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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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I'm rolling, and hoping for no dubs.
I had a dream last night that St. Louis got nuked. I was somewhere far north of the city, saw a flash, turn around, and saw this mushroom cloud. I felt this incredible sense of panic before I finally woke up. It's been bugging me the entire day, like something has been telling me that it's been prophetic instead of being what it more likely was:  just me being anxious.
So, I'm going to leave it up to dice. If I get dubs, it means that the dream is prophetic about something bad in St. Louis in particular. If more than dubs, then I'm going to freak the fuck out. Here's hoping for no dubs.
>>233093 (OP) 
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What a coincidence, I also had a dream last night about a nuke going off while I was sitting at my desk. I felt a sense of dread and impending finality, then I went back to using my computer.
...unfortunately checked.
Replies: >>233139
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Speak for yourself.
I've dreamt about nukes two times since December.
One i saw it from a park in some kind of festivities and the other while i was seemingly working on a small farm stead. Didn't feel the finality but certainly the dread with people running in circles trying to think what to do next.
First dream i felt the protagonist/POV wasn't me, which is very, very rare in my dreams while the other was certainly me but in a much more fit version which is odd.

Nuke bomb dreams are a special kind of dream, no doubt.
Replies: >>233221
If some sort of big destruction happens, use it as a chance to gain as many people to your side as possible and advocate to sterilize POCs (exception for Yamatos and Ainus), also kill as much as POCs as possible while being publicly acceptable.
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>>233093 (OP) 
I hope that after the nuclear apocalypse I can walk around the shambled world and collect and fight demons and then kill G-d in the end and shiet
Replies: >>233223
Rolling for killing myself happening.

>>233093 (OP) 
I had a dream a few weeks ago about the city close to me getting nuked. I had another one, which felt much more vivid and realistic, in the days leading up to that solar eclipse last year. Very peculiar.
>>233093 (OP) 
I had the same dream except it happened where I was in my yard and Washington DC got nuked (I'm close enough that I could see the mushroom cloud if it was if it was large enough)
Also, my dream was a few months ago. I still remember it. I felt my stomach fall off a cliff, it was so realistic. I remember thinking to myself (in dream)
"Oh my god, this is it. My life is forever changed. I can never go back"
(##2%20) = 29
My nuke dreams are almost always after the fact, like bands of survivors trying to undo the damage to the environment, or a girl in 80's California trying to fight off Warsaw Pact invaders.
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