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Normally it takes me a lot of time to fall asleep and I easily wake up due to sun rise, strange noises etc. however recently I can easily fall asleep any time of the day or night and I sleep very deeply and longer than usual. Thing is that every morning I wake up a with new, shallow cut on my body. It doesn't happen after naps during the day and I live alone with no pets, locked doors and I close the windows in the evening. What could be happening? Despite constant readiness to sleep I don't feel weak or low on energy and nothing seems out of ordinary.
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I checked my bed but there's no blood. I did notice some tears on my sheets so it's possible that I toss too much. If nothing suspicious happens I guess I'll try deleting this thread.
>>1223 (OP) 
Do you remember your dreams? Do you feel anything out of the ordinary before or after sleeping?
>>1223 (OP) 
I experienced something similar where I'd wake up with minor cuts or rashes on my face and the rest of my body.
No idea what caused it. My best guess is these are minor wounds you flatly don't notice before you go to bed.

That, or you come home so smashed that you dump your jeans or sweater on the bed and get a scratch when you move across the teeth of the zipper.
So to give you an update I dreamed that the Sun was turning on an off while I was running in the woods so I went for a run in the forest and watched twilight. Following week I started seeing various signs and feeling weird and for a while I was convinced that I'm experiencing spiritual awakening despite never being into that kind of stuff. I also received revelation from Earth that told me that life is just a simple chemical reaction and that no doubt there are no spirits or gods and also that humans advanced too and that caused them to be confused and lost so it's important to give them any purpose.
So now I'm back to my normal self and very confused. It felt like a totally different person took over my body for a week.
>>1223 (OP) 
I've gotten bruises in my sleep from slamming my arm against the night stand and such. Is there anything sharp near your bed?

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It took a lot of weeks to put this together (along with some other things), the book came up to around 11 hours and youtube has a 12 hour limit for uploads (I think) so I got lucky.

I might have to split future books into separate videos.

Enjoy this free audiobook, I hope you find it as useful as I do. This will definitely be useful for people who prefer listening to books rather than manually reading them.

I really created this for myself as an aid to speed up learning and for when I have to revisit certain chapters.

Subscribe to my channel if you want to see more. I'll be working on "The Practice of Magical Evocation" by Franz Bardon next.

I've always had an interest in the occult. I was lucky enough to stumble upon Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon, and it is by far the most detailed and straight forward occult book I've ever come across.

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Anyone remember /sudpol/? It was a board that was generally made to discuss shit like Hitler being in Antarctica, the warm caves in Antarctica, (maybe) hollow earth, and all of the other weird shit like nazi bells and directions to hidden locations and the like. The last thing I remember is plans to just go off the clearnet, and not even into torniggery, just like a closed circle to go find more shit.
Then, when 8chan disappeared, it kinda just fell off the map like a lot of other smaller boards. So the question is, what happened?
Also Antarctica thread I guess.
Replies: >>640 >>897
>>638 (OP) 
I'd honestly expect it just fizzled out like that one /pol/ group that wanted to buy land in Africa (Namibia IIRC) and establish a White colony there.

Besides - with Antarctica, I'd be more worried what's gonna happen there in the future. With all the natural resources still waiting under the ice, I would be surprised if the US and Russia hadn't already planted bases there that don't show up on any maps. Kind of like Camps Fistclench and Century.
>>638 (OP) 
It was nearly dead toward the end of 8chan, getting about one or two posts a week, due to fizzling out over time.
Chances are it simply died after 8chan did.
Replies: >>916
I miss reading through /fringe/ threads on 8chan.
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I have no idea if this is a genuine document, so proceed with caution.
Replies: >>1188
To the best of my knowledge, the German WWII-era Kriegsmarine had no "A-Class" u-boats - they were designated by Roman numerals followed by a letter, so the first U-Boat class designed in the Third Reich was "IA" and the last was the midget submarine XXVIIB.

I'm also a bit skeptical about the u-boats descending to a depth of 400 meters. Most German subs had a test depth of ~200m, with a calculated crushing depth of around 300m.
That being said, the Los Angeles class developed by the US in 1942 already had a test depth of 450m, so it's at least possible the Kriegsmarine had a secret u-boat project specifically aiming for deep-dive cruises.

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Been thinking about doing some ghost and cryptid hunting, skinwalkers, ghost, goatmen, cannibal hillbillies. I already have a list of items I want to get that I think would help me like thermal cameras, trail cams, and go pros.  But I also wanted to get your opinion on other items or brands I should check out, also if anyone has had any experience monster hunting.
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>Chucking dead animal in your mouth
Like eating meat?
No, not like eating meat. When you eat meat, you generally don't try to divine outcomes or speak to the dead, because only a weirdo would talk with their mouth full, let alone practice idolatry. That's why the post has
>and giving speeches
in it. Because context is what makes the sentence intelligible.
What is retarded image that you've posted?
>muh science
Atheists need to be raped and beheaded.
Are you people really this fucking stupid? Human child = murder. It's a human, the God race. A pig is a dumb animal. We eat animals. Killing humans at any stage is morally wrong, even at the moment of conception they still have all the info to become a full human. It's not about pain or awareness, it's about not killing your own kind you fucking tard. Plus, it's more moral to let a child live at the expense of the mother's life as the mother has lived more and the child has not had a chance. You lived till adulthood, be happy or be used as biomatter, dickhead.

Also the left can't meme. The fuck was that format and gay ass drawing.

Any one here ever come across an organisation named the Imperium?
Replies: >>1131
>>1119 (OP) 
Concur, this organization is white supremecist and known for recruiting on imageboards like this and 4chan. They're also known for being somewhat cryptic even though they're not actually hiding anything that spectacular. Participation in that organization is exclusively voluntary and based on their preferred methods of communication (discord) imperium is most likely a fed honeypot.

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What are your thoughts on this book? 
Some interesting concepts on the implicate and explicate order, and the holographic universe. Found it impressive how it made use of the theories of David Bohm and Karl Pribram.

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Let's have a little literature, shall we?
Starting with the Arbatel de Magia Veterum,

English version: http://www.esotericarchives.com/solomon/arbatel.htm
Orginial German scan:

This thread is about discussion of chaos magick, but I particularly want to discuss sigil magick with anons. Have you ever done sigil magick? What's your preferred method and what're your stories related to it? Personally, I've done sigil magick many times with little success, but I attribute that to fucking up the last step related to detachment and forgetting the desire, and just tending to overthink magick in some fit of excitement, so if you've any methods to overcome such obstacles, that'd be welcome as well. I'd also love to know if any of you have ever tried a hypersigil, since that's a relatively unexplored part of sigil magick. I myself am considering starting one.

If you don't know what sigil magick is, the pdf attached has a pretty good introduction to it starting at page three. The article itself is also a pretty good intro to chaos magick.
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I also meant to post this example of a sigil I just made
File eaten / 404s for me.
Replies: >>981
Sorry about that. Here's the link: https://doctormcg.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/morrison-pop-magik-ocr.pdf
Replies: >>984
An interesting read, but for me this all seems halfway between a self-induced placebo effect and self-reinforced schizophrenia.
I don't deny the effectiveness of the former (i.e, raising the perceived temperature in the room by thinking of something warm), but the idea that sigils "always" work seems silly when you can claim any even associated with a fairly vague invocation a potential success.
There is a very indepth thread about magick on mlpol.net/vx

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We always hear about ghosts staying behind to mess with the living world due to some sort of unfinished business such as by passing on information, fighting daemons, harassing trespassers or straight up cursing people. In that case, why aren't there more combat ghosts? More often than not, when somebody dies fighting for something they are really concerned with succeeding in that pursuit. It stands to reason that some of the more passionate individuals would be less than willing to simply fade away and like their civilian kin would work to assist their living comrades such as by reconnaissance, psychological warfare or assassination.
Do you think that battlefields are as chaotic on the spectral plane as they are on the mundane? For every squad of meatsacks trying to make ghosts there is a platoon of existing conducting intelligence operations against the enemy and counter-intelligence operations against the enemy's team of ghosts,
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Replies: >>951 >>954 + 2 earlier
There's plenty of murderers in jails with their guns in evidence lockers. Offer a reduced sentence and take minimal precautions to make sure the process doesn't murder them, though it wouldn't be much of a loss. Here's a very simple drawing demonstrating how you could do it.
Replies: >>919
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The image server hates me, second time trying this.
>>830 (OP) 
>lust provoking image
>pointless time wasting question
It isn't a pointless question but still.
>>830 (OP) 
German soldiers practiced for centuries a kind of war magic called Festmachen(solid making). The practitioners of Festmachen claimed to be geforen(frozen) and hence invulnerable against bullets and melee weapons. Besides instructions for how to become invulnerable, the art also contained curses against soldiers and horses, how to heal diseases, how to build magical weapons and armors and how to curse and uncurse guns. Any battlefield ghost would have had to deal with this stuff, on top of that every war attracts legion of priests who sanctify weapons and burry all the dead they can find. 

At last you have to keep in mind the culture of people. People who see it as an honor to die in battle aren't bitches who come back as salty ghosts to torment the living. You would have to do some serious desecration and sacrilege against these poeple for them to come back.
Replies: >>1053
can you drop me some sources to read about those german soldiers?

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Is there a more active /x/ somewhere else? 8chan is just as dead and I'm not aware of any others.
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Replies: >>921 + 1 earlier
You have to get a decent momentum, which is why that post had an arbitrary "daily" requirement. Without regular posts, on a very-slowboard like this /x/, you have no reason to check in daily otherwise. 
Not checking in daily means you can't find new posts every time they're made, and therefore can't respond to them. If you don't respond to them, the poster is disappointed or thinks the thread is dead, and may never check back in, or they may check in as irregularly as you do. Daily engagement is the first goal, but growth quickly skyrockets once you get past daily.
So far as I can tell, no one is following that sort of strategy here, so no momentum builds.
All these chans seem like fucking honeypots

suck my dick glowies
>>493 (OP) 
I came here the last time past year, this stills the same, same threads.
Posting in ded bord :DDDD
I've never been to /x/ before, but I'm really liking it here. I'll try to contribute something.
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420chan has a /spooky/ board, but the site is kikeflared and pozzed.

Offtopic: go visit http://theshadowlands.net aka "the first paranormal website".

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