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Lets Discuss Gnosticism!
>What ties does it have to other religions?
>Are Normalfags/Brown People really Soulless Hylics?
>Does the New testament have some relations to Gnosticism?
>Do the Jews worship the Demiurge/Satan?
>Is Schizophrenia spiritual enlightenment?
>are you Schizophrenic?
To Clarify, Satan = Saturn = black cube of Jewish Kabbalah = The demiurge
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>>231725 (OP) 
>>What ties does it have to other religions?
ideas are genetic residue, most of the ideas that come from jew land, but jew land has been spit roasted by other stronger tribes throughout history, the jews got disowned by Jesus, and they rejected and his ideas lead to eugenics selection enough to jump civilization ages, as long as ideas are adaptive behavior fuck it where it came from
it is residue, they ain't here fucking your women
the religions of the anglo-saxons were ideas behind in the efficiency of high civilization because their phenotype is from an cold environment, it is hard to build for the future when it is hard to survive today, that is why they raped their way into every phenotype that wasn't Rome, and even a little bit in Rome
The white people that had behavior patterns that allowed individuals that were so intelligent that they changed life as we knew it, were a mixture of mostly Saxon European influenced by the ideas that was admittedly was filtered through the language of the jew, but it was also edited by feminists when the printing press was invented, the bible stories have adaptive interpretations that no human will ever be smart enough to edit out
>>231725 (OP) 
Why are japs obsessed with it
>>231725 (OP) 
The peroid of Gnosticism is just a peroid that humans went through after Rome fell as they did not know what to habeeb in and it led to many faggot religions made by kikes. What you call gnosticism is just another flavor of kikeshit and I hate it's name as it causes you schizophrenics to be confused as always. Simply name something wrong, like liberal as an insult, and the sheep fall over themselves complaining about it, obsessing about it, when it's not being called the right thing. There is not liberal. There is no gnostic. There's just a faggot hipster-abrahamic-worshiper and a faggot faggot, that last being the liberal. 

I'll get interested the day the deleted Roman Christian bible is released from the bdsm dungeon section of the Vatican archives.
Replies: >>231868
I think this Hylic's programming is broken
Replies: >>232130
where the fuck is my reply
Replies: >>232066
Sturg wiped your posts because you're gay (and he's gay too)
This is interesting. It's not quite a gnostic belief, as there's no hidden gnosis reserved for advanced believers, but it shares some traits in the general view of the world.
It's no longer a virgin
Replies: >>232720
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FUCK the Demiurge!
Replies: >>232702
I'm so tempted to make a 'ur mom' joke right now just to match the immaturity. May as well:  "Neither is your mother." I'd talk shit about your father but you might be a negro and that is like dividing by zero.
brown people only exist because some Aryan tribes can't keep their dick to themselves and ended up repopulating the nearest generic brown/yellow tribe
Aryans are just dollar store nephilim
interesting science there my friend
>>231725 (OP) 
What's the best version of the Bible? Yes, I know about the Nag Hammadi Library. But I mean the mainstream Bible. KJV is written in great and ceremonial style but it has some problems (likely arising from the manuscripts that they had available at the time).

* The Nag Hammadi Library: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlalpha.html
* The Dead Sea Scrolls scripture in English: http://dssenglishbible.com/
* intertextual bible site: https://intertextual.bible/book/testament-of-solomon/chapter/1
Shabbat Shalom, nudniks!

The Rabbis taught: Four entered the Paradise i.e. dealt with the loftiest secrets of Torah. They were Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher and Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva said to them, "When you come to the place of pure marble stones, do not say, "Water! Water!" for it is said, "He who speaks untruths shall not stand before My eyes' (Psalms 101:7)". Ben Azzai gazed and died. Regarding him the verse states, "Precious in the eyes of G-d is the death of His pious ones" (Psalms 116:15). Ben Zoma gazed and was harmed. Regarding him the verse states, "Did you find honey? Eat as only much as you need, lest you be overfilled and vomit it" (Proverbs 25:16). Acher cut down the plantings. Rabbi Akiva entered in peace and left in peace. ---Hagigah 14b

4 entered The Paradise but only 1 came back. What does this mean?
at last, i truly see...
Emphasis on that, they should be dealt with accordingly.
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>>231725 (OP) 
The more i observe Normalfags and the shit people consume in twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Etc. The more i believe Gnosticism has a point with hylics. 
the best i can describe them is a swarm of locusts that consume everything in its path, be it culture or media. then it homogenizes into something bland and inoffensive so that it appeals to them specifically. 
because anything that isn't the norm is a threat to their way of living, and yet they're constantly bored and seeking new things.
Which is why they tend to switch sides on a whim, They Serve the greater power exclusively, regardless of motives.
Replies: >>237375 >>237412
Superstition isn’t knowledge
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>>231725 (OP) 

golden web part 1


Golden web 2


Golden web 3

80% of humanity are cattle, goyim if you will
10% at one end are (You) and me
10% at the other end are ((( Them )))
Internalize this and stop making this thread. We're had this thread 943,506,711 times
Plot twist: Gnostics are the normies. Everything in modern culture pushes Gnosticism down your throat.
Replies: >>237427
>Gnostics are the normies
Not really, because they don't actually believe in it. Normies tend to ravenously consume everything they find novel, but they don't have solid beliefs or convictions. For the normalfag, there's only pressures of social acceptance. Gnosticism requires belief,
>Everything in modern culture pushes Gnosticism down your throat
Sure, media like the Matrix and Æon Flux, as well as Plebbit-tier atheistic memes like Simulation Theory, exhibit these themes, but that's hardly "everything". As mentioned before, it's not so much that people are being pushed towards it as much as they clamor towards unique things in order to suck them dry and then gentrify them.
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