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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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1. Make contact with existing criminal networks within it.
2. Convince them to take over the law enforcement branch that supervises election security.
3. Get one of your agents elected.
4. Legalize a racket that transfers wealth from the good population to the psychopathic population that has no problem scamming their own nation.
5. Embed yourself in that nation's racketeering group and organize them politically to protect their source of government protected free money.
6. Walk away and watch as it is totally destroyed from within as the psychopaths produce more psychopathic people, use politics to defend their illegitimate businesses, and sabotage the national defense to allow rival nations to enter to replace the collapsing native population.
 As long as there is no national movement to revoke citizenship or imprison the racketeers and their kids, the damage is persistent. Because you taught the lowlife psychopaths in the country how to organize against the country for personal gain, their children will make new rackets with the wealth their family acquired even if the original racket is banned and once they invite foreign populations in to replace the people they killed with racketeering, you can then finance and organize the foreign population against the nation and wipe them out while the racketeers defend them to ensure their income stream until the bloody end. 
What was it that really brought down South Africa? 
South Africa thought it was good business to rely on exploitative Bantu labor and even when the country was on the verge of being seized with malicious overseas backing from the USA Federal government, which saw this as a chance to eliminate an economic competitor, the South African government didn't just poison all the non-Whites in the country because the racketeers would still make money from rental payments and cheap labor after the country had been handed over to the Central African people of Bantu, which were not even native to the region.
It was the economics of South Africa that killed it, it was the landlords and businesses that made a profit from exploitation that killed it. When people suggested just removing the Bantu to save their state, these psychopathic traitors demanded that not happen because it would undermine their personal profits. 
Psychopaths are not functional pieces of a civilization and if there is any profit motive for a psychopath to sell out their country, they will give it everything they've got to sabotage their country from within. If you don't deal with the problem of psychopaths getting rich in your country with rackets, your country will be handed over to a rival nation in time and your people genocided like the Whites of South Africa.
When South Africa was being terrorized by the Bantu, all the slumlords of the country got together to lobby the South African government to not expel the Bantu. 
Where are all these psychopathic families from South Africa, that fled after they realized the Bantu terror campaigns against Whites didn't end when the government was transfered to them? They mostly fled with their loot to wreck other states, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, etc. and many of them are still lobbying for foreign immigration because they're dumb and psychopathic, they are not functional members of a nation and will sell out everyone in the world for the tiniest amount of money.
 Tenant Landlord Relations, the Anti-apartheid
Struggle and Physical Decline in Hillbrow, an
Inner-city Neighbourhood in Johannesburg
 >The intensification
of violence in African townships from
September 1984, the scrapping of influx
control (this meant that Africans were
now able to move freely between urban
centres, whereas previously they had
been restricted to a particular urban or rural
people resulted in a spectacular increase in
the inward movement of Africans. This was
accompanied by phenomenal white flight and
the fundamental transformation of the neighbourhood’s demographics.

Landlording and the greed of a few businesses that relied on exploitative labor killed South Africa in effect.

Landlords lobbied the South African government to keep Bantu in the country and give them voting rights and citizenship when the Bantu did rent strikes. When the South Africans could have easily gotten rid of the threat to their people, the landlords that had grown in number and influence told them they absolutely couldn't because it would temporarily affect their income stream.

The South African politicians being lobbied by the landlords could have had a meeting with them and dropped poison in all their glasses, they could have deployed the law enforcement to arrest all the landlords that were funding organizations to transfer territory and institutional power to the Bantu, they could have nationalized all the businesses that used cheap Bantu labor and expelled or eliminated the Bantu.

It was the economic incentive to keep the Bantu that genocided the White South Africans. Once you legalize a racket you breed a psychopathic population and a parasite always hates the host, the landlords always hate their nation.
Replies: >>620
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Hilariously, modern Israel suffers from the same economic disease.

Even as they fight to retain their country, the landlord psychopathic racketeers sabotage their country from within, demanding Palestinian labor and renters.

Is it suprising that a bad economic model can destroy a country? No, it's not. But the economic model cannot be questioned because once you legalize a racket, transferring huge sums of wealth to the psychopathic racketeering population, they control the poliitical arena relatively easily.

You could fix these countries through policy with the snap of your fingers, you just tell the law enforcement to go after these particular groups lobbying and sabotaging to transfer territory and institutional power to rival nations; but it requires you recognize there are people that look like you that are traitorous you have to kill, people with genetic defects that make them dumb enough to sabotage the nation their family requires to survive long term.

Even the Jews don't get it. They get that they need a nation to survive, but they don't get it that in order to survive as a nation you need to eliminate defective people that will sell the nation out and the economic mechanisms that breed them.
Replies: >>620
>>615 (OP) 
>eliminating defective people
anon btfo. also
>economic mechanisms breed people
Replies: >>622
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Economic policies are capable of making the population better or worse. Who gets the resources in an economy strictly dictates who thrives and who dies in an economy.

The USA's economy directs almost all national resources to about 20 million landlords and their children, and they're psychopaths that hate the American population because it's necessary for them to hate the people whose lives they ruin with a housing racket.

The only "people" that will survive in the USA are the ones that got free money through government protected rackets and their psychopathic children will be incapable of maintaining a state becase they will all be itching to sell out to enemy nations that are organized and will offer one person a million dollars to sell out all the others without hesitation.

South Africa died because it bred psychopathic landlords and racketeers with economic policy and they sold out the country to make a little bit of extra money.

It's historically documented that the landlords sabotaged South Africa's national defense so they could make some money, over 18,000 people were killed in the violence, then they found themselves at the wrong end of a machete or cashed out and moved to the USA and Australia.

It's really simple to solve though. Make it the national defense policy to covertly assassinate anyone that advocates for sabotaging national defense and their kids. If they are advocating that territory, tech, or institutional power be transferred to non-Whites, then the national defense agencies should covertly assassinate them and their descendants so they can't try to sabotage the nation ever again.

If South Africa had done that, Whites would still have their country there and millions would still be alive today.

It was the landlords that prevented South Africa from Defending their nation, it was the businesses that relied on Bantu labor for profits that sabotaged the country, and it could have been prevented by covertly assassinating them and their psychopathic kids.
another anon had a good concept for how South Africa could've survived: strike a deal with the Soviets, so that
>Soviets switch their support from nigs to Whites
>SA becomes a Soviet client state
>Soviets look the other way as SA initiates a Final Solution to the Race-Mixing problem
I think this would've worked. As I've said in other threads, race-mixing destabilizes & destroys societies. In Antiquity, Egypt & Vedic India both succumbed to it. In the modern world, its casualties are the US & South Africa, with SA being further down the path of destruction & dissolution.
Replies: >>630 >>631
>another anon had a good concept for how South Africa could've survived: strike a deal with the Soviets, so that
You're the same guy. We explained to you in the last board that this would never work, because the SU are filled with kikes and the Marxists wanted to get rid of racial tensions altogether. Rhodesia and South Africa were doomed to begin with.
Replies: >>645
And what would the final solution be?
Replies: >>645
I'm not samefag, I just saw his post and it seemed like a good idea. Of course, it would only be viable if you're wrong about the Soviets being kiked, and you may be right. However, didn't many Russian Jews flee from there? Or is that more misdirection? Either way, it's true that Marxism is a deracinating ideology.

You should already know what I mean by the choice of words. But perhaps they were living on borrowed time regardless.
Replies: >>690
>I'm not samefag, I just saw his post and it seemed like a good idea. 
Nah, you are the same guy. You were the only one who thought it was a "good idea" and got told off, and now you found yourself here to shill once again.

> However, didn't many Russian Jews flee from there?
No. This is American propaganda in trying to get the Jews to flee there. Stalin couldn't be anti-semitic, because he was the one who created Israel and is a jew himself. He simply arrested disloyal Jews who were trying to assassinate him for coping hard that they wouldn't support Stalinism. It's also meant to distract you from the fact that the Soviet Union was ran and created by jews. Whether they left in fear of anti-semtisim doesn't negate the fact they funded black nationalist to kill Whites. If Rhodesia became a Soviet ally, the results would of been the same if not worst. They were doomed to fail.
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