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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Sieg Heil!

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This thread for the discussion of pro-white resistance, past or present, from an onlookers perspective, especially focused on people such as Anders Behring Breivik, Brenton Tarrant and the various copycats that we've seen since March 2019. Are they doing what has to be done? Is it more harmful than helpful? Are they all false flags? Discuss!

Memes should go here: >>4

>The Breivik Archive

Previous Threads

Last edited by orlog
Replies: >>409
By and large I do believe the majority of us need to start maneuvering ourselves into positions of authority and power, especially legal, that way we can cover for brave lads like tarrant and breivik in the courts, much in the same way the hebrews cover for their own scumbags should some goon in a uniform arrest one of their assets. They're wasted in prison, after all, they should be back in the field training other operatives.
Replies: >>63
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There will never be a change if current system will not be destroyed from top to bottom, including all existing institutions.
The goal here is not to become a judge to review a Saint's imprisonment, but to eradicate the whole justice system along with the zionist occupied government it serves.
And how do you intend to destroy the system when all your guys are in lockup for life because the pigs of the state take all their orders from kike judges and kike lawyers?
Replies: >>69
By not getting caught, this is one reason wjy we read SIEGE,.
Replies: >>73
Rather restricts your options then, doesn't it? Imagine complete and total legal immunity, then your guys can do whatever they need to do in broad daylight, just like their coked up nickel and dime retards can do for them because they can spring them back out immediately.
Replies: >>85
No, it frees you, it teaches you how to go anywhere and so long as you act like you belong, and dress the part, nobody ever stops you. Outside of high security areas, that is. For those, there are many methods for getting into them. We do not have the time or the luxury,( or the ability) to infiltrate the power system like in your fucking pipe dream, and if we did infiltrate the power system in such a way, we would effectively be the power system, so there would be no reason to do any sort of terroristic act in any way. We work with what we have, not with what we wish we had, go ahead waste 7years becoming a lawyer and 20 or more becoming a judge, when you can act now, with some research, and care and not have to worry about going down unless you fuck up royally, and if so, you better have a negro you can pin it on.
Replies: >>106
>We do not have the time or the luxury,( or the ability) to infiltrate the power system like in your fucking pipe dream
I'm well aware of how frustratingly unachievable this "pipe dream" sounds to you, and you're entirely correct, but that's because it can't be certainly can't achieved in our lifetime, this would require generations of work.
Which I'm fine with, because I consider this whole generation, and the prior, to be unsalvageable anyways; way too much ingrained Judaism at this point Definitely a path to power for the grandchildren and their children, as it were. 
>we would be the power system so there would be no reason
Violence is always beneficial. Whole cuckservative population trembles in fear over one stupid word, that's how beneficial violence is.  
>we work with what we have, not with what we wish we had
We don't even have that (on a large enough scale to make a permanent impact), so since we're definitely in the development stage I would advocate preparation for a war on all fronts, not just the underground and highly arrest-able front. I appreciate that, with care, anyone can bomb a few power plants, and while this would cause waves of frustration and panic, those would eventually come back online and then have security guards the next round. I'm for it, of course, I just think some meddling behind the curtains would go a long way in keeping those plants shut down permanently, much like Europe being oil deprived by Russia because their leaders of state (I'll have to look to see if the advisers are semites or not, would be a laugh if they are) have decided to switch over to "green" energy with absolutely no transition plan in place. 
As for myself, I won't even be able to be a lawyer in this lifetime, but with a big family and, with luck, a few of them managing to become highly skilled in high societal infiltration and particularly deception would be the beginning of a web of important influence. Anyways, those are my plans, a kike free upbringing for the children, as much as possible, while also advocating high influence, (and income), kinds of work to start snatching up land and to poison and destabilize the system as existing in our favor instead of theirs. Those members of the family who prove to have too much of a conscience to not be sleazy lawyers/doctors/etc. can have the land to be independent from the system as much as possible, while the others can play the game of running water for "radicals" and "terrorists," as the system so calls them for now. Just wish I could be there to watch it all, but I'll be long dead by then, sadly.
Replies: >>113
>I'm well aware of how frustratingly unachievable this "pipe dream" sounds to you, and you're entirely correct, but that's because it can't be certainly can't achieved in our lifetime, this would require generations of work.
You just proved my point, we have less than a generation before at least half, if not more, of  the white population on earth  is dead of old age less than half of what remains is of child bearing age, and you want to essentially play daddy on a farm and attempt to teach your kids to outjew the jew, our race is not suited to that, it is inherent to their nature and anathema to our nature.
>Which I'm fine with, because I consider this whole generation, and the prior, to be unsalvageable anyways; way too much ingrained Judaism at this point definitely a path to power for the grandchildren and their children, as it were. 
No, we don't even have time for your imaginary children to do it let alone that of your equally imaginary grandchildren
>Violence is always beneficial. Whole cuckservative population trembles in fear over one stupid word, that's how beneficial violence is. 
What word? Nazi? Fascist? and if we were the power structure, the violence we would use wouldn't technically be terrorism.
>We don't even have that (on a large enough scale to make a permanent impact), so since we're definitely in the development stage I would advocate preparation for a war on all fronts, not just the underground and highly arrest-able front. 
Going into the system to "learn" from the system only leads in one direction, you become subverted, oh sure maybe one in ten that you send into that won't give up but it's a waste, there is no benefit to doing so whatsoever, better tosend infliltrators into low but influential positions for the sake of information and sabotage alone.
>I appreciate that, with care, anyone can bomb a few power plants, and while this would cause waves of frustration and panic, those would eventually come back online and then have security guards the next round.
The system barely has enough to police the streets, and there aren't enough mercenaries or stooges to go around, this would accomplish a big part in stretching the system even further, it isn't really something they can absorb
> I'm for it, of course, I just think some meddling behind the curtains would go a long way in keeping those plants shut down permanently.
In the best case scenario, they would be down for weeks, if not, months, that long without power and people get very desperate, particularly because they can no longer keep their house warm or cool without a fairly large amount of labor or great expense to get say an old chimney functional again(quite expensive), and this during a time when fuel is at a premium because there isn't enough to go around?
>I much like Europe being oil deprived by Russia because their leaders of state (I'll have to look to see if the advisers are semites or not, would be a laugh if they are) have decided to switch over to "green" energy with absolutely no transition plan in place. 
Firstly Putin himself is a jew, his mothers name was Shalomovitch, second yeah it's hilarious.
>As for myself, I won't even be able to be a lawyer in this lifetime, but with a big family and, with luck, a few of them managing to become highly skilled in high societal infiltration and particularly deception would be the beginning of a web of important influence.
I don't know how many times you fucking idiots will repeat this before you realize that that was exactly Pierce's plan and he spent his entire life on it, and got nowhere, it all fell apart upon his death and his kids have turned their back on him and his legacy.
>Anyways, those are my plans, a kike free upbringing for the children, as much as possible, while also advocating high influence, (and income), kinds of work to start snatching up land and to poison and destabilize the system as existing in our favor instead of theirs. Those members of the family who prove to have too much of a conscience to not be sleazy lawyers/doctors/etc. can have the land to be independent from the system as much as possible, while the others can play the game of running water for "radicals" and "terrorists," as the system so calls them for now. Just wish I could be there to watch it all, but I'll be long dead by then, sadly.
We really don't have the time for your little plan to be of any use, you want to not fight, go ahead, but that's not going to help you when the time comes.
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>>11 (OP) 
we need to fight back, I mean there is no morality at this point, we need to grow further, any virtual fag that says "oh noooo but what about innocent blacks" or "ooooh but arent we going to far?" fuck them, this will work only if we get rid of everyone, a single retard of the retards. I think in race war it will be pretty obvious, but we still need to make more men one way and the other, and that is the hardest part imo, zoomers are too fucking retarded and manipulated for us to get them.
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Slowakina lad shot a gay bar and posted a manifesto, then remained online posting on twitter and 4chan


Replies: >>694 >>698 >>705

Original 4chan thread https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/399535969#top
>kill Jewish politicians
>kills some random fags instead
Fuck sake man literally practice what you say people should do
Replies: >>699 >>702
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I can't understand it either. What does going after literal nobodies accomplish?
Replies: >>702
It's a pretty standard false flag.
Glowniggers have been doing this exact same schtick for a while now. Always some TL;DR manifesto saying to kill kikes, then the shooter goes and pops fags even though that has nothing to do with anything he apparently set out to do and despite him having infinitely more value alive than dead.
Replies: >>703
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The motivation in his manifesto
Replies: >>704
Look at how he dodges the question of how this is supposed to affect kikes at all and shifts the goalpost mid-section. It's utter nonsense made for the sole purpose of being able to say that the guy made a manifesto and not intended to be examined beyond the cover and first page.
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Did this retard not learn from what happened to Tarrant? Don't fucking self-snitch. 
You're not going to a comfy prison like Breivik, it is never worth it to brag about your crimes to random strangers on the Internet, you will ONLY SUFFER like Tarrant when you self-snitch. He had the easiest job regarding the incompetent police in his town.
But instead he even doubled down and posted his face on cuckchan /pol/ and Twitter like some gigantic faggot he is.

>Mosque massacre gunman who murdered 51 people is appealing his life sentence and convictions after claiming he was 'subject to inhumane treatment'

>A spokesperson for the New Zealand Court of Appeal confirmed to AAP on Tuesday that Tarrant has filed an appeal against his convictions and sentence.
>A year ago human rights lawyer Tony Ellis wrote in a memo to a coroner that Tarrant told him his guilty pleas were obtained under duress.
>He was also allegedly 'subject to inhumane or degrading treatment while on remand, which prevented a fair trial'.
>'He sent me about 15 pages of narrative of how he had been treated since he'd been in prison,' Dr Ellis wrote in the memo.

Replies: >>811 >>991
Brenton Harrison Tarrant killed less of his enemies than Nelson Mandala and the hope is that he will be released in his middle age to take leadership of a White power block in a vastly different political landscape.
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His appeal shows that he has not been crushed by the NZZOG in jail.
Replies: >>826
He tried multiple times before, the ZOG tortured him and threatened him for4 years straight now.
I believe this time they will simply reject his request because he apparently filed it "too late".
Hopefully he is not forced to drop it again like he was last time he tried this. I can't imagine what he is undergoing there.
Christchurch terrorist claims he only pleaded guilty ‘under duress through torture’


>the terrorist claimed “I only entered a guilty plea under duress through torture”
>He did not have a lawyer acting for him, and said his appeal was out of time due to a “variety of reasons”.
++>“Held under illegal and torturous prison conditions, necessary legal documents withheld from myself, fallout with previous lawyers, irrationality brought on through prison conditions”, he claimed.
>The Australian national was also asked about the nature and complexity of the issues raised by his appeal. He replied:  “myriad and far-reaching, implicates many people, and is of international significance”.
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Seems Horseface flunked the lesson about the Striesland effect in ZOG school. 

>“I made a pledge a long time ago I wouldn’t publicly name the terrorist because his is a story that should not be told,” 

They are pretty thick to elevate him to political prisoner status like they have. No political solution. The race war IS now.
Replies: >>1067
You are glowing
Replies: >>1069
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fuck off back to 4cuck
Replies: >>1073
Epic bro, let's glorify acts of terrorism!! That totally doesn't make you stand out like a raging bad faith actor trying to get this site shut down.
Replies: >>1081 >>1083
>let's glorify acts of terrorism

Yes, and I am tired to pretend we shouldn't.
You, on the other hand, can and must go back to your controlled opposition pasture on twatter, 4cuck or preddit.
You don't belong here, normalnigger deradicalized faggot.
Unless I am wrong Sturgeon is American, and runs the site in such a way that it is American law he has to follow, and he is a free speech extremist, so, I suggest you look up the Brandenburg v. Ohio decision of the United States Supreme Court, it is in fact 100% legal to talk about and even encourage direct targeted violence in PUBLIC, so long as the violence you advocate for is not immediate.
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Happy Saint Tarrant day!
4 years ago, Brenton Tarrant added an unprecedented chapter in the dangerous and painful struggle of our race undergoing multifaceted genocide, and he did it by striking a painful blow into the guts of ZOG with his irl action.

Glory to white warriors.
your daily reminder that lone wolf terrorism accomplishes next to nothing and is exactly what the jews in power wanna use to fearmonger against us

if people continue to associate white nationalism with shooting random fags and blowing up substations then it'll always remain a fringe movement

>inb4 it was always a fringe movement
the german people loved hitler retard. this whole thing is gladio C, i.e. deep state ops to shore up state power and encourage dissidents into shooting themselves in the foot

go ahead and ban me tranny jannies I already got banned from frenschan for posting a similar warning

all that matters is a) economics b) reverse marching through the institutions and c) building a mass movement to sieze real power. anyone telling you that shooting up tranny parades or whatever is based is a fucking retard fed
Replies: >>1778
>economics b) reverse marching through the institutions and c) building a mass movement to sieze real power. anyone telling you that shooting up tranny parades or whatever is based is a fucking retard fed

All of this is another way of saying "We need to wait until things get bad enough that people can justify siding with forces that oppose their ZOG", which is really the same goal excelerationists are pursuing less passively.
Replies: >>1779
things have been bad enough for years, the problem is our guys are too busy jerking off to mass shooters instead of doing the nose to the grindstone work in their local communities to build power
let the left do the accelerating and get put in prison for it. we can present ourselves as the most sensible option between "fiery but mostly peaceful" niggers and the kiked system that's killing whites slowly
Replies: >>1780
>we can present ourselves as the most sensible option between "fiery but mostly peaceful" niggers and the kiked system that's killing whites slowly
You put a lot of faith in the ability of NPCs to make sound judgements instead of just do what the Talmudvision tells them to. What exactly does
>nose to the grindstone work in their local communities to build power
look like to you? Asking genuinely.
Replies: >>1781
I will be honest and say that I don't know yet. This realisation that the chans are being used as a grooming ground for Gladio C only hit me fully in the past week or so. My plan is just to start by going outside for a change and meeting as many new people as I can.

I will say that what inspired me was Mike Gill's work trying to expose the New Hampshire drug cartel. He was a mortgage broker who got approached by a bunch of elderly victims of a ponzi scheme that he eventually traced back to this cartel. He's spent years cultivating relationships with local law enforcement and victims of the opioid epidemic trying to get the smugglers in court for their crimes. He hasn't been successful yet but that sort of local intelligence gathering and organising is what immediately comes to mind as an alternative to seejtardery.

I wish I had better answers but I've been psyopped just as hard as everyone else these past few years. I just wanted to share my realisation with anyone who still uses this place and frenschan before I stop posting and start trying to figure out what to do for real

If I learn anything or experience some success I'll stop back in and share, of course. Local politics where I live is dominated by liberals and literal communists so it's certainly going to be an uphill battle. I imagine I'll be forced to move sooner rather than later
Replies: >>1782
Okay well, good luck to you in whatever you come up with. I don't have any more to say except I hope it works out for you.
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If you accept that white nations are already in a race war with fifth generation tactics, then it follows that breeding ourselves into an ethnostate is just naieve at best, its delusional really. Obviously the 'have more white kids' message is boilerplate basic bitch advice and I would be the first to say it, after all, every white boy is a Soldier and every white girl is a Nurse for RAHOWA.  But what of those who do not have the destiny, or luck or happenstance to get a start?

Its not entirely the fault of the modern man who cant find a viable woman, what with hoeflation and women insisting on having a double income family to maintain their career lifestyles in single child families, if they elect to have a father around for their child at all, with two shrews I know having sperm donor kids. The odds of you paying for kids you aren't raising is huge down here in reality.  The MGTOW movement is just guys who were more pragmatic and made the only sane choice. 

The first group of guys who were lucky enough to get a start with kids, the same ones saying they now are doing their part for the race can be judged as delusional, like their kids are a ticket that validates their duty to their race. MGTOW guys judged as being selfish for sacrificing that potential happy family dream for some kind of early retirement plan, or some ego achievement :muh mt everest. That gold standard of having 5 racially educated, healthy white children is not realistic. Not without basically institutional-tier  support, not without having a good start and a large traditional red-pilled family being normal for you. If you're not the son of a F1 racing executive then you will never be a F1 race car driver.  

So build that family if you are able, anon, and the best of luck to you but if women on tinder consider you a sub-8 beta then you may find that contributing to RAHOWA in a comfy way is not possible. That leaves the problem of how to contribute, how to fight the great replacement without a hypergamous,self obsesesed and overweight roastie. 

That would logically place the breeding age female mud, and there are plenty in white cities, in the high value target category. Male muds have relatively nil value to generational demographic change, they are surplus to requirements, especially nigger males who are prolific in fathering kids from multiple nigger females. 

Now we look at Brenton Tarrant and see that he did more for the white race than chad dad. I've seen the memes that cast him as the loser because he chose to kill people and rot in jail rather than pass on his seed, but that misses the entire point.

>cant find a woman to have kids with because of liberated female narrative
>Murder mudskin female 
Replies: >>1951 >>1953
Wouldn’t  murdering shitskin females make the shitskin males more likely to date white women? Seems counterproductive to me.
Replies: >>1964 >>1982
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The manosphere is still evolving somewhat. After so many European men graduated from PUA/MGTOW/RP and started naming the root cause of these issues, those who really rule the world and caused all these problems (jews) and got banned for it, there was a vacuum.

But anti-social media kept moving forward and within a few years a body count of 20 by 21 y/o became normal or even considered low. Sugar daddying, Instagram/OnlyFans whoring are socially acceptable. Now marriage is so clearly dead as an institution that even niggers and spics are forced to pay attention as they feel the squeeze too. Since they have the race shield and refuse to name the jew, they were allowed to carry on the torch somewhat. Now we have Andrew Tate and Fit & Fresh becoming extremely popular. Some of them even hint at knowing that the kikes are behind it all but of course won't actually name them because they fear the jew and benefit from the race-mixing part of the jewish agenda.

With the advent of the Internet, our current conditions as a whole are only made possible because of censorship. Without jews clamping down to silence us, our momentum could have easily gotten out of control these past 10 years and destroyed them. 

As long as there is censorship, the current woman problem will only continue to get worse. The only way it can be fixed is to remove censorship and let us address it as societiies. And/or violence. But once that genie is out of the bottle the jew is threatened so they won't let that happen.

Interesting times are ahead for sure. Race war is still on the menu boyos. If fighting age males of any race start popping off for any reason it could easily cause a chain reaction and spiral out of control.
Replies: >>1973 >>1976
>Wouldn’t  murdering shitskin females make the shitskin males more likely to date white women?
If you don't know how to secure your own women, then don't have a chance in a race war. Barely any White females date shitskins.
Full of deranged faggots who aren't even White. They're not opposed to Jews, but just hate White women who don't want to fuck them, because they're dating someone within their own race. Also the average woman doesn't have a body count you stupid dork, men and women are generally are not having sex at all, but what you say about social media is only half-true, but you exclude the fact that these chicks started off as porn stars and models priorhand and most women aren't on the porn industry at all due to abuse and the fact that they also find it gross. But even amongst OnlyWhores who sell their bodies, most of them are virgins who just show off their clevage or have a boyfriend. The manosphere is what got us idiots like sneako and Andrew Tate, it is nothing, but le beta male politics. Stop shilling this faggy shit.
>The manosphere is still evolving somewhat.
The manosphere is kiked and devolving into a deluded mess meant to serve to embarrass right-wing perspective. They're only filled with fags and shit-skins, although it was always like this from its beginning.

>After so many European men graduated from PUA/MGTOW/RP
>calling latinx and niggers European

>Now we have Andrew Tate and Fit & Fresh becoming extremely popular. Some of them even hint at knowing that the kikes are behind it all but of course won't actually name them because they fear the jew and benefit from the race-mixing part of the jewish agenda.
Maybe it's actually because they're both Jewish? Andrew Tate and the entire fagosphere wouldn't be popular if it weren't for the magnitude of money and influence they likely receive from extremely rich and well-connected plutocrats. There is a purpose for his shilling, and it's to get men to lean away from masculinity in its truest form and devolve into a sham version of it. He is a poison who pretends to be an antidote for modern problems. For instance, Tate, like all other e-celebs, advocates that materialism is what makes men happy; the very thing that destroys us is what provides satisfaction and meaning. He then gets exposed for abusing White women and blames all his faults on them, just like incel shitskins do. Tate isn't in fear of the jews, he's embracing the toxic culture they've created and encouraging young lads to do the same. The fagosphere only wants to deconstruct masculinity into something much more effeminate.
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Male muds breeding with white women would be statistically irrelevant, but consider the mindset of a such a woman who would do that: Cultrual marxist given to virtue signalling. Brevik targetted the children of exactly those kinds of women on Utoya island. Okay they were were maily white teenagers so the mother did not breed with a shitskin but within a generation or two they would have eventually mixed with the increasing number of muds imported into the country,or their children will, in large part by the efforts of their white parents. These kids would be very unlikely to reject their upbringing and they slip into the realm of the terror target somewhere above the instinct driven male econoomic migrant shitskin invader. So your point that  reducing the pool of mud females increases the risk of miscegination is a bit ridiculous and misses the point that nothing can be done to reverse the purity spiralling other than on the level of personal satisfaction, and there would be a ranking somerwhere in this hardcore terror calculus. 

The cohort of breeding age female muds is bounded by the ones that are westernized enough to appeal to white males and at the other end the ones that would only breed thru arranged marriage. The unappealing ones tend to have multiple offspring as it is seen to tie the male mud down in the marriage. The attractive mud female or the one brought up amongst whites would have the same tendency to produce the borderline replacement numbers of children in line with the  modern white family.  So you can see the ranking starting to form here.
>Christianity cannot take hold 
Not only is this wrong, it's also ahistorical, we didn't ignore anything, they first attacked through the vector of slaves and women, once they had that ,they converted whole swathes of the elite in every Aryan nation they could get their semitic paws into. Starting with their most hated enemy; Rome. Who thereafter continued the same process of targeting the slaves of powerful men and infecting their wives and women with that poison and from there the Elites in every place they could who then forced it from on high, all for simple greed. Did it happen during a cultural decline in most of these places? No, not for the Anglo-Saxons that was done through subterfuge and outright dishonor on the part of Charlemagne, arguably yes for the Nordics, they were in a slight decline quite directly caused by news of Christian depredations and blasphemy against the gods reaching their ears and the continual efforts to fight against Christians, they still resisted for about 500 years, give or take a century and had never fully converted.
>They don't need to do this. At this point, the vast majority of purchases, big and small, are made through a digital system. This is the norm, and it means that most people would welcome a switch to an all digital currency system, not to mention that ZOGs and Jewish owned businesses could simply force people to pay through a digital medium by refusing to accept cash. They already have all the infrastructure to do it.
 No, they do need to do this, or their false currency will be undermined and a parallel economy pops up right under their noses, and as I addressed elsewhere such a move would undermine US interests at large, they really have fucked themselves into a corner. 
They can try to control the collapse all they wish but they can't actually control it, nor can they control who has what opportunities when it happens, all they can do is try to minimize NS ability to act prior to their loss of control, if they go for the CBDC they won't have any choice but to track down and destroy any remaining physical currency further stretching their resources and pushing the collapse even closer, probably faster then they would otherwise intend. if they didn't do that they would undermine their effort to prop up their digital currency and prevent it's undermining on it's own "soil" and there's more cash sitting around and in use than one might think. If they do use CBDC's they would have to embark on a long campaign that would use too much time and effort just to implement it five or ten years after they start their propaganda campaign. The currency will collapse well before that making the purpose of their fake currency invalid.
>No, they haven't. Unless YOU do something, the world will continue to get browner year by year, and the globe will get smaller, and, eventually, there will be nowhere left to hide for a collapse that will never come, or take real action. The only "collapse" coming our way will be an engineered one, and it will not allow for whites to create independent nations. Self-reflection, then action, or death; Active, self-determining, independent communities, or armchair excelerationism.  These are our only options.
 Accelerationism has never precluded active self-determining communities, the biggest problem for that stratagem is that none, of any size that would actually have an effect, are possible while ZOG still lives. ZOG is pervasive, and so insidious that even just that one race traitor in the family, that one leftist moron in your family, the one who will gladly rat you and your great uncle out for saying nigger that one time, all to virtue signal on the MSM, or even just on the internet to their demented friends, are components of ZOG. 
 Your strategy, just like the rest of the derads is to push our people to go here or there, in the noisiest way possible, while doing nothing to ensure that self-determination of said community is possible, doing nothing to prevent the gradual invasion of niggers spics and other racial undesirables into states that they claim they want to keep White and turn into fanciful republics. All that while while simultaneously haranguing and counter-signalling anyone who takes or even advocates any real action.
 Being perfectly honesty, currently, it is not possible to have a self-determining community without painting a huge target on your back. It's only marginally more possible with an outright criminal organization, which while I have nothing against it as a tool, rarely turns out to actually be useful, and more often than not, turns into just an exercise in greed for those at the top of such organizations. Usually they become an outright detriment to the cause, and even worse,  the communities they claim to stand for.  even presuming these derads will be successful at just community building, any and all attempts at "traditional" communities have to struggle against a set of laws designed to prevent that at every turn, such as in the case with the AFA and other such organizations who have to waste all their effort and much of their money fighting to even repurpose an abandoned church.
 The very laws that lay over our nation prevent the actions you and your kind wish to take, and the government enforces them with aplomb when you step just one iota out of the lines they set much more so when you stupidly blast your intentions all over the country and the internet. That has been demonstrated repeatedly, and often much less well-known or reported on than Ruby Ridge or Waco.
 The strategy of most derads is some flavor of  hide and then infiltrate the power structure, ignoring how impossible that is, because they closed the doors behind them. Even if you manage to hide your beliefs and get some position with power, they will make you do things that violate those same beliefs, pushing you to their side whether you agree or not, it's happened to plenty of people who took some deal or other, or got their little college degree and joined the FBI or the military, maybe 40 years ago, that door was still open, ever so slightly but the actions of Lane, Matthews and their brethren show that wasn't the case even then, and they were taken down by traitors amongst the Christ-niggers they trusted.
 The only way from here is to survive, strike when and how you can to further the collapse of the society we live in, and find brothers as you can along the way, communities make us a target, and it's best for them to be formed spontaneously forged through the fires of struggle in the crumbling ruins, rather than in the pipedream of a continuance of the comfort we have now.
I am surprised nobody here has brought up the Jacksonville shooting
Replies: >>2767 >>2772
>Fed shoots niggers
That's literally it. It couldn't even be more obvious, because he used an AR-15, the same firearm libshits have been kvetching about.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Off-topic defeatism and cowardice

Replies: >>2776
He killed three niggers and shot himself, good for him, But so far it appears he was just a nigger hater and mentally ill, not NS, as such why would we celebrate him?
>Banned for defeatism and cowardice
<banned for not LARPing
You guys are losers. What's even funnier that some of many of your favorite shooters are literal Jews and/or feds. Much of WN and WS circles are filled with mutts, feds and kikes, but that will be a cope you will never accept even if its in front of you.


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So, how do we incite a (strategic) racewar? We know lots of shitskins hate each other, like beaners and porno ricans, how do we make them fight? I want to bash a pajeets face in, personally.
Replies: >>2778 >>2780
how's the weather over at langley?
Is this the idiot I banned for ban evasion and cowardice trying to show how poorly he understands the use of and advocacy for violence? Or is it a fed? you decide!
Replies: >>2815
I know you're trolling but if you could use the word "cope" correctly, that would be great.
I have the following personal rule: If someone is calling for a race war but fails to mention jews as the main target, then they are glowies for sure.
Replies: >>2836
Its a dumb simple question, a cheap troll post. Read Seige.
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Herr Brevik showed us the way with his high score on Utoya. His strategy of targeting the heirs of norway marxism punished the left in a way we have not seen in actions fielded previously. How long until we see the first licks of flame from his incendiary tactic
The jews have successfully sterilized the internet from any spark of possible hope and belief in action.
The probability of someone answering that we are "feds" or shills for merely discussing the issue will be proof of it.
Any place where such discussion has grown have been systematically erased.
The remaining places such as 4cuck and frenshchan are useless circlejerks to demoralize, monitor and keep in check any possible existing opposition to the ZOG System.
Replies: >>2852
>The jews have successfully sterilized the internet from any spark of possible hope and belief in action.
Their constant efforts to clamp down on it tell me otherwise. And I see more anti-jew rhetoric on normalfag sites than ever before. What are you talking about?
Replies: >>2960
You have to constantly clamp down to maintain censorship, though...
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