructive. 

>Your mindset is not fascist, it's Christian.
Excellent incoherent conclusion, retard. You're only make them look good. Most of the RW weebs are christcucks themselves and would argue in favor of what you're saying. 

>In every anime that shows German characters,
>In every anime
You are being vague. I can also say those same animes with German characters sexualize and having a gook mixing with Aryan females simultaneously if we're going to leave detailed examples, which doesn't support your case. 

>Culture and philosophy in a positive light
This is meaningless. I would rather them not talk about German culture at all, if they're going to be degenerate about it, whether they see it as a good thing or not. The issue here is that they aren't enough animes that position it the same way a Germanic nationalist may feel about their respective nation. In a true sense of respect, not lust. There's a difference between liking someone's culture, because it is admirable as Hitler did, and then only enjoying its aspects, so you can pervert it.

>Anime is on another level compared to Western Media both in quantity and quality. 
>I'm totally pro-White guys!!!!!
No isn't. You find it that way, because you have resentment against the jews, not Western media as whole. Again, a solution isn't to consume and indulge into things that are on the same level of jewry.

>list works from contemporary German media as an alternative to Anime.
<Der verlorene Sohn (1934)
<Das Boot
<Storm Of Steel
<D III 88, Cadets (1939), 
<Münchausen (1943)
<Ewiger Wald (1936)
<Die Nibelungen (1924)
<Opfergang (1944)
<Über alles in der Welt (1941)
<Wunder Des Fliegens (1935)
<Dorf Im Roten Sturm (1941)
<Triumph des Willens (1935)
<Der Große König (1942)
<Desert Commandos (1967)
<Division Brandenburg (1960)
<Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tot (2006)
These are merely examples as the list continues on. 

>Make an entire thread about German film
By demanding me to list examples of things you can find about the contemporary culture you claim to be apart of yourself, you are asking me to prove the personal equal needs to enjoy your heritage. The desire to continue being soy-brained. It reminds me of that one anon who unironically said that National Socialism is going to suck without having Marvel films back on 16chan. There aren't enough animes that do things you claim. 

>Be a creator and stop being a faggot who shits up the anime thread 
I'm glad this triggered you so much. This isn't an anime thread you low-IQ ghetto black nigger. All of what I'm saying is so that you all can be proper National Socialists and creators yourselves than mindless consumerists to end up creating another AF movement. This thread concerns OCs and I'm making a critique on why we should stop having anime as apart of the culture. 

>At the moment you are just acting like the typical jewish mongrel 
>Everything that disagrees with me is jewish
Aww, the narcissistic man-child can't take constructive criticism over a media he likes, better chug some soy to calm yourself down anon. Maybe a dilator, while watching 300 DVDs of loli porn would stop you doing a 41%? Seems to me that you don't like the fact that some of us actually take being fascists and natsocs seriously. 

>I am a middle aged German, neither a member of generation z or a millennial.
>all of this
Being middle aged is even worse. I don't care for claims. Improve and stop being a faggot.

>Nah it's actually a real problem, because you don't win the cultural war by being unfun and dreary.
Redditor moment. Where did I say that you had to be dreary, huh? Where does excluding anime from makes your life more unfun. I see this argument from you guys all the fucking time, and you only come off as proving that you are sad, lonely, and boring individuals. All I said was that you must learn to love your heritage for what it is and work through it that isn't from a degenerate medium. You also don't win the culture war by acting like Nick Funetes and his supporters, a bunch of children dressed in men's clothing acting as if they understand the world and need capitalism to cope with their grievances. This is why third positionists and right-wingers never succeed.

>The renaissance of fascism on image boards happened, because we are more fun than the opposition
<Hey guys it is so fun to know that Western nations are falling apart and the White race is DYING! Let's all have fun by watch anime and jerking off to hentai and be pathetic examples of society like /pol/! This is how we win the culture war.
There are numerous ways to have fun without anime. No one continues to go on fascist boards, because of anime itself. 

>Each new generation has to express their own culture in their own way
Being sad and pathetic human beings are not positive form of expression, anon. It is one thing to express yourself in many ways that appeal to the modernity and common minds, but the thing here is that anime does not do this, and most Whites do not watch anime.  Plus, you and the other anon have already admitted that you more-so enjoy anime, because you need copium, not because you seek out to love yourself and native culture and give an impression of that. Find better alternatives, being the thing you one to see in life, and stop whining about muh pozz.

>You complain about weebs and gooks and yet you worship an italian occultist spaghetti nigger,
No I don't and I never said I did. I'm simply stating what the diverse and common thoughts and saying of weebs within our circles. Glad to know that my theory on how anime drops IQ points is valid.

>Truly you are a clown and should change your path before you end up like Rudolph Heß.
Edgy. Don't shoot up a school, because someone on a politically radical board said that anime is trash. 

>If you weren't neurotic, you could comprehend that this isn't what I meant

The thing here is that my statement is referring to the slope that is common amongst all weebs and you show hints of it. My point here is that if you love something that does belong to your heritage long enough, then you will end up deluding yourself into wanting to be apart of it as well, which is a common phenomenon. 

> There are several works of Anime that show WW2 Germany in a positive light
Here we go again with you ==LYING= and being vague once again. Show me the proof or shut up.

>such positivity can bring younger people to take an interest in the German side of WW2 
And it hasn't as I explained within my previous post. And it cannot. Please explain to me why gook shit is going to save the huwhite race? Explain to me where anime has ever gotten people to fight against degeneracy and take back their homeland from the jews? I read what you said, and you only stated what you thought, not damning evidence. All I've seen from you weebs is posting coomer shit here >>33 and here>>34. How is this going to save the White race, anon? Would like to hear your cope.
Replies: >>1048
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hey man, can you keep it down with the disinfo shilling. the infograph you posted was proven multiple times to be from glowniggers. did you not know this, i don't hate anime. i just thought you should know
Replies: >>1061
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>Doesn't provide an explanation
Really? So it's perfectly fine with end up like how reddit or /a/ did, where they contribute nothing of value as they are obsessed with a medium and fully reject their own personal lives? 

>So you mean to tell me the mentally ill gravitate towards obsession on any given possible thing whether it encourages healthy things or not?
And this is many of cases with fascists and RW weebs. You refuse to comprehend where I'm coming from and refuse to comprise with the issue of degeneracy. As matter of fact, you can't say you aren't a coomer, which is a sign of mental illness when you've posted erotica here and before. I still remember that diaper-shit you guys had, and you really think this argument excludes yourself and so-called fascists like you, lol.

>Blond women dressed like whores on the street
This isn't an excuse you idiot. Anime shouldn't represent whoredom as a positive and acceptable thing. And you're wrong on the account of blonds. Give me examples of Blond women commonly dressing up like whores on the street. You're proving my point, because this is an incel (who are mostly not White) and another common weeb talking about so they can justify being cucks indirectly not breeding. Most of whores aren't even naturally.

>I fail to see how this is intentional destruction 
<Most blonds are whores anyway and that's fine
<I fail to see how this has negatively affected mentality
Pic related showcases how.

>The trans shit has always kind of been there
The trans shit is now a causer of men becoming troons. It doesn't matter whether it's been here or not, it's the fact anime is so degenerate that even LGBTP+ now see it as fascinating and "enlighten".

>haven't looked terribly deeply and it was until recently usually confined to Hentai aka Porn, 
Anime consists of so many perverted scenes that it can also be called soft-core porn.

>Loli shit is frowned upon even in Japan.
Okay? But it isn't amongst otakus nor RW weebs.

>The vast majority of Moe content doesn't sexualize children either
That's huge lie. Loli is literally apart of moe culture.

>most traditional Anime depicts it in a positive and non-sexual light
Again you're lying. Most animes have nothing, but pornographic material of up-skirts and women with overly large breasts. You can't find an single anime that doesn't have these particular kinds of scenes.

>I didn't say it is
I never said you did so, you stupid negro. I'm stating what consists of anime. Learn to read and not be ass-hurt.

>much of it takes place in Western fantasy settings
Which many of them also oversexualize Western settings. I'm talking to a brink wall at this point, or maybe the most ghetto of blackest niggers who hates his own race.

>I seek to destroy western society and the degenerated
You are kike and will destroy nothing. 

>to it's core, culture, as it stands today
Again, kike. The core of Western culture is native. It is inherently pagan. You are stating that you want to destroy the West as a whole like a jew. Many such cases for the weeb.

>e, I know what the issue is, 
You can't know the issue if you don't look in the mirror, faggot.

> I don't watch much anime, I prefer reading fantasy novels for relaxation or playing video games.
I don't give a fuck. You're just proving my point you're a soyboy. Also
I thought I already explained to you that there exist other things that are healthy in helping you relax? I guess you prefer the things that aren't healthy instead.

>Goblin Slayer
Nigger, I looked this up and YOU FUCKING PROVED MY POINT. That book is literally SOFT-CORE PORN. It is about a man who kills Goblins who rapes women and it full-blown shows all its detail and everything. It's not even realistic, its literally hentai. 

>"common sense" can be a good argument when it's basic logic but many a time
I gave you basic logic and you've failed to comprehend it. Learn the meaning of logic, then make a case and point for me to improve my argumentation.

>And the same is true of western media in both
I never said it didn't.

>he key is having the ability to discriminate, and finding what rings best to your senses
The things that should serve your interests aren't things such as soft-core pornography. You clearly shouldn't tell me this, when you are indulging into things that aren't a poison to your mind. It's one thing to find things that you like, and then find things that actively harm you and transform you into an useless idiot. 

>m sure many a weeb could, but I don't really care that sex and Norse culture intertwine in some anime
>I don't care for Norse culture
Way to miss the point. Also you just stated that you enjoyed "Goblin Slayer". Not caring about the contents of things you consume means that you are and many RW weebs are hypocrites and consumerists. Don't call yourself a traditionalist if ((( you ))) do not mind the things that are the same extent of pozz within films. 

>Will I exact a price from the japanese for the insult, sure but the Eddas depict the Gods getting up to sexual escapades too so maybe it's not as insulting as you think. 
Yeah it is you moron. Having Freya represented and looking as a whore is an insult. Presenting Odin's sex as a female is counter and opposed to the mythos, aka perversion. You don't see it as insulting, because you are a cumbrain and mutt who has no cultural nor respect to his parents' ethos, or maybe you aren't White at all in which case you should go away.

>Hitler did many things you wouldn't consider reflective of an actual National Socialist
Give me some examples? Even if Hitler done things in the past or during the war that I and many Germans would disapprove of, he is still a far more respectable man than weebs are. He actually contributed to something and fought with valor and responsibility, while you need gook toons in order to make your life salvageable. I'm not asking you to go all 1488 on building or fed-shit like that, but doing the things that do not reduce your life to consumerism like the jews want.

> I personally despise most classical music because it doesn't reflect the Germanic soul 
You're a dumb as hell as hell thinking personal distastes do not reflect the German soul. You're implying that Wagner had no soul, but the Jap who draws pornographic does. This is the result of narcissism I was referring to.

>NS I have talked to, reference Anime/Manga, like Berserk
Look, I don't give shit what you watched. Stick the point and argue. They are just as stupid as you are. 

>I don't need to be German to notice that most of the shit popular enough in Germany
You clearly do, because you don't know anything about Germany. And stated that the natural things that echoes the German spirit are not Germanic, lol.

>Germany is fully under the spell of Anti-White guilt
So is every White country, and the solution isn't to abide the jews terms. Japan is also filled with guilt, as matter of fact, the country is filled with as many issues that are also present within America. The state of Germany does excuse you in being a faggot.

>Not upset at all
Sure you aren't.

>your argument is shallow because you provide nothing of substance merely claims that German media celebrates German culture
Your entire soul is shallow and your brain is as dumb as a niggermonkey, if you like to base conclusion on one-sided perspectives and on a country that you've never visited or probably couldn't even point on the map without using google. Then you have nothing intelligent to say nor should declare what is and what isn't. Again, even if it did not exist today, it exists in the past, and none of you have given excuses why you do not seek towards relieving and understanding the past. Your excuses are merely a result of the environment.

>forgetting that German culture is completely degenerated and is deeply infected with Christian Moralism
>Wah wah, muh christian moralism, wah wah I'm black-pilled. 
You're a faggot. You clearly never read Nietzsche, because he asks for us to go back to our original roots, while creating new values. You clearly only want the values and mediums that are killing White culture now. So long as it isn't "pozzed" by your terms. 

> You want exclusively pro-white Amine maybe go ask /a/
That's the thing anon. There is no such thing as pro-White "Amine".

> I am "pagan"
No you aren't. You are barely pagan at all. You don't act as such. You are culturally christian or maybe an atheist. You clearly have no motive to seek out your origins, because you think everything in the past is evil and of "christian moralism". The NSDAP didn't neglect their past, despite detesting christcuckery.

>I may actually be partially German btw
Many such cases. 

>wah amerimutt
<I may actually be partially German btw
>Okay, you Rhineland Bastard
Yeah you aren't Germanic, lmao. 

>I know enough from other Germans that speak my language better than you do
No you don't. I don't even know why you even posted all this. You're only embarrassing yourself. 

>have established no such thing, what I have established is that all White cultures need to be burned to the ground
Thus you have no cultural nor loyalty to White culture, you fucking retard. Burning White cultures to the ground means death to the White spirit as whole. Nietzsche didn't even call for this and merely wanted new values. To get rid of the toxins within Europe, while maintaining the core foundations. To burn it to ground, means total annihilation. You make yourself look better if you said you wanted to destroy jewry. This was exactly my point on how anime makes one less loyal to their own culture.

>So like 20 people who claimed to be Futurists vs the hundreds of christniggers
No I have seen entire channels of 1,000 to 10,000 followers and a couple hundred or thousand likes being agreed upon when they validate degeneracy.

>there are many infiltrators with many different goals who larp as futurists while knowing nothing of Futurism
This is a cope, because futurism has always been degenerate. They couldn't even make proper art. Even Evola who was a futurist himself, didn't like them.

>Fuentes and his followers are majority racial inferiors
They are also weebs, so your point is invalidate.

>I have encountered many NS
I said give me an example, not vague assertions. If you can't prove it, then I don't care for your argument.

>No, one, I'm not a fascist, I am a National Socialist and it means recognizing the truth and being resourceful enough to utilize what you have, even if it's not ideal.
You're neither and clearly aren't for that when you cannot even give me a set of truths that anime is le based and redpilled. 

> I quite directly told you that Anime can be used as a tool to get people to read what you,
And I asked you to give me examples of this being the case and you're just making stuff up. You continue to not give me the answers I strive for. What animes drives a man to become a National Socialist and how? Last time I'm going to ask you.

>I didn't lie, I said it's origin
Okay, so you weren't making a point here. Just wasting my time with obvious facts?

> Otaku culture
This is exactly my point. Many of you act like otakus and you are acting as one right now.

>No, excessive moralizers like you are no different
I didn't moralfag anyone. I simply stated that you should indulge into things that broaden your mind and makes your stronger. And you provided nothing of proof that anime does this case at all. If morality is what we need to stop you being a faggot, then I don't mind someone moralizing ((( You ))).

>Anything Christianity had a hand in should be burned to the ground 
Again, most of the cultures and inventions that you enjoy are made by christians. From cartoons, to the internet, to the various foods, or even the people who birth you, you are asking for them to be burned down. All the things that are life-affirming or perfectly health to be engaged in, should be gone. Again, you would better of stating that you want jewish things to removed from the minds of the European spirit. 

> I don't care what happens to anime statues in japan, burn them, crush them, I do not care.
Good, I'm glad that we agree on something. 

>Did I say that it was? 
Yeah you did, idiot.
< I quite directly told you that Anime can be used as a tool to get people to read what you, personally wish them to read, aka What they SHOULD READ AND WILL INSPIRE THEM
You definition of tool is arbitrary. You literally asserted that anime can be used in some fashion for the betterment of cause, which is a brain-dead theory. Most animes are degenerate, because anime itself is a product of capitalism and results in passiveness it cannot be used as a tool, anime has only ever been something that affirms jewish culture and the problems of modernity, not astray us away from it. 

TLDR: Anime is garbage.
Replies: >>1053
>You losers would rather be consumerists
>Implying I ever spent a cent on anime or merchandise
>As you find autistic spergs who hate anime, I can find you Whites who are self-hating
My point is that you shouldn't filter out potential contributors by trying to make an issue of something that's barely relevant just because you don't like it, that's what women do
>or hate White women to the degree that they stay loyal to corporatist product over their own race
Men chasing after women groomed by consumerist culture is one of pillars of corporatism. That's why Jews are trying so hard to push men back into the rat race. You are supposed to invest all of your time and energy into being "successful" (by unrealistic standards set by them, in a game completely rigged by them and to their benefit) only to end up being cucked and alimony raped in the end anyway, while your children end up as racemixers or troons. If you circumvent that by enjoying anime you are threatening the stability of the system, and are generally being much less of a sucker. It has nothing to do with hating women.
>obsession that is common amongst all otaku cultures
Occasional pastime, I barely even watch it since most new stuff is garbage. You seem to only see the most extreme cases.
>Again, no one can state examples of what they're talking about
>Excellent incoherent conclusion, retard
Kek. Even if you are not a christcuck, you can still retain the mindset. Looking for sins under your bed while missing the bigger picture.
Replies: >>1086
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Yes it really is fine to watch things that entertain you, 
>So it's perfectly fine...
Non-sequitur, I haver known many a person who doesn't make their chosen entertainment their entire lives, your assertion does not follow and an explanation was not or rather should not have been necessary.
>And this is many...
No, it's usually the case with normalfags who most likely cannot be recovered and leftists who aren't worth even attempting to help. Usually due to some trauma or inadequacy they cover with their obsession, I honestly don't care about RW weebs they aren't my kin, and they will be, and are, our staunchest enemies though idiots seem to think they're friends somehow. I have not seen this in NS circles, whatsoever, some people have Anime PFP's, sure, but usually they're smarter and more informed than anyone I have met who behaves as you do.
I comprehend fully where your nigger opinions come from, I disagree with your fundamental premise of MUH WATCHING ANYTHING NOT MADE BY PEOPLE I RECOMMENDS AND LIKE YOU WILL INEVITABLY DESCEND INTO DEGENRACY, it makes you sound like an inflexible idiot, and your repeated refusal to see reason shows you to be exactly that. I routinely look over the board and report anything t5hat i find that is degenrerate, siumply using anime whether to make a point or just as a reaction image does not fall under that definition, not for me and seemingly not for Orlog.
>As matter of fact...
I can, I have a wife and I have not posted any erotica here whatsoever, and again if it doesn't serve a point I report it or ignore it if it's inoffensive the board demographic is, I'm pretty sure, exclusively men, men post softcore porn and images of attractive women quite regularly The diaperfag shit above was another poster and was reminiscing about the days when the diaperniggers raided everyone and drew degenerate shit about their board tans because it was funny. I don't really care about it, it's retarded imo, but everyone appreciates humor differently. I will say again, I am not a fascist, I am a National Socialist.
>This isn't an excuse you idiot....
Have you taken a look at any random porn site, in the amateur section, just to know for yourself what the state of the average modern woman is? the sheer amount of content there, belays the lie of your idiotic claim, as does the sheer popularity of Onlyfans "modeling". How about looking around the street in a major city? If it isn't winter, most women, of any color, walk around dressed like whores, with niggers always the worst, and a lot of the blonds I have seen exemplify whores, I've seen footage from colleges and protests stemming back to the 70's, women dressed like whores long before now Anime hasn't contributed a fucking thing to it, in fact it lagged behind many of the trends as I saw them happen on facebook more than a decade ago.
>Most of whores aren't even naturally.
about 85% of women are whores naturally, they are hypergamous in their mate selection, when our societies were less global, women had less knowledge about potential mates that were out there and didn't have an inflated sense of their own value, now every Jane Doe thinks she deserves a king, while having no more value that a gutter rat, which is one of the primary causes of Divorce, women seeking richer or as they think "better" mates and leaving the good men they committed to.
>Pic related showcases how.
Pic related shows a claim with no evidence by a leftist trans faggot, then two faggots eyeing one another, the left one mopre a bisexual if you believe his claims and then a retarded meme, none of which prove anything.
>The trans shit is now a causer of men becoming troons.
No it isn't, the cause is something else entirely, likely Microplastics leeching estrogen into the entire planets ,air, water and from there the food, no matter where it's sourced from, and also the general shift in society to Single motherhood, and the loss of fathers directly because of the single mothers manipulating the system in their favor, and the acceptance of deviants in general pushed by ZOG and not resisted because of soft mothers due to our races Christian Mindvirus moral programming, the issue is multifaceted and anime has little to do with it.
>Anime consists of so many perverted scenes that it can also be called soft-core porn.
So can the kids shows on TV more than a decade ago that had "normal" girls running around dressed like sluts, and these shows I mention have had far more viewership than all the degenerate anime you could ever mention.
>Okay? But it isn't...
Otakus are shit upon all throughout Japan, and RW weebs don't influence anything they're a minority just like Otaku.
>That's huge lie...
Moe =/= Loli, Loli is a hentai genre, the name of which was taken from Lolita a book by Russian-American Author Vladimir Nabokov, do Loli Hentai Mangaku use Moe themes in their degenerate shit, yeah they do, the two things are separate but related and that is unfortunate but by no  means absolute.
>Again you're lying...
I have watched several that don't have that at all, like I said you just hang around degenerate weebs and let them dictate your view, you didn't and never will actually bother to make your own opinion about it because you take degenerates and the content they consume to be the entirety of Anime, when that isn't the case and never was. In those I have seen that does have that up-skirt shit is usually played in a slapstick comedy manner, as a joke and sometimes it's quite funny.
>I'm stating what consists of anime
You're stating a narrow and idiotic view of what anime consists of, nothing you have said on it is true, because you insist on leaping with your poor logical skills, to that which does not follow from your "evidence". 
>Which many of them also oversexualize Western settings.
HA, no, One of the oldest and most enduring Fantasy settings is the Forgotten Realms, and that was supremely degenerate shit until Wizards of the Coast sanitized it and then later warped it into what it is today, you cannot make a mockery of that which already was a mockery of itself.
>You are kike and will destroy nothing. 
I am a National Socialist, and I will see to it that this entire society is uprooted and burned on a Pyre because that is what the survival of our race demands, and it is what the Gods demand, you would feel their rage and disgust if you were half as awake as you pretend to be.
>The core of Western culture is native. It is inherently pagan
No, it isn't in the slightest, everything "pagan" was lost to us long ago, replaced in all but the most exoteric forms with Christnigger moralism and Jewish ideas and worship of jews, you're a fool if you think it can be recovered, it must be uprooted and burned to allow our true nature to rebirth what we should be.
>You can't know the issue if you don't look in the mirror
all you're doing is proving you cannot argue my central point dancing around it with childish insults.
>I don't give a fuck. ...
>I thought I already...
Video games train ones brain to be very malleable, very adaptable, it's called neuroplasticity, and trains hand eye coordination and a number of other things that are objectively healthy for one to train, Reading, speeds one skill at reading and awakens the mind, and can get the creative juices flowing so to speak, and by no means did I say I do those things exclusively to relax, you assume wrongly that all I do is that, and you're an idiot for doing so.
You haven't read the light novels at all. I have seen the manga, it is only a little more detailed than the Anime, and it isn't done for sexual arousal but for shock value to convince the reader of Goblin Slayers conviction to genociding every goblin on the planet, I'm sure you'll say the same about Berserk, even though that is a story about one man's indomitable will to live and thrive against all odds.
>I gave you basic logic and you've failed to comprehend it
No you gave me nothing of substance except an inflexible crusade against a target that barely even rates as a problem and seems more like a symptom of a more pressing problem.
>The things...
I don't deal in, should be and want to be, I deal in what we have and using a tool to accomplish something that aids our cause is never wrong, it would be far easier to use what someone is already interested in to turn them toward the better options than to try to force them to do as you want, all that does is cause them to fight back and harden their convictions, your tactic is bitch bitch bitch, you are weak and easily triggered, no better and far less effective than those you decry and claim to oppose.
>It's one thing...
You are a moron, and you presume that everyone is as vulnerable as you were to being fucking brainwashed, newsflash you fucking German nigger, Not everybody is, and if you can't see that enjoying something in moderation is not a harm you are actively a fucking harm to the cause and Hitler and Goebbels especially would have you shot for being an inflexible moralizer and a detriment to the cause see pic related.
>Way to miss the point...
The light novels most specifically and out of curiousity when the leftist bitched a fit about it, I watched the Anime, it's actually a fairly well done rendition of the novels, I like the themes, the writing is high mid-tier but engaging nonetheless, I like stories about one mans crusade to genocide fucking sue me.
>Not caring...
I curate what I watch and read quite harshly, but I'm not going to spend every second I have reading only things that "broaden my mind" as you say it, sometimes I like to turn it off, and let it rest.
>Don't call yourself a traditionalist
I didn't miss the point you did, i don't call myself a ((( Traditionalist ))), Traditionalists are derads, I am no traditionalist, I am a Revolutionary National Socialist, I seek the upturning of this society down to it's fucking sick corrupt roots, fuck traditionalists and their yearning to "take power", you can't take power back from our conquerors, but you can shatter their power and burn to ashes everything they have turned against us, so that it may never be used as such again, and before you go saying "you aren't a follower of Hitler, and certainly aren't a National Socialist" He directly says to burn the jewish system and everything that aids it to the fucking ground in Mein Kampf, should there be no alternative, AND THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE.
>Yeah it is you moron.
Do you really think the Gods care what the Japanese do? I don't think they do, in fact, I think they get a kick out of it, and honestly I think they're more concerned with the enemy within than any external enemy, even the jews, I think they are far more concerned with removing Christianity from our race no matter what the cost than any perceived insult from the Japanese, and most of the time it's not even intended as an insult, it comes from them recognizing their inferior status and seeking to ape some small bit of the power our race and by extension our Gods have always had.
>but doing the things that do not reduce your life to consumerism like the jews want.
More faulty assumptions, when will you stop assuming stupid shit, and actually argue the goddamn point instead of dancing around it to insult me.
>You're implying that Wagner had no soul,
I have problems with Wagner and his mixing of Christian themes with germanic themes as well, though he does reflect the German soul as it stood at his time, still should be done away with regardless.
Nah not narcisisstic, I just think you're a moron.
>but the Jap who draws pornographic does
The creator of Goblin Slayer is an author, not an artist, and second no, I'm not implying that, not in any way. You keep putting words in my mouth because you think you're dealing with a weeb, you're not, not in the slightest, I am not a big fan of anime, I have watched a few series that struck my interest, I can count them on one hand, I can however tell you pretty much everything you might want to know about a fairly obscure SciFi show FarScape, something I was much more into before I woke up to being a National Socialist.
>Look, I don't give shit what you watched. 
I have never watched nor read Berserk. You asked for examples, I gave them, address it or shut up.
>You clearly do...
What natural things that echo the Nordic soul did I say weren't Germanic?
>and the solution...
The jews are a symptom, they are given power by Christianity in whatever form it takes, to deal with them we must grapple with Christianity first, as they are the traitors within who consistently have chosen a fictional jew over their own gods.
>The state of Germany does excuse you in being a faggot.
I think you meant doesn't.
>Sure you aren't.
You're the same faggot from the Unpopular opinions thread, aren't you? Assuming everyone is upset because they don't see shit the way you do.
If you had made me angry, you would know it, as it is you're mildly entertaining, and incredibly dense.
>(pseudo-intellectual bullshit) why you do not seek towards relieving and understanding the past...
I do not seek to relive the past, I seek to ensure our future free of the mistakes of the past and Christianity and it's fruits will have no part in that future no matter who produced what you wish to bring forth into the future.
>You clearly never read Nietzsche...
No he doesn't ,for a man who can read the originals, you really seem to have missed his call for the transvaluation of all Christian values, and the complete and utter ostracization of Christians, I seek to rectify the flaws in his thoughts and take it one step further christians are the enemy of our race, and the most fervent Christians who are our enemies, are from within our race, they shouldn't be outcast, they should be slaughtered to the last man, woman, and all but the youngest children, who may have escaped the trauma and confusion that a doctrine of morality that repudiates all of our natural instincts causes.
I want the complete and utter destruction of anything that stands today that was built on Christianity or any Christian or Neo-Christian morality no matter how valuable you think it might be, it is not worth the price our descendants will have to pay if we should not do our duty to the Gods, Nature and Natural Law.
>There is no such thing as pro-White "Amine"
Oooh, you caught a typo, wooow!
and yes there is there is a subset of japan that worships the White Man, and they do produce Anime, in fact for a japanese medium many of the characters have suspiciously Europoid Phenotypes, for people who hate us utterly and seek to destroy us with their vile completely involuntary brainwashing(hint this doesn't exist; to be brainwashed you must be willing to be), they sure do idolize us, don't they? 
Sarcasm aside, there are many anime that show respect for us and our cultures, one could call those pro-white, but if ny wishing for our ultimate victory, as we do, no, probably not.
>No you aren't.
You are not Odin, you are not Freya, nor Thor, nor Tyr, nor any of the Aesir, you are no authority on anything "paganh' and the very fact that you think that label is a good label shows how very bluepilled you still are, you are the one who has no spiritual depth whatsoever, I have left my body on this plane and walked in Asgard, at the roots of the world tree, I have watched the fights in Valhalla, and the legendary parties after dusk there, visited Ymir's Hall, walked the paths of Idunn's orchard, you are the one with the christian mindset, because you think all the wisdom is in this world in the material things we have surrounded ourselves with, all of that shit is worthless compared to even an ounce of the wisdom our blood carries through our veins, we do not need anything material to rebirth our degenerated cultures, and much of what remains may end up more harmful than helpful so it should be destroyed unless it has no Abrahamic pedigree or infection.
>The NSDAP didn't neglect their past
Neither do I, I seek to destroy any relic of our greatest enemies so that it's poison can never return.
>Yeah you aren't Germanic, lmao. 
Ha, I am fully Nordic, I have Anglo Saxon, Celtic(a Nordic offshoot who actually founded Rome, recent genetic evidence proves the tribe who founded Rome and ruled it shares blood with modern Irish, who are still nearly 100% pure), Swedish, and German blood, mostly of Red Nordic phenotype.
>No you don't.
I actually do, I have never encountered another german who has such poor english and english comprehension skills, so you have it there at that one point.
>Burning White cultures to the ground...
Nietzsche didn't go far enough, and no it doesn't, from the ashes of wildfire comes new life, so it is in nature, so it is with the cultures of man, we must burn what is White so that our true Aryan cultures may be reborn.
I am loyal only to the Aryan race, Culture is downstream from race, for the survival of the Race we must destroy our individual cultures and all their disgusting baggage and the poison that has infected them to their cores to rebirth the truly Aryan cultures that call to us from within our blood.
This has nothing to do with Anime, and you have no point here whatsoever.
>No I have seen...
But which futurists? because yeah Italian futurists were shit with Evola as the only possible exception, and I have found that more popular something is the less close to the truth they tend to be.
Futurism is a doctrine that is NS at it's core, It seeks to leave the problems of the past where they lie, and build for the future based uon the lens of Natural law, when boiled down to it's core components this can have any number of degenerate outcomes but it is in no way different to the many degenerate NS groups all over the world, so your argument kind of rings hollow.
>so your point is invalidate
Not really, I don't care if spics and other subhumans waste their lives, they do the same shit with Hitler.
>I said give me an example
I gave you example, you can deny them all you wish, but many on this board alone prove you wrong, just take a look through the archives.
>...anime is le based and redpilled.
Nigger, I don't care about anime, it's a nothing, it's not a fucking threat your biggest example is RW weebs who have significant overlap with a fucking spic all of whom are of no use to us, in my opinion, and should be shot, I am pointing out that you are being unreasonble about cartoons, driving away people who might be recoverable because you're unreasonable and excessively moralizing.
>And I asked you to give me examples of this being the case
I'm not going to give you the names of people I know, I've watched it happen, most of them stopped with the anime obsession and just watch old favorites from time to time, you want a scientific paper? there aren't any.
>Okay, so you weren't making a point here.
My point was that it's origin is /a/ and that weebs beyond there using the meme shows either that they are /a/'s main demographic or fucking retarded or mentally ill, either way they aren't a problem, they will die either because they are weak or out of stupidity, so why do you care? they only make the job easier when the time comes.
>I didn't moralfag anyone.
Moralizing is not moralfagging, pic again related.
>Again, most of the cultures...
If I had to I would kill my family for the cause, without hesitation, I hope it won't be necessary, but I am prepared for that eventuality.
>Yeah you did, idiot.
I didn't say it was the best tool, or even a good tool, I said it was a tool, that can be used, which it is. To deny the potential use of something that could help another brother find his way to NS, no matter what it is, is the height of folly.
Replies: >>1061 >>1070 >>1087
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Could you corroborate that statement? Even if it was, that doesn't necessarily make it entirely false.

Moral absolutism is a quintessential component of the Judaic mindset. If you have ever seen Marxists argue about ideological purity and accuse each other of being class traitors over petty issues, or Abrahamniggers behead each other over petty doctrinal squabbles, you are dealing with the same type of people. On the flip-side, you get the worst decadence and degeneracy imaginable due to repressed urges, or you have the supposed ideological purists of the "left" turn into the very caricatures of capitalism that they were supposedly fighting against as soon as someone waves a dollar bill in front of their faces. Just as the pic that this anon has posted shows >>1036 . 

Anime is not the point here, but the inflexibility that you have mentioned. My assumption would be that we are dealing with someone who is somewhat versed in the ideology (probably as a part of the assignment) but lacking any understanding of its substance and not really believing in it, subconsciously projecting a wrong picture about it. Turner Diaries larper tryhards that appear as Hollywood caricatures of NS/fascists and non-binary pansexual black "NS/fascists" are two sides of the same coin, both used to D&C by reinforcing each other. Now, I'm not saying that he is a groomer of some kind, but that he might have been groomed himself without realizing it. Unless you completely deprogram yourself from the Judaic mindset, you stand no chance of resisting their control, as you have rightly pointed out. As such, you are a liability and not an asset, no matter how hardcore and a real nigga you fancy yourself to be.

Besides, political movements are just means to an end. The real question is, what kind of world would you like to see, and what kind of society would you like to live in. Sometimes it requires hardline stances, sometimes compromises.
Replies: >>1070
I disagree with Goebbels here. If moral absolutism is bad, does that make us bad people for not being friends with non-Whites, per se? I mean we need to be strict in the doctrine of National Socialism. And that means:
>No sympathy to shitskin races because they're the other enemies besides jews who should be liquidated
>Women should not take up jobs and be at home always
>Men should not ever show feminine emotion (crying for instance) as it can be slippery slope to feminine behavior.

If you cannot follow those three simple points, fuck off.
Replies: >>1078 >>1088
>I disagree with Goebbels here...
Then you are a fool, Goebbels outlines it very well, there is no doctrine of National Socialism that says or implies that a man should not cry, it's not a feminine trait to be in concert with ones emotions, and no emotion is inherently feminine or masculine, it is a feminine trait to let them rule your thoughts when it isn't appropriate to do so, in fact, such a stance leads to it's own problems, because our emotions are part of us, they are natural and there should be no judgement or shame for displaying them, especially appropriately, as that leads to unhealthy suppression, this idea comes from the belief that Stoicism is the default position of Men, when stoicism has some of the same problems as christianity, which is why it has survived mostly untouched by Christian hands, chief among those problems is the Universal Brotherhood of Man as revealed by the writings of Marcus Aurelius.
 Second, a woman's work is the home, and her children and husband as part of that but there must be found places for women who cannot, either through natural defect or accident, have children, and as such would be ill suited to be someone's wife. Both of these above positions are in accordance with natural law.
And for the last, it too is in accordance with natural law, but there will have to be flexibility to meet with needs as they sit on the ground, there will be plenty of situations where we must either work with or entreat with enemies, and being unable to at least act like we sympathize with their needs, will harm us in many scenarios, it will also help in some situations.
Moral absolutism is bad, because even the above positions must have some flex to them or you will not be able to account for anything that falls outside of your chosen bounds but there will be times where we must be inflexible, the chief problem is that if we choose inflexibilty in excess we may end up a detriment to our cause and our goals.
The key is finding the ability to judge where and when, you must be inflexible and the same for flexible.
>>Implying I ever spent a cent on anime or merchandise
You don't understand what consumerism means, which is funny and proves my point that the many of you are lolbergs. Buying a product is not the only aspect of consumerism. Watching and wasting on a product or media and having such a keen interest into it that you refuse to put your time into superior activities is apart of it. 

>My point is that you shouldn't filter out potential contributors by trying to make an issue of something
Your point is stupid, because I've given many examples that you prove you and that other idiot wrong that anime is not a contributor to negative behavior and along with the pioneering and media of its creations. You simply refuse to answer my questions and responses and simply state that you do not feel this way.

>that's what women do
You niggers need to stop calling everything you personally don't like "X". Women are not smart enough to recognize obvious patterns that you see circumvent amongst their group. Plus this woman bashing needs to stop as well, because most of you are just as immature.

>Men chasing after women groomed by consumerist culture is one of pillars of corporatism
You should actually speak of experience of talking to a woman or any other person that isn't family or relatives, anon. The assumption that all women are of consumerist culture is the one-sided perspectives I'm talking about that are common amongst imageboard cultures, especially how many of you think that you're being regularly cuckold by niggers. What you say applies to many men as well. As a matter of fact, a feminist could say the same thing to a traditionalist woman on how they should beware of men like you as well and wouldn't be far off. By the way,  establishing one-sided assumptions are also things women do.

> You are supposed to invest all of your time and energy into being "successful" (by unrealistic standards set by them, in a game completely rigged by them and to their benefit) only to end up being cucked and alimony raped
Again, you set an example of what I'm talking about. What you're saying isn't true of all women or people you meet in real life. This is an illusion set yourself up in your mind to cope and isolate yourself from reality and further astray from being a social being. Sitting on your fat ass and watching anime is going to make things better either. This is beta male mentality.

> If you circumvent that by enjoying anime you are threatening the stability of the system
Here comes the psuedo-intellectualism and more cope to justify an inherently consumerist mindset as "threatening". You're not a threat to the system no matter how much you LARP. What threatens the system are guys like the Branch Davidians or any White guy who directly rebel against the system by not partaking its establish culture. Surprise, surprise, anime is apart of that culture and many of it is pozzed, which of course you could not establish how I am wrong whatsoever. This idea that anime is an act of rebellion or contribution is delusional.

>Occasional pastime, I barely even watch it since most new stuff is garbage. 
I do not care what kinds of anime you have watched at this very moment as I do not believe your empty claims. I'm looking for examples of that anime is threatening to the jews, which is BS. 

Just one? This is not even a good example as it is a reinforcement and delusion of modern Japanese culture as generally positive, while being apolitical altogether. Whether it encourages a healthy relationship amongst family it definitely hasn't encouraged you to do anything of subsistence. Its definitely better than most animes as its descriptions goes. But cartoons such as this have no other purpose other than fulfilling wholesome content that is lacking in the lives of men and women.

>Even if you are not a christcuck, you can still retain the mindset
Again with the boogeymanz and inconsistent accusations. Nigger, you are spiritually and mentally a christcuck. Especially on how you show sympathy with protestants on how they view "salvation" for the Aryan will just magically occur within by producing nothing of quality and doing the opposite things that bring about a future we desire.
Replies: >>1088
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>Yes it really is fine to watch things that entertain you
<It's okay to be a consumerist
Then why being a National Socialist. Go back to being a lolberg, if you refuse to take action seriously as we do.

>Non-sequitur, I haver known many a person who doesn't make their chosen entertainment their entire lives
Learn to spell. You have nothing, but claims which are all bullshit. Of all the fascists and NS I've seen who are very interested in anime have been degenerates. Take pic-related as example as there exist many of them amongst our circles.

>No, it's usually the case with normalfags who most likely cannot be recovered and leftists who aren't worth even attempting to help
This is cope, because many of fascists are like "normalfags" who cannot be recovered. Many of us are also mentality illed as well. 

>I don't care about RW weebs
Anon, you are a RW weeb. You are your own enemy as well.
< I have not seen this in NS circles, whatsoever, some people have Anime PFP's, sure, but usually they're smarter and more informed than anyone 
"I have not seen" is a common saying to downplay the general demographics and behavior of people of group. Either you are blind or refuse to acknowledge there is a problem amongst RW weebs such as yourself. You only have assertions and claims that I nor anyone can take seriously. Especially when there exist too much evidence of weebs doing the opposite of what you said. You don't come off as very intelligent yourself, so I'm thinking that these weebs are about as smart as a ghetto nigger.

You disagree, but still cannot prove it wrong for me to come to a conclusion after making serious obversations. And I have explained in detail of what consists within weeb degeneracy. So I could care less about your personal feelings. 

>I can, I have a wife
You're lying. And don't say I cannot declare this, because you have lied numerously within your posts.

>I have not posted any erotica here whatsoever
I doubt this, but your word means nothing, because many weebs of the fascist and RW sphere do.

>The diaperfag shit above was another poster and was reminiscing about the days when the diaperniggers raided everyone and drew degenerate shit about their board tans because it was funny. 
And you guys accepted it. Remember that as well? You allowed the diaperfag(s) and re-posted his content. The fact that you tolerated his behavior means you were tolerate towards his degenerate preferences as well.

>Have you taken a look at any random porn site, in the amateur section, just to know for yourself what the state of the average modern woman is?
No, because I don't look at porn and know it is all a lie. Have you recently been outside, anon? Have you communicated with people? Do you think every woman is a whorebag on pornhub, because you see the same jew taking a dude's penis? This is common mentality amongst blackpillers and depress porn addicts which says a-lot about you.

> the sheer amount of content there, belays the lie of your idiotic claim,
Anon you are a fucking idiot. And should stop thinking a like a woman or shitskin. The amount of content does mean every woman is a whore. You and that other faggot are what I'm talking about. Literal shit-skin and low T behavior. You have nothing intelligent to say here. 

>dressed like whores
I don't fucking care, plus many of these women were asked by their own spouses or BF to dress this way. Most of them didn't go around fucking other men. What's hypocritical about you is that you acknowledge and admit that anime does similar things, and yet are still defendant of it. 

>about 85% of women are whores naturally,
About 90% of incels are cucks naturally and literally. People who say this are always gooks or niggers who are butt-hurt that the White woman prefers her own race. Again you're thinking like a woman and provide no reality to his argument. Beta male mentality. Varg was right about guys like you.

>Pic related shows a claim with no evidence by a leftist trans faggot
Bullshit, because many trannies are very interested in anime. Many even admit anime turned them into faggots. My other pics from my previous post and along with the one I'm posting again, proves you wrong. Stop bitching about muh leftists. There exist a psy-op of trannies LARPing as fascists and NS and they do not just happen to be interested in anime.

>No it isn't, the cause is something else entirely, likely Microplastics leeching estrogen into the entire planets ,air, water and from there the food, no matter where it's sourced from, 
<Muh microplastic
You do know that I can also say that the result of lack of low-T is also what lead to anime as well, right? You and that other anon are perfect examples of low-T after-all. Especially on how you conclude that everyone is a whore, because they do not meet your personal standards or don't just magically throw themselves at you.

>Motherhood fatherhood
Don't talk of these as if you are unironically concerned about the loss and decline of such things by being the way you are acting right now, because you aren't any better than any whore. 

>So can the kids shows on TV more than a decade ago that had "normal" girls running around dressed like sluts, 
And these kids shows are a case of degeneracy and are fueling asocial behaviors prevalent amongst young men within countries like Japan today. Was this an attempt of establish an excuse when I'm making a case against its existence? 

>Otakus are shit upon all throughout Japan
Otakus think like you do as well.

>and RW weebs don't influence anything they're a minority just like Otaku
More lies. They have their own culture within our sphere. They are so influential that even American Krogan, as shown within my previous post, had to call them out. Nick Funetes and BAP are popular RWs and weebs. If RW weebs were merely insignificant, then the OC of our own board would not be an anime girl as well to appeal and welcome types such as yourself.

>Moe =/= Loli, Loli is a hentai genre
Learn to read. I said loli is APART of moe culture. Many of moe contain loli content. Many weebs are also hugely into it.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Unproductive Moralizing, and if you don't have OC take it elsewhere, I will tolerate no more here.

Replies: >>1098
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Strict in general principles and goals, not turning NS into a religion. What's more important to you, your image of yourself as whatever you perceive the ideal NS purist to be, or the actual future of yourself and your people? Your style of writing glows so fucking hard by the way. The only relevant parameter is do you contribute to the long term white survival, independence and preservation of the highest values or not. Everything else is D&C and well poisoning.

>You don't understand what consumerism means
So you are trying to tell me that consumerism is not about buying and consuming products and services made for profit? Yes, they do pander to the audience that actually buys their products instead of telling them to get their life in shape, but it doesn't have to be that way. 
>Watching and wasting on a product or media and having such a keen interest into it that you refuse to put your time into superior activities
Watching it once in a while is not what I would define as a keen interest. Nor does it prevent you from doing "superior activities"
>I've given many examples that you prove you and that other idiot wrong that anime is not a contributor to negative behavior
Anime is what you make of it, and you have failed to show any inherent flaws with the style or the medium itself. No amount of circumstantial arguments and pointing out consequences of factors that have nothing to do with the medium itself are going to change that. Your point pretty much comes down to "someone makes degenerate sculptures, that means that sculptures of Arno Breker are degenerate as well" Or when leftists try to ban guns because niggers shoot a lot of people with them. It's vastly superior to western media and it's a good way to reach the right audience. Deal with it, or make something better that's equally appealing.
>You niggers need to stop calling everything you personally don't like "X"
Like consumerism? How am I bashing women? I am merely telling you that you are behaving like one
>You should actually speak of experience of talking to a woman or any other person that isn't family or relatives, anon
Your prejudices fail you
>The assumption that all women
Where did I write or imply that all women are like that? The majority however, are, and you cannot deny that. To be fair, modern "men" are not any different, but that's besides the point. And it's not an one-sided assumption, it's based on long observation and life experience (whether mine or of other people). What I actually meant is that a system is set up in place to fleece you in every way imaginable and that it is completely rigged against you (unless you belong to a certain tribe), meaning that the most rational course of action is to reduce your interaction with it to the minimum possible amount, including the people who are its mental captives.
>and isolate yourself from reality
Ironically, most people on this planet won't be able to discern tangible reality in the near future. That's why being a '42 Wehrmacht conscript is a somewhat outdated approach, while I do appreciate the historical accuracy. 
>Sitting on your fat ass and watching anime is (not) going to make things better either
Not if that's the only thing that you do.
>You're not a threat to the system no matter how much you LARP
Their actions tell me otherwise...
>This idea that anime is an act of rebellion
I don't think anyone actually made that point ITT
>or contribution
Do you even read other posts? People who happen to watch anime do contribute, and you are trying to chase them away by seething about it.
>But cartoons such as this have no other purpose other than fulfilling wholesome content that is lacking in the lives of men and women
Surrogates can save you a lot of time and energy so you can focus on other matters.
Replies: >>1092
>Strict in general principles and goals, not turning NS into a religion. What's more important to you, your image of yourself as whatever you perceive the ideal NS purist to be, or the actual future of yourself and your people? Your style of writing glows so fucking hard by the way. The only relevant parameter is do you contribute to the long term white survival, independence and preservation of the highest values or not. Everything else is D&C and well poisoning.

Long-term White survival means we do need to get ourselves in order (restricted emotions and women being put in kitchens as always) and the shitskins from other nations exterminated. Why should they spend resources that was (and always will be) meant for us? Fuck non-whites. In fact, the BO follows the Ethnoglobe ideal. So, if you think I'm "glowing", the whole board is, nigger.

Also, who knew that one of the mods is a weeb? While I do admit I peruse anime/jewTV once in a while, it's not wrong to say that they are degenerate.
Replies: >>1096
i still don't know if mods were right to ban that guy.. he was the one that hated anime, right? i don't know if my opinion even has that much value here.
Replies: >>1096
Just wanted to thank the mod who decided to step in and knock that fed faggot off the overboard. Though you guys are still pretty retarded for validating him for so long.
Replies: >>1096
There's only one mod, me. Yep, Ethnoglobe.
If I were a weeb I wouldn't say, anime is degenerate, but we all have things we do that would be considered degenerate some that give us joy, Hitler didn't want those taken away and neither do I, so long as you do not let the things you enjoy become a harm to you, do as you please.

Also actually read the thread nobody is arguing it's bad to say there's degenerate anime, they're arguing against a blockhead who doesn't want to see reason.
He displayed a complete lack of knowledge of National Socialism and exactly the attitude that Goebbels made a speech about he doesn't belong here.
Which fed faggot?
Replies: >>1097 >>1099
I see. Welp you're really nice so that's good. But don't go too bad! We need to prove people who are wrong that they're wrong. Even if they're passionate about being wrong. Maybe they just didn't know better, you know?
>Then why being a National Socialist. Go back to being a lolberg, if you refuse to take action seriously as we do.
You are not a National Socialist, you are an idiot coming in claiming to be, Anime is a symptom not the disease, and so long as Orlog is the owner of this board, It will not be an instant ban.
>Learn to spell.
It's my nvitae lnauagege and I wlil fcuk it up as I csohoe.
>You have nothing, but claims which are all bullshit.
Not a single one of my claims or assertions have you actually addressed at all.
>Of all the fascists and NS I've seen who are very interested in anime have been degenerates.
You have not seen any, because real NS do not tolerate inflexible idiots, you have seen larpers claiming to be something they are not very like you, in fact.
>Take pic-related as example as there exist many of them amongst our circles.
<twitter posts mean something
No, they don't and someone questioning why you're worried about them knowing why you're buying something or rather why Apollonian Germ is, proves nothing.
>Anon, you are a RW weeb. You are your own enemy as well.
No, I am not.
>"I have not seen" is a common saying to downplay the general demographics and behavior of people of group.
Anecdotal evidence can be disproven by the same, You claim that NS who watch Anime are all degenerates, I haven't seen that at all, not among NS, among christniggers like you that claim to be NS, I have certainly seen that.
>You disagree
And I am correct, you sidestep the point to whine about how your observations are better than mine, this is not the case, attack the point not the person.
>You're lying. And don't say I cannot declare this, because you have lied numerously within your posts.
I'm not lying, I haven't lied once, I have a wife, and your insistence that I don't because my opinions don't match yours is infantile.
>You're lying. And don't say I cannot declare this, because you have lied numerously within your posts.
I don't post erotica, in fact, most of the time, I don't post anything until retards like you crop up trying to claim National Socialism is, something that it isn't.
>And you guys accepted it.
No, we ignored it, if you feel it actually breaks the rules REPORT IT Orlog seems to have left it there because it wasn't indicative of anything, it's a post reflecting over board history, something they found funny, I don't, but I'm not bothered by what degenerates have done on another board on an entirely different site or someone reminiscing over the past.
>You allowed the diaperfag(s)
I'm not fashBO, and I don't recall that ever happening, and no one previous to you has mentioned it.
We're not here to create a fucking Hugbox, that is in and of itself anathema to national socialism, our mandate is to struggle and if you are too weak or uneducated to handle a challenge to your viewpoints, it is you, sir, who does not belong.
>No, because I don't look at porn and know it is all a lie.
Then you have no room to speak of knowing anything about what's causing degeneracy. Onlyfans alone shows just how degenerate many women are, you have housewives and random career women posting their bodies for the world to see, this is your average woman in the west, and a simple look through many dating sites shows that as well from OkCupid to Bumble to fucking Tinder.
>This is common mentality amongst blackpillers
I'm no blackpiller, but unlike you I will not shy from the truth, Women are degenerate today, but so are men, and it is allowing women to lead and letting them have privileges they do not deserve, from the privilege of choosing a mate for themselves, to the privilege of voting etc. etc. that hgas led to the state of things today.
As to your questions I work outside and I talk to people daily, different every day, in their own fucking homes, want to guess how many racemixers I run across? You are a moron if you think it's all content made by jews using jewesses, there far too much of it available for that to be the case, you might have had an argument 20 years ago, but certainly not now.
>Anon you are a fucking idiot. And should stop thinking a like a woman or shitskin.
It's not blackpilling or shitting on women to point out that the average women is a hopeless degenerate, the same was true in Hitlers time, though it's much worse now. The commonality of women choosing to exploit themselves on the internet is ubiquitous, from Facebook to Twitter to TikTok to your most degenerate porn site.
The issue here is you choosing to blindly defend women against what are known to be facts about the state of women, and men.
>About 90% of incels are cucks naturally and literally.
And that doesn't negate the truth of the statistics that we've all seen posted not only on previous iteration of the board, but on the various /pol/'s etc., you're pointing out your own blindness on this subject.
Incels themselves aren't the subject or a concern of ours most of them are nowhere near our circles, and they have gone down a hole they will not dig themselves out of, by choice.
>I don't fucking care, plus many of these women were asked by their own spouses or BF to dress this way.
No, they fucking weren't, no woman today lets any man tell her what to wear, unless she's married and even then that's not common. Have you bothered to look at the "normal" Social media sites at all over the last 20 fucking years, women dressed like whores out of their houses without being told or asked, I watched the shit happen as I grew up, in a 100% white town in rural America, women chose for themselves, in fact the influence boyfriends seemed to have was getting them to dress LESS like whores. The average person of my generation has 7 sexual partners, the 2% highest extreme well over 50, 14%, likely women married right out of highschool, had only one, and good for their husbands, this is across the US and Europe, and in Europe women are generally more liberal with their bodies than in the US, many US states average is lower than 5 with Louisiana having 15.7 and Oklahoma being around 12.
>What's hypocritical about you is that you acknowledge and admit that anime does similar things, and yet are still defendant of it. 
Anime isn't the cause of this shit, unless somehow you want to claim the problem is the Japanese, and not the jews and their Christniggers.
 I'm attacking your poor argument for stealing away joy from people on this board, something that both Hitler and Goebbels would criticize you for, and rightly so.
>Bullshit, because many trannies are very interested in anime.
And? I know mechanics, chimney sweeps, brick-masons and engineers, who are into anime as well, all of them with wives or at least fiancees and often several children I could just as easily argue it encourages people into those things, as it does anything you think it does.
And we know that second claim of yours isn't true, we know what turns faggots in faggots and trannies into trannies and it isn't fucking cartoons, it's grooming, and then sexual abuse, it is actually only very recently that they've used an interest in anime to target victims.
Your pics do nothing, they prove nothing, except some dumbass somewhere said something.
You have the media from Tim Pool and Alex Jones to CNN and FOX calling everybody else Nazis, anybody who claims transsexualism is in any way associated with NS, is an illiterate retard, and ultimately irrelevant, that "psyop" is dead, and was pretty much dead from the outset, it was never going to go anywhere because it doesn't meet with reality in anyway and anyone who fell victim to it, was never recoverable.
>You do know that I can also say that the result of lack of low-T is also what lead to anime as well, right? 
Sure you can say that, but, you'd be wrong, there is no link between globally falling testosterone rates and viewership of anime which still remains a minority anywhere with the only possible exception to that minority status, being Dragonball, and Z, GT and Super, the most popular anime of all time.
>You and that other anon...
Your arguments continue to ring hollow, attack the point not the person, both of whom you are incredibly inaccurate on.
>Don't talk of these as if you are unironically concerned about the loss and decline of such things.
I mentioned them because they are relevant, whereas you cannot muster an argument to save your life.
>Was this an attempt of establish an excuse when I'm making a case against its existence? 
Failure in reading comprehension again, I was pointing out that your claim that this is somehow a result of anime is facetious, and providing an example from when anime was still very underground in the west especially as compared to today.
>Otakus think like you do as well.
If that's true we have lots more allies in japan than I thought, we both know it isn't though.
>More lies.
It's not a lie, RIGHT WINGERS ARE NOT NS AND ARE NOT ALLIES OF NS, THEY HAVE NO INFLUENCE HERE NOR IN ANY PLACE THAT I HAVE FOUND REAL NATIONAL SOCIALISTS the entire reason that Anime is at all related to this board or National Socialism, is that places like this were the only places that free speech was to be had since at least 2008
>OC of our own board would not be an anime girl
It's not, the original fashBO made it to trigger the faggots who were shitposting it in the Meta thread back on 8chan and I see no reason for Orlog to drop it, as it still works, it's here specifically to trigger faggots like you, so that you reveal how very unfit you are for this board and serious discussion. 
>Learn to read. I said loli is APART of moe culture.
No, it isn't, a part of Moe culture, as I understand it, Moe appreciates innocence and places it on a pedestal, Loli desecrates it, and tears it down. Loli steals Moe tropes and themes to corrupt them, they are not related except in the sick minds of pedophiles, and apparently your mind, are you a pedophile?
>Which fed faggot?
I'll give you three guesses.
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>>155 (OP) 
Calisthenics Archive v2

Link (AnonFiles): https://anonfiles.com/t0cfCan8zb/Calisthenics_Archive_v2_zip

Al Kavadlo
» Pushing the Limits! [PDF]
» Raising the Bar [EPUB + PDF]

Brad Johnson
» Bodyweight Exercises for Extraordinary Strength [PDF]

Paul "Coach" Wade
» C-Mass [AZW3 + PDF]
» Convict Conditioning [PDF + EPUB]
» Convict Conditioning 2 [PDF + EPUB]
» Convict Conditioning - Ultimate Bodyweight Training Log [PDF]
» Convict Conditioning Vol. 1 - The Prison Pushup Series [MP4 + PDF]
» Convict Conditioning Vol. 2 - The Ultimate Bodyweight Squat Course [MP4 + PDF]
» Convict Conditioning Vol. 3 - Leg Raises: Six Pack From Hell [MP4 + PDF]
» Convict Conditioning Vol. 4 - Advanced Bridging: Forging an Iron Spine [MP4 + PDF]
» Convict Conditioning Vol. 5 - One Arm Pullup Series [MP4 + PDF]
» Explosive Calisthenics [PDF + EPUB]
» The Super F.A.Q. [PDF]

Pavel Tsatsouline
» The Naked Warrior [AVI + PDF]

Steven Low
» Overcoming Gravity [PDF + EPUB]
Replies: >>3374
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Subversive agent mods pls ban. After the Jew the final battle is against the Asian hive mind for galactic supremacy. Unironically you would be better off playing 40K instead of watching trash.
Replies: >>2120
>After the Jew the final battle is against the Asian hive mind for galactic supremacy
That is the final plan. Ethnoglobe will prevail.
>Murdoch murdoch
Haven't heard about that in a long time. What happened to them?
Replies: >>2180
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Murdoch wrote a book and keeps posting on 4chan's /pol/ from time to time.
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>>155 (OP) 
For the love of god, why is the SIG thread (the only thread with IRL effects) full of people posing thousand-word rants about anime and not self improvement? Watch your damn cartoons and then shut the fuck up, people here are trying to be PRODUCTIVE.
Replies: >>2396
One fuck your jewish god, and two this is the only place the discussion had relevance so when I banned the moralizing faggot and it was over I moved it here, But instead of bitching about prior discussions(unless you're going to weigh in yourself with the requisite effort) feel free to contribute something of actual worth to the thread.
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Hello anons. I apologize i haven't been posting on /fascist/ as much as i should have since the disappearance of 16chan.
Anyways i suppose if i wish this place to be active i should take a hand in it too. On other news, did you know masturbation floods your brain with Prolactin, which is responsible for Gynecomastia.
So masturbation literally turns men into a mockery of what they should be. Sources
Replies: >>2412
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Dont be ashamed to set the struggle aside for everyday challenges anon. Every step away from degeneracy and towards the responsibilities of being a man is another step down the golden path. Both occupations are national socialist and as long as  you live your life as if your white ancestors are watching then you have no shame to mug you of your joy at being the highest order of nature's creations.
What are /fascist/'s fitness numbers?
>Benchpress Max
>5k times
>Long distance hikes
>Difficult movements
>Months free from Smart Phone, Soy, etc.

Share some significant fitness achievements and encourage other anons that are still making their way towards them through sharing your experiences.
Replies: >>2452
What are some good cardio exercise that can be performed in confined spaces?
Replies: >>2458 >>2484 >>3375
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Ungh I'm having a flat day but tomorrow I'll pick it up again. 
>push ups:30 
>chin ups:10
>close squats: 35
>crow stands: 1 minute 30
>angled bridges: 45
>leg raises:45
I do fingertip push ups first cycle and  diamond push ups last cycle.I do these about two or three times a day unless I'm in the field where I basically switch to cardio. I am starting to switch from toning, i.e. the big six, one set before each meal, to doing three of each at close interval and 24 h rest. 

Its not much and I sometimes I cant do the routine but thats the full routine, following Convict Conditioning. 

I'm resting a sports injury so I am not going to try running again until the end of the year.
Calinsthetics with low dwell time between sets is good cardio. Why cant you go running or cycle everywhere?
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how about skipping rope work.
As part of self Mastery I would like to gain military experience to cultivate a Warrior mindset and gain the skills necessary to help our movement. The issue at hand however is that I cannot- In right mind serve my home country (USA) knowing that it will be aiding the Global Neoliberal Zionist world order. I’ve debated joining local Natsoc / fascist militias but I’m not sure if that’s the right move. (Glowies and all)
 With that in mind, what would you recommend anons? I find myself unsure of what to do.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I’m grateful for any advice I can get.
Replies: >>3162
>With that in mind, what would you recommend anons? I find myself unsure of what to do.
You can get training in anything in the US with money, most of it isn't even hard to find, Joining the military isn't a good idea and doesn't train you better than you can do yourself in the private sector.
The instructions are bad. His promotion of partial reps slows progress. You should do whatever progression you are capable of doing for a minimum of 5 reps with clean form.
Kneeling pushups are inferior to using a lower incline. They also hurt the knees.
>Pull up
Rows deserve their own category in the big 7. There should at least be a mention of incline rows in between vertical and horizontal.
Angled bridges put a lot of pressure on the lumbar, surprisingly the best progression is to do bridges with your feet elevated but anything past the first two progressions should not be attempted until you have sufficient overhead shoulder, hip and back flexibility.
>Handstand Pushups
Headstand kick ups are retarded, dangerous and useless. Do wall planks.
Crow stand should be the first progression.
The photos show horrible form, arms should not flare out.
Pike pushups should be the first pushing progression, followed by decline pike pushups.
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Replies: >>3376
Why are you asking this? are you in prison or holding?
I don't like your picture. What we need is victory, not self improvement. Being "Successful" in today's world isn't an achievement in any way, it will drag you down in any real action.
Yes we need to become warriors, both internally AND externally. Our enemies aren't going to remove themselves.
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What are your thoughts on the concept of  'Super-functional Training' as thought of by Adam Sinnicki?
It's essentially the Idea of Functional training but taken to achieve extra mastery of the human form. For example he takes methods from various disciplines: Running, Fighting,  Weightlifting, Calisthenics ,Mental training, etc. He makes various references in his books and on his channel to Convict conditioning and books like it. 
I couldn't find any archive links online for you guys so I decided since I already paid for it myself, I'd just go ahead and upload it myself so hopefully this helps.
The series is titled 'Super-functional 2.0' It includes Both an instructional book, instructional videos and a program. If you're interested I could probably find a way to upload the instructional videos as well.
This is the routine that goes with the book. 
What do you like and dislike about it?
I've heard a few criticisms about Adams' work. Namely, that it draws from Crossfit which is a bit of a dirty word. I like his approach to fitness, that is as a philosophy of it's own.
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