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Sieg Heil!

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1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins.

This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman.  



2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females.

This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely.

Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment         -------A-B-C-D-E-------------
Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment         ---------------A-B-C-D-E-----
Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2  -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!)
Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2  --/-----A-B-C-D-E---------/-- (Recombination success!)
Canine DNA Segment              ---A------------------B------

Where conserved genes don't align between parental chromosomes, it is expressed as persistent reduced gamete viability.


It's worth noting that this recombination failure, decreased fertility in mixed race people,  results in mixed race chromsomal gene placement in gametes with conserved gene placement that is not aligned with any racial group or any mixed race populations, since the recombination is semi random. The infertility of race mixed people persists until all conserved genes are lined up in a population's collective genome.

For a mixed race offspring, for every gene which is in a different location on a chromsome between parents, you can expect a 50% reduction in gamete viability with a Mendelian distribution table, but that probabilistic outcome is mitigated by the randomness of recombination of crossover sites, the number of misaligned genes, and number of cross over sites per chromsome, since entire sets of out of place genes can be on a contigious region of DNA which is not affected by the recombination crossover. Predicting the degree of infertility is complicated by the differences between the location of genes in the parents, the number of incompatible genes, and their proximity to likely recombination cross over sites. 

The addition and deletion of genes can result in gene based disabilities.


3. Failure to Group

Mixed race offspring do not resemble any racial group, they also usually do not resemble other mixed race people which inherit their parental traits randomly. This can create social difficulties which result in fewer chances to procreate and life difficulties. Humans are a social species and in-group bias is hardwired for survival.

4. The Results of Racial Admixture

To stabilize a mixed race genome requires inbreeding to produce a new self compatible genome (see Indian endogamy after the population collapse of the Gupta empire and the infertility of the Gupta monarchy) or for the racial admixture to be pruned down over many generations that suffer from significant infertility until only gene placement that is compatible with an existing racial group remains (see Neanderthal admixture from 1 or 2 race mixing event survivors with most of the Neanderthal genome being pruned out because it was incompatible with Homo sapiens sapiens genome). 

The immense hurdle of recombinative failure infertility, recombination failure induced genetic defects, and failure to group means only under the most extraordinary circumstances do any race mixed bloodlines survive long term.   

5. Why Can't Scientists Say This?

Imperial state ideologies are based on the belief that race mixed populations will result in a viable population and that annexed people will have a shared future. The incomes of the elite of empires are totally dependent on the belief that race mixed people don't have reproductive obstacles to annex other nations and loot them.

Many articles on genetic studies are written in a way that gives the illusion that race mixing has been prevalent to conform to institutional pressures and you can only deduce the truth by reading between the lines. For instance, there are articles saying Europeans are descended from Genghis Khan, but his Y chromosome haplogroup and Asian haplogroups are completely absent from White populations except through recent Asian admixture.

6. What Gives the Lie of Imperial Powers Believability?

Endogamy. Within many countries there are endogamous uniracial populations that shed members to interracial marriages. The interracial offspring bloodlines die out, while the endogamous racial communities continue to shed members. This produces a marked population growth depression in these countries as a whole. If you look at countries like Spain, Mexico, Brazil, etc. you see uniracial communities practicing endogamy while continously losing members to race mixing. You can see mathematically what is happening in these countries through demographic statistics. 

Uniracial population = endogamous births - mixed race births
Mixed race population = endogamous mixed race births + shedded mixed race births from interracial marriage between two pure raced people

The growth rate of the mixed race population should be whatever kids they produce plus recent interracial marriages, but the growth rate of mixed race population demographics is lower than uniracial in every country I have checked, which indicates massive reproductive issues.

When DNA analysis are presented on the country as a whole, it gives the impression that the entire country's population is race mixed and that race mixed populations are viable. However, any race that doesn't prevent admixture into a portion of their population gets erased from the gene pool within 2.5 centuries without the ability to form a new genome with close relatives like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. 

Misrepresentation of ancient genetic markers carried by multiple races as evidence of race mixing after the last ice age when actually they represent common ancestry from before the races diverged. The articles look like this, "Common ancestry between groups A and B! Group A is related to group B!", but they often fail to mention the commonality is from before the wooly mammoth went extinct, or "Group A descended from Location X people", but fail to mention a now extinct population used to live at location X to give the impression one ethnic group descended from another, when they did not. Virtually everything published in the media on genetic commonality focuses on pre-ice age common ancestry, because modern genetic markers would show a very strict tree of racial division no evidence of admixture between racial groups and with no evidence of racial mixing producing a viable population without extreme endogamy (inbreeding).

7. AI Assembly of Ancestrial Trees is Going to Kill the Myth of Hybrid Vigor Forever

When AI is used to process global ancestry data into a coherent map, you're going to see an almost perfect species division chart. When AI incorporates the recently race mixed populations they will appear as fuzz on the sides of the tree and it will settle the debate forever that, with only the exception of extreme endogamy, it is not possible to make a viable race mixed population.

In addition, you're going to find out there are more species than you know about.
>like modern Indians did 1,600 years ago between two racial groups. 

Different articles throw out different dates. Just ignore what I wrote there.
 You can read about this subject without the censorship by anti-White totalitarians under the topics of "hybridization in mammals", and "extinction by hybridization", "outbreeding depression",.
 >Hybridization is most frequent among recently diverged sister species, which are frequently characterized with incompletely developed prezygotic isolation (behavioural and mechanical) and postzygotic isolation (zygote mortality and hybrid inviability and sterility) [5]. 
 >On the other hand, hybridization can be also considered as a potential threat to species survival [22,23,24]. Accumulation of deleterious variation [25], outbreeding depression [26,27,28] and genetic swamping [29,30,31] are among detrimental consequences of hybridization. In extreme cases, severe outbreeding depression and decline in the population growth rate below the replacement rate due to wasted reproductive effort in one or both parental lineages may lead to extinction [32]. High risk of extinction due to hybridization has been reported for rare or endangered species interbreeding with more common relatives [33,34].
The Western elite are trying to totally genocide the White population, not create a single human race which is impossible without extreme incest to make a new self compatible genome which would be unique to each family that created one. Meanwhile, China a near monoethnic state is primed to take over the world in the population collapse caused by the NATO leadership's policies, policies which the state terror and censorship apparatus will not allow you to question.

Race mixed bloodlines can last at least 7 generations and a little over 2 centuries before competely dying out. The longest genealogically backed study of a mixed race bloodline I have found is of Richard Linn, a Chinese immigrant to England. His bloodline, all his descendants, died out and took a great number of English bloodlines out with them. This is an example of the outbreeding extinction dynamic. If someone is the 6th generation mixed race person whose ancestry has only married into your ethnic group, you will not be able to recognize by looking at them that they have foreign ancestry, but it seems your bloodline will still be wiped out if you mate with them.

Race mixing should be recognized as a biological weapon against nations and countries since if you check the historical, it seems to me, record race mixing events are followed by population collapse. And that seems to be what genetic studies are showing.

>The researchers showed that most Indian populations are genetic admixtures of two ancient, genetically divergent groups, which each contributed around 40-60% of the DNA to most present-day populations. One ancestral lineage — which is genetically similar to Middle Eastern, Central Asian and European populations — was higher in upper-caste individuals and speakers of Indo-European languages such as Hindi, the researchers found. The other lineage was not close to any group outside the subcontinent, and was most common in people indigenous to the Andaman Islands, a remote archipelago in the Bay of Bengal.

>Indian populations, although currently huge in number, were also founded by relatively small bands of individuals, the study suggests. Overall, the picture that emerges is of ancient genetic mixture, says Reich, followed by fragmentation into small, isolated ethnic groups, which were then kept distinct for thousands of years because of limited intermarriage — a practice also known as endogamy.


Speciation isn't necessarily something you can see, it's mostly a matter of gene placement on chromosomes across the animal kingdom. Many incompatible populations can draw from the same ancestor set and look similar, but be completely incompatible with each other, like the donkeys and horses.

Depopulation from race mixing induced infertility likely caused the historical bottle neck that produced distinct separate Hindu populations today, otherwise how is it that everyone is descended from such a small number of people, but share similar original admixtures? They were the survivors of population collapse that inbred until they had a self compatible genome and were able to recover, but their populations were only sustained by practicing endogamy, with those that didn't being erased from the gene pool by the resulting infertility.

India was conquered by a Muslim Caliphate and much of India was part of the Bactrian Macedonian (White Greek) civilization for 1200 years. Where is their genetic admixture into Hindu populations if all the races are cross compatible? It seems likely they race mixed, but some of the Hindu groups didn't, the invading groups died out from race mixing induced infertility and the endogamous Hindus just assumed they must still be alive in one of the regions or castes because the time frame they died out in was larger than the length of time anyone kept genealogical records or could observe.

>Studies have shown that the Hindu Kush area from where these groups migrated to the Indian subcontinent served as a confluence of gene flows from adjoining areas rather than a source of distinctly autochthonous populations (Cristofaro et al., 2013). These people also arrived in north India at different times. As noted earlier, members of haplogroup R arrived about 10,000 years ago, the Indo-Aryan migrations started about 2000 BCE, and the Indo-Scythians arrived much later, around 200 BCE. Because of their physical differences and the large gaps between their arrival times, it can be inferred that these groups were genetically different and not the same people.


It's all such a mystery until you realize that species divide, they don't merge, and speciation doesn't always prevent hybridization, it just does everything possible to kill the hybrids descendants so only the most extraordinary circumstances, endogamy or the incest that follows extreme population collapse, allow surviving populations to have in-group compatible genomes.
One thing that has to be taken into consideration for the future of the Western people is whether or not all White populations are genomically compatible with each other or whether or not they have to segregate from each other.

It's possible that there are several species of Whites represented by different regions in Europe that can't produce viable bloodlines together. You could possibly uncover any incompatiblity by examing USA genealogical records to see if there are any lasting fusions of Whites that lasted more than 7 generations. 

But it would be complicated by the short history of the USA and that since the 1970's the USA has pursued an anti-White, anti-population government policy of inducing poverty, poisoning the population, and trying to get them to not reproduce through psychological warfare.

It might come to be known that Whites are not all the same species and so in the very long term we don't have a shared future as a people. But I still like you all and I'm an American European mutt, so from my position I'd have to find an unmixed population to cheer for and try to create the conditions that they survive this era when many non-White nations of the world collaborated to destroy the Western nations.
Replies: >>644
Very good info OP, thanks. This is further proof of what we knew all along, that the Volkish state is the only stable & viable society. 
I think that's taking racial speciation too far. Certainly there's variation within races, but I believe it stays inside a window of compatibility. It's only when you start mixing between the major groups of humans (White, Black, Asian, Native American) that you introduce a timebomb of genetic instability. HAPAs are a good example of this.

Just one question: if race-mixing is wrong (which it obviously is), then why am I attracted to women of other races, especially East Asians? Is this from ZOG conditioning, or something else?
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Another way that the myth of race mixed viability is spread is by claiming mitochondrial DNA is evidence of ancestry, which it is not.

Mitochondria are capable of horizontal transfer and this occurs in a non-hereditary fashion between the previous mates of a female and later unrelated offspring.

Mitochondria are a transferrable genetic elements like the microbiomes of the digestive system or surface of skin.

Mitochondrial DNA is not necessarily a record of your ancestry, but can just be a record of who your mother mated with prior to your gestation.


>Cells transmit their genomes vertically to daughter cells during cell divisions. Here, we demonstrate the occurrence and extent of horizontal mitochondrial (mt)DNA acquisition between cells that are not in a parent-offspring relationship.

Replies: >>678
Phylogenetic trees based on nuclear DNA and trees based on mtDNA are discongruent because mtDNA spreads horizontally, even across different species.

The debate to discard mtDNA from phylogenic modeling is ongoing because it simply doesn't correspond to ancestry in many examples across the animal kingdom, proven horizontal transfer in mammals, but instead corresponds to geography. But it is still being used for human ancestry analysis.

>In total, we identified 126 cases in animal systems with strong evidence of discordance between the biogeographic patterns obtained from mitochondrial DNA and those observed in the nuclear genome. 


This is highly relevant. I recall another discussion, where an anon denied that there's any mechanism for horizontal gene transfer. I didn't have an answer at the time, but I remained uncertain -- if telegony isn't real, then why do we instinctively feel disgusted by women who have had too many partners, especially non-white partners? Why do we prize virginity, or at least a minimum of partners? mtDNA is the perfect explanation.
Replies: >>686
>why do we instinctively feel disgusted by women who have had too many partners, especially non-white partners?
Because being with one, or even being around one to a certain extent, means you're losing. Either fathering someone else's child, or being invaded and replaced by another tribe
Replies: >>2182
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And the divorce rate is also almost non-existant for virgin women.
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