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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?

National Socialism has always been a hard sell to white Americans for a number of reasons that I'm not going to get into here. That said, I think that movements such as the Silver Legion and American Nazi Party can still be learnt from for the future.
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>>649 (OP) 
The problem is viewing America as a single nation like Poland or Latvia. America, despite it's growing bastardization through its Latin and negro population, has already been a mess through every White American being a racial "melting pot", as the jew Zangwill calls it. In order for America to be part of a movement, it would have to first  dedicate itself to a single heritage, which is impossible considering the size of America. America should be split into various regional areas and have a dominant white ethnic group take control. 

The 20th Century concept of "Dixie" was a good example of this. After separating the parts of the former Confederacy that had joined the Confederacy in order to protect their neighbor states, they were left with the cultural heartland of the American South. This was intended to be Anglo-Saxon in its roots. For National Socialism to survive in America, America must be divided into more workable countries. 
The NWTI plan, although being centered around the idea of a White homeland carved out in Northwestern America coincides with the Cascadian environmental movement and the general area of the Pacific-Northwest region. That alone makes the idea workable, though still flawed. 

As for GLR, he was too optimistic. He intended to win on favorable terms against an enemy that had been poisoning America for more than 200 years. Hitler cooperated with the Weimar Republic because they weren't powerful enough- they were threatened by both the communists and the disgruntled nationalists. America, especially during Rockwell's time had Jewish and Liberal power at its peak. But, I will admit, he had the right idea with WUNS. It was a shame his successors fucked up after his death.
Pelley on the other hand, sought to appeal to religion and remove non-whites from America. A reasonable goal, but fate had other plans. When we look to the past, we must also see whether the same concept can be applied twice.
Replies: >>658
>>649 (OP)  (OP) 
One problem with America is there are plenty of racists and plenty of fascists but not enough of the racists are fascists and vice versa. Another problem is the racists have no workable plan for the geography as >>656 mentioned. The racists are divided into too many regions, and these geographic regions are different enough and with a long enough history that the separate areas would have a difficult time calling the other home. The NWTI was a good plan but the PNW also happens to be full of trannysoy leftists, and is rapidly being overrun with niggers, spics, Indians and Asians. Essentially, the racists in the USA do not have any semblance of a workable plan, and there is not enough unity among the racists because there are too many sub-groups of whites from different regions. There is no cohesiveness and there is no leader to unite the different groups. Many whites are awaiting a Hitler figure. Many are too fat, lazy and unhealthy even if they are Fascists/racists.

To make any of it work, elites would need to take an interest and create a workable plan for balkanizing the US, creating incentives for whites to move to a specific region, and remove non-whites from the region. I do not have any faith the process can happen organically while adversaries are actively dividing the whites and pitting them against eachother online and irl. Meanwhile non-whites keep flooding in and birthing more non-whites.
Replies: >>660
>The NWTI was a good plan but the PNW also happens to be full of trannysoy leftists, and is rapidly being overrun with niggers, spics, Indians and Asians
Sure, but that's true for all of America.

I'm not sure what your outlook is, but from my perspective it seems like useful Whites (aka the only ones who matter) are cluing in on the need for things like physical fitness, self-sufficiency and community by pure instinct. Speaking to average White people, most are worried about the near future. They can't explain exactly why or maybe there are too many reasons but you will find they are doing things like starting gardens or buying guns. Those further down the line are getting their friends together to get fit or plan for worst case scenarios.

You're right about there being a ton of inconsistency and separation though. It is to the point where one wonders how much suffering will have to occur before such a coming together happens. I do believe it will happen though, but I doubt things will look up again until after our lifetimes. The North West Initiative or whatever you want to call it still seems at least the beginnings of a plan ad sometimes that's good enough for a start.

>To make any of it work, elites would need to take an interest and create a workable plan for balkanizing the US, creating incentives for whites to move to a specific region, and remove non-whites from the region. I do not have any faith the process can happen organically while adversaries are actively dividing the whites and pitting them against eachother online and irl.
Indeed it will not happen any time soon as there needs to be a Volk to have Volkish separatism. It's hard to see how early adopters of NWI or other separatist movements would not have an advantage over atomized individuals though. Unless they try to go full Taliban immediately of course, then they'll probably fail and die.
Replies: >>661 >>681
Whites are focused on survival methods in the case of some kind of societal collapse. But what if there is no collapse? What if collapse is a fantasy that was seeded into the white subconscious over a decade ago through shows like "Survivor," "The Walking Dead," and "The Hunger Games?" Whites are so fucked that literal subsistence living and scrounging for food is seen as preferable to what we have now and what is coming. There will be no collapse, jews have worked too hard to build the cyber panopticon we have today. Whites have been propagandized through ((( alternative media ))) to waste their time and money on guns they will never shoot... growing a few tomatoes, potatoes and berries in the back yard and believing they are "farmers." Building shacks out in the woods and calling themselves "homesteaders." It is a fantasy, and it isn't how we win. Could it be worse? Sure. Better whites spending time in the garden than turning to mush in front of the TV. Better to be buying guns than getting chips in their brain. But it isn't how we win.

These whites need to see more clearly that the jews are the cause of the world's problems. The last 3 years have been a distraction from the antisemitism that was really beginning to take hold. People have been distracted by a fake pandemic and are now being distracted by the fake threat of nuclear war. The jews will continue to spin up new narratives until the antisemitism of 2019 is a distant memory. It will seem small in the face of the all the other problems that rise and subside, when in reality all these problems are born of the jews.

I see plenty of whites talk about "community" but I don't see any of these quasi-normies exhibiting anywhere near the level of racism that is needed to save the white race from the total enslavement the jews are constructing. These people still get their prepping information from TikTok for fuck's sake. They hear about the Great Reset on TikTok. Their minds are mush.

>The North West Initiative or whatever you want to call it still seems at least the beginnings of a plan ad sometimes that's good enough for a start.
I live in the PNW. From my perspective the NWI is dead in the water at this point in time. Whites are not moving here because the region is pozzed beyond repair. They are moving to Texas and Florida.

>but that's true for all of America
PNW is a stronghold for leftists as compared to other parts of the country.

>It's hard to see how early adopters of NWI or other separatist movements would not have an advantage over atomized individuals though.
The paranoia of FED infiltration is far too high for these movements to grow or succeed at this time. Again, normie whites need to learn to be much more racist, and white nationalists need to learn how to defend against entryism.
Replies: >>662 >>677
As for your first paragraph, I agree. The idea that the government will one day simply cease to exist for no reason at all is silly. Prepping for apocalypse while helpful in terms of having extra resources is not a viable path to victory.

As for the distractions from the awakenings of 2019, I can only agree partially. No one who was truly awake to the JQ has been distracted by either GOYVID or muh Russia vs Ukraine. NPCs have been, and it does present an issue if you're trying to snap them out of the programming, but the solution is the same as ever: show them that the Jews are behind the crises. If that doesn't work, then why bother with them?

>These people still get their prepping information from TikTok for fuck's sake. They hear about the Great Reset on TikTok. Their minds are mush.
Remember that TikTok was nearly unmoderated at its inception and rise and was a surprisingly good source of information because of that. It is no longer, but consider the time frame in which these people received the information when complaining about the source being TikTok.

>The paranoia of FED infiltration is far too high for these movements to grow or succeed at this time. Again, normie whites need to learn to be much more racist, and white nationalists need to learn how to defend against entryism.
How can this be accomplished without first growing homogeneous communities? Are you solely objection to the location selected by the NWI or the whole concept? How does one 'teach' racism enough to make a difference in a world where we are countersignalled by ZOG media aparatus? I'm of the opinion that there is no one perfect solution and that multifaceted approaches must be used. Do you have a specific suggestion or vision?
>>649 (OP) 
>What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?
America already has socialism. Making it whites only won't magically change the laws of economics.
Replies: >>664
What? Is this a bot post?
Replies: >>665
beep bop boop socialism doesn't work
Replies: >>673
>>649 (OP) 
>get rid of jews and everything will magically be ok
This is literally your whole politics and you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
Replies: >>675
hi patrick
This moronic sperging about socialism helps no-one.
it would be co-opted or quashed immediately. dont look for idols, friends. be the idol.
Replies: >>677
>thinks "socialism" = National Socialism
>can't even figure out  that one was opposed to the other and infer via that context that it might mean they aren't the same thing
>at all
Can you embarrass yourself elsewhere
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>I live in the PNW. From my perspective the NWI is dead in the water at this point in time. Whites are not moving here because the region is pozzed beyond repair. They are moving to Texas and Florida.
>PNW is a stronghold for leftists as compared to other parts of the country.
For the Northwest Initiative to be successful, it would require thorough purging and deportation, especially in the urban areas. Obviously, this won't happen as long as the US remains standing. Thus, it'll have to wait for the collapse & balkanization of the US.
btw, I've been in discussions on here before about the flag of the NW initiative. While I had misgivings at first, and experimented with adding a device to the center (eg Algiz), other anons convinced me that in fact, the plain tricolor is best. However, I still think that instead of the washed-out blue & green, it should use bolder colors from the Doug Flag, pics related.

this. We're not in the same historical situation as the Weimar Republic was. The poz & decay have been entrenched for much longer, with trannies in positions of power & influence, open bigotry against Whites, and fascism/white nationalism as the witchcraft of the modernist religion. The demographics fascists drew on (WWI vets) no longer exist, and the mechanisms they used to achieve power are welded shut and guarded carefully. There's no way to co-opt the system as it currently stands, and any attempt to do so is putting a giant target on your back, as this anon said. We need the US to collapse on the federal level and balkanize, then possibilities will open up. In the meantime, we're stuck in the decadent Late Empire period of GAE.
Replies: >>681 >>682
>We need the US to collapse on the federal level and balkanize, then possibilities will open up. In the meantime, we're stuck in the decadent Late Empire period of GAE.
As mentioned earlier however, the federal government isn't going to suddenly cease to exist. We need to propose solutions as opposed to just naysaying projects and following up with empty shit like "just wait for collapse, bro".

>For the Northwest Initiative to be successful, it would require thorough purging and deportation, especially in the urban areas.
>Thus, it'll have to wait for the collapse & balkanization of the US.
I don't know, Mexicans successfully removed niggers from all of their previous strongholds in Compton, South-Central LA, etc. via ethnic influx followed by violence. Maybe it's actually as the other poster said, Whites just aren't racist enough.
Replies: >>685 >>841
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>The demographics fascists drew on (WWI vets) no longer exist
Bullshit, They still exist and they don't have to be "WWI vets", the most alienated part of America is simply white rural America itself. Which would be people from the coal mining regions, the Great Plains, the Rust Belt, Poverty, Alcohol and drug addictions, suicide as well medical malpractice. They are the energy sacrifice zones of the System.
>Unless they try to go full Taliban immediately of course, then they'll probably fail and die.
Your problem would be trying to recruit well-fed comfortable urbanites which is impossible for a Taliban-style revolution, The true gem would be the alienated ruralites for which through poor societal conditions breed hardened radicals.
Simple reminder that TWP's membership was made up full of men coming from said shitholes and suffering problems like I mentioned. Yes there were problems including the christcuck fatass that led it but that doesn't mean we can't learn lessons from the now-defunct organisation.
Replies: >>682 >>841
>trannies in positions of power & influence, open bigotry against Whites
These two things are the best recruitment tools we could ask for. It would be way more difficult for us if all the leadership was still shabbos white men who looked relatable to the average suburban slob and the invaders were all smiling and getting along with the urbanites as they replace them.
>Bullshit, They still exist and they don't have to be "WWI vets"
Not to mention we still have veterans from the Iraq/Afghan wars who are being mistreated and just watched their only perceived democratic hope abandon them.
>Your problem would be trying to recruit well-fed comfortable urbanites which is impossible for a Taliban-style revolution, The true gem would be the alienated ruralites for which through poor societal conditions breed hardened radicals.
Of course. What I meant was if people moved to a new area as separatists and started trouble without first integrating with the locals and building a support system they would lose.
Replies: >>841
They really aren't racist enough. Just look at how the ancestors of the last two centuries tried to drag the jungle bunnies kicking and screaming into civilization. They want to see part of themselves in other races and can't accept that they are hostile alien minds.
I see several ideological issues holding back national socialism in America. 
A. Historic conflict with nazi Germany
B. The difficulty translating blood and soil to a post colonial county
C. Socialism,  which Americans never accepted. 

It was only when Germans embraced socialism that they became set on national socialism, which became the most broadly supported socialism in a socialist country. 
I believe socialism must come first. 

Part of the reason why i believe socialism must come first is that Americans will never respect that other nations have a right to exist until they have relinquished imperialism completely. 
America went to war with Germany because the citizens of both states had a duty to do so. 
Americans were not wrong for fighting Germany; therefore the Germans were not wrong either. 
This boils down to the principle of struggle,  we kill wolves, we hate wolves, but the wolf lives a moral existence- that's the basis for resolving the historical animosity against Germany. 

Third is the resolution of blood and soil; but in solving the two former problems the third is solved as well. 
When America rejects capitalism, imperialism, and accepts the moral basis for the state then they will see an American blood and an American honor. 
The shame stemming from indigenous peoples comes from the unjust imperialist slavery of those people- a regressive struggle that ended in race mixing.
Actually killing indigenous people was the duty of settlers who were legitimately reclaiming living space for their people and the future of their people. 

Socialism, not imperialism, therefore national socialism. 
National unity, without being a predatory state, therefore defining citizenship by blood.
Loyalty to the state, not slavery to the state, therefore deport niggers who can be no other but slaves.
Replies: >>1343
>why name ideological problems?
American fascists don't have much political credibility, they need to clean house of white supremacists (Who lend themselves to imperialism) and libertarians (Who are openly opposed to socialism).
Hard pill to swallow.
Unfortunately faking ideological unity is fine until you gain power, but as soon as you do have any kind of progress it fractures the movement/ party.
A coalition of libertarians, right wing unionists and white supremacists is a mob and a mob can snatch but cannot hold. 
How long was the white house actually held for?
>we wuz
Native Americans always lived in America, they are not Aryan. 
Imperialists often claim indigenous people never had a state but as the fascist concept of statehood revolves around blood and soil this imperialist argument against native people only undermines you.
Natives had a state, you just beat them, they can't be part of the state that beat them because they would be (see:are) second class citizens.
>isn't hating libertarians purity spiraling 
Libertarians are the polar opposite of national socialists, they don't believe in the state, though individually racist they don't accept the law of blood, they are capitalists and practice imperialism on whatever scale their social dysfunction allows- many would own slaves. 

Many anti government groups identify as libertarian but really aren't, they simply wish to usurp the jewish American pseudostate.
That's a normal and healthy position to take, let these people call themselves libertarians if they wish but really they aren't. 
The American volkisher movement typically identifies as libertarian, don't friendly fire the commune dwellers and the innawoods folk state followers.
Replies: >>1001
>They are the energy sacrifice zones of the System.
you're right. However, I still think our historical circumstance is fairly different, and direct mass political action (which brought fascism to power) may not be feasible today.

yes, it leads to more & more people (including myself) to break out of their blue-pilled conditioning. However, I think we need to bide our time and stay underground while the rotting structure of ZOG still stands.

Of course we can plan ahead, maybe even take action to a limited extent.
>Whites just aren't racist enough.
very true. There's a reason why Whites are so thoroughly programmed to be against racism, and it's to deactivate our natural immune response. The comparisons to AIDS are accurate.
Probably something like NJP or Patriot Front. I'm surprised that /fascists/ have not mentioned them yet. I recently had a buddy go check out some NJP stuff IRL and he was gushing about it afterwards. Eventually I will have to check it out for myself though and see if they live up to the hype, but as I see it, they have the best pro-White work at the moment in the US, but let's be real, it's not a very high bar here right now.
Replies: >>1000
Both those organizations have been blown out and shown to be Deradicalizers and additionally in the case of Patriot Front actual fed bait, if they are not already they will soon be embroiled in A RICO case and Lawsuits prompting the government to action under the KKK ACT have already begun, just on the basis of their Nationally organized vandalism campaigns, neither are accepted here, nor will they be, and you would be smart to encourage your friend to get the fuck away from them, unless he plans on fucking their compromised efforts up and to stay away yourself.
>American fascists don't have much political credibility, they need to clean house of white supremacists (Who lend themselves to imperialism) and libertarians (Who are openly opposed to socialism).
>Hard pill to swallow.
It's not a hard pill to swallow it's a pill only an idiot would take.
Socialism as in the case of National Socialism has nothing in common with the socialism any government runs or intends to implement today, and it had nothing in common with communism let alone "socialism", Natioanl Socialism sole goal, then and now was the Preservation of the Race and as such the race come first within all matters from religion to politics.
You mistake Imperialism with Exterminationism. 
Any true to the cause National Socialist is an Exterminationist, as in all other races must be exterminated to ensure the survival of the race forever and this will never stop being the position of National Socialists, period.
>How long was the white house actually held for?
Held in what way? Trump was not any of those things, and he was not our ally, he is a populist and as such only wishes to alleviate the symptoms without addressing the root causes.
>Native Americans always lived in America, they are not Aryan. Imperialists often claim indigenous people never had a state but as the fascist concept of statehood revolves around blood and soil this imperialist argument against native people only undermines you.
They say that they didn't have a state, because they didn't, they had loose coalitions of tribes, at best, that constantly fought against and slaughtered one another, there was no unity on racial or any other grounds as such they didn't have a "state" in any conception. 
>The American volkisher movement
No most of them don't, not from what I have seen, and if they do they're intentionally letting in members who will betray them on the basis of libertarian principles, something Pierce repeatedly addressed in multiple forms of media, as did Hitler in  Mein Kampf.
Replies: >>1049
Nein, North American White Separatists NEED to embrace Libertarianism. White Nationalist Libertarianism is the only good way forward for Whites in the USSA/Cucknada.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST We don't encourage people to follow jews here.

Replies: >>1231
>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST (Liberty is for jews only)
Replies: >>1232
Libertarianism is an ideology founded on a refutation of natural law and is therefore untrue and incompatible with National Socialism, as is the Christianity the Libertarian movement is founded upon, it is not about "liberty", it is a lazy excuse to allow any and all degeneracy to run free, with nobody ab le to put a stop to it, and it is not welcome on this board.
Replies: >>1240
>it is a lazy excuse to allow any and all degeneracy to run free
You are describing hedonism, not liberty. America was founded by Christians seeking the liberty to practice their religion.
Liberty for me personally looks like refusing the covid shot, not kissing the tranny, not baking the gay cake, not kneeling for BLM, not living in a pod, not eating bugs, etc. Degenerate and hedonist are not synonyms for libertarian.
Replies: >>1244 >>1252
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Libertarianism as a movement failed to meaningfully respond to the invasion of Europe and our ethnic replacement. The best you get out of them is "well we can have micro ethno enclaves while the brown tide rises all around us". They have no sense of scale, only thinking at the individual or small group level, so are easily sidelined and overwhelmed. Any ideology that doesn't put the importance of your race above all ends up being a sideshow distraction that presents no actual threat to jewish hegemony, because it leaves the people atomized and easy targets to pick off one by one.
Replies: >>1248 >>1253
>Libertarianism as a movement failed to meaningfully respond to the invasion of Europe
There is no meaningful libertarian movement in Europe. You might as well say "Shinto as a religion failed to meaningfully respond to the invasion of Ukraine."
>They have no sense of scale, only thinking at the individual or small group level, so are easily sidelined and overwhelmed.
Muslims would leave Europe if the welfare was cut off.
>it leaves the people atomized and easy targets to pick off one by one.
What really makes people easy targets is when their totalitarian government disarms them and makes self defense a hate crime.
Replies: >>1250 >>1253
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What is the effective libertarian plan to reverse our ethnic replacement? There will never be a groundswell of support for small government that rises up to challenge the status quo. The only people that care about liberty are ethnic Europeans, and our numbers are constantly dwindling. You can't outvote Chang, Tyrone, Pablo, and Narid. There's no way around it, we have to explicitly embrace racialism and work together.
Replies: >>1253 >>1346
>Liberty for me personally looks like refusing the covid shot, not kissing the tranny, not baking the gay cake, not kneeling for BLM, not living in a pod, not eating bugs, etc. Degenerate and hedonist are not synonyms for libertarian.
How is this any different from a modern republican platform? The fact of the matter is that any form of ideology that is centered around the gratification of the individual over the collective (which is a fallacy in itself, because the gratification if the collective is the true gratification of the individual) is inherently destructive and entropic in spirit. In the same way that the christian notion of the equality of the human spirit is an ideological seed for all sorts of beliefs in equality, the doctrines of libertarianism and the faux "freedom" it claims to offer are the beginning of the modern capitalist/jewish "I've got mine" attitude. 

The true fascist conception of freedom is that of the freedom to make the right choices. Instead of being given the option to make all of the wrong decisions and pick up all of the wrong habits, which many will most often choose, a functioning society builds a base of good habits and decisions for it's people so they are able to pursue the collective's and, by extension, their own happiness. None of this theoretically has to interfere with the property and personal choice of a citizen, either, since most upstanding whites have a moral compass and are capable of thinking into the future.
Replies: >>1254 >>1255 >>1349
Hoppe bro here, this board seems very 'in the know'. good job
I believe whites are failing to see the issue as it really is. macroethnostates are very much an outdated fortress mentality. There are many moving parts here but I think it best to illustrate with allegories from nature.
Where do you find a species? In its range. How does a species grow? By expanding in enclaves. How do members of a species live, in a single large block or in communities? They always live in smaller groups or alone. how do these groups expect to survive against other species, predators, and other threats? They respond by reacting according to mechanisms evolved for survival. 
How do they preform this? At the local level.
Who is to say that a unified national response is more efficient than responding to a threat at the level of the enclave? So minorities are out breeding you in your city and threatening violence. There are a million ways to deal with this, and the best involve nonviolent and specialized responses, like charity and subversion. 

what this might look like
We could see a Europe divided into a million Lichtensteins, Luxembourgs, and Singapores. Each one of these would have their own ideas and policies. Because of the free market whites are able to exersize their full creative potential and become obsenley wealthy. Because of their wealth and productivity they are welcomed into other countires, much like germans were for centuries. In those other countries they establish their own communities and begin to grow and prosper. In the absence of a central state, as a consequence of their wealth and superior genetics whites are able to dominate competition. Immigration becomes extremely difficult as small enclaves become very conservative. Also, in a system of private property outside actors must be insured and secured against by a voucher of their sponsor, any other system would be insane for a privately owned government. Notice a few things. We are not concerned about the nonwhites already near the fortress, we are going out and defeating them in their own lands via economics. We are not atomized, we are divided into the most efficient units of voluntary cooperation (small communities found in nature). We do not have to worry about large scale attacks, they are inefficient against strong and wealthy communities. Besides, small government does not exclude large coalitions such as the Holy Roman Empire. Note that large states never secured against invasion anyway. The east roman empire still lost the war to the ottomans, but it was the spirit of the Greek cities that preserved their people. Enclaves are more capable of addressing local threats in a specialized manner than a one size fits all state. Libertarianisim does not preclude liberalism, it only demands an end to the central state.
The perfect example of everything I am describing already exists in the Amish and the Hutterites. German speaking colonists with a highly conservative culture and small government. As insular pacifists hey are impervious to replacement, subversion, and genocide. Even if Muhammad started killing Amish they would just move and have more kids while converting Muslims to love them. anyway, fun talk.

tl:dr: Small government does not mean atomized and liberal. It means more flexible and competitive, and likely more conservative too.
Replies: >>1256
The freedom to act unrestricted by the state includes the freedom to make the right choices. You have to have a moral framework for making choice, which is religion. 
I wouldn't say that what bureaucrats believe is good for the collective is necessarily good. But I do believe that individuals are most fit to make those decisions for themselves in their own circumstances. 
Those choices include living in the right kind of community, a community based in a covenant supporting the racial struggle. 
Besides, threatening violence against members of our own race for acting poorly displays ignorance towards the nature of moral sanctions and implies an antisocial desire for control.
If you really wanted people to thrive you should advocate and live out the right image of behavior, not attempt to force everyone to follow what you think that is.
Replies: >>1348
I would love to see you on Frenschan.org , its a frenly place.
First of all, the equality of the human condition does not mean that all humans are equal. This is another argument though.
I want to address this issue of so called faux freedom. As you said, most whites are capable of a degree of future oriented thought, and I agree that a just society cultivates the right kind of culture. What I don't see is how this conflicts with liberty. Only individuals act, and some act poorly, ideally they would be encouraged to act more correctly. Then statists make a huge leap and the best way for them to arrive at the right behavior is force. 
It does not follow that what is good for the individual is bad for the collective, or that these two are mutually exclusive. Further, It does not seem obvious that the interests of unique individuals align with a subjectively arranged collective imposed on them. It is easy to see how they might be validated by the performance of a collective in which they voluntarily participate, such s a covenant community
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Here is precisely the problem, you are very much an extreme minority in libertarian circles and 95% of them would throw you under the bus for naming the jew and publicly being racially aware. The bottom-up, decentralized race war is a pipe dream because most people are lemmings that fall in line with the strongest authority. The type of society you outline could only exist in a homogenous European world. It doesn't exist now, and there is no realistic mechanism for it to exist in the near future (we need it ASAP b/c we're being ethnically replaced).
Replies: >>1261 >>1264 >>1347
At this point I don't see a reason to advocate for 'American' National Socialism or any other current nation for that matter. No country in the world is worth salvaging anymore, it is time to start again without historical baggage.
Replies: >>1261 >>1264
Pretty much this. Monolithic entities will capture or destroy individuals and smaller associations by sheer mass. The only way to survive this is to band together to create your own large-scale state powers.

I think the US will have an important legacy for us, especially the Constitution & Bill of Rights, which have some great ideas in them. While Liberalism was a failed experiment, much like Communism, that doesn't mean we have to abandon all things associated with it. We can borrow the useful bits for our own system, just so long as we discard the larger framework.
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Even as an anarchist I deeply sympathize with the state as a promotor of national cooperation. However, I am convinced that the state is the least efficient way to organize cooperation and encourage the right values. First question, how large of an ethnostate do you need? Germany is only the size of Nevada, and autarky was never an option at that time. Do you honestly think that in today's economy that an autarky could survive and thrive? Nein, das Vaterland mus grosser sein! What about the size of the soviet union, how did that work out? Well, the soviet union was never an autarky, and it never could have been, the closest they got was destroying their nation. Today you would need nothing less than a global Autarky to survive, and at that level this means nothing. Well you say, there has to be some way to control cooperation so that our people don't cooperate with the Jews. Agreed, control the people, not the world. If you could control the way people interact with the world you could do practically anything. But how do you do this without turning your people into robots chinks? Simple, YOU don't. The way people act is a sum of their influences, most of their influence should come from the right places. The importance of ideology, culture, and religion cannot be overstated here. But the issue is to prevent Jewish subversion! Yes, we know, I must ask though, where does the jew gain his influence? It is his big business some say, no, it is his political position others say, both are right in a small way. The jew gets his power over culture from the state. As we both agree he cannot win in open competition, and if he does it can only benefit us since he is producing goods and not 'bads'. The Jew depends on the tax man, the soldier, and the lawyer to see him through.  He only knows how to play the game, and we have given him such a wonderful game to play! The solution to our problems is to abolish the state. The nuances of its failures are too numerous to put here, but It can be understood with the same difficulty as becoming a fascist.

But what will we replace it with? How can we preserve the absence of a central state? These are the simple answers, and much more easily discovered once the premise is accepted. Antistatism does not necessarily mean anti-nationalism or absolutist individualism. One can imagine a world where individuals are free to choose the covenants under which they live, including nationalism. By necessity, these so-called covenant communities would be exclusive and specific to the sorts of people they wish to entertain. I have elaborated more above and Hans Herman Hoppe explains further in this article and many others. https://mises.org/library/case-free-trade-and-restricted-immigration-0
Free trade is consistent with a policy of social isolation. 
However, I would like to answer the excellent critique leveled by Dr. Peire here. I believe the atomization problem falls into the slippery slope fallacy. In some models, such as the stateless insurance-only model, this seems more likely. However, many of us believe that federated covenants would be more popular than other forms of government. Clearly, a synthesis could exist between the two as well. My point is this, individuals would have the support of the community, and communities would have the support of like-minded communities. We see this everywhere it is allowed today. Orthodox Jews live with orthodox Jews and cooperate to produce their own kosher goods. The same is true of the Amish who share much in common across America. Hutterite and Bruderhoff colonies are more acceptable examples. None of these communities face much danger from external subversion. To find proof and reasons for this one need only study their natures. In society, with no central states, the community would grow to replace the state. A federation would become something more than lines on a map represented by Jews in a box. They would become the basis for all social organization and cohesion, able to exclude, compete, and operate with sovereignty.  This is the future. 

Also, please rate my germany
Replies: >>1265 >>1266
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>The solution to our problems is to abolish the state
Oh, that's all? Sorry for the pithy line, you made a good effort post but really asking for it here.

>A federation would become something more than lines on a map represented by Jews in a box. They would become the basis for all social organization and cohesion, able to exclude, compete, and operate with sovereignty.  This is the future. 
The federation of united hamburgers already happened, man. Yet here we are. And the Amish are only allowed to graze in peace because they pose zero threat.

Anyways, even if covenant communities are the future, they would have to be explicitly racially aware or they will quickly become covenant communities of jews and mixed wogs, which doesn't do us much good now does it. So the question becomes how do we magically get the lemmings to be racialist and rise up in a grassroots, bottom up movement to form ethno-covenant groups, in a climate where near total censorship and institutional power is cracking down on them. I mean, you already have a big movement of libertarians who presumably are prime candidates for these covenant communities. But I imagine you have to hide your power level around them because they would form a lynch mob if you named the jew in public among them. Ethno-hoppeans are such a minority among minorities but you're talking about building a huge decentralized network of them that can somehow compete with the current international ZOG order and also megastates like China who would be eager to swoop in. Feels like overextended theorycrafting.
Replies: >>1267 >>1692
>However, I am convinced that the state is the least efficient way to organize cooperation and encourage the right values. 
You defeat this claim yourself your very own example of the jews using the state to shape everything we desire to shape, against our people completely blows your idea out of the water, abolishing the state doesn ot stop them, their behavior is innate and without complete genocide of them and their christian slave-allies they will never stop.
>First question, how large of an ethnostate do you need? 
Irrelevant and unanswerable until we know what we have to work with post societal collapse, the prevailing system is fragile and can be broken rather easily, all things considered. we do not need to challenge it on an equal level and doing so would be retarded anyway.
>Germany is only the size of Nevada, and autarky was never an option at that time.
Autarky was nearly achieved by National Socialist Germany, had the US not interfered and meddled to get japan to attack them, they would have attained oil independence with formerly Russian oil sources which they almost took from Russia anyway.
An autarky does not need external economy, and the "economy" is not what is stopping one from surviving and thriving at any rate, it is the subversion performed by each state on itself at the behest of jews the jews that does that and the only reason that happened in europe is quite directly, christianity.
>Today you would need nothing less than a global Autarky to survive,
No, we wouldn't, the system is basically multiple lines of dominoes, with redundancy built in, knock over the right ones and down they all come.
>Well, the soviet union was never an autarky, and it never could have been, the closest they got was destroying their nation
 the soviet union is no model for National Socialism, or anyone for that matter the entire point of it was to destroy the Russian Volk as previous to Communism it was a Nordic Racial enclave.
>Agreed, control the people, not the world. 
you control the people by controlling the state, and the levers of comfort, for all the posturing most really are robots with differing programming.
>The solution to our problems is to abolish the state. 
You cannot abolish the state, power, just like nature, abhors vacuums once one authority disappears another pops up in it's place, it is not possible to violate this rule of life and nature, as no matter what, somebody runs the show.
>But what will we replace it with?
Another state.
>How can we preserve the absence of a central state?
You cannot, men follow the strong, the strong require and embody central authority to take action, and get what needs to be done, done.
>Hans Herman Hoppe
He is a Jew and so was Mises, Continue advocating for people following jews and their retarded ideas and I'm sure you won't have a place to speak here for much longer.
>However, many of us believe that federated covenants would be more popular than other forms of government. 
Federated means central control, moron, your own ideas defeat themselves.
>Orthodox Jews live with orthodox Jews and cooperate to produce their own kosher goods.
Jewish states allow jews to do what whites used to do, what a fucking surprise
>The same is true of the Amish who share much in common across America. 
Pacifists and christniggers and thus irrelevant.
Your entire ideology is based on the assumption that all living things desire a life free of conflict,  your Non-Aggression Principle, not only is this assumption proven false by even a slight bit of contact with nature, so does any contact with other humans, your ideology is a false pipe dreams based on moronic jewish ideas, it leads nowhere.
Replies: >>1272 >>1280
Sorry, I know this has not been my best work, caffeine only goes so far
first, the issue of radicalization. There is a false dichotomy between committing to seigefagging and submission. Neither of these are viable. The key to power is legitimacy, and legitimacy comes from gibs. The third solution is to build support with more competitive alternatives. The state has a monopoly on governance, what it needs is competition. There are a lot of ways to go about that and all of them need to be leveraged. These can start by flipping ((( Kosher ))) movements on their head. Black nationalism for example. A containment zone for niggers, what could be better? Gated communities for happy white families, use the retrofuturist aesthetic to hook republicans and gradually control the rhetoric against the cultural media. Speaking of media, we both need alternatives to it. In some ways, libertarians are more advanced, but Natsocs own the image boards. We both need to grow in this environment. All of these things are secondary, the real need is for leadership. We need a second coming of le Adolf to achieve a real win. Any moment on the right, libertarian or Natsoc needs to be built from the ground up by a great leader, nothing else will do. We all have the same problem.

As for maintaining, I don't see many states successfully maintaining their culture over long periods of time. The only ethnostates are bugmen communist regimes. Even these simply destroy their own people and thus render themselves futile. Large, centralized institutions are more susceptible to infiltration and subversion than small decentralized ones. In fact, I doubt that large communities can produce anything authentic at all.  Physically removing subversives can be made as simple as facing a wall or flying a helicopter, but the more difficult thing is building a strong and positive culture to contrast with the removal. Small groups produce superior cultures to large ones. We all know this has been the case with image boards vs social media, and the same is true of the greater culture. Before Unification every german state was perpetually in competition, each one had its own cultural center, university, and subculture. With the advent of the german empire, all of these moved to berlin and Vienna and became subverted by Jews. Ten million densely packed cultural centers are a hundred times more flexible and durable than a few Jewish subverted megacities. The fear of warlords and megastates is a bit of a spook once you consider the insanely competitive nature of this model. It's not that china could just swoop in and conquer defenseless individuals. A machine gun is behind every blade of grass and every blade of grass is defended by people who themselves own the land backed up by millions of radically free and unsubverted communities. The rebirth of Rome could never happen in a globalized world. Even if something like china did conquer all the 'tribes' they would face asymmetrical resistance for the next three generations.  Besides, protection from a hypothetical evil is not a justification to create a real one. You are wrong about the Amish as well. I don't want to go into it, but pacifism is both practically and morally superior way to resist and preserve your people. There will be many ways to preserve a right-wing libertarian social order, some more successful than others. The key to this order will be legitimacy, and that will not be won with violence or by waiting around. Legitimacy is won by subverting the enemy in every place we can. It is maintained first by destroying the source of power and physically removing it from society. Secondly, power must be maintained by Building a strong and superior culture to replace the old one. This victory will be won in a fabian manner, and it will be held by the most essential building blocks of culture. Nobody has to be us, they need only tolerate us as we forge the future of our people. They do not have to share our values, they only need to create a million independent cultures to rebuild their own.  Individuals do not have to compete with ZOG, ZOG competes with every free individual simultaneously. 
Thank you for the critique', I am still articulating these ideas, one day, God willing, they will spread. 
I am too tired to write now, but I will continue in the morning. Stay tuned
>without complete genocide of them
Don't forget the shitskin races too. Even the oriental ones. Not one spared.
Replies: >>1273
Oh I wasn't forgetting them, my friend,
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>The Jews use the state to good effect to corrupt white society, therefore it is good and necessary for whites to do the same. 
The state is a tool for Jewish subversion and is effective at that alone. Authentic self-organized cultural life is the true strength of a people, not a centrally directed state. When the larger community overrules the smaller one by force it produces a less desirable outcome. If the internet was a democracy Imageboards like this could not exist. The triumphs of individual rights over manipulated collective preference produce the greatest progress of the whole. 
>Economics is irrelevant until such a time as we seize power. 
This simply demonstrates the national socialist ignorance of basic economics. Oil independence does not equal economic independence. To say autarky does not require an external economy is oxymoronic, but it is even sillier to insinuate that the division of labor is a product of Jewish subversion. This relates to the very same issue, the size of the ethnostate. Why must every conceivable good be produced within arbitrarily defined borders, and who is to say that it can be? Rubber was needed to produce motor vehicles, it would be highly innificeinent to produce rubber in Germany, and a waste of resources. Therefore it has to be imported or you have to control a massive area in which rubber is produced halfway across the world. Producing Cars is a lot more complex now than it was then. And what about batteries and computer chips? Does the perfect ethnostate include plans to conquer all of Subsaharan Africa before a single computer can be made? Again, the ignorance of economics is astounding. 
> Marxism is called different than National socialism, therefore irrelevant
Well, you had me convinced since your understanding of economics is exactly the same, zero. They share many similarities, including ridiculous economic policies which sound good to the uneducated, but turn out to waste resources. If you want a state-managed economy you will fail to overcome the socialist calculation problem. Even where this might seem irrelevant, like on a campaign, it will cost you the war. See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Oc_lFmp6vQ. I highly recommend studying the economic side of the war, as it was the most significant factor in deciding the outcome and reveals some basic flaws in the socialist philosophy. 
>Vacuum paradox: The state is evil, but if we abolish it another evil state may arise. 
Solution: We replace the state with organized community life. We replace Jewish subversion of culture with authentic, local, and decentralized institutions of high cultural value. For a contemporary example, see image boards as an alternative to mainstream apps. The state will be made to compete with the small and voluntary governments of the community. Once a critical mass of decentralization is achieved, the transformation will become permanent. Thanks to a larger population, the information age, and the asymmetric nature of late 21st-century warfare, people will be completely ungovernable. Bob Murphy has offered the most popular explanations of this in his lectures on "won't warlords take over?" Small governments will be able to compete in the market to provide exactly the kind of services desired by citizens. Various kinds of government will serve as containment zones for subversives, and model the Darwinian evolution of markets. Marxists will be free to try their retarded ideas, but since everybody is already living where they most desire to be in the whole world nobody will join them and the commune will collapse. Similarly, since all land is owned privately (not necessarily individually) those who advocate for an end to this system will be viewed as a threat to all of society, and subversive of the beloved order. When people are already living in the white nationalist paradise, they are far less likely to follow a jew who wants to steal their land and form a racially integrated commune. Everyone will see such individuals as crazy and will see no other option but to physically remove them from society. 
>Libertarian Jews
Hoppe is not a jew, even if he looks odd in his old age. Pic related. This is going to sound really strange, but ideologies are not invalid simply because some Jews happen to share them. True, Mises was a jew, but he was also hated by all other Jews up to this very day. Why? Because he openly advocated for the minimization of Jewish power, and indeed their greatest source of power found in the state. Yes, he was an Austrian economist who contributed immensely to our understanding of economics. But neither you nor anyone else has offed a valid criticism of Austrian economics on principle. Even if you don't wish to read his writing other, nearly every living Austrian is white. Bob Murphy, Tom woods, and Hans Hoppe are the best among them. 
(of a country or organization) set up as a single centralized unit within which each state or division keeps some internal autonomy.
I mean federated in the sense that protestants are federated as congregations. Individual churches are free to come and go as long as they accept the constitution of the federation. Membership is incentivized by cooperation and support. Yet individual congregations retain a high degree of autonomy in how they run things day to day. It's easy to imagine how most people would follow the pacific northwest front, but a few groups see them as too controlling and choose to leave. OR others see them liberalizing under a Jewish leader and form a new group. You can also imagine alliances and pacts between various federations. 
>Coflict avoidance is stupid and Gay
If you think so you ought to prove it by going on a shooting spree. Make sure to post it on in on live leak for us. 
Now, of course, this is not a serious suggestion but is meant to illustrate a point. What is the purpose of a property norm? To avoid conflict. Even apes have property norms. Now, chimps do not necessarily abide by the NAP, they frequently go to war. The claim is not that people will not go to war, but that conflict-free development is both practically and morally superior to violent development. This requires a bit of thinking, but one can imagine it is pragmatic to amass wealth as a means of control and to quietly multiply and colonize. In fact, this is probably far more practical than waging total war against the entire world and hoping you win, which has been tried and failed. In the modern world, any attempt to violently establish an ethnostate, even in a lace like the Balkans is impossible. See Serbia for evidence. But it can be done peacefully by communities. As I said, the Amish have their ultra-conservative ethnostate. Religion is what holds that community together. 
>Any other ideology is different, therefore invalid as an example
Just imagine for one second, that there could be any other approach to spreading your genes than by seigefagging the fuck out. OK. Almost no species in nature is absolutely committed to violence, at worst it is a mating strategy or a way to secure land. With the advent of society, property norms, and the market, violence is no longer necessary to accomplish these, though that is a whole other discussion. Now imagine a way for a society to maintain cohesion and a central corpus of belief over millennia. Wouldn't that system look a lot like religion? As a proud Christcuck, I couldn't give a fuck what you think about my God, except to pity your spiritual death because I love you as a brother. 

five premises
1. A conflict-free society is morally and practically superior to one based on property contradictions
2. The State is a tool for Jewish dominance in society
3. The strength of a people comes from its authentically organized community life and organically generated culture
4. Government is not exclusive to the state but includes all organizations which contribute to governance. 
5. Competition is the most important and original driver of progress and cooperation. This extends far beyond economics into the cultural, political, military, and genetic spheres. 

From these, we can draw that the success of the white race is better served by the following model. The peaceful cooperation of communities organized by competitive governments in a free market. Such a model would be more competitive than any other conceivable model and is most able to sustain itself into the future.
The goal is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The model of (__) is the only way to ensure this will be carried out within our lifetime continuing into the future.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST If you must twist words and create arguments that your opponent did not use, you do not belong here.

Replies: >>1288
>The Jews use the state to good effect to corrupt white society, therefore it is good and necessary for whites to do the same 
<I'm a jew and must twist words against themselves to feel like I win
This right here is classic pilpul as are a number of your other arguments and warping of my positions as well as additions you made out of the blue.
My argumnet is that the Jews have used the levers of the state to corrupt our governments against our people the only opposition to that is a competing central state that seeks out and eliminates jews and subversive faggots like you and Hoppe and Mises and Rothbard, etc, etc,.
For all of human history the most successful and long-lasting cultures were controlled by central states that have mandated and placed, duty or Individual Responsibility, which fulfilling grants one rights over the granting of rights themselves a priori, from Ancient Hellas and Rome (perhaps the single most successful empire ever to exist) to the modern day.
>This simply demonstrates the national socialist ignorance of basic economics. 
Economics is irrelevant until ZOG is dead and the rubble settles, but even if that is what I believe, that's not what I said. I said how large an ethnostate is required is irrelevant until numerous questions are answered, which can only be answered after the current order has been brought down.
Nowhere did I imply that division of labor is a jewish subversion, division of labor into the best hands to perform that labor is a good idea, and always has been and was quite directly a policy of the sole National Socialist state that has ever existed.
>Why must every conceivable good be produced within arbitrarily defined borders, and who is to say that it can be?
Go to the wolf packs that run the wilderness in the regions around montana that maintain their own borders and tell them that borders are arbitrary again, borders are defined by numerous things but first and foremost they are defined by the dominant living people and culture. it is a fiction that they are arbitrary imagined in the minds of semitically influenced libertarians, even ones supposedly aligned with Anti-semites, such as Hoppe. The very idea that they are arbitrary is a communist one. 
To address the question of why must everything be produced by one of our own, within our own borders, the answer is simple, so that we do not depend on anyone else, that is never to say that trade with external states cannot or will not occur, I'm absolutely sure it will, but it should not be the sole source for anything a people may need, for any length of time.
If we must control other areas of the world to achieve independence from other peoples and states we will, and we will kill anyone necessary to achieve it.
Africa is not the only source of raw materials, it's just the one people care least about because niggers.
I am not ignorant of economics, I just don't see it as the driving force of history because it isn't that would be race and the interactions between the various races, and it is not the most important thing we have to worry about, or even in the top ten.
>Well, you had me convinced since your understanding of economics is exactly the same, zero.
Where exactly did I bring up Marxism, once again you're no better than a communist if you cannot see nor care to understand the difference between National Socialism and Communism, they are not related ideologies in the slightest, One is sourced to the Abrahamic mindset spawned from Judaisim to Christianity and finally into Islam and it's secular form Communism, the other is respect for and living by the Eternal Natural Law, something the Aryan has always endeavored to do. They have entirely different bases. 
The German Army had excellent logistics, what they didn't have was the resources to fight a multi front war, had Hitler delayed declaring war on the Us or abandoned Japan entirely the War would likely have had a much different outcome as the American Materiel that was being supplied to Russia would have only gone so far and wasn't winning Russia the war until Germany had to split it's attention, had germany not had to do that Russia would today be entirely Germanic and probably German speaking.
>The state is evil, but if we abolish it another evil state may arise. 
That's not a paradox,  it's a truism, and it's not very accurate, of course abolishing one thing you view as "evil" could lead to another "evil" taking it's place, but it may also not, all things fall, central authority is the only thing that stops other central authorities from stomping all over your people. Your fantasies of covenant communities governed by all signing the same piece of paper, requires a central authority to enforce and punish when somebody inevitably violates the terms of that paper, because as history shows, those not directly involved will not do anything to rectify a misdeed and if they would, the US would not have the problems it does today.
>Hoppe is not a jew,
He is mentally a Jew, just as you are, as you think Economics is the driving force of history just like the commies you claim to hate, yet who think strangely very similar to your ilk, just with a different veneer. Hoppe and you demonstrate why the Christian Question is a thing, and in my opinion actually encompasses the Jewish Question.
>he was also hated by all other Jews up to this very day. 
The issue is not that jews share your ideology, it is that they created your ideology and it is based on the same things that communism is at it's heart, Anti-Natural Law moralism, the belief, despite all eveidence to the contrary, that Economics is more important than race, etc. etc. It's jewish at it's core, and that's my issue with it. Mises being "hated" by his own kind doesn't matter, they still accept him as theirs, and they certainly see his use in subverting Aryan peoples. 
>I mean federated in the sense that protestants are federated as congregations.
Most protestant churches do not report to a central authority, at all, there are thirty million different "baptist" churches most of which don't believe the same shit from two churches on opposite Alabama street corners, yet both call themselves baptists, they aren't federated, as they don't answer to an authority which sets the standards, but on the surface you would think them to be similar.
>If you think so you ought to prove it by going on a shooting spree. Make sure to post it on in on live leak for us. 
Where the fuck did I say anything about Conflict Avoidance? Pacifists are retarded, and the Amish are Pacifists, not MUH CONFLICT AVOIDERS, they will not use violence against other humans at all, or do you not remember their response to some insane fuck shooting up some Amish kids a few years back?
Knowing when and how to use violence prudently, is the key to winning any war, if that means you must avoid conflict, you do so, if it means you must enter conflict, you do so, quit being a fucking retard and actually address the real points or just finally admit the emptiness of your own positions.
>Just imagine for one second, that there could be any other approach to spreading your genes than by seigefagging the fuck out.
You haven't even read SIEGE, It's full of practical advice, and it's not just useful for National Socialists, though most of the material is pertinent for us alone.
All species in Nature are 100% commiteed to violence or have you not realized how alive the trees and the grass we tread upon are? How much conflict happens between them day by day? how so many creatures eat those plants, that is violence, all life is furthered by the violence it inflicts on another lifeform, there are no exceptions. For life to live, other life must die, not a single fucking thing on this earth doesn't follow that rule.

The rest of your post I pure idiocy and you're a fucking Christnigger anyway, may you see the Truth before your death, if not, have fun being a slave to the jews for eternity.
Replies: >>1289
>If we must control other areas of the world to achieve independence from other peoples and states we will, and we will kill anyone necessary to achieve it.
Yeap. A White nationalist is just a future White supremacist who hasn't awakened to the REAL final solution. Remember this, newfags: any non-White who is for the support of White nationalism and appears as a "based and redpilled" character is trying to buy its way out of its demise caused by us. 

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I'd just like to interject for a moment (not an American but this applies anywhere)

Libertarianism may be kiked, but the most optimal approach to building a (NS) white ethnostate is for it to be founded on the principles of individual and group sovereignty, free association and self-determination. Trying to force any set of values on a majority of population that is against those values is doomed to failure. You can either do the infiltration and slow grind through the institutions like the kikes and Marxists are doing, or, simply fight for a right to live in a sort of society that you want to live in, surrounded with people who share your views. Instead of letting your enemies portray you as oppressive tyrants, expose their own oppressive nature and tyrannical policies. 

Anyone drooling about "killing all non-whites" while having no means to do so is an obvious glownigger trying to poison the well. Temporary alliances and realpolitik would be necessary for survival at this state.

Also, the cult of the state is a Judeo-Masonic grift, the state should not be an end into itself, nor some kind of deified entity, but simply a means to an end. National-Socialism is a bottom-up model of the state where hierarchy is organically formed based on merit and contribution.
Replies: >>1292 >>1293
>Libertarianism may be kiked, but the most optimal approach to building a (NS) white ethnostate is for it to be founded on the principles of individual and group sovereignty, free association and self-determination.
No, It should be founded on individual and group responsibility to the collective whole, a component of which is the right of self-deternination, to a degree, free association is not encompassed by that, Communists, Jews and Christniggers must all die and anyone who willingly and openly associates with such will be subject to imprisonment and execution as surely as the subversive themselves.
>Trying to force any set of values on a majority of population that is against those values is doomed to failure. 
No, it isn't, lemmings don't oppose anyone who provides them comfort, you can do whatever you like so long as you make them feel safer and more comfortable than the next guy, the very times we live in prove you to be so fucking wrong here as to be absolutely ridiculous.
>You can either do the infiltration and slow grind through the institutions like the kikes and Marxists are doing
How many times will you retards say this? No that isn't possible, that road has been closed everywhere since at least 1967, if not 1945, the long march through the institutions is not a strategy that works for our race, we are not capable of maintaining the level of deception necessary to do so not for long enough to undo this or even begin and unlike jews we do not have an underlying support structure that the state will not touch.
>or,simply fight for a right to live in a sort of society that you want to live in, surrounded with people who share your views.
every path to this requires opposition to and complete destruction of the prevailing order, the only path left is violence, it's only a matter of time and will.
>Instead of letting your enemies portray you as oppressive tyrants, expose their own oppressive nature and tyrannical policies. 
Optics literally do not matter, the enemy controls the public perception, stop worrying about their words and what they call you.
>Anyone drooling about "killing all non-whites" while having no means to do so is an obvious glownigger trying to poison the well.
False, Ethnoglobe is the goal to keep in mind, the natural result of Hitler's National Socialism and the 14 words, enforcing that belief keeps soft-hearted faggots and derads, like you, away because they whine every time it's mentioned.
>Temporary alliances and realpolitik would be necessary for survival at this state.
No shit, moron, but this board isn't a group, or a state, we aren't engaged in anything that requires us to lie about our intentions, here we should be honest that what we want is Total Non-Aryan Death or nothing, discuss the realpolitik necessities, if you must but quit pushing derad D&C shit.
>Also, the cult of the state is a Judeo-Masonic grift, the state should not be an end into itself, nor some kind of deified entity, but simply a means to an end.
The state is a necessity, that does not make it any less a means to an end, one will exist whether it is healthy for it's people or not, acknowledging this fact, is not worship of the state and that you can not, or chose not, to see that shows either your own ignorance or sheer stupidity.
Replies: >>1298
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>Trying to force any set of values on a majority of population that is against those values is doomed to failure.
Yeah, no. 
All examples of actual successful revolutions prove that statement to be fully wrong. "The majority" would espouse any worldview that an System believes in simply because of two things that the said System provides: Anything essential for survival and an secure happy life. Anything else leads to alienation and thus eventually radicalisation by opposing worldviews. if the Weimar Republic was an successful economic powerhouse, Hitler and his organisation would never get into power in the first place. This is a phenomenon that was documented by Uncle Adolf in his book and was later elaborated further more by William Luther Pierce later on.
You would be quite shocked to see that the most primary reason that the Christcucks were extremely successful in the first place because they provided the necessities to an super-alienated population in the poorest areas of the Roman Empire, thus boostering their numbers and their power while taking advantage of an confused and weakened state.

'Totalitarianism' and post-collapse Tribalism are simply both means to an end. With the Totalitarian means being less needed and needed as the first generation is conditioned to espouse and fully accept the endorsed values of said System thus repeating the cycle to their descendants. thus removing the totalitarian means eventually and preparing for an Organic state.
Replies: >>1298
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Oh look, it's the Turner Diaries larper.

>No, It should be founded on individual and group responsibility to the collective whole
Are we discussing Marxism here or what? Proper fascism/syndicalism/national-socialism is the organic association of individuals towards a greater mutual benefit, where the notion of a collective (and the state as its representative) is based on the common roots (such as racial) and goals (such as political). Without such common roots AND goals, there is no collective. 
>No, it isn't, lemmings don't oppose anyone who provides them comfort
Do you really want a nation of lemmings? The only feasible survival strategy is to create a small, but effective nation of Ubermensch, who cannot be subverted or manipulated. And that requires free association. You claim to be opposed to Jews, Christkeks and Communists, yet your approach to politics is no different from theirs. Like theirs, your power without the lemmings would be nonexistent, even in a fantasy scenario where your tryhard prison-fiction would actually work. 
>the very times we live in prove you to be so fucking wrong
No, they prove me to be so fucking right, because they are the direct consequence of the inert mass politics. You may not have been paying attention to technological developments, but populism is becoming increasingly ... redundant.
>the enemy controls the public perception
That doesn't mean that you should make their job easier
>Ethnoglobe is the goal to keep in mind
Your Judaism is showing. I don't mind some niggers living in Zimbabwe for the same reason that I don't mind an ant colony in Nigeria, they are of no threat to me or what would be my people. Refining the white population would be far more efficient, as it would render all the current threats void. That's ultimately, how things survive in nature. 
>the natural result of Hitler's National Socialism
Hitler never promoted an ethnoglobe, he wanted to breed a nation of Ubermensch to whom other races would be no different from fauna. To each his own.
Chimping out won't accomplish anything.

>one will exist whether it is healthy for it's people or not
So instead of having different groups trying to force their vision of the state on the others (creating a social tension used by the cult of the state to remain in power through divide and conquer), wouldn't it be better to go your own way (offering a healthy alternative to your racial brethren) and let everyone else consummate the consequences of their choices? Why bear the weight of a rotten society when you can simply step aside and let those who are responsible for its state handle the consequences. The elephant in the room here is that if our enemies were so certain of them being our equals (or betters), and of their ideas being superior or more legitimate than ours, they would have no need to cancel us or force their views onto us. It would be self-evident. Their actions, on the other hand, reveal a deep sense of inferiority and inadequacy. By managing to create a better alternative, others would come to us under their own free will. Then we could vet and filter out the undesirables. Likewise, they would have the freedom to do so as well, in their respective states.

The system has more means to provide subsistence and "safety" than ever before, and their dysgenic policies worldwide have provided them with billions of subhuman dregs, regardless of the race or nationality. In other words, they have a seemingly endless supply of cannon fodder to throw at you, where you would run out of ammo before even making a chip in their numbers. Isolating a natural Elite and implementing eugenic practices is the only way forward. Otherwise you'll drown in the quicksand of egalitarianism sooner or later. Of course, this would have to be done very subtly and covertly.
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Your solution is almost profound... but it has some major flaws... 
Why wouldn't the System also send billions of subhuman dregs to your ethno-commune as well? Waco and Ruby Ridge already has shown that going your own way in peaceful and isolating manner is becoming more impossible to achieve each day. What happens when some old boomer ruling a neighboring country notices your existence and decides to "de-nazifiy" your nation by a nuclear detonation or any other weapon for shit and giggles? How would you prevent very sneaky opportunistic snakes "interested" in your 'society'? How would you find non-lemming women who are also non-opportunistic and genuinely interested to improve your society and also use them to create the Ubermensch race?

Wouldn't it be more efficient and easier to use the lemmings to end 'lemmingism'? Ted Kaczynski didn't use spears and stones to destroy the industrial society whom he hated, Simply put. He used the technological methods to destroy industrial technology. It wouldn't be impossible to select and filter then breed out "lemming"-like traits and cultivate the Hyperborean spiritual race in the next European generation, Is it? NPCs and PCs don't have to mix and they would leave the PCs alone. All National Socialist figures came from an family line of lemmings or least have lemming relatives with David Lane being one example.
Replies: >>1303 >>1305
>Oh look, it's the Turner Diaries larper.
Oh look, another cuck. Pack up your bags, shill. The BO is pro-Ethnoglobe and he's having none of your drivel.
Replies: >>1303
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It certainly wouldn't be easy, but unlike other hypothetical scenarios, it actually has some chances of success, as low as they may be.
>Why wouldn't the System also send billions of subhuman dregs to your ethno-commune as well?
It would, but this community doesn't necessarily need to be centralized and located in the same area, at least not in the beginning. It may consist of many dispersed communities and individuals from all walks of life and different countries working towards the same goal. There would be a 'silent agreement' of sorts, even if such parties appear to be opposed to each other at times. 
>What happens when some old boomer ruling a neighboring country notices your existence and decides to "de-nazifiy" your nation by a nuclear detonation
That's why obtaining some kind of deterrent would be one of priorities, at least once the nation is actually formed and geographically isolated. And deterrents can come in many forms...
>How would you prevent very sneaky opportunistic snakes "interested" in your 'society'?
Elegantly simply, create a very clear and transparent map of objectives. It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is that they either a) contribute to the cause b) are neutral to the cause c) detract from the cause. Of course, any suggestions and contributions would be carefully considered to avoid Trojan horses, subversion and strings attached. And it would require A LOT of pragmatic realpolitik and balancing between various factions of ZOG. If anything, such snakes are predictable and their opportunism could be played on for our benefit.
>How would you find non-lemming women who are also non-opportunistic and genuinely interested to improve your society
Women always get interested when there is a masculine Will to achieve something, and there should be a certain percentage of white women worldwide that are of sufficient quality for such an endeavor. The near-impossible odds and fighting against the oppressors (rather than being the oppressors) would just make the whole thing even more 'sexy'. Those who are not yet completely zombiefied would actually seek to improve it, it's in their genes.
>to create the Ubermensch race?
This must start with the Intelligence. There should still be enough high IQ white people in the world to form the "neural network" for such a project, regardless of the restrictions imposed by their personal circumstances. Higher quality individuals of other races may recognize the advantages of white survival and independence as well, for their own ultimately hinges upon it.

>Wouldn't it be more efficient and easier to use the lemmings to end 'lemmingism'?
It's called a "revolution" for a reason... What goes around, comes around. While this approach may have been viable at some historical moments, for strategic purposes, it is precisely the technology that makes it non-viable today. Technology has become too much of a force multiplier to ignore. Either way, breaking the cycle (and passing through the great filter) requires reaching an 'escape velocity', and the inert mass of lemmings is too heavy for something like that, they will always remain in the orbit around the System, finding its gravity irresistible. 
> It wouldn't be impossible to select and filter then breed out "lemming"-like traits and cultivate the Hyperborean spiritual race in the next European generation, Is it?
To restore Europeans to what they were supposed to be. One thing enables another, it's a mutual-feedback loop.
>All National Socialist figures came from an family line of lemmings or least have lemming relatives with David Lane being one example.
NPC's could blend in, or be free to live in a different society of their choosing. If you force them to be up the the standards unbearable for them, they will just become resentful and eventually weaponized by the Nation's enemies. This flow of population would be necessary, and that requires free association. Instead of trying to forcefully mold people, it is far more efficient to let them filter themselves out.

Basically, all the factors that you have listed hold true in other scenarios as well, but weigh the least in the one that I'm proposing. Even if the "white revolution" that groomers are trying to sell here succeeds against the world's superpower by some magic, all you'd end up with would be another Waco, this time executed by the UN or Chinese "peacekeepers" in your government's stead. If Mormons weren't so profoundly kiked, their approach would actually be a pretty good role model and an example of a somewhat successful strategy. 

Go back to discord troon. Maybe one day you will understand that Marxism was meant to fail by design.
Replies: >>1313 >>1364
I'm not the turner diaries guy, I love that you think any opponent is that guy, but that tells us that you're the libertarian we've blown out 6 or 7 times yet you keep coming back for more. 
>Are we discussing Marxism here or what? 
<anything talking of a collective is marxist
National Socialism is based on Natural Law, ond one of those laws is that you are naturally part of a racial group made up of people of most similar genetics, and thus behavior and other characteristics, it is that which A National Socialist State is based upon, it is not based upon anything related to or approaching Marxism, which is diametrically opposed to, and in fact seeks to destroy, Nature and Natural Law. The common roots are racial, the common goal is  living in accordance with and in service to Natural Law.
>Do you really want a nation of lemmings? 
No, never said I did, Just blowing out your point, or rather pointing out the contradiction inherent in your point. and your complete ignorance of how a majority works. Your  suppodsedly feasible strategy has several flaws; one is that rather than destroy globohomo, you will flee, and try to hide like a coward, and live according to anti-natural laws and principles, and they will hunt you down, no matter where you try to live, and they have done this in every state, and if they can't hunt you down they'll use traitors like you to bring you down from within, long before you get a chance to breed the next generation of Aryans while somehow keeping christianity around(You cannot have Aryans with Christniggery around. Christniggers are Anti-aryans in doctrine and thought as you all keep proving for us.)
>You claim to be opposed to Jews, Christkeks and Communists, yet your approach to politics is no different from theirs.
My approach to politics is direct, theirs is indirect, they preach love without and in opposition to hate, I preach that hatred and love come from the same place, they say all should have a right to life, and that the weak, sickly, and disgusting are the best and greatest among us, I say only those who are strong and thus beautiful should live and rule, they seek to undermine every effort ours make to survive and/or live away from our enemies, and usually succeed because traitors like you infiltrate and tattle about the plans of this group or that group, or go in push out the true believers and cuck out the organization from within all to achieve mass appeal, subversive tactics that ultimately will result in our extinction, I seek to obliterate their very physical existence and any and all philosophical and spiritual influence as well, quite directly and in their face, the result may be the same but the method is completely different, you refuse to see any distinction because you yourself believe jewish lies taught to you by your parents and you refuse to let go of them.
>No, they prove me to be so fucking right, because they are the direct consequence of the inert mass politics
Hahahaha, no, they really don't, the times we live in prove you to be wrong, the lemmings who are your majority are being forced to take all manner of shit and they just take it laying down, your very assertion is proved to be false by the events of just the last three years alone.
>That doesn't mean that you should make their job easier
No, it means we should do what needs to be done and damn what the enemy says about it, their words do not matter. They will say everything vile of you even if you do nothing more than throw up retarded ass stickers and spray paint walls, or even just live in an enclave all your own, so there is no reason, besides cowardice, not to do what they fear you will do, as if they didn't fear it, why would they cry about it so?
>Your Judaism is showing.
Nope, I don't care what you mind, coward, I mind their existence, and I will see them all dead, and this world entirely Aryan whether in this life or the next, because despite your claim that they are of no threat we see the lie as thousands of niggers(and other racial undesirable flee to europe by the day, even if only a third ever make it to shore, they just keep coming, and they're coming not because they were convinced or because they were selected for some skill, they're coming simply to take what is ours, they are a threat and they all know where we are and they know our race is currently brainwashed into not defending itself and so brainwashed, by christniggery in fact, that it will attack it's own immune response.
>Refining the white population would be far more efficient, as it would render all the current threats void.
No, it would only be more efficient in your dreams, it isn't possible, there is nowhere left to flee, nowhere to hide, we are left with fight, or die slowly.
These creatures are a threat no matter where they are because now the secret is out, and they know where to go, and they will wait and either our own will falter and allow them in once again, or we will go and conquer them and disappear into a racial morass similar to india, over time, they are always a threat not only to us but to that which Our race and Our race alone has been appointed Guardian of, not steward, not ruler, no, Guardian, and that is Nature, the sheer cruelty we see inflicted on innocent natural creatures in racially inferior places the world over, would be reason enough alone for Hitler to kill them all, and this you learn from Mein Kampf, the respect and reverence he had for Nature is obvious throughout and if he knew that this is what they did even during his lifetime, he would have killed them all.
>Hitler never promoted an ethnoglobe, he wanted to breed a nation of Ubermensch to whom other races would be no different from fauna. To each his own
Hitler knew what the result of that was following the ideas of Darwin, Grant, and many others who quite directly stated that such a state would inevitably result in the complete extermination of all racial inferiors on the planet.
>Chimping out won't accomplish anything.
Again, proving you have never fucking read the book you try to shit on, and cannot think outside the boxes your parents painted for you, you fucking Jew worshipper.
>So instead of having different groups trying to force their vision of the state on the others (creating a social tension used by the cult of the state to remain in power through divide and conquer), wouldn't it be better to go your own way (offering a healthy alternative to your racial brethren) and let everyone else consummate the consequences of their choices?
No shit, but guess what's been happening to your healthy alternatives that are now and have been being tried all over this country for the last 70 years or more, they get infiltrated and taken down or burned to the ground, because they do not back it up with violence, your alternative is to do the same shit we've been doing, and slowly die congratulations you Lord and Savior jew is very very happy with your continued efforts to kill the Aryan race, nigger.
>Why bear the weight of a rotten society when you can simply step aside and let those who are responsible for its state handle the consequences. 
I don't wish to bear it's weight I wish to see it uprooted, and burned on a fucking pyre.
>The elephant in the room here is that if our enemies were so certain of them being our equals (or betters), and of their ideas being superior or more legitimate than ours, they would have no need to cancel us or force their views onto us. It would be self-evident.Their actions, on the other hand, reveal a deep sense of inferiority and inadequacy. By managing to create a better alternative, others would come to us under their own free will. Then we could vet and filter out the undesirables. Likewise, they would have the freedom to do so as well, in their respective states.
Once again
<try more of the same shit you goys have been trying since 1945, goy, It will work this time because I say so goy
Literally what you're saying, we are out of time, we have one decade, maybe two, to stop this shit in it's tracks before our fate is sealed, and here you come like the erad you are to provide the exact same fucking tactic that keeps being tried and failing,
If his solution were profound it would hold up to scrutiny, it does not.
Replies: >>1313
>I'm not the turner diaries guy
Whether a poster is a discord tranny, wumao trying to use a NS angle to incite a civil war in USA (Not that there is much left worth preserving, but it's done so China could then "denazify" it, along with the rest of the world), a /leftypol/ tourist with a twisted view of Fascism or National-Socialism, a kike, some goon on parole tasked with "radicalizing" this place so they could shut it down, again, or some glownigger intern (all of which were known to frequent this board), it makes no difference whatsoever. Their suggestions are counter-productive and harmful while I'm actually hypothesizing about scenarios that may have some chances of succeeding, even if low given the current situation. That's the criteria that posts and ideas should be measured against. A tryhard glowlarp is a tryhard glowlarp, regardless of who does it, and whether it is done with more or less sophistication. Try not using their talking points.
>but that tells us that you're the libertarian
I'm not a libertarian, I am just hypothesizing a far more effective and viable solution and approach for forming a white ethnostate with a 3rd position system than the self-destructive "methods" that the aforementioned individuals and groups are usually trying to pass here. If anything, the "Libertarian" may as well be a part of their tactics.
You get a shill flag for trying to make your points on behalf of the entire board, unless you are referring to your team. The poster trying to gloat about BO being pro-Ethnoglobe like it's some kind of ultimate arbitration on the subject gets one as well. Yet, I have never seen them make a case of how could a white Ethnoglobe realistically happen. Why not an ethnogalaxy or ethnouniverse then? Ethnomultiverse? Behaving like an insect hive with no internal control mechanisms is not a white man's trait. It's pure Judaism under the guise of racialism.
>National Socialism is based on Natural Law
Which does not imply any broader collective and does not ignore that racial genesis is a form of DIFFERENTIATION. So is the individual. That post did not appear to have such connotations, but thank you for clarifying.
>the common goal is living in accordance with and in service to Natural Law
It's about the mutual-feedback service in relation between the individual, race and the state. Ironically, Marxists also think that their ideology follows the natural law, it just so happens that their definition of it differs. One could also make an argument that the individual is the highest expression of the Natural Law, and that the superior and mostly pure race is a necessary component for the superior individual to emerge. Especially given the rather empirical observation that the more muddy a race is, the less individualistic it tends to be, but you are free to show me otherwise.
>No, never said I did
So you agree that lemmings are unnecessary baggage and should not be relied on?
>Your  suppodsedly feasible strategy has several flaws
Did you not see this post?
>one is that rather than destroy globohomo
Globohomo will eat itself. The point is to not get caught up in it. Your ignorance of the cycles is showing.
>you will flee, and try to hide like a coward
Do you wish for the white race to survive and free itself, or to play Rambo until you end up in a drone grenade video?
>while somehow keeping christianity around
Why would I want that?
>My approach to politics is direct
What I meant is that those groups appeal to the masses, a truly different approach would be to appeal to the best. A proper elitism instead of populism. A true Ubermann cannot be subverted.
>because you yourself believe jewish lies
Such as?
>They will say everything vile of you
Not caring about their vicious drivel is one thing, making it less effective another.
>because despite your claim that they are of no threat we see the lie as thousands of niggers(and other racial undesirable flee to europe by the day, even if only a third ever make it to shore, they just keep coming
Because a) Someone is enabling them to arrive, despite otherwise not being able to b) Someone is allowing them to enter c) Someone is allowing them to run amok. They would not be an issue for a society with a bulletproof mechanism preventing niggers from being utilized as a biological weapon. And that requires some reconsideration regarding the domestic population and its qualities.
You should look into his influences a bit
>that are now and have been being tried all over this country for the last 70 years or more
Give me one example where something like this has been tried

You are reacting emotionally and seem rather demoralized, snap out of it and start thinking. I'm not endorsing violence, but in a war scenario, starting a fight with the wrong targets will lead to defeat.
Replies: >>1336
> Proper fascism/syndicalism/national-socialism is the organic association of individuals towards a greater mutual benefit,
Yeah, no. You're only really talking about National Socialism here not fascism nor syndicalism. National Socialists are the only ones who advocate an "organic" form of collectivism. The NS philosophy of the state is that it is merely a vessel of the race. Fascists/National syndicalists see that the collective must work for the state FOR a mutual benefit in regards to the assumption that it will be beneficial due to its nationalistic streaks, something that is similar to an ant colony.

>Your Judaism is showing
>Anything that does not agree with me is jewish
They do not want to ethno-globe anyone, they want to ENSLAVE the world. They have stated this numerous times and people like yourself proceed to lie and call things you personally oppose jewish, even when it isn't Jude at all. Jews cannot survive without the labor and ideas of gentiles.

>Refining the white population would be far more efficient, as it would render all the current threats void. That's ultimately, how things survive in nature. 
Refining the White population is great and all, but it won't make the White race perfect and indefeasible. Most things in nature either have no need of "refining" themselves or simply do the easier things by eliminating direct or potential threats without remorse. So I guess your understanding of nature goes out the window. And Nietzsche's Übermensch aren't perfect men who can defeat all odds, even they can be thwarted in the end. Look at the ancient Aryans and how they bred themselves out as a result of their tolerance.  

Confirmed fed. You're not going to win with the establishment.

>Hitler never promoted an ethnoglobe, he wanted to breed a nation of Ubermensch to whom other races would be no different from fauna.
Hitler would of preferred ethno-globe if he had to extinguish the entire world in order to save the Aryan race. His ultimate goal was to bring about the triumph of Aryans and Germania by all means necessary. His only flaw was that he should of showed no mercy to the Anglos and Slavs who opposed him that he also saw as Aryan. His Lebensraum agendas literally debunk you that he would of never sought to colonize the world or expand the number of Aryans on Earth. After-all, he loved the British Empire and the United States of America and wanted Germany to be like them. A nation of Übermensch will ultimately result in the desire to expand throughout the world whether you like it or not.
Replies: >>1315 >>1317
>His Lebensraum agendas literally debunk you that he would of never sought to colonize the world or expand the number of Aryans on Earth. After-all, he loved the British Empire and the United States of America and wanted Germany to be like them. A nation of Übermensch will ultimately result in the desire to expand throughout the world whether you like it or not.
Exactly. Yet I notice that some White universal-nationalists ("every race has its place") and shitskin NS-larpers (they are larpers because NS is never meant for other races) keep thinking that there will be some unity among the non-jewish peoples after the jews are eliminated. This is simply not true. I think this is a form of a coping mechanism. To simplify, let me put it in a way these people think:

>I hate the jews only
>Non-whites are not my problem
>Once we come together as gentiles and defeat the kikes, we'll be at peace and sing kumbaya

Again, this is a coping mechanism. That's why majority of the noobie WNs seem more relaxed and less hateful. They're in for a rude awakening once they find out the true motives of WN 1.0. Read WLP, noobs.
Replies: >>1345
>Fascists/National syndicalists see that the collective must work for the state FOR a mutual benefit
State would be a formalization of the body facilitating the mutual benefit of its members, who would be united on some common grounds, not an independent entity into itself. It's a form of association. The whole idea is that the benefit of this type of association would be greater for its members than the benefit that each one of them could attain through individual efforts. That's all there is to it. National syndicalism is even more decentralized.
>something that is similar to an ant colony
That's a rather inadequate example for specialization, and not quite in accordance with the Natural Law, because higher forms of life require more complex and flexible organizational structures to maximize their traits.
>They do not want to ethno-globe anyone
According to your logic, that would be the endgame of their Lebensraum, no? Them populating all ends of the world is literally one of the themes of Judaism. In this kind of "infinite growth and conquest" scenario, keeping slaves would become less and less viable in practice. That's completely besides the point anyway, you can call enslaving the whole world "Ethnoglobe with Jewish characteristics" , the fact remains that the idea itself stems from their mentality and obsessions.
>but it won't make the White race perfect and indefeasible
No, but the Aryan strategy has always been quality over quantity.
>And Nietzsche's Übermensch aren't perfect men who can defeat all odds
I'm not strictly referring to Nietzschean Ubermensch, although this attitude would play a part
>Most things in nature either have no need of "refining" themselves or simply do the easier things by eliminating direct or potential threats without remorse
Your immune system tends to disagree. So does your brain (in theory at least). Nature usually limits the populations of organisms, in one way or another.
>Look at the ancient Aryans and how they bred themselves out as a result of their tolerance
As a result of them not learning from history
>Confirmed fed
I'm not the one promoting state worship, ant colonies and other Masonic niggery here. Feds would be delighted if any of the tryhards actually acted on their tough talk. It would justify their, otherwise mostly useless positions.
>You're not going to win with the establishment
You are not going to overthrow the establishment with an AR-15 (or whatever you cucks use). Especially not in the country with the strongest military in the world and militarized law enforcement. That has contingency plans even when it comes to collapse scenarios and would likely use them to increase its grip over the population. Such delusions are outright malicious. The only exceptions would be apocalyptic-tier natural disasters and an all-out global war. 
>His Lebensraum agendas literally debunk you
Did it include any places where Germans were not a substantial percent of population, or used to be? He wanted Aryans to dominate the world, but nowhere will you find the ideas such as the "ethnoglobe". Which is, ironically, closer to Christian Identity than any Volkisch movement or philosophy.
Replies: >>1319 >>1344
>State would be a formalization of the body facilitating the mutual benefit of its members, who would be united on some common grounds, not an independent entity into itself
Nigger, this is National Socialism. Fascists want unity and the state to resemble and enforce that unity within the nation. 

>The whole idea is that the benefit of this type of association would be greater for its members than the benefit that each one 
Fascism asserts that its members can benefit if they put all their labor and loyalties towards the state. It is the unifying entity and body. They even said themselves that this is only possible with a totalitarian state. 

>National syndicalism is even more decentralized
National Syndicalism is on the same view with fascism on how a state must operate. They literally want a republican version of absolute monarchism.

>That's a rather inadequate example for specialization, and not quite in accordance with the Natural Law
The thing here is that fascists never were truly advocates of natural law on the same extent Hitler was. Their "natural law" was mostly inspired by Catholic theologians and renaissance writers anyway. What they mostly cared about was establishing a statist society that proclaimed it knew what was best for its "citizens".

>According to your logic, that would be the endgame of their Lebensraum, no?
Jews do not have a Lebensraum, stupid. Learn what the word means. Such a thing could never be successful under them.

>Them populating all ends of the world is literally one of the themes of Judaism. 
You're just making things up now and proved that you have no understanding of the JQ. Their main goal is to conquer the world by bringing their tribalism and nepotism within a non-jewish state. Jews have never advocated anything remotely similar to Lebensraum nor have they've sought to replace the native folk of settlement or space entirely or become the majority. The Torah, Kabbalah, and OT straightforwardly spew that they want to enslave all goys. Judah indirectly admits that they need us around in order to accomplish their prophecies, that is why they only specialized in things related to finance, because it is the only thing they're good at.

>I'm not strictly referring to Nietzschean Ubermensch,
Hitler's Übermensch is the same as Nietzsche's, what Hitler includes are biological aspects, but it is mostly the same. 

>Your immune system tends to disagree. So does your brain (in theory at least). 
Apparently you do not know of the immune system's white blood cells that serve to eradicate foreign microorganisms to protect its host. 

>As a result of them not learning from history
What history should they have learned from? The scenario of intermingling was most likely to be entirely new. What the Aryans failed to do was heed the word of the RigVedas which warned them to not put the non-Aryans in a loving relationship. Even if they did fail to learn of a past that did exist, then the fault is even more on the Aryans who preferred to be universalists.

>I'm not the one promoting state worship, ant colonies and other Masonic niggery here
You are illiterate if you think I was advocating an ant colony, state worship, or think that masonry (jewry for shabbos goys) is pro ethno-globe. 

>Feds would be delighted if any of the tryhards actually acted on their tough talk
Feds also want to deradicalize far-righters and fascists. They also love shilling universalist garbage in hopes the White man will become passive again. Since 2016 they have been trying to turn National Socialists into MAGA-tards which is derad 101. I also hope you realize, Mr. Johnson, that fascism and National Socialism are radical ideologies with radical politics.

>You are not going to overthrow the establishment with an AR-15
Literally you can through radicalisation. The dumb-ass boomers could of easily done this during the inauguration, but they didn't because "muh constitution, muh legal process, muh fairness!!". 

>Especially not in the country with the strongest military in the world and militarized law enforcement
Confirmed fed. Using literal liberal antics in hopes to prevent any form of rebellion. The United States' military is at its lowest point. It is incompetent, weak, and the amount of White Americans in the military are overall decreasing. They couldn't defeat rice-farmers and goat-herders they most certainly won't win against their own for it does more damage than it solves. Please tell me how somone like you or anyone with your mindset will ever overtake the establishment? I will love to see how you come up with excuses and wishful thinking that Catboy Nick came up with, and inform you on how he failed.

>Did it include any places where Germans were not a substantial percent of population, or used to be?
Umm, yes. Does Poland and Ukraine come to mind? He didn't just want Danzig, this wasn't enough for the booming population. Over course Ukrainians weren't to be replaced, but the Poles were to be Germanized. 

>He wanted Aryans to dominate the world, but nowhere will you find the ideas such as the "ethnoglobe". 
So you're implying that he wanted to be like the jews? Hitler specifically stated that he wanted total Aryan dominance.

>Which is, ironically, closer to Christian Identity than any Volkisch movement or philosophy.
No it isn't. CIs only wants to replace the jews not the world. Volkisch movements have always been centric on what to do first in their own lands before having any greater goals. Although Volkisch groups most certainly would of evolved into a pagan form of blood expansionism if they ever gained power before Hitler did.
Replies: >>1321 >>1325
>CIs only wants to replace the jews not the world
If you visit Christogenea forums, their hatred of non-whites is beyond any 4chin sites out there. They want to ethno-globe as much as anyone here does.
Replies: >>1357
<Reddit spacing
Or are you just trying to occupy a lot of visible space ITT without writing much of substance in hope that it will divert attention?
>Fascists want unity and the state to resemble and enforce that unity within the nation
Wouldn't the best and most effective way to enforce this unity be to let people choose the state that they want to live in? You have no arguments against this. It would also be a good check and balance against the formation of a parasitic political class that sooner or later usurps the state for its personal benefit. And against subversion. Want to be a communist? You are free to move to a communist state. Want to be a libertarian? Door to the Libertarian state is to the right. Of course, this wouldn't prevent subversives from trying since a NS state would eventually become the most prosperous (in a true sense), putting the leaders of others to shame and their population to jealousy, but the agitators would have less discontent population to latch onto.
>Fascism asserts that its members can benefit if they put all their labor and loyalties towards the state
Where the state is obliged to provide them that benefit, otherwise it loses its legitimacy.
>totalitarian state
A state that does not compromise on its principles and goals. There are many varieties of authoritarianism. 
>Jews do not have a Lebensraum
What's happening in Palestine?
>Jews have never advocated anything remotely similar to Lebensraum nor have they've sought to replace the native folk of settlement or space entirely or become the majority
What's Israel?
>You're just making things up now
Them populating the whole world was one of promises their god made to Abraham
>Their main goal is to conquer the world by bringing their tribalism and nepotism within a non-jewish state
To conquer the world. And the endgame of this process is that the entire planet becomes a Jewish state, aka the ethnoglobe. You are trying to strawmen some differences while in practice both amount to the same and are inspired by the same mentality.
>Apparently you do not know of the immune system's white blood cells that serve to eradicate foreign microorganisms to protect its host. 
Within the boundaries of its body. It does not spill out and seek to exterminate every microorganism in existence.
>What history should they have learned from?
The one that keeps repeating for millenia. Those provisions of RigVedas were likely inspired by similar events in the past.
>Feds also want to deradicalize far-righters and fascists. They also love shilling universalist garbage in hopes the White man will become passive again
Yes, they try to make people with "problematic" ideologies abandon them and become shabbos goys. Another end of this is them trying to groom those who don't into doing something stupid. They do both radicalization and "reeducation", depending on the psychological profile of the target or a group. I am not telling anyone to abandon their goals and principles, I am warning them against doing something stupid and counter-productive and hypothesizing a different approach, rather than change in politics. That's a big difference, and your comparison with MIGA-tards does not hold any ground.
>Literally you can through radicalisation
>The United States' military is at its lowest point
<*Shoots an AR-15 with a Walmart (TM) Tacticool (R) scope at a military base
<Ha, take that imperialists! The revolution will no longer be stopped! 
<Wait, what's that flying towards us?

Even if kikes completely flush the US down the drain, it would go like this:
<Finally my White Warriors, we march to victory!
<Sir, there is a huge army formation on our flank
<Wait, didn't the army collapse? That's impossible!
<Hello Mr. Wang, why are you attacking our ethnostate? You have so many other regions.
<Ming luao, UN directive, must denazify laowai! Dlop ur weapon!
<Begins hitting you and pushing you into a train
<Dis one go to food lations
<Mr. Wang, what do you mean by food rations?
<Supreme comrade Xir not send any food, laowai look tasty, make good lation!

>but the Poles were to be Germanized
And shabbos goys are to be judaized
>Hitler specifically stated that he wanted total Aryan dominance
Dominance that does not include abusing and exterminating every other form of life on the planet. He even wanted to give the kikes their state, because if he had succeeded, they would become too irrelevant to ever be a threat again. They would be Abbo tier compared to the Aryan Ubermensch.
Replies: >>1357
>Try not using their talking points.
What fucking talking points? These "talking points" are mine and mine alone.
You seem to not realize or just completely forget, or are intentionally ignoring that violence is the only path left open to us, because it is the only path that they cannot, and have not, closed to us.
>I'm not a libertarian,
This is a lie.
>I am just hypothesizing a far more effective and viable solution and approach for forming a white ethnostate with a 3rd position system than the self-destructive "methods" that the aforementioned individuals and groups are usually trying to pass here. If anything, the "Libertarian" may as well be a part of their tactics.
Your "hypothesis" is false and will not work, there is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide your little colony, not while ZOG, and it's christnigger slaves like you, live. Left to collapse on it's own ZOG will take centuries to die, possibly longer, you do not address ZOG you merely dismiss the issue with forming a nation first then grabbing a deterrent, Two things that cannot be done while ZOG yet lives, in any respect.
>unless you are referring to your team
I am referring to National Socialists, which you are not.
>Yet, I have never seen them make a case of how could a white Ethnoglobe realistically happen.
I wish to know how you have missed the explanations on how it could be accomplished, several times on this board in the past, I personally have done that more than once, yet every fucking time a shill nigger pops up "I've never seen anybody make the case as to how" Nothing is ever good enough for you niggers, go find somewhere else to shill your "brilliant" solutions that have quite literally been attempted time and again, nobody can even get their little nation building projects off the ground because they refuse to conflict with ZOG, so they either get dead or turn into Meat-grinder Nationalism shit like Patriot Front, NRM, NSC131, NWF, et al.
>Why not an ethnogalaxy or ethnouniverse then? Ethnomultiverse?
I see no reason to stop at just our earth should physical space travel be possible, ethnoglobe would have to be accomplished and the entirety of the planets resources at our disposal before we even began researching if extrasolar FTL space travel may or may not be possible, anything beyond the earth serves to be nothing but a waste of time, or a  far flung dream, when we may not reach the stars physically for millennia, if ever. Ethnoglobe at worst and at it's slowest would take a maximum of three centuries, not terribly difficult to accomplish the necessary dedication over the course of maybe 15 generations maximum, and it could be accomplished with incredible luck or skill in just one generations lifespan.
This part of your bullshit is just another logical fallacy and common shill tactic Argumentum ad Ridiculum, you make a mockery of a reasonable position to attempt to cast doubt on the initial proposition.
>It's about the mutual-feedback service in relation between the individual, race and the state.
No, it's about observing nature and applying the lessons it has to teach us to ourselves, individuals are part of a group, by birthright. a group controls itself by a state whether it's a tribe of 100 people or a mighty nation-state of millions.
Marxists do not think their ideology is based on natural law, they base it on things like Rousseau and his view of natural law which has been shown to ultimately be false, as it was based on the same bullshit christian moral precepts this entire society and the Marxists themselves follow and followed.
>One could also make an argument that the individual is the highest expression of the Natural Law. 
No, one could not, one could only argue that exceptional individuals are the highest expression of their race but ultimately their worth is based on the perpetuation of their genes and as such is ultimately sourced back to their service to their racial group, the individual is nothing without the group and vice versa.
Our race wasn't more individualistic in the past, especially since at present it is still nearly perfectly pure in most of it's enclaves, we have always been large groups of smaller tribal groups, it just so happens that we excel the most and do the most when we set aside the petty conflicts at the tribal level and work together under a singular will, if not a single ruler.
>So you agree that lemmings are unnecessary baggage and should not be relied on?
irrelevant they exist and some of them can be used even if just for their genetic material.
>Globohomo will eat itself. The point is to not get caught up in it. Your ignorance of the cycles is showing.
No it won't, not quickly enough to allow your moronic idea to work, it's influence is at it's strongest now even as the cracks start to show.
>Do you wish for the white race to survive and free itself
No, I care only for the Aryan race the elite subset of the White race, and the only path we have to survive and thrive is by destroying ZOG so that we can free ourselves to destroy our enemies permanently, the crucible of war has always and will always do more for the goal of forging men into gods than eugenics alone ever could.
Second, the first goal in warring against ZOG is to attack it's infrastructure, which takes away all the fancy little toys they rely on, none of which can operate for any length of time without power and fuel.
>Why would I want that?
Fairly certain you're the same guy who was shilling Hoppe trying to pretend he's not samefagging.
>What I meant is that those groups appeal to the masses, a truly different approach would be to appeal to the best. A proper elitism instead of populism. A true Ubermann cannot be subverted.
And the best desire conflict both to strengthen themselves and also their brethren, they do not wish to flee and hide away, the drive of the best is to dominate, and even the strongest will defer to one stronger still.
>Such as?
again pretty sure you're a samefag
>Not caring about their vicious drivel is one thing, making it less effective another.
You make it less effective in only one way, by making those they seek to control fear you more than they trust the shit the enemy spews.
>Because a) Someone is enabling them to arrive, despite otherwise not being able to 
False hundreds of niggers die even getting to Libya, (same for other assorted trash getting to mexico) and more die building shitty rafts, they are not being enabled to come by anybody, they are getting 95% of the way on their own, the last 5% is almost inconsequential.
>b) Someone is allowing them to enter c) Someone is allowing them to run amok. 
Both easily solved for good with a simple policy of killing them all, and then stopping it forever at the source with a campaign of extermination.
>You should look into his influences a bit
No need.
>Give me one example where something like this has been tried
This shit is the explicit goal of like fifty different organizations I've heard tell of one in the Arkansas mountains, there are a couple in the appalachias, and of course the NWF and Cascadia, which are all turning out to be fucking duds, because ZOG STILL LIVES.
>You are reacting emotionally and seem rather demoralized, snap out of it and start thinking.
Not one bit of this has been emotional, it has perhaps been passionate but no less clear for it.
 >I'm not endorsing violence, but in a war scenario, starting a fight with the wrong targets will lead to defeat.
There is no such thing as a wrong target, only advantageous or disadvantageous targets, in our current state there are no targets that are a disadvantage to attack. If violence is not in your mind, not the one heartfelt desire you want to inflict on our enemies and you have no bloodlust, you are no Aryan.
Replies: >>1340
>These "talking points" are mine and mine alone
Or you have been groomed without realizing it. Again, whether you are one of the many who would like to see white men imprisoned or slaughtered, or their useful idiot, makes no difference.
>This is a lie.
Since this is an anonymous board, your typical character assassination attempts do not work, so you try to construct some kind of "image" to attack instead of addressing the ideas presented. That's a shill flag right there. I wouldn't be surprised if the "libertarian" works for the same team as you do.
>and it's christnigger slaves like you
You are trying to punch empty air here, and likely your own shadow as well. 
>I am referring to National Socialists, which you are not.
I am referring to one of the groups listed. You would need to do a better homework on NS for your assignment here.
>I wish to know how you have missed the explanations on how it could be accomplished, several times on this board in the past
Could you link those, or at least write a few short points how would it be even remotely possible? I'm not really asking for much. Perhaps your writing style made my mind flag those posts as glowniggery and filter them.
>Nothing is ever good enough for you niggers
Doing something for the sake of doing it does not count, if you are talking about white survival and liberation, you better have a very good strategy.
>that have quite literally been attempted time and again
Re-read my posts and try writing that again. I am not making any propositions in regards to the methods and tactics used, just hypothesizing regarding the most effective approach. Conflict with ZOG can take many forms.
>Ethnoglobe at worst and at it's slowest would take a maximum of three centuries
In theory you could accomplish the ethnoglobe without killing anyone and even without preventing other races from reproducing, by implementing a one-child policy for non-whites and mutts.
>you make a mockery of a reasonable position to attempt to cast doubt on the initial proposition
Your inversion of priorities is a cynical mockery in a situation where the white race is facing extinction or absolute slavery. Your position is not reasonable since it would become redundant at a certain point because there is no infinite growth in nature.
>individuals are part of a group, by birthright
Right, but not obligation. Refusing to recognize that is outright subversive and only plays into the ZOG agenda.
>Marxists do not think their ideology is based on natural law
What do you think that materialist dialectics is? It's not the natural law of course, but it is their vision of it. At a core level, they make the same claim as you do, whether their claim is correct or not.
>the individual is nothing without the group and vice versa
So a mutual-feedback loop. Where individuality is a driving force, otherwise it would not develop in the first place. And it's not only genes that get passed, but ideas and achievements as well.
>Our race wasn't more individualistic in the past
It was a collective of individuals, but you are obviously too stupid to understand such nuances. If you are looking to become a part of the hive, convert to Judaism (but something is telling me you are a part of it already).
>the crucible of war has always and will always do more for the goal of forging men into gods than eugenics alone ever could
Not in wars where a peasant can shoot a samurai. But one may argue that those stupid enough to be incited to fight in kike-backed wars intended solely for their slaughter are doing the race a favor by removing themselves from the gene pool. 
>they are not being enabled to come by anybody
Only a kike would lie so blatantly and be this disingenuous kek. Surely there are no countless NGO's and smugglers bringing shitskins to Europe and many organizations funding their trips.

>There is no such thing as a wrong target
Why don't you tell the fine gentlemen here what is going to happen to any individuals and groups in the US that promote violence against the state in a case of major war, as a part of "preemptive measures"? Now, who would benefit from redpilled white men (and women) being rounded up and eliminated from society like that?
>If violence is not in your mind
You've been trying to get others killed or imprisoned for years like a hyena, yet, you are evidently still alive and enjoy enough freedom to use the internet. Something is telling me that you are not quite practicing what you preach.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Shills are not welcome here

>America went to war with Germany because the citizens of both states had a duty to do so. 
>When the jew tells you to kill your brother, you must obey
>Feds would be delighted if any of the tryhards actually acted on their tough talk
They would be delighted if we acted alone and sporadically. They would be terrified if we acted as a single large group, or even as many individuals in quick succession.
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>Once we come together as gentiles and defeat the kikes, we'll be at peace and sing kumbaya
Baboons can't build boats. Once we defeat the kikes nobody will be importing shitskins into White homelands.
>What is the effective libertarian plan to reverse our ethnic replacement?
Instead of relying on the government, you can personally execute any shitskin that wanders onto your property.
>There will never be a groundswell of support for small government that rises up to challenge the status quo.
Acknowledged. I am not arguing libertarianism is sustainable at a large scale. I am arguing that it is not inherently jewish, degenerate, anti-White, etc.
>The only people that care about liberty are ethnic Europeans, and our numbers are constantly dwindling. You can't outvote Chang, Tyrone, Pablo, and Narid.
Who said you earn liberty by voting for it? Not me.
>There's no way around it, we have to explicitly embrace racialism and work together.
Racialism and liberty are not mutually exclusive. It's called "freedom of association"
>you are very much an extreme minority in libertarian circles and 95% of them would throw you under the bus for naming the jew and publicly being racially aware.
Not that anon, but your 95% claim probably applies to the human race as a whole. If 95% of Whites are cucked regarding race and the JQ, will you exterminate the 5% who aren't? "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" as they say. Apply the same reasoning to the 5% of based libertarians. If we show up and are willing to fight side-by-side with you and have mostly compatible values/morals, why would you slap our hands away? Even Mussolini and Hitler had non-fascist allies.
Replies: >>1803
>I do believe that individuals are most fit to make those decisions for themselves in their own circumstances. 
Most people become obese druggie degenerates when allowed to. The beauty of libertariansim is these people reap what they sow, instead of getting EBT and Section 8. Morally speaking, I shouldn't lose my liberty because other people are irresponsible hedonists. I also don't want to be beholden to Hitler 2.0 when he decrees mandatory nationwide vegan diets
>How is this any different from a modern republican platform?
How is being free different from being a vassal to Israel?
>the doctrines of libertarianism and the faux "freedom" it claims to offer are the beginning of the modern capitalist/jewish "I've got mine" attitude.
Capitalism and liberty are not synonyms. You can participate in a capitalist economy while being a literal chattel slave. In fact millions of prisoners in USA do this right now via their commissary. You can be a free man while possessing zero capital and being a hermit in the wilderness. Money and freedom are separate pursuits.
>The true fascist conception of freedom is that of the freedom to make the right choices
The right choices, as determined by who? Will I be allowed to flee the country if our dictator mandates a clot shot?
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>If you visit Christogenea forums
A forum does not represent all CIs. They will never fulfill a ethno-globe, period.  The CIs I have seen only hate non-Whites residing within the West and only want to colonize Israel with White Christians. Even then, the British Empire had huge CI influences and yet we never seen any attempts from them doing le ethno-globe. 

GTFO new fag. You're grasping for straws.

>Wouldn't the best and most effective way to enforce this unity be to let people choose the state that they want to live in?
First of all, I'm not a fascist, I'm a NatSoc and you're retarded. Non-Whites aren't "people", and you're leaning towards liberalism thinking that "people should live they want to". If you're only referring to particular apolitical or moderate groups such as farmers, small business owners, war veterans, etc, then I agree, because they can actually be convinced that National Socialism or fascism are concrete, respectable and logical ideas. But if this extends to the moderately wealthy shitlibs, non-Whites and capitalists, then you're wishfully thinking that you could ever change the minds of the mentally insane and stupid. Capitalists will only betray, Hitler knew this which is why he spared no sympathy and given no autonomy to them, because almost every single one of them was somehow connected to zionists organizations, and non-Whites will only act for themselves. In the end you will have to boot to those who don't want a state that everyone could benefit from. 

>It would also be a good check and balance against the formation of a parasitic political class that sooner or later usurps the state for its personal benefit
No it wouldn't. The christkikes and ((( Catholic Church ))) easily prove you wrong as they had a great amount of influence on population and regularly opposed NS and classical fascism. If you truly wish to usurper parasites, then you have to know who those sycophants are and strip them away from their influence and totally replace them with your own, which is what the NSDAP and NFP had done against zionists and the clergymen.

>Want to be a communist
Communists can still be learned from at how they usurped and maintain a hold of their states, and gotten rid of their oppositions. Even if your enemies are terrible you can still learn from them. Remember that Soviet Union, despite all of its shillings from Wall-Street and other Western jews, was still was able to handle problematic individuals and groups to secure its power. The difference between a us and the communist is that they encourage class-warfare which is total disunity and no sympathy from those below them. You're offering nothing but ramblings.

>Where the state is obliged to provide them that benefit, otherwise it loses its legitimacy
And fascists see that the state knows what best, because it is meritocratically fit to govern the nation. As a state provides whatever its natives needs, its citizens must return back fair obligations. The state does not just give handouts nor does it process itself in this fashion. 

>A state that does not compromise on its principles and goals.
Yes it can and has done so before. The United Fucking States has done this numerously throughout its timeline. What you meant was that fascist state does not compromise. Which is correct, but fascists also know when it is necessary to force in order to secure principles and goals even if they must rid of those who are born into the nation. Don't say that Mussolini never put a fellow Italian in a camp or shot anyone who disavowed his state.

>What's happening in Palestine?
>What's Israel?
Did you think this was a gotcha? You're continuing to glow brighter than the sun. The situation in Palestine is not Lebensraum. Literally all ((( they ))) are doing is stealing land and forcing Palestinians to live in the ghettos and/or work as peasants. 

>Them populating the whole world was one of promises their god made to Abraham
There exist no scriptures that state this. The promise was that they could rule the world as masters over the gentile nations. They are to replace our leaders and rule us in a relationship of servant and master. Nothing in their books states that they must replace the population of the world. 

>And the endgame of this process is that the entire planet becomes a Jewish state, aka the ethnoglobe.
That's not ethno-globe. which is opposed to what I'm going to explain about noahide kikes. They literally have stated numerously that they desire a singular Jewish state where EVERYONE is to worshp and serve them. What they are demanding is a unified cosmopolitan authority that is ran by jewish supremacists. Ethno-globe only concerns the world's demographics being comprised of White people. It does not have to be unified under a singular government as a matter of fact, some argue it should be decentralized.

>You are trying to strawmen some differences while in practice both amount to the same and are inspired by the same mentality.
This is why I love arguing with spics. You always provide a laugh when it comes to argumentation, and that laughter is at you are always incredibly stupid. You haven't brought a single citation to your claims, buddy. Not only can you not spell the word "strawman" correctly, but don't even understand what it means. Good job outing yourself as psued and a sperg.

>Within the boundaries of its body
Who cares? The point I was demonstrating is that cells and many things in nature are generally cruel and will do anything to survive and secure its place. If you think the world will be at peace for several hundred years and plurality will be accomplished once the jews are gone, then you are no more delusional than Q-anons for they advocate the same garbage, but without the JQ. 

>It does not spill out and seek to exterminate every microorganism in existence.
Because it can't, silly. Do you think White blood cells can just simply jump out of your bloodstream and walk on two feet and hands and starting moonmanning every microorganism?

>The one that keeps repeating for millenia. Those provisions of RigVedas were likely inspired by similar events in the past
What past? Why are you being so vague. I've said that the fault would even be more on the Aryans.

>Yes, they try to make people with "problematic" ideologies abandon them and become shabbos goys. 
Like you're doing right now?

> Another end of this is them trying to groom those who don't into doing something stupid
Such as what? No one here has encouraged anons to do any fed shit. We merely have dreams and desires that we seek out to fulfill when our time comes to rule a state. I can agree that it shouldn't be talked about within this board or anywhere else, and any sperg who disagrees is a faggot and fed 100%, but, you still have not provided me a logical reason why ethno-globe is stupid other than "wah wah killing non-Whites bad!". 

>They do both radicalization and "reeducation", depending on the psychological profile of the target or a group. 
Feds doing their own form of psuedo-radicalization does not mean that you should generally stop radicalizing people. Once radicalization stops, then comes MIGA and more grifters. But the feds are lacking guys they can get to do stupid shit anyway, because almost every major shooting or bombings of federal buildings have been done by their own hand. They can be spotted a mile away.

Great job making yourself look more like a fool agent Johnson, using literal shitlib arguments and making-up cute scenarios that you hope to come true, thinking we're all like that mutt El-Paso shooter who was clearly a fed if you read his stupid manifesto. These are kinds of post are cute attempts at deradicalizations, but they won't work. If you can't provide a counter-argument that decisively proves me wrong, then its because you only hope this will be true. If you couldn't take down goat-herders who were willingly to die to get ((( You ))) out of Afghanistans. What makes you think you can take down White nationalist who are willingly to die for a better future? 

>And shabbos goys are to be judaized
That's not even remotely the same thing. Poles don't lose anything from Germanifiation as the process is merely assimilation and to become like many other upstanding Germans. Jews don't want you "judaized" (literally makes no sense) they want you enslaved and to own nothing. 

>Dominance that does not include abusing and exterminating every other form of life on the planet.
Hitler had love for nature, sure, but not for non-Aryans with the exception of the Japanese and Chinese. If he had to kill for Aryan totality, don't think he wouldn't, because remember, the only reason why he didn't use weapons of mass destruction was because he was worried that he would kill other Aryans en-masse.

>He even wanted to give the kikes their state
No he did not. He FUNDED AND AIDED Palestinians to subdue any establishment of a jewish state. He did not recognize nor did he want the zionists to have an establishment for themselves, because he knew and other NSDAP members were well-aware that creation of Israel would lead to what is occurring today. Nice try using the ole ethno-pluralist shill. Ethno-plurality is an impossibility as it in-denial of nature and the nature of man itself and purely Abrahamic. Anyone who encourages it is a coping idiot.

Nice try, Agent Johnson. Now fuck off and fellate yourself with a shotgun.
>When the glownigger running this honeypot gets so butthurt that I'm ruining his grooming scheme and that he is too stupid to form anything even remotely resembling an actual argument to defend the anti-white idiocy being astroturfed here so that he has no other options left than to ban me.

Your admission of failure has been noted.
Replies: >>1362 >>1363
Have we reached schizo hours or are you just the usual deradicalization glownigger on his shift?
Replies: >>1372 >>1387
I am not Orlog, but good on him for finally banning you.
Replies: >>1372
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Thanks for answering some questions of mine. However, your plan of decentralized ethno-state seems to rely on long-range online communication whenever through any social media/instant messaging social platforms or imageboards like this. There are major problems to this aspect: National Socialists and Fascists, even people sympathetic to our cause are being censored/slienced by the Judeo-Technocratic system who makes it as if we never existed in the first place. Youtube first banning words they get asspained over, then silently deleting videos and shadowbanning channels and that's just one example. You can't even have your own website up without it being attacked by groups of bad actors in every way possible. Foxdick Farms assaulted by trannies recently comes to mind as well Ironmarch being mysteriously 'shut down' by the FSB for daring to stand against the actions of East ZOG in general. So we are pushed to here in this webring of imageboards, which is to say not many people enough for this to work, Not a good sign.

Newer technology by each day and year also makes it more impossible of this "decentralized ethno-communal state" to stay out of the radar. Proprietary hardware as well firmware means there is always the maximum chance that you as well everything you say is being monitored and transmitted to god knows where, unless everyone that is participating in this vision of yours is using ancient Thinkpads or communicating by tin cans with really long strings attached lol
Perhaps by earlier years on when the internet was free, it would had worked as a viable option. I'm just not fully convinced on this, maybe i'm wrong and somehow there are comrades manifesting out of thin air to help you with that plan. Feel free to prove me so.
>What goes around, comes around. While this approach may have been viable at some historical moments, for strategic purposes, it is precisely the technology that makes it non-viable today. Technology has become too much of a force multiplier to ignore.
This only applies to urbanite lemmings living cushy, we are talking about bitterful ruralite white lemmings, no?
>If you force them to be up the the standards unbearable for them, they will just become resentful and eventually weaponized by the Nation's enemies.
Well, the last two years with vaccines and all has proven that statement wrong, kinda?
>Even if the "white revolution" that groomers are trying to sell here succeeds against the world's superpower by some magic, all you'd end up with would be another Waco, this time executed by the UN or Chinese "peacekeepers" in your government's stead. 
I doubt China and UN "peacekeepers" would risk nuclear annihilation, considering the amount of nuclear missiles that could fall into any insurgent forces. Not to also mention if their logistics is damaged in any way they would have really hard time invading, Furthermore the amount of ex-military men that would help the insurgency is really high enough to the point where it would fail. I couldn't upload it as an webm since it is indeed hour long and too much megabytes for it to be uploaded but this video will certainly explain why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDu6rabPdGM
And lastly, what you said about the military being able to easily crush any insurgency doesn't seem right. considering they lost a valley to literal durka-durkas check out Korangal Valley campaign if you are confused.
Replies: >>1367 >>1372
To answere your question about the lemmings, they will endure anything so long as the bread and circuses are still going, regardless of whatever attrocity is thrust upon them. What powers the Bread and Circuses? The unprotected power grid, of course.
Hmm, who usually uses "schizo" as a buzzword in order to label anyone questioning the narrative as insane? Surely not the commies, kikes, and commie kikes? Thank you for confirming that radicalization IS the glownigger narrative.

Making you rats blink has become too easy, and I have only began pointing out your blatant shill tactics. I did not expect that those running this little gig would be so quick to expose themselves, but I guess their handlers got very nervous since they know that they are completely outclassed here. Or they are actually stupid enough to get pressured into it by the trash such as the imbecile acting like he is trying to earn some "street cred" here? This is supposed to be a high brow board. 

>even people sympathetic to our cause are being censored/slienced by the Judeo-Technocratic system
And it's about to become increasingly worse. The internet as we knew it is already dead for most intents and purposes (not just the NS activism). That's why you would need people capable of figuring out ways of bypassing censorship and finding the alternatives for communication, not historical reenactment actors on assignment and people who got let out of prison to "radicalize" here because hiring actual glowniggers would be much more expensive and bureaucratically messy. It would also require a lot of alliances because NS is not the only group targeted by these, and alliances require diplomacy. Ethnoglobe fantasies would just fast-track the white extinction.
>Newer technology by each day and year also makes it more impossible of this "decentralized ethno-communal state" to stay out of the radar
It makes it even harder for physical communities.
>Well, the last two years with vaccines and all has proven that statement wrong, kinda?
They have agreed to that, most of them at least.
>considering the amount of nuclear missiles that could fall into any insurgent forces
I'll just point at Ukraine. What happened with their nukes after the fall of USSR? Evidently, they may not be as much of a deterrent as it seems to be. Where are most of the nuclear silos in the US located? Which population is the great majority in those areas? If you think that kikes wouldn't try to detonate those or at least turn them into dirty bombs before letting any pro-white insurgents take hold of them you are being overly naive. As for the insurgency, any such group would lack the hardware to pull it off. You are seriously deluded if you think that they have no contingency plans for such scenarios.
>Not to also mention if their logistics is damaged in any way they would have really hard time invading
They have a communist globohomo country to their north, a brown cartel country to their south and a lot of population in the states that wants whites dead. Any insurgents would eventually lose the war of attrition.
>we are talking about bitterful ruralite white lemmings, no?
I am talking about different historical circumstances requiring different approaches
Replies: >>1375
>in order to label anyone questioning the narrative 
What "narrative" are you questioning here, exactly?

>radicalization IS the glownigger narrative.

Thank you for the confirmation of you being a subversive sneaky ((( cuckservative ))) faggot who does not belong here.
Now go back to 4cuck.
I have to say, it was pretty impressive how your one-liner managed to get that individual to post something so full of the most incredible stupidity that it removed all doubt about whether anyone should read another word of what he says.
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Well, I am Brazilian, South American, and here we have an active National Socialist party, but because of the policies instituted by the USA after they killed President Getúlio Vargas at the end of WWII, it has difficulties to really get into politics and run in any official elections, so for now it is a popular party.
In the post-war era, the NS party of the time was dissolved by the new government, because before the war they were going to join the German military who would come here, because the plan was for Brazil to become a sister-land to Germany, so much so that they idolized Brazil, and saw here an opportunity to have a supporter in a beautiful land in the Americas.
The related pic is their flag today.
Replies: >>1411
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Also, I have a folder with most of the NatSoc movements pre and post war, among them some in South America as well, in case anyone is interested.
Replies: >>1412
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By the way, I really like the American National Socialist Party. Stay with this Christmas image of Rockwell. :3
Replies: >>1456
If you have nothing to contribute do not bump threads needlessly this is not 4cuck
Libertarianism is cringe and bluepilled. Capitalism is just a euphemism for the rule of jewish usury. Jews introduced paper money to Europe (Italy, 12th century) and gradually enslaved the nobility with debt. Once the jews secured enough power for themselves in this way, they funded and organised a series of revolutions that replaced feudalism with liberal democracy and capitalism. Now instead of worshipping God and respecting his supposed viceregents here on earth, we worship money and its masters, the jews. Communism was just an intensification of our decline into materialism and disrespect of natural hierarchy. Not trying to shill for feudalism necessarily but it's important to understand the true history of capitalism.

This idea that America is the land of milk and honey because of muh free market is, as Zizek might put it, "pure ideology." First of all, "free" markets don't exist because property is theft from the commons - natives, peasants, w/e. But in any case, jews will inevitably dominate any society that worships money. In order to prevent total economic anarchy, money printing needs to be regulated by states, which inevitably leaves it in the hands of a few. The jews' natural talents make them the obvious choice for gentile elites who care more about their own profit than race / culture. People act like the WASPs were tricked into selling out America but I think a big part of it was centuries of Protestant individualism and fetishisation of Old Testament (i.e. jewish) values left them mired in greed.

I'm not opposed to government entirely; someone has to deport the jews, after all. But so long as we continue sacrificing everything else in society on the altar of profit, our elites will keep betraying us.

Sometimes I lament that Hitler chose the generals over Rohm. Genuinely anti-capitalist nationalism sounds pretty based.
Replies: >>1570

>Libertarianism is cringe and bluepilled. No shit? 
Every NatSoc hated Libertarianism before and now. If anyone reading is a lolberg, then get out. 

>Jews introduced paper money to Europe (Italy, 12th century) and gradually enslaved the nobility with debt. 
I don't think it was the jews who brought the paper money to Europe. The Templars also influenced the idea of using documents in exchange for valuables, since they were also assigned to protect Catholic pilgrims' and this included their treasuries as well. They were kind of one of the first banks within Medieval Europe. Even if the nobility had a hard time dealing with debt, it is also likely that many others who did not suffer from it gave a hand in bringing about banknotes and usury too. Christian nobles sought many ways to make profit as well, and many right-wingers and trads forget this, because their image of the European nobility is mostly romantic. 

>People act like the WASPs were tricked into selling out America but I think a big part of it was centuries of Protestant individualism and fetishisation of Old Testament (i.e. jewish) values that left them mired in greed. 
Christcucks are naturally just as economically centric as the jews are. Look at the history of the Catholic Church and how it used to hold most of the treasury within a nation. They were one of the largest banking institutions in the past.

>Genuinely anti-capitalist nationalism sounds pretty based. 
That is what National Socialism is already.
Picrel reminds me of the Organic portals/Soulless humans/Physikoi/NPC.
Am I the only one who finds Yockey to be overrated? The guy was a weirdo and pretty retarded in his suggestion that we should work with the Soviet Union. Maybe some of his works are quite informative and inspiring, but the Yockey himself doesn't seem like someone you would want to represent National Socialism.

>If we show up and are willing to fight side-by-side with you and have mostly compatible values/morals, why would you slap our hands away? Even Mussolini and Hitler had non-fascist allies.
The thing here is that anon, libertarians who are J-Pilled still want a society that is under the influence of economic Jews. Libertarians, even if they can be racially aware, are still against the natural law and order. If the Jews or communists do not collapse society and get the White race into materialism, constant hedonism, and the belief that there is a lack of meaning in life, then economic anarchism will. Even if they can be helpful in seizing a state run by Zionists, this does not mean we should allow those whose minds are generally corrupt, childish, and incompatible with our own to have a position of power or any form of validation. If you want to ultimately destroy the Jews and save the White race forever, then you cannot be a libertarian.
Replies: >>3032
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>Libertarians, even if they can be racially aware, are still against the natural law and order
What you are describing is mental jewery which is no different than being a wigger.
Replies: >>3034 >>3242
Libertarians do not align with National Socialists, they are diametrically opposed to the core ethos of National socialism which is that war or struggle is at the very center of life,  that it is the very essence and driving force of life. Libertarians think that peace is the driving force of life, and wish to live accordingly, their core principle is the non-aggression principle, which denies the very first fundamental law of nature, that all things must struggle and fight with all other things in order to survive and propagate their species.
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>>649 (OP) 
>American Nazi Party
Please tell me more on how you will overthrow your existing militant government and domestic agencies. Please indulge me on how you will take control of mainstream national media. Please explain on what you will do when foreign powers get irritated and look for penalties. 

The only good American, is a dead American. The biggest insult to the third reich is having their symbolism and emblems next to anything American. The American should be castrated and have all their limbs amputaded just for laying their eyes on anything or anyone, from the third reich.

You will never be one of us. Fuck off and die, rat.
Replies: >>3240 >>3241 >>3243
sure, moor
Opinion discarded.
>mental jewery 
>everything is jewish!!11
You're retarded. Lolbergs are fundamentally against National Socialism and fascism in almost every way possible. Their principles and ideas are set on hedonism and providing civil liberty via rights to anyone and everyone to increase their glorious GDP they worship 24/7. Some are even entirely against nationalism in favor of a much more anarchistic society where an individual man is only loyal to himself rather his kin, fellowman/community, and the state that protects, provides, and leads. Following the natural order is the anthesis of jewry, while libertarianism isn't in any capacity.
>Please tell me more on how you will overthrow your existing militant government and domestic agencies.
Even if someone who frequents this board had such plans not only would it be the dumbest thing I have ever heard to post such things but even dumber to share it with a Christnigger larper like you.
>Please indulge me on how you will take control of mainstream national media.
Why would I take control of that when I can just destroy it or better yet break the shit behind it that allows it to function, news stations and their employees are too numerous and too widespread to have any real capability of controlling them, unless you had the probably very well defended and hidden master control center the government has it's hands on and if you could get in there much better to destroy it so it can't be used against you than to let them have it.
>Please explain on what you will do when foreign powers get irritated and look for penalties.
You can feel free to declare war, I'll hunker down in one of the two most easily defendable mountain ranges in the world and kill every comer, then when you've wasted every single troop you can spare on your fruitless and race traitorous seeking of revenge on the wrong party,(the correct party is the jews and elites who are building bunkers as we speak to hide while you do exactly what they want) I will then go and destroy all of Spain, I will tear down your disgusting cathedrals crack the foundations of every monument, castle and city that isn't from pre-christnigger times, spill the blood of priests and civilians on every christjew altar in the country, slaughter you, your women, and children, save for those who are racially pure enough and as such can be better repurposed as whores or wives or saved from your race-traitorous religion, and then set fire to what ever remains so that nature can reclaim the Iberian peninsula from your dirty jewish hands
>The only good American, is a dead American.
The only good Spaniard is a dead Spaniard, more than half of your country is disgusting racially mixed with the crypto jews you fucks forced and fucked into existence and if not mixed with jews then it's fucking muslims, or the people from your former colonies, even those as dark as the blackest african. 
Never invoke the name of the third Reich as if you or your people would have deserved it protection or even allyship, when you betrayed it at every real chance to aid the Axis, aside from a token division on the eastern front.
>You will never be one of us. Fuck off and die, rat.
You were never of us, and If we're rats, what the fuck are you? the disease ridden flea on the rats ass? the tapeworm writhing in it's guts? the shit falling out of it's ass?
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Reminder for everyone in this thread, we're all on the same team here. It's best to stay productive and on task! I'm sure if we all work together we can get just that much more closer to the solution.
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Replies: >>3532 >>3581
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Replies: >>3533 >>3581
Did this guy possess a Palantír?
>>649 (OP) 
>the ideology that turned Europe into a cemetery during the second European Civil War?
>that discredited the legacy of the Conservative Revolution for nearly a century?
>yeah lets do that exact same thing again lmoa

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Low effort de-rads do not belong here

Replies: >>3548
It was the kike controlled anglo golems and the bolshevik jews that destroyed Europe in WW2 and onward, not National Socialism.
Conservatives never conserved anything.
National Socialism proved itself to work perfectly: getting rid of jewish control leads to prosperity, that's why ((( they ))) did everything to destroy it.
Benjamin was a freemason kike-lover.
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