/rozen/ - Rozen Maiden

A shrine for dolls

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I have a reading comprehension problem
Last edited by d0ll
Replies: >>58 >>69
watch your tone, Enju dolls deserve love too.
Replies: >>65
>I have a reading comprehension problem
Yeah you do faggot
>talking shit about actual dollfag sites
>sfw board when sfw is literally to stop people from posting dolls
>fucking EDITING posts
just cut to the chase and fucking kill yourself, dude
Replies: >>67 >>69
There's no such thing
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Calm yourself down, I am trying to focus on things for the board.
>talking shit about actual dollfag sites
I personally am not a fan of sexualizing the maidens and hiding out in irc allowing your site to wither away with time, I definitely understand how you would feel insulted, but perhaps just maybe if you cared soo much about that site, you would contact and perhaps lend a helping hand to DMS, ever considered being the change you want to see, instead of visiting efforts you know nothing about and insulting them?
Spitboxing will get you nowhere.
>fucking EDITING posts
^^ a goofball I am.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to focus.
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Did someone say "fake doll"? Cuz I think I heard someone say "fake doll" ~dakara
> >fucking EDITING posts
Hahaha, yeah, that's right, 
fucking EDITING posts,
just like on your favorite actual dollfag sites, you stinky fucking dollfag. The only things that are missing are permaban with an idiotic message and nasty faggots laughing at you in irc.
Hah, this shitsite can actually be funny.
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That gave me an idea. What if we make a set of flags for Enju Maidens and Keikujyaku? Although, probably, no one will use them. Just like Tefuko.
Replies: >>76
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That would be an excellent idea, I honestly if there were something I would like to see is more light shed on Enju Maidens. Also I need to post more tefuko.
Replies: >>83
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Yes, they are so adorable and unique. And I guess you agree with me that they have limitless potential. Keikoutou and Kokukouseki are so cute and amusing. Today I even wanted to grab a pencil my mouse and draw a funny Pinku image mimicking Carlos and make it a forced meme here. Yeah. I'll think about flags when I will get a little bit better, I guess. ~desu
Keikujyaku on the other hand... She is so, uh, bland? But she is semi-official. I don't know. What do you think?
>Also I need to post more tefuko.
Hehe, yeah. And don't forget to change the flags to the remade versions. By the Goddess, I don't even know where you got these old scraps from and how you managed to mix them up.
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