/fit/ - Health and Fitness

Health, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ

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Have you lifted today? No? Go find something heavy. Pick it up. Now put it back down. Good. Do that a dozen more times.

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Your one-stop place for everything related to health, fitness, GAINZ, and everything in between.

1. Obey the global rules.
2. Keep all threads related to the board. Off-topic threads or threads that use fitness as a false pretense will be locked and/or deleted.
3. This is a SFW board. All lewd or semi-lewd images/videos must be spoilered. Do not dump porn.
4. Do not flood/spam/derail threads. Intentionally derailing or flooding threads with low-effort/troll/spam posts will result in post deletion. (10-12-20)
5. Do not make posts that explicilty advertise other boards inside or outside the webring. (6-20-21)

This thread will also serve as the meta thread. Yell at me all you want.
For personal inquiries, I can be contacted at
[email protected]

Currently not taking on any mods/vols/janis, but maybe later if this board gets big SWOL
Last edited by kyriakosgrizzly
75 replies and 48 files omitted. View the full thread
Honestly, I don't know. All I can say in my experience with small boards is that activity begets activity. But even so, given how dead most boards like this are doomed to be, even 4chan/fit/ is still a better option for the average anon despite all the shit clogging up that catalog.

I don't know if this is an issue you can solve, it's a much bigger issue that affects all of these imageboards in general.
Expose the amount of bots and glowniggers who cooperate with the tranny jannies on 4cuck, other than that there isn't much you can do.
I just haven't been using this board because things are going smoothly so far. Most of the activity on 4cuck /fit/ is worthless garbage anyways
Replies: >>1713
Man I really want this board to be more active because the alternative are shit, just like >>1706 said 4cuck /fit/ is garbage and from what this is the only /fit/ alternative.
I think the only option is to advertise to outside sources maybe like forums, other imageboards discord.
Replies: >>1757
I will crush you with my dumbbells if you ever do that, anon.
Do you want this board to be like /b/?
Replies: >>1758
/b/ isn't shit because of the users. /b/ is shit because the mods are retarded.

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Dump infographs, workout plans, diet lists, recipes, etc. here.
Last edited by kyriakosgrizzly
102 replies and 78 files omitted. View the full thread

What does, "Rest of your required caloric from fat" mean from the Keto.jpg?
Replies: >>1489 >>1559
Not entirely sure, however I can no longer recommend Keto simply because of the difficulty in maintaining it both physically and mentally and the toll it takes on the rest of the body. you are much better off with something like Leangains which uses a high protein intake (but not ONLY protein) and intermittent fasting to get results. it is much easier to stay with for long periods of time (going at about half a year now, albeit with more cheat days than I am proud to admit) and gets results. the trick is patience.
Consume the rest of your required calories as fat
Hitler was a skinnyfat autist who developed motor neurone diseases in his 40s. Just because you like his politics doesn’t mean you need to emulate every single aspect of his daily life
>3 years later
Suck my cock
Replies: >>1847
If Hitler had done GOMAD we would've been rid of the jewish menace today

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Post old /fit/ banners or make some new ones.
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I come bearing gifts
Replies: >>1597
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I kept this one from the old 2hu VN anon on /b/.
Replies: >>1812 >>1822
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I hate having to look at her disgusting pits.
Replies: >>1822

Don't be a little bitch

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general food thread, I suppose
question: Is milk, cheese, butter completely comped due to the hormones they pump the cows full of? Or do the benefits of these foods outweigh that poison?
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current diet is lean chicken breasts with broccolli, fat free milk, beef steaks with fat trimmed, and greek nonfat yogurt with aspartame sweetener and blueberries or strawberries. biggest problem is that after a few days of this all i can think about is carbs and i go overboard. trying my best to just stick to it.
also im taking special drugs for >>1811 now and it completely puts it into remission. turned out to be caused by the fucking wuhan wheeze of all things, and i'll probably have to take it for the rest of my life. i just hope it doesn't cause cancer. fuck the bugmen.
Replies: >>1884
What the fuck? How bizarre. That sucks anon
Replies: >>1886
yeah it was like a triple threat of health issues for months that i figured would just go away. first the flu, then the chink flu, then bronchitis and then permanent UC as a bonus feature from the chink cough which never went away. without insurance or the company's copay system it'd be costing me like $3000 a month for two shots that last four weeks lmao dog bles usa
Replies: >>1887
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Did you take anything like ivermectin when you had the wuflu?

>without insurance or the company's copay system it'd be costing me like $3000 a month for two shots that last four weeks lmao dog bles usa
I mean it's either TND or healthcare which are the two carrots they've got going on every 4 years, yeah? And healthcare can always come later.
Isn't like one of your redeeming features that your constitution encourages you to shoot the government if it becomes gay like that? When are you gonna get on it?

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This is Grizzly, your overlord. I am aware that this board has been dead for quite some time, and that is my fault. I have been very busy with life's endless stream of bullshit and as a result have fallen behind in not just my lifting, but every other meaningful thing I've wanted to do with my life as well. Now that I'm working back into a manageable schedule, I'd like to use this thread for a little experiment.
This thread (and hopefully the ones that come after it) will be a daily journal for anons to chronologue their fitness journeys. After each workout, post what you did, how long you did it, what you did it with, and anything else that happened that pertains to fitness. There is already a similar thread like this one >>32 focused on running, but I would like to expand the workout journal idea to all forms involved, including lifting, cardio, dieting, and anything else that may be of interest to fellow /fit/izens. Yes, it is blogposting and I will not attempt to disguise it as anything else. But it's a good way for anons to share advice with each other on maximizing gainz and bringing up the PPH for the board as a whole.
So with all that being said, tell us about your workout today. You DID lift today, right?
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Squats, overhead press, and triceps extensions. The overhead press conflicts with the triceps though so I may drop the latter in favor of something else.

that's what I'm doing, i'm making sure I hit all the major groups
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bench press, barbell row, chinups, triceps extensions
how do you talk to girls at the gym
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Deadlifts, overhead press, and triceps extensions. should i also include leg work on these days too?
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Squats and pullups and calf extensions and triceps extensions. Figured out I was putting the bar too high up on my back, moved it further back between my shoulder blades as suggested in Starting Strength and it's a lot eastier now.
there are these weird birds in the parking lot, i think they're roadrunners since they have really longs legs and tails and they sit on top of the cars and yell at you, you can walk right up to them and they don't care. birds are weird.
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wow it's almost like when you do squats right they become a lot easier

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Post your goals, short term, mid term and long range. Ideally, include deadlines for accountability. 
Personally, my goal is primarily to increase training volume. I'm aiming to complete at least 1 week at 10 hours of training by the end of June. I want to hit 36 hours by the end of the year. I managed somewhere between 25 and 30 hours a week for about 2 months at my best more than 5 years ago so it's doable, though ambitious.
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Thats my nigger, crush these weights tomorrow. You got this.
My goal right now is to lose ~2 inches off my waist. It's a pretty simple goal, but later I want to build muscle and get stronger. Baby steps.
God speed anon.
I am slowly working towards completing the 100 push up challenge, and making some good progress. How are you anons doing?
Starting to get into the habit of hitting the gym every day and paying close attention to what I eat. Finishing off the last of my alcohol/sodas and will abstain except for the occasional glass of good whiskey and/or Chivas in honor of Hunter Thompson

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greetings and salutations, /fit/izens

i'm thin as fuck 55kg (120 lbs) and i'm manlet 177cm (5'8). i have a few dumbbells at home. how do i start building muscle and getting fit? i'm so fucking weak and i just can't stand it. my hands are very thin and it's starting to make me look like a fag. i need to know that if push goes to shove i'll be able to defend myself. seriously help. i think i need:

>exercise plan
>diet plan (im neet so no 20 euro salads)
>people to watch/read
>whatever else i don't know

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im fucking proud of u anon
we're all gonna do it bros
Replies: >>947
>are you looking like the Michelin tire man yet
>35kg isn't too much of an indicator for me.
yeah it's not a lot. i can actually do more but i was advised to stick to 35kg until i can do 50 to 70 presses without shitting myself. slow and easy wins the race anon
thanks man. i really appreciate your posts they've helped a ton. i just came back from gym i go back jogging. 6km how are you doing?
>How's your progress for for someone who doesn't do bench presses? 35kg isn't too much of an indicator for me.

I went to the gym for about two months and a half straight weighing just about as much as him and gained about 10 kg and could bench around 30 kg at my peak, so I figure his progress is about average for what you'd expect from most.

>Are you looking like the Michelin tire man yet?
No way, that's like 1+ year of constant exercise at least, he's not even ottermode yet. He probably just looks like a healthy not skeleton-yn not noodly armed person, who can flex a good looking chunk of meat on his gun.
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So how you doing OP? any updates? 
I'm in a somewhat same boat as I'm roughly 130lbs and 6'1. I've been working out and eating what I can for around 4 years now, I got "decent" looking muscle here and there but overall I still look like a hungry skeleton. I've struggled with weight gain my whole life and I'm starting to think this most be related to some weird ass disease or who knows. 
As for my diet: I'm poor af and everything is fucking expensive here, at best I can afford for meat or chicken once a week sometimes less, I drink a milkshake with a banana and oats on the regular but to no avail
Still lifting OP?

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Do it for her YOURSELF Edition

Why aren't you running, anon?
I, for one, aren't because I'm a lazy piece of shit and my motivation runs out extremely quickly after the initial sporadic bursts I get from now and then. One thing I noticed is that this lack of motivation comes, at least in part, from the lack of company and the inability to discuss the activity or compare your results with anyone else. 
So I thought of making this thread to encourage anons to pick up running and actually keep at it in hopes that the sense of community with will keep everyone engaged enough not to drop out after the first week day.

I'm absolutely not an expert but, if you're interested in joining and are an absolute beginner I would wholeheartedly recommend the C25K program (pic related #2), I tried it and while progress is slow, it's very easy to follow and you see the first results near immediately, even if you've never done jackshit in your life. IMPORTANT: don't run if you're a tub of lard, you'll just fuck up your joints! Lose some weight first, chubby!

So, from tomorrow morning onwards, I'm going to start my running routine again and I will post updates after every session so we can get the ball rolling and hopefully we can get more people involved and bring more activity to the board! Everyone's welcome!

ITT post:
>updates about your activity
>informative videos and images
>tips, tricks and suggestions of all sorts
>shoes and clothing reccs
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I don't really post here because I do my fitness by myself now (or maybe because the board is so slow, sadly), but I wanted to wish you the best.  I was never as fat as you were, but I've managed to get my weight down a lot since the start of the year, and I think I've done a good job converting fat to muscle as well.  I feel more invigorated and I have better endurance overall.  It's also transferred to my mental hobbies like video games (fighting games) and computer programming.

You're doing good, man.  We're all gonna make it.
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I know this board is slow, but I'm back bitches. A full year later. I had a pretty tough time in 2022 have completely fallen off my exercise regiment, but my weight loss is pretty much permanent and I've actually maintained a decent amount of muscle. I have just going back to the gym and am going to be resuming running. I just ran 2.5km in about 13 minutes, whatever that is. 

Biggest thing holding me back is my muscles get quite sore. I need to learn how to stretch.
Replies: >>1652 >>1657
Good luck anon, I shall remember you.
>weight loss is pretty much permanent and I've actually maintained a decent amount of muscle
God bless you, anon.
op plz give update

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Post your /fit/ related videos.
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Replies: >>1722
Figured it out and forgot to post. The trick is to kick forwards to keep your body straight and your feet away from where the rope is going.
>nigger music
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Run with a weighted backpack
>>1201 (OP) 
Lift and move it.
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posting more grizzly

is there anyone training with varicocele? 
I got diagnosed with grade 1 bilateral varicocele and I stopped the gym for 4 months... 4 fucking months bro. it pisses the shit outta me, doctors tell me I can't lift heavy because of it especially compound exercises (going to the gym without touching a bar doesn't make sense to me), I'm pissed. I initially noticed a lump on the top of the right testicle now it disappeared and I don't feel any pain, I'm 19 years old and I feel like I'm wasting the time that was supposed to make me look big in my early 20s, I hate saying that I feel depressed but I haven't felt down like this before. Anyone with varicocele experience, I need your guidance, i don't know if going back to the gym will be a risk or not
You may want to look into low-weight/dumbbell exercises, like the strongman thread >>870.
Any updates OP?

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