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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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>"Of course there are no pure races left; not even the Jews have kept their blood unmingled. Successful crossings have often promoted the energy and the beauty of a nation. Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent. at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. Amusingly enough, not one of those who have proclaimed the 'nobility' of the Teutonic race was himself a Teuton. Gobineau was a Frenchman; Houston Chamberlain, an Englishman; Woltmann, a Jew; Lapogue, another Frenchman. Chamberlain actually declared that Rome was the capital of chaos. No such doctrine will ever find wide acceptance here in Italy. Professor Blank, whom you quoted just now, is a man with more poetic imagination than science in his composition. National pride has no need of the delirium of race."
— Benito Mussolini, Talks with Mussolini
Replies: >>3209 >>3222
Replies: >>3219
>>3206 (OP) 
If you're going to spread such banal perspectives you could at least back it up with some thoughts of your own. This quote here from Mussolini is appropriately stupid. Mussolini was not an intellectual and fighting on the side of racialist intellectuals doesn't automatically make his poorly-founded thoughts on race worth considering.
I find this quote particularly poisonous because it doesn't merely denounce the existence of race but conflates it as essentially being one of those make-believe social tools used for the political wrangling of masses of people into one cause or another that benefits the ruling class, who of course is always racially aware themselves.
>National pride has no need of the delirium of race.
Then the purpose of "nations" has escaped you.
Replies: >>3219
race/ethnicity = breed 

Daily reminder that even if you are a mutt we don't have to all be bulldogs/rottweilers.

nation = culture

culture = religion 

religion = delusion/truth

It's only true if you were the right breed in other words, hence incompatible personality types exist due to having mutated in opposing directions. Different logic styles. Otherwise scientists nor mathematicians would argue amongst themselves.  But yeah, even if your golden retriever is slightly lab or some shit it's still not a bulldog mixed with rottweiler. One's gonna be a fuckin' nigger and the other is more likely not.
Replies: >>3222
>title is an absurd self-contradictory straw man position which misses the point
Might as well stop reading there, honestly.

>Mussolini was not an intellectual
Prior to becoming dictator, he was. Almost a textbook case, even, being a well-read political journalist and a huge producer/extender of Fascism.
>but conflates it as essentially being one of those make-believe social tools used for the political wrangling of masses of people into one cause or another that benefits the ruling class
It absolutely is. Break down the Whites into all the subgroups, and all those subgroups into more subgroups. This is very easy to weaponise, in fact many neo-Nazi organisations self-destruct over it with little or no interference.
It's a ruling class, not a ruling cloud of powerful people. Their uniting factor is their ruling position, not their 'race awareness' or nepotism. They're acutely aware of their class, the benefits it affords them, and the fear of a united nation threatening their ruling position is far more potent than race. Economics are the basis of power, of thriving despite being inbred genetic failure, of being an uneducated starving mess despite being the most pure race. Look how two-faced even the liberal elites are about racial equality, it's blatantly absolute PR posturing and virtue false-flagging to make consumers comfortable. But when races unite fight the ruling class, they panic.
The ruling class, first and foremost, care about maintaining their rule. All the lofty social ideals they care about don't matter once their money is threatened. If their rule is threatened, they have an obvious best interest to divide the working class with lower/middle divisions, with stupid political spectacle positions, with religion, and yes, with race.
>Then the purpose of "nations" has escaped you.
The nation is a corpus, to unite the people within it and act as one powerful collective force. It's not a penis to stroke while one looks to the past.
Replies: >>3225
Note how he does not mention niggers belonging to Europe, not even sandniggers.
>>3206 (OP) 
>National pride has no need of the delirium of race
Amazing paradox.

Nice twisting of words. Awfully kikish.

from natus, past participle of nasci "to be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget."
A Norman cannot become an Anglo. A nigger cannot become either.
>It absolutely is. ...
OK, fair enough. I see how maybe I ate my words there, since race is contorted for political purposes all the time by the ruling class.
My point was Mussolini is disregarding race in general, which is foolish if you ask me, and now you are disregarding it on the basis that it's used as a political tool. To that I would say, people disregard esoterica all the time for being "Jewish" and claim it's a "dirty" tactic (read: heresy for the Aryan), even though said esoterica is older than the Jews or anything they've ever done. The only thing the Jews ever invented was inversion as a political tool, because their logic is inherently inverted because they are ugly (read: an anti-race).
Taking a concept and inverting it for political purposes does not invalidate the concept. As far as I'm concerned race is the most important thing there is and if you want to conflate race with literal hogwash like organized religion (read: inverted esoterica), I have nothing to say to you.
>The nation is a corpus ...
True. I should have said "purpose of the word 'nation'" instead of just "nation". But the point stands that society can only exist on the basis of race. Without the common interest of race I cannot fathom how any society would ever manifest. If a corrupt and decrepit elite ruling class emerges, it is the product of invaders. Society is not built on the backs of leeches and parasites. It is built on the backs of capable men with a common interest: race. There is no commodity besides race with which nature could tempt man to create society. That the word "race" is propped up inappropriately by kik3s really has about as much significance as a child scrawling words on a piece of paper. The corruption of language and political thoughtforms means nothing at the end of the day. Discussion of said language and politics can only have an influence or significance in its own bubble of logic, from which no influence outside of said bubble can be made.
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