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 Dress to impress!

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Well, it's finally here. Gentlemen, I present to you my humble attempt at honest, wholesome entertainment. 
There is a LOT of room for improvement, so hopefully works will get better as I keep practicing.
I have quite a few ideas I'm planning, but if anyone has any good proposals to submit, I will give it my best.

God Bless.
323 replies and 192 files omitted. View the full thread
Thanks for the situation update, Anon. Keep moving forward!  :)
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Thanks for the info, anon. We'll see you back on July!
Good luck with everything.
Replies: >>197442
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Can I just add you to talk to you.
Replies: >>197442
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Of course, I may not be connected too often but I try to remember to keep the tox client on.
I'll still be around, God willing. It just that the large projects are going to take quite a bit longer to get done.
Replies: >>200112
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Cute gif bro, do you have a gif where she licks her own butt hole like cats do?

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Bring snacks!
113 replies and 66 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>198593 + 2 earlier
Flash has had motion tweening since it earliest iterations? I literally grew up using the program and it was an extremely common practice.
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>>189751 (OP) 
What kind of snacks do you guys like? I really enjoy jerky and various types of sausages. Image related are my favorites.
Replies: >>199384
Look into making your own. Its very easy. You buy a cheap lean piece of beef like london broil, cut off any fat and cut it into thin strips. Then put it in a bowl with a marinade recipe. I typically do soy sauce or Worcestershire, honey, vinegar, liquid smoke. And put in the fridge overnight. Then put them on a cookie sheet with a grate and cook them at like the lowest temp your oven can do for several hours. Sometimes 10+ depending on what youre going for.

The more dry the better they keep, but the less, the juicier and chewier it is.
i just realized that i don't know what anyone my age looks like
Replies: >>200519
And that's about the time she walked away from me

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ATUMPTION INTERWEBZ!!!!: I HAVE THEE BADEST NEWS!!! as u all kno, i havbnt bean very active lately. that is bee cause MY DIARY HAS BEAN STOLEN (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ last i had it was at my skewl! so if anyone sees it, PLZ return it to me one and only, kiki! 

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I CAN'T BELIEVE KIKI IS REAL!!!!1!!!1!one!!!
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Replies: >>195954
Will he find his trailer park sweetie pie?
While we're pretending to be oldfaggots pedobear never went after shotas.
I think Kiki got her doary back, what now?

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People keep asking for loli space marine lately so I drew a really shitty one. IDK what shading is. Post your work, anon.
326 replies and 156 files omitted. View the full thread
I don't think you understand what this thread is about.
Replies: >>199578
It's about drawing me getting a golden shower
Replies: >>199638
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Fair enough.
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Replies: >>199733
I like this, thanks, anon!

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Random shit thread
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That is fucking harrowing lmao
Replies: >>200555
WTF is the third picture supposed to be? Some sort of bootleg muttmerican comiket?
I don’t have it nigga
Someone find this guy the jap schoolgirl squeezing her classmates head between her thighs.
It's just modern child neglect, all these people have to do is interact with their kids more and stop plopping them in front of screens that do nothing but pump their minds full of garbage created by psychopaths.
>russian is like nigger but wrong color by accident

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If only the cuckservatives still have their balls.
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But this is an online forum, not a face to face interaction, so if you literally just ignore a post and don't interact with it at all then other people are not really going to know about it.
Replies: >>200527
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So you go through all this effort to inform everyone how little you care about someone? That's tsundere behaviour.
Replies: >>200540 >>200556
Whatever you want to believe in, bubby. But I guess 50% of why I do it is because I just think it's funny, and the pictures are funny.
stoning women is based
we do it here in romania even though we are a white christian nation
A teacher called up his parents when he called another kid a faggot in middle school so he's been conditioned to use passive aggressive non-insults like that.

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What's a time consuming hobby that is also inexpensive? The inexpensive part isn't 100% necessary if I can get into it with a lower initial investment. I need to do something with my free time I'm tired of imageboards and the internet in general.
42 replies and 11 files omitted. View the full thread
Yeah that's why you do it.
Yeah but I figured a tablet would go against the inexpensive part. Then again you can be a line tool warrior with a mouse.
Replies: >>200535
Oh you meant ascii art
Replies: >>200538
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Yeah this is just text. You don't need any fancy computer.
>it doens't have to be local, you can try and make AI stuff with online demos
I'm avoiding the internet entirely for awhile after this month, and as much tech as possible. Plus all this AI shit became boring to me when the images started becoming less nightmarish/bizarre and more bland and generic.
This reminds me I do have a sketchbook somewhere.

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Who the fuck is Amy Gdala?
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>>200361 (OP) 
Puck sucking my cock.
Actually yes please someone rape me, I've never been physically intimate with anyone.
>>200361 (OP) 
Satan. Explantation: People say you have a small Amy Gdala if you are dumb. The tree of knowledge, the forbidden fruit, made us smart like god. It was a mistake. 

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>>200361 (OP) 
It's the new flavor of the month accusation to throw at people who dislike what you like.
Some idiot that blew what should have been at most a two post argument way the fuck out of proportion and is now a guaranteed thread derailer.

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Stop watching anime about cute girls going to school.
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>animes with an s
"Based" american bro...
Anyway, if you're talking about Girls Band Cry and Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai, the former is 3DCG slop and the latter is feminist infiltration.
Replies: >>200547 >>200551
It says a lot about the state of society (zzzchan) when the current top thread on the website is this shitty larpagan bait.
Replies: >>200548
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>Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai
To elaborate, it just feels uncomfy in general, at least from what I hear of it (didn't watch it). It has a rebel punk "da streets" atmosphere and a strong focus on social media including TikTok. It's just not like your usual wholesome anime. And there's even a sob story about a character who was "rejected" by "society" or something because of -- LMAO -- being obsessed over westoid capeshit.
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You need to go up and touch seaweed.
i love animes and you can suck my dicks

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Last one >>160682 is bumplocked and on its way out. /b/ would be all the poorer without one of these, so here you go.

No means yes, yes means anal.
306 replies and 148 files omitted. View the full thread
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I remembered that I had developed sword autism as a wee lad in 5th grade. I would draw fantasy swords, spears, katanas, daggers and anything else bladed all during classes. I even went as far as to naming and writing backstories for each one of them.
Unfortunately I can't remember any of them anymore cause my mom got pissed off at me and made me go through my schoolbag to organize it then had me throw away every sword drawing I did in the trash. 
After that I stopped drawing swords cause that was months worth of sword autsim.
And now I'm into trying to draw guns.
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Does anyone have that image of a dark web story (LARP) about a supposed doctor living in Eastern Europe who would buy girls in an orphanage and then have a secret villa where he amputated them and made other modifications to basically just turn them into living onaholes to resell?
Replies: >>200499
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Replies: >>200542
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Thanks. I actually had it saved but it was just a thumbnail for some reason.
Reading it again it's indeed a pretty creepy story regardless of whether it's real or not. Imagine actually being one of those things. Though I doubt that someone can be healthy and survive like this for more than a few years.

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