/hikki/ - Hikikomori

The modern hermit

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What is allowed on this board? What is its purpose?

On this board you can discuss and request or give advice regarding the Hikikomori  lifestyle anxieties and social or mental issues arising from these conditions of living  and also post general hikikomori discussion If you're content with being a hikikomori  that's ok, and you won't get in trouble for saying so.

Make Sure to read the rules before posting.



The term Hikikomori ひきこもり or 引きこもり is a Japanese word that when translated into English it means  “pulling inward, being confined”,acute social withdrawal “)  in context of a person the term refers to a shut-in who stays home and does not leave their room for very long periods  usually   for about 6 months or more.


Hikikomori is a social condition in which the affected individual isolates themselves away from society at home in their parents house in their room for a period exceeding six months  . The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves away from society and their family in their bedrooms  for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by  a physical condition or other psychological   problem.
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meta thread for discussing board rules and changes. feel free to post complaints about rules and changes you want to see to them.
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can you really blame them when they ban anyone that isn't a fed doomposting?
You guys always talk like people use these places. I don't know if you notice but this is not anything, nothing is here. All these dead image boards yet they still have like pinned rules and meta threads discussion as if it's real.
Replies: >>818
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kinda reminds you of those old abandonned buildings that still have doors and windows.
But nobody is living there anymore.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Replies: >>834
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You must be eating out of a copper bowl, because you are FED.

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If you want to make banners for the board feel free to post them here
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Ico is favorite game of mine. Yorda having to spend her life within the confines of the castle albeit against her will fits with the theme of the hikikomori lifestyle, I think.
Replies: >>732
You don't need to justify it, it's a beautiful game.
Replies: >>733
I guess I just liked the fact somebody acknowledged my ICO related post, albeit two years later.

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What games have you been playing recently /hikki/? What's the game you have put the most hours into?
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Replies: >>792 + 3 earlier
shut up bimbo idiot, maybe stop huffing the sissy whipets for one second
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>>312 (OP) 
Playing tf2 again. It's really boring. I just play mvm bootcamp. Wish items would drop more often.

I downloaded wow again for the billionth time. Can't even be assed to  level further than goldshire.

So tired of games and of life, but I can't suicide, because God would be upset :/

Been trying to stay on the right path, but I cave in to gluttony, lust and a lot of anger. Not sure how to actually overcome these.
I'm back to playing WoW, since I can't run many games on my pc.
I tried some crpgs, but it's not as enjoyable if you can't control different aspects of your character(movement, swinging weapon, first-person view, controlling/growing a single character, etc.).

I tried a gacha, but they're just so boring, and within an hour you come to a dead-end and it's just about logging in every day. Phone games are ALL COMPLETE shit.
I started playing Legend of Mana again. Apparently it got a remake at some point, and that resulted in all the esoteric knowledge of the game's inner workings ending up on Steam and Reddit. It's a little surreal for me, but I have to admit that the new tempering calculator sites are way more convenient than the command line-based tempering calculator that I used to whip up armor recipes back in the day.
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Shizuka - Bloodstained Blossom
Apati - Morgondagen
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D12 - Fight Music (BET Version)

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Replies: >>846
>Type O Negative - Der Untermensch
>Gitaroo Man OST - 12 The Legendary Theme
>(Original)Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Theme Song
>WotLK - Login Screen - Music Theme
>World Of Warcraft Soundtrack - Stormwind (City Theme)
>World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Login Music
>World of Warcraft - Arthas My Son
>WWE Chris Benoit Theme Song Whatever
>Triple H WWE Theme - The Game [Arena Effect]
>Downstait - Fight As One
>Spider-Man The Animated Series Full Intro Theme
>Theme of "X-Men" [1992-1997] ~ Shuki Levy, Ron Wasserman (1-Hour Extended w/DL)
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Share your daily routine anons 

I'm a little bit more productive these days and feeling good on the emotional and mental side, so I been waking up early in the morning and adjusting to my new plans for the remaining 6 months of this year.
>wake up at 5-7 am 
>use face cleanser and wash teeth, make a hot cup of green tea
>planning my food for the day as I been doing OMAD for half a month now, seeing as it's easier to manage the meal and get my daily needed calories and proteins, instead of having to eat 3+ times a day
>go online, lurk shitchan /fit/ and watch some YT videos of the people I'm subbed to
>watch a movie 
>5 PM. sit down to eat my daily meal
>7-8 PM. Meditate and do some relaxing techniques to chill down before heading to bed
>sleep at 9 PM max. 
I've been thinking about adding a one hour working-out plan to my routine but I'm still kind of lazy and ain't able to go through with it, but it's getting better or at least I'm hoping it gets better and I actually manage to add an exercise plan to my day. 
Also I live in a very negative environment inside my parents house and it's been drastically affecting my mental health far more than what isolation does to me and I'm really sick of it bu
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Replies: >>780 >>841 + 4 earlier
>>136 (OP) 
The times I sleep vary all the time, because we have schedules for when we have electricity throughout the day (4hrs on, 4hrs off, 4hrs on, etc.).
The only things that stay consistent is that I do the dishes first thing in the morning, and then during the first power outage I shower, brush my teeth, and then sleep through whatever time's left.
Can't believe God placed my in this shithole.
Why does this image inspire so much happiness? Where is it from?
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>>136 (OP) 
picrelated is approximately me in my room
>wake whenever i usually have nice dreams and i always hate when they end
>do fuck all until i get tired, lurking imageboards is most of it, if i have energy i consume popular media i torrented
>maybe have one meal during the day but usually none at all
>fall asleep whenever i try to sleep as much as possible because i don't want to be conscious
i can't wait until god sends to anime world afterlife where im happy
>wake up 6-11am
>drink coffee or green tea
>often times smoke weed
>wake up
>listen to cute anime girl music
>read the few new posts on a few slow imageboards
>make a few posts, get b& a few times, ban evade a few times
>piss, cum and shit
>eat and drink
>watch anime
>go to sleep when tired
fuck God and fuck any faggot that worships him

the last time i went outside was 3 years ago and anytime i go outside its so fucking annoying and i freeze when anyone talks to me and i feel like i have no consciousness when im outside.
Replies: >>813 >>842
>>810 (OP) 
.< 10 Times a year except vacations 

I feel like I think a lot more too when I'm out. No distractions/not focusing on anything specific
Try doing some light exercise outside or going for walks a little bit at a time until you get more comfortable. It sucks and I know how you feel! It can improve with time
>>810 (OP) 
once in three month on average i order something online and pick it up from the post office

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well /hikki/, what is the best and worst incarnation of nhk? the light novel will always be better then both the anime and manga to me and the anime is worse then the manga.
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Replies: >>662 + 2 earlier
>>147 (OP) 
Both manga and anime are awful garbage but the anime is better, presumably because the original creator had less input
Replies: >>667
after his recent sequel id rather have someone else work on adaptations.
they were all of them different and lack of something. it should have a bit longer to my test
"In this world conspiracies exist." Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Personally I enjoyed the light novel the most, and the manga second. Once I'd read the light novel the anime seemed ten times worse considering how much they cut.
I know there's a "rebuild of NHK" but from what I've heard it kinda sucks and I won't pay money for it, maybe if someone uploads em all somewhere I'll read it but I have zero plans to especially if I gotta pay for the shit.

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I vaguely remember browsing it years ago, would any of you ever want to see it come back? Even if it isn't the original owner so long as there's a definite place to go to communicate with other hikis
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ALL the neet sites are shit. Probably because they allow non-humans/demons(non-whites) and women.
The few that were somewhat postable have closed down(like neet.moe).

But this place is good to vent.
Replies: >>830
all neet/hikky boards are shit too.
my first one was ruchan.net/hik/. then 2ch.ru/rf became refuge for bullied hikkies from /b/. then a lot of guys copied japanese hikky (turned out that board was very bad as well) rules and made some chans as well as making a refuge/hikky board on every chan. then r9k, jp, wizardchan. some obscure/invite only chans in between. some tor chans in between. 

now we are here AND I MISS MY FUCKING NEET.MOE chan shit, despite its incel clique it was the best i had.
also missing brutal blackpill dude. a little too incel, but it was also good
Replies: >>832
whats wrong with incels?
Once people realise how to get NEET bucks and then wait for society to finally fall apart. Boomers are domestic terrorists. Maybe zoomers will think it's niche like how kids who grew up after '90s wanted to pretend the Internet wasn't like 20 years old already.

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Yesterday I saw my teacher from high-school. Back then, I would get excellent grades and she would always used to tell me that I am incredibly intelligent and that she sees me becoming very successful. She told me that she is very disappointed that, at 21, I am a NEET with no friends. I explained that society has nothing to offer me (went into a little detail about my reasons) and she said it's tragic we live in a world where people like myself just don't want to contribute. Anyone else had a similar experience where people had high expectatinos of you and you kind of let them down?
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Replies: >>803 + 8 earlier
People always sound schitzo when they say "I thought you were like this" or "I thought you were like that". How could another person know what someone's outward aesthetic means and infer someone's temperament and character and life trajectory; we're aren't sharing a mind. People who talk like that are the most conceited narcissistic scum. Like their opinions of who and what you are -- are some how deterministic of the future, like by showing their high minded opinions to be their nothing more then their own delusional perceptions, you are guilt of shame for proving them wrong and therefore not the omniscient narcissists they believe themselves to be. Until exchanges like these are commonly understood to be criminal assault society will not improve.
Replies: >>814
>>555 (OP) 
I can't even rememeber a single person from school or any of my past - no names or faces, etc.
I'm sure it's the same for them.
Most people's lives just revolve around their immediate family when they become adults. Most people don't have friends once they start a family, and they also tend to stop playing games, and fill up their little bit of free time with shows.

Once I become homeless, I'll have to fill up my freetime with my imagination, and going through bins, etc.

I don't know why god even bothered to create such a shit reality.
Replies: >>826
>How could another person know what someone's outward aesthetic means and infer someone's temperament and character and life trajectory
Estimates based on experience and logic

>Until exchanges like these are commonly understood to be criminal assault society will not improve.
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There is no God, this simulation is created by an Artifact from the dreams of visitors, players. 
The administrators withdrew themselves, perhaps they survived the simulation. 
However, next year the Little Fox and the Black King should appear again!
>at least had a father that actually taught me stuff(skills, wisdom, or any help to get into the real world).

Yours was a deadbeat too, huh? Did he throw tantrums like a toddler when asked to do that shit too?

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