Dofus/Wakfu is slightly better than the average westoid game/cartoon in terms of moe, but it is miles behind any Japanese production. I don't understand why people get so excited about the "cute girls" and being "like anime" and whatnot (also applies to any similar westoid media)... to me it looks like vegans grasping at straws and getting excited over some substitute for meat that "tastes like the real thing".
It's curious but also in a way disturbing how it seems that there's a single-digit or even null instances of westoids capturing moe, other than maybe a few random artists doing standalone illustrations (ie. not for games, animations, etc). Compared to actual Japanese moe art, it looks like trannies compared to a women. Even Chinks and gooks can make pretty convincing and in some cases perfect imitations, so it's just a westoid thing really.