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 Dress to impress!

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Be a retard here, be loud here, ask questions, discuss stuff, and etc. Picrel is a useful guide. MAY THE EUROPID RACE BE PRESERVED!
Replies: >>233536
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why won't you guys post in my thread?
Replies: >>233536
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>>233169 (OP) 
Self-help books are a meme for women and soyboys. If they really worked, we would see a drastic reduction of them written.
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Pretty much. If you need to place any amount of effort to improve yourself to begin with, you are a subhuman, complete genetic trash.
Replies: >>233545 >>233565
Self improvement only works for people within ~3 sd of the mean, subhumans and the truly gifted don't benefit. Refusing to self improve puts you at a disadvantage because others at your genetic level will.
Replies: >>233549 >>233565
If everyone at your genetic level improves then those above your genetic level will also improve, negating your supposed progress in a sociey that run on competition.
Replies: >>233551
You are agreeing with me, self improvement is zero sum. The point is that if everyone else self improves, refusing to will lower your social status, it's not about progressing in society but keeping your place in it. You can see this in Asian countries with the amount of time and effort they put into education and similarly with women and makeup.
Replies: >>233552 >>233565
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Depending on how hard you 'lost' in our society there's not much to keep up with if your'e already at the bottom. How do you lose 'even harder'? What are we even talking about? Sex and or relationships? Money? Both? Mere mental happiness? What is the goal, assuming that all goals were not missed at the start of this 'game' called life? "May the Europoid race be preserved" impllies it's about just procreation.... rape a bitch in an area where it's illegal to get an abortion I guess. Hopefully you won't become a bastard race, but if you try and fail to keep her he's a bastard anyway. Hypergamy will make you lose your own race's identity if it becomes  a bastard race, assuming that that is the goal, the premise of the thread. To breed....? Oh, filename; to breed while adhd. Because women like your brains, not your cock,  wallet, nor abs, nor height, it's the brains they wanted!

tl;dr: what status? you win or you lose
The bottom are roughly 3 sd lower than the mean and thus self improvement doesn't work for them. I am not OP and my conception of self improvement doesn't include reading meme books. Hypergamy is mostly fake, mating is assortative.
Replies: >>233561 >>233565
>hypergamy is mostly fake
Not when it's prime ages it's not. 18-25 women are very stuck up, especially before they have little bastards.
>pic 5
How the fuck is that supposed to work at a technical level? There's no way that any website can just read your browser history. I suppose that it uses tracking cookies or something?
Replies: >>233563 >>233574
Replies: >>233574
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Self improvement is masturbation.
Replies: >>233571
Why? It doesn't even make my peepee feel good. It's just a pointless waste of time/effort.
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PoW token (proof of work token). Google analytics. ISP telling the law/etc your history. Le cookies that you can delete also though of which would still be in the free space, what with how every cpu post 2007ish was made to be hacked from afar. Fairy magic and or also the image being a funni joek.
Replies: >>233767
if that's true then why do brown latinos never have their intelligent increased when they work hard but AZN folks do?
Eh... just try again, and if you keep failing, just fake a mental illness to get on neetbux.
Replies: >>233685
I'm not latino
Replies: >>233689
I mean that post was directed at anyone of any race honestly.
Replies: >>233692
They don't give it to cis white males sweetie. I tried to get on the bux for literally 10 years. Now I've got a job and are dying of alcoholism.
Replies: >>233693
Did you make sure to follow uncle remuses neetbux guide?
If so, I'm sorry.
Replies: >>233696 >>233714
I live in the USA. People, males that chimp out, go to jail, not a hospital. If that guide worked today there would be no bums on the street, they would not go to jail/prison but instead would just act crazy. It does not work. There is no room for men outside of prison. Where I live you go to jail if you do not behave and due to the risk of being incarcerated, of which that guide blatantly suggests that you do indeed deliberately go get locked up, I would never do that. I'm over six feet tall and male, no one is going to feel sorry for me, they'd lock me away faggot. My lawyer literally told me that the judge probably would not give it to me BUT at the same time DID give it to a woman that was "depressed" so maybe it'd happen. I went and called out the fact that the judge is male and it was a WOMAN tho and she did not even argue. I bet people hate lawyers because they're not 'fake'. My point being....it's on my do-do list to shoot him in the head with my daily carry 38 special. Anyone okay with being put in a cage is an animal and they should be shot. People that put others in cages should also be shot. People that shoot should be shot as well. Total human death so that whatever is left isn't such a faggot all the time about literally everything. It being a nigger's perspective is the joke. You'll end up surrounded by niggers just as soon as you say "I want free shit and are okay with being locked up". Get what you fucking deserve
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I got bux following the guide but you have to be legit crazy to try. (POV: I am crazy)
Replies: >>233721
What is the severity of your mental illness?
Replies: >>233724
Probably on the "I browse ZZZChan regularly" level.
Replies: >>233735
How do i work from home? I dropped out of high school
>pic 1
Blaming White women (second most right wing group in the United States) for the actions of non-White women and non-Whites in general, I wonder who could be behind this post.
>pic 4
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