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PRC is secretive, what are they hiding?
>>232975 (OP) 
gay winnie the pooh porn
>>232975 (OP) 
They are hiding the fact that China is no longer a communist country. They are capitalist country but they have made a similar system to Singapore. It's state capitalism. The proper word for it is "Developmental State" (it has nothing to do with the term "developing country")
Replies: >>233044
These. They are using cloning tech to replace all their seed oil and COVID-19 casualties which they could have avoided if they used Ivermectin instead of weird dot-com era hippy sounding shit like "AstraZenica". They purged Tibet and Xinjiang to make space for data lakes, crypto mining provinces, and AI grid provinces. They no longer ascribe to communist values and are going straight towards being an empire again.
Replies: >>233166
>>232975 (OP) 
They made contact with extraterrestrials. The CCP asked if they could be made part of the intergalactic council. The ayylmaos responded:
>You haven't even conquered your planet yet. We only talk to monoracial planets where one race conquered the others.
China said they could if they wanted to. The ayylmaos retorted:
>Do it then nigger you won't you won't no balls
And now the chinks plot silently.
Replies: >>235327
>and are going straight towards being an empire again.

I hope PRC do a full-on third-reich, the conditions for PRC today is also similar to the condition of Germany back then, so all the better. I hope they do it today or tomorrow.
Replies: >>233167
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They have no souls.
Replies: >>234734
Opinion on this?
i still cry everytiem that liveleak was shut down ;_;
Replies: >>235327
it was censored anyway

The UN is what is backwards, not china. Privacy is just common sense. People used to execute spies for a reason. 
>you enslave and eat your animals? I can dig it *buys u*
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