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John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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Welcome to /christian/, the webring's hub for discussion of Christianity, faith, the hard questions, and the Gospel Truth!
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6. Put effort into your posts. Low-quality threads and posts (including bait, off-topic, flaming, or nonsense/schizoposting) will be deleted.
7. One-liner questions that don't need their own thread go in QTDDTOT >>6836 . If your thread was deleted, there is a good chance it was moved here instead.
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Excuse me, would anyone mind a thread about church design and maybe preference?
It's a trap.
>where was he when I tried to suicide
When you didn't go through with it.

There should be a handbook for mentally filing through angry spam.
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>I don't trust zzzchan.xyz, at least one of it's mods is a literal /leftypol/-tier janny.

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As of right now we only have three banners. I'd like there to be more, and I'm sure someone somewhere has saved the banners from previous iterations of /christian/, 8chan and otherwise. If you have them, post them here, or feel free to make your own as well! The only requirement is that they are 300x100 and of high quality.
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Replies: >>26545 + 3 earlier
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I knew i got one wrong, i even double check and didn't see it.
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There you go.
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>>22362 (OP) 
Tried and failed to edit a Captain Falcon helmet on St. Nicholas. Still, good banner hopefully.
Replies: >>26546
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And I forgot to scale it down. Mea culpa
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I hope this doesn't count as a Mormon banner.

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Ever since shortly after I left the church of Rome I have been drawn to the Reformed tradition as the traditional and scholarly wing of the fundamentalist movement. Calvinist theologians have been at the forefront of defining (such as in The Fundamentals or the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy) and giving the reasons (presuppositional apologetics, Reformed epistemology) for our faith in an age of "reason". I was blessed especially by the ministry of Dr. James White, especially in his book the Potter's Freedom (which I highly recommend) in showing me the doctrines of grace, though the Reformed tradition is much more than the 5 points of Calvinism. To give a short answer, the reason why I'm Reformed is because I believe everything the bible says. I would think it would be simple to just believe everything God said, but apparently the vast majority of people (even Christians today) find it very difficult. 

The TULIP acrostic is much younger than the doctrines it represents, and even those 5 points were first formally stated as such in the 17th century at the Synod of Dort. But while they can cause confusion (especially the L) the doctrines have been taught since the beginning of the Reformation, and much earlier than that. Since by far the most popular argument against the doctrines of grace is the strawman fallacy, I want to explain each point to you and help you see that you may just believe them already. 

>Total Depravity
This does NOT mean that men are as bad as they possibly could be. In fact, unbelievers are sometimes so showered in common grace that we perceive them as being "better" than many Christians. What this doctrine does mean is that there is no kernel of good hidden deep within man that enables him to cooperate with the grace of God, but that he is according to nature so far gone that he would never, under any circumstances, under his own volition reconcile with his creator and submit to the rule of God, so that when he does so it is a true divine miracle changing the direction of his heart with as much force as would change the trajectory of the earth. For "there is none who does good, no one who seeks after God, no not even one". 

>Unconditional Election
This doctrine is very literally named, as it means that those blessed few among the great crowd of evil whom God shall save have not been chosen (or "elected") because they rose above and satisfied some condition of being so (such as accruing merit and avoiding mortal sin, or choosing to embrace the gospel message) but only because of the good pleasure of God, who has mercy on whom He will have mercy according to His plans to the praise of His glorious grace. It does not mean His selection is arbitrary, but the reasons for His determination are never that the elect merited salvation more than the reprobate. Often this doctrine is criticized as embodying pride, or as giving the Calvinist sinful pride. Nothing could be more scandalous or further from the truth. For I know that I am absolutely no better than the reprobate, and there was nothing about me which made me more desirable than the reprobate, but I can look at every single one of them as they march happily into the maw of hell screeching their hatred of God and say "there go I but for the grace of God". 

>Limited Atonement
This is perhaps the least well understood doctrine, regrettably in large part due to its unfortunate naming to create the TULIP acrostic. The limitation which is referenced is not one of efficiency but of scope, that is, Christ's death was certainly sufficient to save all men who will ever exist, but it was not His intention do so. But this doctrine is much more about what Christ has accomplished than what He has not. To deny this doctrine is to deny that Christ saved those for whom He died, and to assert that His sacrifice merely enabled them to be saved by some other convoluted means, which seems a much more pernicious limitation. For what this doctrine really means is that Christ accomplished the salvation of the elect upon the cross, so that every one of them can say "I have been crucified with Christ. It is now not I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me". Can the reprobate say this? Can he climb up on the parapets of hell, scream out his hatred of God, and say "I have been crucified with Christ"? Was it for a nameless, faceless mass of humanity that Christ died, to enable them to save themselves if they so desired, or did the Son of God love me and give Himself for me?

>Irresistible Grace
This doctrine is also named literally, as it means that the grace of God cannot be resisted by the elect, that is, they do not have the power to reject His powerful resurrecting grace, but the Spirit changes their hearts to make of them sons of God. They are a new creation, not the same wicked creature which once despised his maker, but they are freed from slavery to sin, so that they may flee with tears to the mercy of Christ, and kneel without hesitation to His Lordship. This is what the Lord meant when He said, "you must be born again".
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Due to several threads being dragged wildly off-topic by some anons' inability to hold themselves back whenever someone says the Pope is the antichrist or that Martin Luther destroyed Christianity, this thread will serve as a pseudo-containment thread for dialogue between Catholics and Protestants. Rules still apply in here, keep the thread on topic, do not make one-liner insults or ad hominems, keep it civil and respectful. Posts that try to start fights between Churches and drag the OP off-topic in other threads will be deleted, no matter how many there are.
465 replies and 106 files omitted. View the full thread
>The infighting of Christians is so tragic, correction is fine but we should work together even if we disagree on a lot.
Amen brother
I wasn't the one being argued with but there were some interesting questions ITT.

>which denomination bro, check em

>how come/how so?
Not by lineage or marriage or anything, by grief/happenstantial divine grace/by accident

It most closely resembles how (not necessarily what) I think on most matters

>you reject though some stuff in the Bible, don't you? DON'T YOU?
Yeah, original sin and sacrifice are not concepts that I understand properly. The idea of a blood debt that must be paid is unsatisfactory since death is a poor arbiter of satisfaction, that is to say it doesn't offer any. If it did then those doing the reaping would surely receive it. I do not accept the story that God booted us from Heaven in a rage but I anticipate that man requested it against God's better judgement. I accept that Jesus sacrificed everything for us so as to enoble us, but not because God demanded payment as tax collector from his debtors.

Ordinarily I would think these things are fine and simply lost to allegory - lessons left to a people who needed them in the exact manner they were given, but then again Jesus himself refers to Hell several times as a real place which is another aspect that I don't understand.
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Replies: >>26616 >>26638
sorry have not figured out embed

How many times have I heard it now? The black death? "Necessary suffering". The potato famine? "Necessary suffering." The airplane crash? "Necessary suffering."

Centuries of weak excuses for reasoning that's clumsily used or chosen.

Guilt, guilt, guilt; you're not meek enough, you're not impoverished enough...

This is a man who I think believes what he says but whose work has become just another drudging daily graft on a Thursday afternoon. If that's what you got every Sunday you would not go.
Sorry about the projecting cope I wrote last night really just need God's help.
>Yeah, original sin and sacrifice
So you reject the entire religion, in other words
>The idea of a blood debt that must be paid is unsatisfactory since death is a poor arbiter of satisfaction, that is to say it doesn't offer any. If it did then those doing the reaping would surely receive it.
I don't know what you mean by this. If your meaning is that the satisfaction would be received by the slayer, then you'll be satisfied to know scripture says it was the Father who poured out His wrath upon Christ on the cross. 
>I do not accept the story that God booted us from Heaven in a rage
It was the garden, not heaven, but since you don't accept that maybe instead you'll accept that we all decided to leave the land of magical carebears? I mean why not? Since apparently what God said isn't the standard here, what Anon likes is the standard, you can just make up whatever ridiculous pagan nonsense you want. 
>Ordinarily I would think these things are fine and simply lost to allegory
That seems very convenient doesn't it? It isn't you and your emotions that are wrong, it must be God's word that got it all wrong. 
>which is another aspect that I don't understand.
There is a BIG difference between "I don't understand" and "I don't beli
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Post in this thread to share your current Bible reading progress and to be accountable before others in your study of scripture.

I have just finished Genesis, Matthew, and Mark.
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>If any anons are in doubt about a translation being perverted by current year degeneracy read Revelations 3:9 and compare it to the KJV text.
>Also read 2:12-13 then look up where Pergamon was. Then check the origins of the Khazarian empire. It explains everything going on in the West today.
...How did I never realize KHAZARIA WAS IN REVELATION?!?
Come to think of it, it does mention Gog and Magog, doesn't it. Magog would be Turkic-Mongolic tribes (like the Khazar Turks), and it says in Revelation 20:8 that after 1000 years, the enemy will
"go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle."
>1000 years
That sounds about right when the MONGOLS drove out the KHAZARians out of European Russia (where Khazaria once stood).
Replies: >>26409
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To be honest, I kind of have the four Gospels memorized (though not entirely), and I think I finished Acts months ago. I think I'm on Romans, so I guess I'll just start from the beginning (of Romans). But then, I may have finished that book too. Mike Winger has a great series on the book of Romans.
Anybody got tips for reading the Bible in Classical Greek?
Replies: >>26637
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This board doesn't have nearly enough activity so I'm just going to start reading the Bible from page one and providing updates on my progress until our PPD improves.
You'll be better off reading it in Koine Greek, and you'll be best off doing this only if you know how to read Greek.

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No, I'm asking for JoS per se, not a vain attempt of seeing a big picture that doesn't exist.
Replies: >>26604 >>26605
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Oy Gewalt! You just can't take halfwit JoS goypoop seriously, mate

Good Lord...

>Culturally, even JoS is a Christian, just an angry, disaffected Protestant. Like all other Western atheists and satanists he is guided by the reductive instinct, to "return to the roots," embodied by the Protestant reformers. His logic is simply the extreme of "I don't need X to be saved!" He has no worthy point, he's not a standout, I don't need to debate him, and I pray he gets through being used by his anger.
Based and breadpilled.
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And what exalted capability makes you the judge of a universal negative? That is what I think you are saying. To say that all the beauty and order in the world just happens to be a roll of the dice. A hand rolls the dice. That the humble amoeba can just happen to evolve into a Mozart. Who inspires his composition. That so many of your forebears were wrong, but you and this angry man demanding the world's attention with a clickbaity title are right Why his title attracts attention at all. Go on. It begs the question. Or is it too much text for you to make yourself clear on what you really want?
>reptilians and grays
You're asking people to spend hours of their free time to debunk this, when you're here in bad faith anyway.
>Like all other Western atheists and satanists he is guided by the reductive instinct, to "return to the roots,"
That could not be further off the ball

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Talk about 'WHOLESOME' shows and 'WHOLESOME' cute waifus.
This thread is NOT allowed to become a borderline /a/ exclave.
Posts advocating for yuri/shota (aka homosex) and other degenerate animes are NOT allowed.
109 replies and 37 files omitted. View the full thread
>I get the appeal
People try and explain fetishes a lot, but I think ultimately the real reason why people have any fetish is simply this: We all, due to the sin nature, have the desire to exploit anything around us for our own gratification. It just manifests differently depending on a variety of factors.
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Things have been pretty slow since /Christian/ moved here but I don't want this thread to end so I'm going to recommend another anime.
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom is one of the best anime I've ever seen. I don't want to give spoilers but the story is about characters who have their memories erased and are forced to become assassins for a criminal organization. 
As the story develops, many things are questioned such as freedom, the meaning of life, forgiveness and others, I hope you give it a chance
Replies: >>26626
this looks interesting anon, thank you for the recommendation, in turn I will recommend Ergo Proxy to you, quite a unique anime that came out during the golden age of the 2000's. God keep you friend durings these dark days
Replies: >>26627
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>Ergo Proxy
I think I'm long overdue for a rewatch of that one. It was one of my favorites when I got into anime while I was still in high school.
The theme of Madoka Magica reminds me of Matthew 16:23. But is such anime ok? Is it respectful enough? I worry that it isn’t.

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Thread for discussing and sharing literature relevant to the Christian faith.

I bought a copy of The Pilgrim's Progress, I read it years ago in high school and I really wanted to go through it again without staring at a PDF, and it makes for good reading before bed. I had no idea there was a part two in the story as well, where after Christian makes it to the Celestial City his wife and children go on their own journey to it as well. Apparently in high school we only ever read part one.

What have you been reading lately?
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Replies: >>25863
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>>25498 (OP) 
This has been a pretty good reference book for me: The Story of Christianity: Volume Number 1
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>Would like suggestions for what to start next
I am just about to finish book 3 The Sword of the Lictor of the Book of New Sun series. It is a masterful series, the Christian themes are there but not in your face like the Chronicles of Narnia series, and are probably hidden a bit more than even The Lord of the Rings. Some elements do stand right out such as a lot of the characters throughout the story are named after early Christian martyrs and saints. So if you want a challenge I would definitely recommend this series but pair it with the Alzabo Soup podcast.

Another suggestion that I highly recommend is the book Laurus picrel. Russian author so it is heavy with Orthodox themes but it is such a wonderful read.
Just bought a copy, I'll review it once it gets here in a couple weeks
Came in the mail today, was not expecting it to be a textbook. I also ordered the first edition from 1999 that has volumes 1 and 2 combined, so I'll be reading this for a while. Maybe the scribbles and notes in it from whatever seminary student had to study from it 20 years ago will be helpful as well.
I finished this a couple weeks ago, volumes 1 and 2 (one of the earlier prints from the 90s with both versions combined into one). It's very good, gives a very detailed overview of Christiainity throughout the ages. Shame that it stops in the early 90s though (my version at least, with the stained glass cover) but still a very good resource.
Currently on another non-religious book from John Taylor Gatto on the issues with modern schooling, then looking into something new and Christian-focused. I might try reading The Silmarillion again but there are so many names and races to keep track of it got really hard to memorize and I quit not even halfway through.

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Matthew 22
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 'On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.'

Galatians 5
For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.'

the music thread is gone so I'm posting these by themselves instead. At my assembly today it was reminded that ALL the law is fulfilled and HANGS on the commandment of love. How much do we make sure we're right with the law and doing the right thing and we ignore the actual focus of God and his will from the beginning his commandment. Death experiences have told us of the great love when in the light of God. Many of us have known moments when we have been put in front of God's love and how much we want to live in it forever and how much we will live in it forever.
Last edited by christianjanny
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The music folder. Performances of every Psalm, also includes all other songs from the Bible. They might literally be the psalms or based on them even just a small part. The Hymns are from the Hymnal Companion to the Book of Common Prayer. And spiritual songs.

(Colossians 3)
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

(Ephesians 5)
"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"

Replies: >>26543
Thank you for this!
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Hymns from the Divine Liturgy.
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A couple of my favorites from my Protestant days.
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