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I'm so fucking lonely and desperate for some company. All my so called "friends" have their groups and hangouts, I have no one, nobody ever calls or messages me to even check if I'm still breathing, let alone ask me to do anything with them or include me in any of their activities, ever. If I don't initiate contact nobody ever comes through to talk to me. I tried not doing that for a while to see what would happen and guess what? Nobody gave a single fuck or probably even noticed. Fucking niggers. I don't want to bother anyone, but sometimes I just can't help myself, I'm feeling too lonely and so I message someone in order to get some interaction, but it's always one sided, I can tell their replies are purely out politeness not because they actually want to engage with me, which is why 100% of conversations die as soon as I stop asking questions, or when they just stop replying with or without an excuse. Am I really that unlikable? Someone recently told me I am, so maybe it's true, even though I try to be nice to people. In fact, a bunch of people stopped talking to me. Maybe it's entirely my fault, or maybe I'm just surrounded by assholes. Either way it's taking a toll on me. Some days I feel like I'm about to snap, some days I feel like screaming and crying out in desperation. I'm tired, I feel like I'm at the worst point of my life. I don't know how you guys do it. Sorry for venting.
>>233002 (OP) 
This is going to sound stupid and unhelpful, but stop trying to be nice and start trying to be real. It's the only way to make friends who actually like you and not the act you put on or reciprocate your politeness without wanting to hang out.
Replies: >>233022
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You're misinterpreting what I meant. I didn't mean nice as in "faking it and forcing myself to be nice in order to be liked" I meant it as in "treating others the way I wish I would be treated" that is to say being honest, showing genuine interest or concern, offering to help without being asked should need arise, and general common courtesy practice everyone should do. I don't do it to get something in return, I mean of course I want to be liked and want to be treated like a human being, I'd be a masochist if I didn't, but I'm doing it just because I want to treat my friends and family right. Nobody can carry the weight of the world on their shoulders on their own, which is why we take care of the people close to us and form smaller communities, and it's really shitty feeling when everyone's got their little community and you don't because nobody reciprocates even a bit, it makes you feel like you don't belong anywhere. I don't know, maybe I did something to wrong everyone, maybe I'm not really a nice person after all, I just thought I was. I just don't know.
Replies: >>233024
Seeing that they at least reply when you message them, it's safe to assume that they at the very minimum tolerate you. With that being said, maybe your friends aren't compatible with you anymore. People often age and grow apart, so maybe it's just that. Try finding people who mostly align with your interests/character. 
It could also be that you're just very boring. What topics of conversation do you try to converse with them? Do you ever offer to hangout and things together? Or, do you wait for them to make the first move?
Replies: >>233040
I dunno, it's difficult to say without knowing you or them. I've met plenty of people who simply did not like me no matter what I did. In those cases, I stopped wasting my time on them. Not that they were bad people but we clearly did not get along.
It all comes back to the difficulty in meeting people in the first place, I think. Modern man is so atomized that he would rather stay in a bubble of entertainment than venture out to find friends.
Replies: >>233040
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>>233002 (OP) 
real, not sure how much longer I can endure this
Replies: >>233847
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>it's safe to assume that they at the very minimum tolerate you
That's exactly how it feels, except not at minimum but at best, and that's a pretty harrowing thing to think about.
>maybe your friends aren't compatible with you anymore. People often age and grow apart, so maybe it's just that.
I don't know, I don't think most of them ever were, in fact I've always had trouble considering most of them friends due to their lack of basic concern, I just stuck around with them because I never really had a choice. There was this other group of people I started hanging out with at some point, with which I thought was sorta more like me because of the circumstances in which we met, but I fell out with them as well.
>Try finding people who mostly align with your interests/character. 
I'm at that stage of life where it's impossible, or at least I think it feels like it. Most of the people I know today are people I've known since a very long ass time, which, again, I just stuck with because I never had a better choice. I don't think I've met anyone new in years and the select few I did meet remain acquaintances with which I only entertain extremely superficial relationships at best. If it were so easy for me to just find new people and make friends I wouldn't have ended up spending all my time on the computer browsing imageboards. Even if it was possible, I kinda dread the thought of having to start from scratch with someone. I feel like my relationships are more or less set in stone at this point and it can't get any better, only worse.
>It could also be that you're just very boring.
I wouldn't discount that, especially considering I've had someone explicitly say that to me in at least one occasion, and I know she must've meant it. That must've been one of the few times in my entire life when words hurt me.
>What topics of conversation do you try to converse with them?
Nothing really specific, just whatever. Does there really need to be a set topic? Things should just be brought up organically. As I said, I don't really want to bother anyone and I've grown to think I a bother because conversations don't flow at all and are one sided with me carrying all the momentum until it gets painfully obvious it's just not going anywhere.
>Do you ever offer to hangout and things together?
I used to but everyone was always "too busy" to do anything when I asked so I kinda gave up. They're never too busy to hang out with others though, but nevermind telling me or anything, even though they full well know I'm free and I'm right there. Being intentionally left out is the part that gets me the most. I want to believe they're not doing it out of straight up malice but because they don't really like me being around, and now that I say it I'm not even sure which one is worse.
>Or, do you wait for them to make the first move?
Nobody does that anymore.
>Modern man is so atomized that he would rather stay in a bubble of entertainment than venture out to find friends.
Out of sight, out of mind. The internet has made relationships very impersonal and disposable. It's so easy to ignore or dismiss words on a screen, or completely forget people exist, or that they are indeed people at all when you don't get to see them, after all, who cares about this specific person when you've got 200 more replacements all instantly reachable. I've been aware of this for a while and I tried to make a conscious effort to check on people from time to time, hardly anyone at all thought of returning the courtesy though, as I said, I stopped talking to anyone and just disappeared for a while, and nobody worried, cared or noticed. Near all of of my friends have gone months without as much as a "hey, what's up?" I've tried making friends on the internet, it never works out largely due to the reasons above, and the script largely plays the same.
>>233002 (OP) 
I got the same problem, i'm not too sure how to get past it either, hope you do though
Turko-Iranian subhuman.
Replies: >>235386
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>doing terrible
>the universe kicks me while I'm down
why, why doesn't anyone help me instead of furthering my destruction
Replies: >>235386
My advice?

Don't consider them to be friends. Your only friend is yourself, maybe any pets you have, your mother and father if they are still in your life, and the Man Upstairs

past a certain point what you need in life isn't friendship anyways, its validation by being a chad
Have you considered installing instagram or some social networks that lets you interact with people with similar interests in your area? Try looking for social events that interest you.
>unreddit spaced
My advice? Don't consider them to be friends. Your only friend is yourself, maybe any pets you have, your mother and father if they are still in your life, and the Man Upstairs. Past a certain point what you need in life isn't friendship anyways, its validation by being a chad
Replies: >>235386
>>233002 (OP) 
<oh gods they want to play dnd with me again oh fuck I just want to drink alone oh damn it oh gods of fuck work then cater to friends work then cater to friends where's my day off fuck this shit    here take 20 bucks *deletes discord for the third time* 
Sorry for venting? On a /b/? Gods I hate the modern Internet. People at some point got so primitive they consider catharsis and or complaining a bad thing. Chiding is fine though, of which is lunacy because it ends in 'complaining about complaining'. 
No such thing as redditor spacing. Reminder. Not that anon by the way. 
Of age males take care of everyone. You're not a woman nor a child. No one is gonna help you. 
If you're gonna invade an imageboard then at least stop it with your pointless shoutouts to one another. That shit's gay because it means nothing to the original userbase and also should mean nothing to you people as it's not really 'that person' unless they at least tripfag. Not namefag but tripfag.
>>233002 (OP) 
>I'm so fucking lonely and desperate for some company
Why are all women like this?
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