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>I’ve been working as a mobile developer for 12 years. I’m a straight white male who knows what I am doing in my occupation. But lately I’m struggling to find another place to work.
>I applied for a job at DuckDuckGo, and got told to go fuck myself right away. So I reapplied as a black lesbian 5 years of experience who can’t program or spell. They are moving me to the 2nd round of interviews.
>What do we do in an industry that fucks straight white men over so relentlessly? >Do I just become a NEET? Feeling down and super blackpilled atm. Fuck this gay clown world where nothing makes any sense.
Source: https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/duckduckgo-ignore-highly-qualified-white-man-interested-in-black-queen.509/
>>3357 (OP) 
I am transvaccinated. I am valid and you need to respect my pronouns or get cancelled.
There seems to be few options, either work in smaller business, ideally remotely to offset living cost; or beat them in their game, choose all races and gender on your jewedin profile and dress like a clown in the interview.
>>3357 (OP) 
this belong in news thread
Lol, that name:
cuckcuckgo is a tentacle belonging to the nose tribe.
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>> Do i just become a NEET ?

maybe occasionally take a small order for a website & dont pay taxes
put your skills to decentralizing/federating the internet
Replies: >>13341 >>13352
>>3357 (OP) 
I've considered doing something like this before.  Can some lawfag explain the steps of a lawsuit for something like this? Obviously kike judges would just throw the case out, but maybe we can find a company like this in a more conservative area with conservative judges. Unlikely, but even 1 case could get the ball rolling for something larger
this clown world is so boring and gay im so tired of it all
Replies: >>13333 >>13355
Same, but there are so few people actually working to find a way out of it. It's shitty beyond belief. We need another Hitler
Something similar happens if you're white, but from a brown hellhole. A lot of HR sluts seem to be too dim to tell the country of origin of surnames, so they pass you, thinking they're getting some obese black tranny, but then they see you're a white man.
>>3357 (OP) 
Amazon mturk did this too but with mexicans. Only the mexians would get surveys. I know due to neeting for like 10 years straight. I'm a cis white male so I never got the bucks though. Gossip said to lie about your race to make more money. 
Don't give people bad advice.
Replies: >>13352
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>>3357 (OP) 
Find a company that needs talent more than diversity score. Companies that are profitable and don't depend on funding, debt or public stock price are the least cucked. Companies that just got a round of funding and now needs to deliver results to investors are the 2nd least cucked.

>give up trying to support yourself and live at the mercy of state handouts
Might want to have a little think about who owns the state and what they think about straight white males before you go down that road buddy. inb4 OP is not straight

>lie about your race to make more money. 
Somebody will probably do that. Make some kind of lifelike AI avatar that lets you larp as an obese black tranny on zoom calls for your 100% remote job where they have never met you irl.
duckduckgo was always kiked...use startpage
Replies: >>13367
Startpage is just jewgle proxy that doesn't anonymize you. Recently cuckcuckno started doing the exact same thing that got me off startpage. It started returning results that are related to my previous, even though I cleared history and everything between them. They have built a shadow profile. It's like a stalker telling you things about you that you didn't tell him.
use searx.space
Replies: >>13380
>isn't browsing the web on at least a VPN

you're not gonna make it
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