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How do I get a work from home job?
>>227996 (OP) 
Apply to them
So I looked around for work. Nothing much. A jeet suggested to email companies directly on certain platforms. 
I will document this journey from unemployment to employment here.
Sign up for Upworks and look for jobs.

Become a proof reader.
Also, translation is always in demand, despite AI.
Replies: >>228164
>>227996 (OP) 
Become a prostitute
Upworks? What's Upworks?
Replies: >>228165 >>228180
not much, you?
Easiest would be becoming a cam model or OF model if you don't mind showing off your frank and beans to the whole world.
Replies: >>228190
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The entire world is going to be starving.
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Im also trying to work from home even though i dropped out of high school a decade ago.
Here are my options;
>learn video editing
>learn 3d modelling
>learn programming
And i hate learning programming because thats what im doing right now. I also downloaded some investment books but they dont fucking explain anything. They just tell you about some stupid mindset such as that you dont have to be afraid to lose and that losing should not affect you mentally and thats what makes a good trader. Yeah no shit nigger but i want to learn how to fucking start.
Looks like i wont become a financial guy anytime soon.
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AI can do all of those jobs. You should definitely be an investor instead. Yeah you just need to know which stock to buy. Then you'll double you're money. Keep doing that and you'll be a billionare eventually. Investing is definitely the best job to be in.
Replies: >>228209 >>228218
>Keep doing that and you'll be a billionare eventually.
Replies: >>228248
Investing is zero sum, of course you won't find anything useful. You are meant to be a sacrifice to give everyone else free money.
Are you eleven years old?
Replies: >>228248
>i hate learning programming because thats what im doing right now
I hope it's not because of the math.
>investment books
>dont fucking explain anything
>They just tell you about some stupid mindset
There are too many of those. Look for textbooks
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions by Rosenbaum and Pearl 
is one often found in classrooms
Replies: >>228689
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this has to be bait
Replies: >>228258
Elon is that you?
Dear b, I haven't applied in a few days. I'm falling behind.
Replies: >>228325
I was going to say this will probably turn out like all the nodev blogs on v when you said you were going to document finding a job.
Replies: >>228326
Yeah fuck it. The job market is a mess as I further dig through the waves of ghost jobs, scams, and general bullshit. I often wonder if its worth getting a vpn router too.
>>227996 (OP) 
Option one (the most common): 
Be born in India or China. 
Option two (rare):
Be (born) rich so that you can invest in thigns. 
Option three (female only (unless mtf trans perhaps)):
Star in porn. 
Option four (rare): 
Be born with a big dick and star in porn (if fit). 
Option five (impossible):
Fairy magic.
Replies: >>228337
srsly tho, I'm sure not ALL of the call center jobs go to India.
Honestly, if OP charged like $10-$15 per blowjob, he could rack up a decent amount of money. He just needs to advertise as a massage parlor. Not sure the zoning laws for running one from your house, but OP could sort that out.
I gave up on investing because it amounts to investing thousands of dollars per year and then waiting until you're 60 years old to reap a million dollars. No thanks.
1 - Learn one of this skills: Video Editing, Programming, Photo Editing or Administrator. 

2 - Open a account in Linkedin or other app of you preference 

3 - Send you resume for many enterprise, if then have option of home work style 

4 - Stay in alert... 

5 - Working...
I still can't find shit. Maybe I should get a vpn router.
>Look for textbooks
>Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions by Rosenbaum and Pearl 
ty budy
Im trying to become a video editor but heres my problem. I dont know what to edit. Is my video editing career already over?
tl;dr - wipe your ass boy
I suffer every day of my life. Im going to be forced into a real life job outside of my apartment if i cant find a remote job
Replies: >>230529
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Offer to mow your neighbor's lawns you fucking sperg.
Replies: >>230530 >>230532
Do you have any more of these?
Replies: >>230552
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>since you can't go outside
>your only social interaction ever will be with your bosses and fellow cattle
Good, I don't want to interact with a lot of people.
>cameras with lag bad picture bad audio no eye contact no body language
Good, I don't want lifelike-interactions.
>hit the gym once a day
You don't have to pay a subscription and go to a place full of sweaty men to workout.
>in a real job you meet random people
>you don't have lag
I don't care.
Replies: >>230532
Has this nonsensical "advice" been relevant in the last 20 years?
Isn't lawnmowing a market that has been cornered by spics? How is OP going to even attempt to compete with that?
>You don't have to pay a subscription and go to a place full of sweaty men to workout.
Not everyone can own a home gym, unfortunately. Especially if you're a rentcuck.
Replies: >>230534
Sure, but it's pretty difficult to make the same kind of gains that you could make with a barbell training program.
I'm not really sure what I am talking about.
Replies: >>230536
The difference is negligible, it doesn't matter to anyone who isn't seriously competing in something.
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>Isn't lawnmowing a market that has been cornered by spics? 
It would be unfortunate if OP lived in a spic infested area, but even so, I think most people would choose Billy from next door rather than let Paco and his fellow "apprentices" enter their backyard. also free lemonade + neighbor's daughter mirin' your handy work while in the patio or peeking behind the curtain
>Especially if you're a rentcuck.
Jewish world: having to pay for subscriptions because you pay for a subscription to have a home.
I just want to work from home. I dont want to go outside ever!
Replies: >>232056
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Design a remote control robot that can mow lawns for you.
Replies: >>232060
I tried to learn how to code but all i learnt was hello world.
Replies: >>232063
Then I guess Paco get’s to stay in business, the girl from next door will grow up to be a cat lady, and you’ll never get to taste that lemonade.
work from home is a 30 year old boomer meme
>>227996 (OP) 
Probably impossible now since jeets are gonna be imported.
Also didn't companies make WFO mandatory again because they were losing leases on their office buildings?
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