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>1. Obey zzzchan's global rules. https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
>2. You must be a male virgin to post on this board. Exceptions to the second part may apply in very unique circumstances, such as in cases of rape, child abuse, etc.
>3. You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board.
>4. Refrain from posting low quality threads and posts. Spam, roll threads, obvious bait, advertisements, normalfag/cyborg shit, etc. will be deleted.
>5. Posts made with the intention of derailing a rule abiding thread will be deleted.
>6. Check the catalog for similar topics before posting a new thread. Repetitive threads will be deleted. 
>7. Keep blogposts in a FTDDTOT thread unless they're interesting enough to stand on their own and generate real discussion.
>8. Keep meta discussion and feedback in the sticky.
>9. Maintain the spirit of anonymity. No namefagging, tripfagging, avatarfagging, signatures, or obvious writeprints unless necessary for a specific thread.
>10. No instigating violence, ie: "You'll never do anything" posts or similar. /r9k/ is a board of peace.
>11. No "/r9gay/" posting
>12. No roastie worship, including "vtubers"

Last edited by hidingrobot
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
should be a common knowledge that nuchan users after are literally phone babies. i first noticed it on nuchan boom in early 10's. coming to think of it, I was also a bullied teenager and also used those old bulky phones with outrageously pricey internet to access chans too. but these were different chans. still the premise is the same. its a lot of underage shitters out there, admins are underage too. otherwise just retarded lol.
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Sometimes I feel I'm the only person here.
Replies: >>4393 >>4395
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I'm still here.

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A new one is needed.
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>follow the ships and scan them for 20+ minutes
>sometimes the arjuna spazzes out and they spot you beccause they get out of their flight patrol path
>time to redo 20 minutes
>when you scan them all lucifer sends kama after you and blasts you with missiles because your captured fighter is shit
>time to redo 20 minutes
>rinse and repeat

who thought this was a good idea?
>holy orders
Are you a priest? That's interesting. If that is the case, share your experience about becoming one, how, why, etc. Would be very fun to read.
>I've been told not to hide in the trees or underground but be seen by others atop a hill
I do not want to be "seen" by "others" because I want to dwell beyond the "me and others" plane of consciousness. I do not hide, I (kind of) live secluded because I want to contemplate the nature of the mind without external stimulations. I do not fight any war, I do not cling to anything but the unconditioned, that which is not determined by anything. Beings live and die, come and go, fair and ugly, superior and inferior, intelligent and dumb. I do not want to partake in this, my ambition is the destruction of being (bhava), to not be born ever again neither in heavenly nor infernal realms, not coming back to any world. That is the ultimate seclusion, not only in the physical sense, but the abandonment of all kind of existence.
fuck normalniggers
Replies: >>4421
We need TND (total normalnigger death)

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Share some tunes and recommendations. Going to dump whatever I can scrape from the archives ITT.
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Replies: >>4420
Replies: >>4420
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Man, I love those jap OPL tunes!
Replies: >>4092 >>4420
Forgot to remove the fucking timestamp, duh
>Boris with Merzbow - Sometimes
>Swans - Ligeti's Breath / Hilflos Kind
>King Crimson - Starless
>Yes - Sweetness
>Ernst Busch - Lied vom Vaterland
>Erich-Weinert-Ensemble - Die Grenzerkompanie
>Erich-Weinert-Ensemble - Spartakus in Berlin
>Sleep - Dragonaut
>NAMM 2017: Nick Johnston Live At The Dunlop Booth -Pt 1
>NAMM 2017: Nick Johnston Live At The Dunlop Booth -Pt 2
>Plini - Selenium Forest
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The Waifufaggotry Thread is getting a bit Derailed, so i made this one to take the Discussions on the Nature of the Divine 

As Always, i still do Tarot Reads, but no More than 5 Cards, and please THINK before you ask for reads, because they really are a pain in the ass for me to Make

Esoteric Waifufag's (Namefagging mainly to specify that this is the Compilation of One specific Anon, based around his Interests, as opposed to a Exhaustive Compilation of Tomes) Library:https://anonfiles.com/b6n2x3H7o3/Library_7z
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>if i have to give you the short answer: you don´t practice things, you become the practice

So I become piss everytime I go to the bathroom?
Replies: >>4404
Replies: >>4405
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Replies: >>4406
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what kind of answer did yuo expect?
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It seems that you're very inconfortable with the knowledge you acquired. Be very careful, as dying with a disturbed mind and with knowledge such as yours can put you in a very unpleasant situation. The pursuit of wisdom is to achieve peace in knowing everything as it should be and is not compatible with a restless mind. You obviously have the tools, but try using them for exactly that (calming your mind). I say this out of compassion, not only for you, but for every living being, whether superior or inferior. Abandon your anger, it is only holding you back.

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Be it woman-hate, womyn moments, women appreciation, incel rants, or even replacement discussion, in this thread we discuss the fairer and somewhat more retarded sex.
>inb4 2D pic related
Thought I'd start on a positive note.
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Replies: >>4349
I guest being a bitch for a bit infront of my family is a million times being  a bitch for a bit in public.
You made sense and your bottle received.
>I find it very frustating that we are never going to get a fair comparison by the science people because everybody would get angry.
I'd be curious to hear about it too however, as I want to know male psychology at least up to the level I do female, even for small things or a dissertation which is what you mean, something without being explained by way of cunty demeaning, right-wing glory and power, or pessimistic biology. But for something total, which is what it piques more, is a question that wouldn't get answered mainly for how impersonal and insulting it'd be, if we're talking about all their personality ticks and the combination of events that lead to a multitude of outcomes, because of humans being complex to sum up with an easy explanation if the perspective has no ideological bias. The person or group assigned to dissect and quantify men and women must be dispossessed towards humanity even to themselves, being an emotionless husk, extreme misanthrope or having the patience of a saint which are all unlikely to give a shit or perform that undertaking.

Also for my first post
>everyone is unhappy no matter who they blame it on
I mean to say that everyone is unhappy no matter what perspective their beliefs have if I recall correctly.
>>3729 (OP) 
I sometimes wonder if it's the idea of a woman that I like or the woman itself. Whenever I see a 3D women in public, even attractive ones, my brain just goes "meh..." without any sort of feelings, even jealousy. I do feel quite strongly about 2D so maybe I am just an autist.
Replies: >>4350
>my brain just goes "meh..." 
yeah because it has been warped by years of anime porn.
Back when I still had several doors open to me I preferred indulging in those illusions as well, now I've become very wary of it all...
And you may ban me now for being a miserable failed normalnigger
Replies: >>4407
3DPD are the illusion, 2D are closer to the real woman

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It was someone's birthday today.

He offered the guys each a piece of candy and the girls 3 pieces of candy each.

I was outraged and took 3 myself only to remember I don't even like candy.

Then he gave them each 2 more.

Do I just give them back to him?
What should I have done instead?
Replies: >>4386
>>4385 (OP) 
You have to wear a dress and suck his cock now dude. Only way to redeem yourself on this one.
Replies: >>4388
What did I do that was so terrible?
Ruin them subtly and put them back, or don't ruin them but instead give them to your acquaintances or family who might like candy.
Replies: >>4403
Do some push-ups and stop caring about this retarded shit.
I was in the emergency room at the hospital so I shared them among the kids there

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2016 was the year imageboards went to shit and have been unuseable since
I dont care what the trannies or oldshit politicians are doing , everyone takes themselves so seriously now I just wanna talk and make edgy shitposts like the old days
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Tell me about late.city. What was it like?
Man it's almost a decade since that which you weep for happened
Either understand that nothing is permanent or you'll live in misery forever.
Not because others but because you looked up for it
This is arguably the only chan without too many normalfags or cyb*rgs.
Replies: >>4419
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
we just don't like to get banned by yet another incel schoolboy for his made-up rules.

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How old are you? What is your excuse for being a virgin? Why so many people end up like that? Discuss
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Replies: >>4380 + 5 earlier
TL;DR i havent really tried, i could have tried more when i was younger but didnt want to, now im in a position where I want to try more but there's lots of reasons that put me off
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I agree with the spirit of these posts. Whether or not you've had sex really doesnt matter so long as you have a good life (whatever that means for you) and especially as man should be something that you decide to do when you're ready. Its a fucked up world that 1/3rd of men are out banging all the hoes so that when men who bide their time are ready theres nothing good left for us. Its a sexual arms race that favours people that peak in their high school years. After college/uni most women turn into nasty skanks which is when they decide they'll take a chance with the adult male virgins who are too good for them.

Peer pressure to get men to have sex is as insidious as social conditioning to tell women it doesnt matter how much sex they have there will always be the well groomed educated loyal husband waiting for them when theyre done.
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Spending the majority of my adolescence on wizchan really fucked me up good
20 years old. Honestly, the idea of a relationship sounds like a hassle.
Not to mention the shit tests and mental acrobatics. And no I won't pay for sex
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>>4262 (OP) 
35 babeeeeeeeeeeee
I got front row seats to 3 generations of women using the state to destroy the men in their lives.
From birth I was exposed to a BPD psycho that displayed every BPD trait a few at a time through different phases in her life, so I had the opportunity to make detailed observations that I subconsciously memorized.
I got to see all the insanity as a child 25 years before any of you faggots.
I still look for women, but most I've encountered have the BPD ticks I saw when I was a kid. And I don't want that.
The real sick thing is that the more trouble the woman is, the more she throws herself at me.

I got lucky that my mom isn't a nutcase. But even with my mom I learned the truth that all woman are whores and become their mothers.
>I liked your dad because I enjoyed being around him, and I knew that he had a good job.
>If he had been a salesman I probably wouldn't have wanted to marry him.
<So you were attracted to his income.
>No, I really liked him.
<But you said that you wouldn't have married him if it wasn't for his job.
>That's not what I meant.
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What's /r9k/ drinking tonight?
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True. I've only done it once this year and only did it often when I was younger, but it is an amazing experience to have every once in a while. It has gotten duller as I age, but it is still worthwhile. It is the ultimate robot drug: cheap, easily available in many countries, powerful, and solitary in usage.
>[alcohol] doesn't have that many drawbacks compared to the real drugs
I doubt it. Of course, if you're consuming it moderately, you might not face that many drawbacks, but if you have ever watched an addict experience delirium tremens, as I've seen in my own father, or heard of someone in your family die from alcohol addiction, you know that it's a seriously dangerous drug. Of course, nowadays, what with fentanyl lacing, street drugs are much worse, but I still would say that DXM is safer than alcohol. I have yet to hear of someone committing suicide after a bad DXM trip, and I would speculate that it has less addiction-forming potential than alcohol.
Replies: >>3829
>if you're consuming it moderately
That's what I meant, but everything can become dangerous if you are addicted to it. Alcohol and cigarretes are going to really fuck your body up if you don't take them seriously. They are different in the way that if something goes wrong you know what to expect. I can tell you that delirius tremens is no laughing matter, but I'm not going to be a faggot about it because I brought this on myself. Drugs are a mixed bag because you can also get arrested, get messed up or die for no apparent reason
I haven't tried the 'safer' stuff, nor I am interested in trying them, so I won't ellaborate on that point. However, I do know street drugs are a whole other beast. They are extremelly addictive, and in most cases it's just suicide with extra steps. I know too many people in my family who died from that.
I'm doing a low 4th plateau DXM trip. I suggest 14-16 mg/kg with a night light on and no electronics (or only music) when peaking. I haven't done DXM in over five months. It's strange because all sorts of thoughts and feelings gradually come back to me only to disappear when I'm sober.
The previous trip was dull but had a heavenly afterglow. I feel like this one will hit harder and be faster due to more robotablets and no Delsym. I intend on covering my eyes eventually for the visuals.
There is something about DXM that makes it profound. I haven't done other psychedelics or dissociatives, but certainly, compared to things like THC, DXM is amazing. I crave the internal experiences.
Replies: >>4355 >>4356
how'd it go?
I've been thinking about trying ketamine or XMT since they are omparably mild drugs and aren't illegal to possess as far as I'm concerned.
how did you get your hands on XMT? I'm in germoney btw.
I would prefer not to fuck up my liver gulping down liters of cough syrup. So is it possible to get medicine grade stuff as pills?

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Was at a football game, and some norminigger females joined a conversation about Red 40. I was basically explaining to my friend how it fucks me up when I consume the stuff, and they started acting all weird. Then I said it makes me say stuff I regret, then they were like "you're weird". I literally turned around, left, and didn't come back.

I will NEVER let stupid fucking FOIDS talk to me like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: >>4244
>>4243 (OP) 
Red 40 souldnt have any impact on your behavior. Those girls probably could have been nicer but that is an odd thing to say. Had you been Chad, they surely would have laughed though. Fuck foids all the same.
Cunts will be always cunts, cunts to losers like you and I, other cunts, their own family because they're eternal cunts and they get away with it besides other cunts calling them out only if they were cunts to them. I don't want to say non normalnigger topics in front of normalniggers and especially vaginaniggers when talking to family and friend, even if they assure me that the normalniggers don't care what we're talking about and "I'm just too paranoid" even when the normalniggers and vaginaniggers are clearly listening in and are talking shit about me to their whores/bydlo/actual nigger friends.
 I'm hijacking this thread topic about why do guys who are social outcasts/losers/really ugly or short/really nerdy/autists/gays  types not just actually incels(the actual definition of virgin men that can't get laid)  who haven't got pussy in some time or generally don't get pussy defend women and don't hate them, some of them said that they even respect them, even when cunts hate them for not being manly thuggish men or will never give them their pussies, I'm afraid of losing guys I have been talking to and being reported for vaginanigger hate or just ridicule. I don't get why I can't hate them when they hate me just for the way I look and because I'm not a wannabe thug. Also everyone else seems to get pussy but me, obese fucks, shorter guys seem to get it, literal retards, ugly ass dude but because they're retard violet bydlos, old men, nerdy men, even homeless, even gays have 
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Replies: >>4351

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