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“Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Teenbros don't have that problem.” - Otamin

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Someone who haven't 100% Caucasian DNA be considered white?

If yes, what would be needed to be white?

Someone in Brazil for example, who have 80% of their DNA of caucasian origin and present all fisical traits, but have 2 indigenous great-grandmother, it's be considered white? (the girl at immage its an exemple of it)
If not, Russians who have mongolian DNA, are mixed and not whites too?
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Replies: >>3958 + 5 earlier
*Act White
I don't care as much about white people as I do about specific recessive phenotypes that are almost exclusively found in European populations.

Blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes, pale or fair skin, and other europoid/caucasoid indo-aryan features. These are what need most to be preserved amongst humanity.
Replies: >>3953
fuck you it's pink nipples or bust

Titty flesh a bit beige on the swatch chart? Too bad for you kid it's time to go back
My yardstick is the nipples
Beige nipples makes you a scam-dinavian
It's time to go back
>>3680 (OP) 
You have to be able to pass.  And one of the things this means is that the one-drop rule applies only to nigger mixes.  East Asian, South Asian, Arabic, and Amerind phenotypes + White below 50% admixture essentially vanish and you get normal and normal-looking White people who might have dark hair and dark eyes, which are not uncommon anyway.  Niggers retain flat noses, thick lips, massive bony supraorbital ridges, foreheads that slope way, way back, and the dominant genes they carry result in a nasty combination of low IQ, testosterone levels 10+ times those of normal humans, and the MAO-A gene for violent psychopathy down to 1% nigger blood and less.  You aren't going to breed the jungle out of them.

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>An artificial womb for fetuses to safely grow in, and a robotic nanny to monitor and take care of them.
>All within the realm of possibility, say Chinese scientists, in what could be a breakthrough for the future of childbearing in a country facing its lowest birth rates in decades.
>Researchers in Suzhou, in China’s eastern Jiangsu province, say they have developed an artificial intelligence system that can monitor and take care of embryos as they grow into fetuses in an artificial womb environment.
>This AI nanny is looking after a large number of animal embryos for now, they said in findings published in the domestic peer-reviewed Journal of Biomedical Engineering last month.
>But the same technology could help solve some major reproductive problems for humans, the paper says.
>Surveys show young Chinese women increasingly rejecting the traditional priorities of marriage and children, despite the drastic easing of China’s one-child policy and other state incentives.

We don't n
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Replies: >>3891 + 7 earlier
Seems this idea is back on the menu, boys.
Replies: >>3896
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then kill yourself doomer faggot
Replies: >>3895
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>>1564 (OP) 
Mazdanet. Go back there.
>stem cells
>the spawn of Moloch are STILL trying to make mass child sacrifice an intrinsic aspect of soyciety
I'll pass.

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Who killed WHITES better than Kyle?

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Replies: >>3890 + 6 earlier
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>>955 (OP) 
legally justified too
Replies: >>3893
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He was being a vigilante against....the public rioting? It's not just anti-libertarian, it's illegal blatantly in authoritarian states. The US not only has obviously libertarian roots but also sees public riots as an important part of culture. They often changes laws, protests. Now days they don't due to basically militarized police stopping it and now we have little boys helping out. How funny is that?
Replies: >>3894
>He was being a vigilante 

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Discussion and info sharing for a world after america dies and SHTF

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I'm sick of seeing nonwhites taking white names when they come here.
The only first-name they should be allowed to have should be based on where they are from. All Chinks should be called Chong (Surname), Niggers  = Mbele or whatever ooga booga nigger name (Surname) etc.

In that sense, I'm glad all mudslimes call themselves Mohammed, like kikes go by kike names.

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Wait, maybe we are looking at it from the wrong angle?
Maybe Jews are actually the based ones and Whites are just pussy mutts?
Replies: >>3847 >>3859
>>3831 (OP) 
Why is the fact that white people have conquered the planet being used as a point against their supremacy?

If someone walked into a room full of people trying to beat each other up and kicked all their asses, I wouldn't consider that guy and say "what a loser", he is by any definition the winner of that exchange.

Global conquest didn't just take brute strength, it required technology, diplomacy, strategy, and economic prosperity.

You can't even say we are exceptionally cruel when the only reason why so many of the races we colonized still exist today is because we purposely chose to hold ourselves back from just wiping them out and taking the land and it's resources.

We didn't spare them because we needed something only they could provide, we were often better at thriving in foreign lands than the natives were.

We held back out of a moral sense of restraint, and a naive hope that the lesser races could one day rise up to be our equals.

The left is cringe when they bring up white victory as if it were a loss for the race, and the conservatives are worse when they accept the premise that the success of their race is somehow a thing they should feel ashamed of.

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>>3831 (OP) 

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ZOG America is now arresting anyone who places down anti kike flyers.

>you got your beliefs but you don’t gotta force them everybody else dude

We got American schools on a fucking daily displaying this dicks in front of kids and forcing this faggoted pedophilia on everyone, they don’t arrest them.
Replies: >>3856 >>3857 >>3866
>>3855 (OP) 
Video here:  https://youtu.be/zyhdhK0_wEw?si=j3PFieeoKTrbW3bk
>>3855 (OP) 
Why are you posting threads here?  Everyone left cause they are too retarded to solve the captcha.
>>3855 (OP) 
Nice example, you faggot nigger retard.

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Always kill lgbt abominations.
Replies: >>3843 >>3845
>>3739 (OP) 
Replies: >>3854
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>>3739 (OP) 
niggers are more likely to be faggots so i bet all niggers in that country are seething

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We know that the Rothschilds and other major players in the NWO are all over the world, but mainly in the countries we also live in. So let us stalk them like parasocial fans do their celebrity crushes.
We conspire together to make public knowledge of exactly where they live, where they work, what route they take, what their daily schedules are, and always become ever more invasive airing out of their private lives. very detail about them and their lives, all in the public square.
Lets not give them a single inch of privacy, and let's extend it outwards to anyone in their families, friends, employees, and anyone else they associate with in any way. The goal is to make them completely isolated and immobilized just through a weaponized papparazzi. 
Names will come out in this process, names we aren't supposed to know of, names of people and places that were never meant to be known outside of secret circles.
By the time it's over, we will have made all the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world so well known, it's like any members of the public will be as familiar with them as they are with themselves.
We will deny them anything to themselves, they will always be watched, and whatever is seen will be shown to the entire world, their whole lives, their most intimate details, all on public display 24/7, the same for anyone who enters their lives so much as to deliver them a pizza.
Drive them mad, not a word they breathe will fail to reach the ears of everybody, we 
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