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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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Frieren is now the greatest anime ever made, according to MyAnimeList which is the official "greatest anime ever made" decider. I don't care for Frieren; in the words of Peter Griffin, "it insists upon itself". And more than that it has a terrible spiritual and religious message that can hardly be fixed by whatever ending the series will have It is unwatchable to anyone who loves God. Because it has nothing to do with loving God but rather loving self and praising human wisdom. Which is not at all a surprising teaching in media. However it's presented so blatantly in Frieren with its terrible religious values.

The Priest: Believes the Goddess exists because it is convenient and wants to heaven to be real and to be praised.
The Monk: Believes the Goddess exists because he needs someone to remember what he did and to be recognized for his piety.

"Well yeah, but it's presented as sorta bad.. maybe." Ah, yes. But what is the alternative they offer? Skeptical Frieren of manmade wisdom. She is presented as having the right opinion. Which is the internet skeptics and nominal-religion opinion. It is very Japanese-religious. People in Japan and India and elsewhere, praying is a cultural activity, thankfully religion is dead in north america. Whether God exists or not is not an interesting topic to me. But obviously to many it is. But I have always despised (as Richard Dawkins does) the god of philosophy. I want reality. I'm not interested in useful theories and cope. How did taking copium become the sane and rational and wise thing to do? I am interested in what is true. Not believing because I need something to exist and feel better. That's insane, when you really think about it, that's very irrational and it's man's wisdom. And the show presents that as ok but also presents the better alternative which is being an arrogant skeptic. Well that's also not interesting to me or anyone who wants the truth. I don't want to be arrogant and ignorant of the truth, I want to get to the bottom of things regardless of what it is. Not offering niceities to people when I myself know nothing. I am just a human, I need to know the truth. I don't know how it will end, but the implication of Frieren is that the Goddess is not real but it's good for some to believe she is and just do good anyways. The most middle of the road typical philosopher type thing that all men praise as being the most smartest thing ever. The equivalent of saying, Go into all the forests of the world and keep raking leaves, and believe that one day an alien will come down and take you to a home in outerspace.

"But it teaches good morals!" The problem is that's not the end point of existence. Mankind was not meant to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That is the Tree from which the average man thinks is all that matters. But Jesus is the Tree of Life. Morality is secondary to something much more important and it's that important thing that Frieren fails at when it tries to talk about religion and spirituality and Christianity without knowing about these things. If it was morals alone then there would be no issue, but it's not morals alone.

Now you say, "No no, IDIOT! You didn't even watch the show! The characters are literally going up to see if heaven exists, uhhh like that's the whole point kind of but not really I mean you'd think that would be the most important thing but I mean other stuff needs to be done, IDIOT!" Frieren's master literally says heaven exists and she has been there, and yet Frieren for no reason remains like an internet O' so smart skeptic, "I'll believe it when I see it. I deserve to see this and that." Which extends to the general theme of "God exists for ME! Let him attend to my needs as I sit in my throne." The two characters in the show who believe in the Goddess are presented as utterly insane, believing something for no reason other than selfish desire and cope. And it's presented as both bad and good.
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Get real
Replies: >>227971
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Lord of the Rings has no mention of Religion, which is very smart on Tolkein's part, because he knew he was not very spiritually discerned or informed. Instead LoTR is just about the goodness. Yet all rip-off fantasy including Frieren seems to ignore this wisdom and proceeds to talk about God and religion and spirituality and christianity despite not knowing anything about these things. And consequentially it comes off as very weak and even harmful. When instead it could have been about morality, which is not at all hard to do.

Demons are presented as pure evil. And there's some good things you can do with that. Even though in reality pure evil doesn't exist in anyone or anything. God is pure good, therefore there cannot be anything pure evil, only very near to it. Which is why you should tell a demon "the LORD rebukes you." not "I rebuke you." But still, I mean this is the greatest anime of all time now and it's getting so many important things wrong. But I don't want to be negative. And you say, "Well it's not about christianity, and why does the creator have to teach smart religion?" Oh... I mean, if you wanna put on clown makeup that is your own resolve. Why is it not healthy and disturbing to teach children watching this show that truth is subjective, because truth is not subjective. It is a lie. And true courage and true goodness loves this.

Now I'm done talking about this.
Replies: >>227668
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Gods are here:
Replies: >>227670
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AAAAND, also, "Well do you expect them to know EVERYTHING!?"

Galaxy Angel proves people without God can understand God and spirituality and religion etc. In fact this is obvious. As obvious as morality. So there is no excuse. Other than to inject your personal religion into media. But the truth (which is religion) is not yours to have. You cannot have it both ways, you cannot present copium as a good thing. And as I said, LoTR was smart in not getting involved.
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The funny thing is, I will not click your song. Not now nor ever. Because you will not disrupt my peace, you have failed, friend of the enemy. And goodness wins. Demons die. The universe carries on with God.
Replies: >>227671
Simply being close minded :(
If a simple .mp3 can disrupt your peace you lack of self control and force.
Replies: >>227672 >>227708
I will not partake even for a second in your "gods". My peace is not of this world, and I will keep it with me at all times and reject your all wickedness from the evil places of 4chan, which is a hive of scum and villainy. Maybe you should start closing your mind to the negative influences it has.
And that is another thing. Because, this thread I meant to be just a post response to someone talking about how, this typical, "uhh chriasnaity and the west is like and you gotta understand like religion and the east and west and understand like culture and influences and in 1537 the Catholic church said..." because that post comes off as someone who wrote the Frieren series.

I don't know if this is difficult or impossible for some to understand. I do not care about your politics, I do not care about your republic, I only live for the truth. The impact something has had means literally nothing. I say it for a second time, the impact something has had, means nothing. In terms of truth. In fact nothing influences the truth. The impact something has only comes afterwards. Just as salvation has nothing at all to do with impact, to do with action. It is accepting the truth and receiving the truth, and from there then there is impact.

When will you all learn, that your religion doesn't matter, your thoughts don't matter, nothing you do can influence reality and likewise nothing no one else does can influence reality. Therefore trying to seek reality in culture and humanity and civilization is insane. And yet you obsessive "the Jews" type people and all manner of deranged lunaticks, have made yourselves a laughing stalk, spit on your own soul, and disrespected your own value as a life created. Without loving yourself how can you treat yourself rightly and treat others rightly. But you have loved this present world and your life in it.

You have a few decades left. There is limited time. "But I'm an internet skeptic! I'm very smart!" Having no answers is not smart. Agnostic means anti-knowledge. There is knowledge that exists. Jesus is who He claimed to be. And if you reject that then be alone. But don't whine and complain. That the universe you live in is about Jesus, because He made the whole world. He invented as an author writes characters in a book, all the different men you and I are suppose to be.
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Frieren is a dogwater anime NGL PPL who watch this log on to RPG games to get their level up FR deadass.
Regardless of what anyone has done, they can be forgiven and have the weight of their sins lifted off of them. So long as they know their sins, which many don't know they are sinful. It's not about you or me. It's about God. We are not His champion, God is our Champion. He is the winner. "But I want to be the winner." Well are you? Are you not a loser, a smelly ugly one at that? "Well..." That is why those who are the biggest losers are more ready to accept this fact, whereas those who think they're good struggle to understand God is good alone.
And it is by God's power the enemy is defeated. The LORD teaches. Without a trainer, without a learner, will you do it all on your own and make yourself king? Will you be the anime protagonist of life, or accept you are just one of billions of humans passing through and will soon depart the world because we do not belong here.
See how the enemy is cut asunder by God's power. And you cannot summon the holy Spirit on your own. But it is given by God to seal His own and to cause them to have new desires, for to read His words and to live a new life.
You can listen to all four Gospels being read online. These are the four accounts of Jesus written in the first century by those first disciples in the first century, and see what they had to say about Him.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are the four. All audiobooks are online in all translations such as the ESV.
shitskin roach pedophile deliriously rambles to itself pt 6,000,001
Replies: >>227678
*winds up magic bolt*
*fires at demon* >>227677
*epic celtic music swells*
<*winds up magic bolt*
<*fires at demon*
<*epic celtic music swells*
shitskin roach pedophile appropriates pagan (White) culture to nobody's shock
Replies: >>227682
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"shitskin roach pedophile appropriates pagan (White) culture to nobody's shock" The demon spews its final words of hatred as it slowly dissolves into mana. It's wounds too much to bare.

Frieren would not exist unless Tolkien a christian invented the fantasy world genre. Merlin the wizard is from the story of King Arthur, christian stories. You have only outed your self as a neo-pagan who does not know what paganism is. When paganism is about conjuring spirits and demonic things to perform magic.

O how many are my foes, and how easily they fall to the Truth. You could have accepted the Gospel but instead you hated the love of God and thus God has sent you strong delusion that you may believe a lie, that they all may be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness and you take much pleasure in your bitterness. I genuinely have felt always nothing but sorry for you. But you no longer have my prayers either as I have other people to tend to. You will not be remembered in Paradise, you will be left out. All because why? I don't know why you hated so much.
It looks like this is the end of your story, farewell.
Replies: >>227696
<The demon spews its final words of hatred as it slowly dissolves into mana
impotent delusions of a shitskin roach pedophile who is looking for a congregation so it can diddle kids
>in the words of Peter Griffin, "it insists upon itself"
>trust the inferior things opinion
The schizo said something right for once. Amen
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>nooooo frieren isnt da best animuh evah cuz dis n dat
you faggots are missing the point completely
THESE are the 2 reasons why frieren is the fucking greatest of all time
I swear to God you fucking nigger if I watch that anime and there's not at least 1 detailed foot scene in every episode I will bash your fucking head in
Replies: >>227703
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>>227664 (OP) 
>taking popular opinion seriously
>bothering to write all that when you could have just watched mushishi intead of a watered down version for morons who watch shonen 
I'm not gonna expect a remotely serious or even coherent reply to this,but
as once  ryukishi07 wrote  while being a hypocrite everything we know is of our own creation.
the only thing consistent across all history and the future will be that we exist to have sex and  try to find meaning in our lives that will simply be gone in a blink of a eye and once you are gone you are gone time will go by like it's nothing the media you have consumed will be simply gone 
the very existence of our life makes no sense and how can we have free will  yet be emotionally and mentally unstable if we simply just choose not to socialize or are simply rejected just because or simply be cursed by mental illness.
we are no different than the people who ran around practically naked and sat and danced around a fire while singing hundreds of years ago only difference is we are more miserable because we made it easier to isolate eachother and we don't bother killing the mentally ill using the guise of them being possessed by demons.

I simply just try to find a way to pass the time while distracting myself from the fact that one day I will just one day disappear 

what does ass and feet have to do with the anime at all? 28 episodes  almost none of them actually go anywhere  other than the random joke of a potion that will  melt away clothing there's no fan service at all
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>Uhhh, nothing matters. Am I not so smart for having this super sophisticated opinion?
Replies: >>227702 >>227824
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reading comprehension
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frieren's feet have more screen time than her fights
i wish i was joking
>ass and feet
no dumbass
the 2 reasons are left foot and right foot
also known as chu~ and mwah~
why are you looking at her ass? pervert
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>a normal body part that is sexualized
>the part that isn't normally sexualized 
<not a pervert
Replies: >>227705
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Replies: >>227707
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I'm going to watch it and make my own decision about it. If I see cuck or woke shit in it it's going to be dropped
Not a foot fag but I would lick those feet
Replies: >>227709
>you lack of self control and force
OP soiled the most recent website birthday thread to complain about how it's the staff's fault that he gets pedophilic urges from the loli board banners here, so you are on the nose.
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idk if i wanna kiss or lick or eat
all ik is that i want them in my mouth
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>frieren's feet are the greatest
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Replies: >>227713 >>227723
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feet tbh
Replies: >>227723
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>as once  ryukishi07 wrote
A fellow philosopher-artist, I see.... Hehe... Not much of us around these days.... Isn't it? It can't be helped...
By the way, have you also read Saya no Uta and Subahibi? They're mindblowing experiences that changed my worldview...
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Haven't read Subahibi yet but I have read Saya No Uta  it's my favorite VN.
What are with these special snowflakes who are "nonbinary"? You can have hobbies typically associated with the opposite sex but that doesn't mean you aren't the sex you were born as
Replies: >>227745 >>227792
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The pastor ministers at prisons, I've known two people who do. And He talks about some of the amazing things that have come from it. When people realise God loves them and their eyes light up. I'd like to think I also can do this work. But rather I only have social internet. Of course however few can do it, even fewer care. There are belivers saved by Jesus in every corner of life.

What is wrong with me if I can't stop looking at porn? Wrong with you? nothing is wrong with you who is created by God. Evil and sin are outside influences. They are an invasion.  Getting closer to God is not changing who you are, it's getting rid of all those things that halt you from being who you are; your real self born again. No one wanted to be bad and rotten. And if you do not want to be captive by these evil things that hate you and that are created by people trying to hurt you, then the truth will set you free.
Jesus is all that matters because he's the pathway into heaven, by Him if any man enters in He shall be saved and find pasture. But wickedness comes only to destroy those bits of goodness.

The prophet Isaiah speaks the words of God in the 7th century BC: says this of the Saviour,

"Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles." (Isaiah 42)
"A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law." (Isaiah 42)

The Saviour is for all, bringing forth judgement to all the polytheists and Godless. God is only one, polytheism is not the belief in multiple gods, but that God is multiple. Just ask any ancient Roman up to modern Hindus, they believe in one God split into many. Christians Athenagoras and Justin Martyr in the second century point this out. And that God is one eternal being, who framed the world by His Word and holds it by His Spirit. He has made no other gods.
Paul in 50 AD made a grand speech  to the gentiles of Athens, who were of this opinion. But now the Saviour, the one who is to bless the world, has been annointed and God will judge the whole of the world by Him. Do not  worship manmade idols but the living God, and be found in the righteousness He offers in Jesus, raising Him from the dead. All who are with Him will be cleared of sin.

"Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you. God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; that they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: for in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead." (Acts 17)
Bitch, I am non-quaternary ! Don't you ever misgender again!
Replies: >>227792
>The pastor ministers at prisons
A lot of desperate criminals who want to feel better about being total pieces of shit (hey, like you) are in there. Prime recruitment material. Well, the nice thing about those violent freaks in prison is that they love to gut the particularly nasty ones such as yourself.
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Spoiler File
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Replies: >>227853
How tall is this guy.
Replies: >>227833
Same height as Brienne of Tarth.
When you post these deranged men you aren't making them go away, you're increasing their legend and cementing their existence.
<But lol, lmao, I post grotesque clowns for the joy of the community (and myself, of course)!
That may be. If it is, then it is true alongside what I said. Consider the price of your jollies.
Replies: >>227954
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New Joel Kramer video.
How, Mr. Satan?
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Depth of mercy! can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear,
Me, the chief of sinners, spare?
I have long withstood His grace,
Long provoked Him to His face;
Would not hearken to His calls:
Grieved Him by a thousand falls.

There for me the Saviour stands,
Shows His wounds, and spreads His hands.
God is love, I know, I feel;
Jesus weeps and loves me still.

Jesus answer from above:
Is not all Thy nature love?
Now incline me to repent:
Let me now my fall lament;
Now my foul revolt deplore;
Weep, believe, and sin no more. Amen.

Someone at the church who has been there a few times, named Cole, he happened to be talking to the Pastor and he told his testimony about how his family is Catholic, and he never read the Bible and was living partying and going out, and it never even occurred to him to read the Bible, even though he went to Catholic church. Then he read the New Testament for the first time staring with Romans, then he read Matthew, and everything Jesus was talking about in Matthew, he said it was like it was talking about today, as if it was written two weeks ago. And indeed that's what it is like because Jesus speaks through him and the Holy Spirit speaks through the words of God. It's not the letter and "this translation is perfectly inspired and has every correct punctuation mark" there is a living spirit in the Word. And He was talking about how he's become inspired to do more and try to get others to know the Gospel and he's bought a bunch of Bibles to give out and things. Well I always like to hear about testimonies.
Brownoid narcissistic nonce OP talking to itself again.
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>>227664 (OP) 
>I don't care for Frieren; in the words of Peter Griffin, "it insists upon itself".
Replies: >>228137
do you guys think frieren has a spell specifically for making her feet soft and worshippable?
And now it's on my backlist. Thanks for the 411.
newfag shit tier anime
watch ouritsu uchuugun
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Replies: >>228138
Really? I don't get what's so special about that line, it reads normal to me. (inb4 autism)
It looks fine to me. Maybe don't use a meme 8k monitor?
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I'd rather be in a deep dark grave; and know that my poor soul was saved.
Then to call people slurs speaking vainly whole: collecting porn and dooming my soul.

And my old 4TB harddrive of lewd things can go to hell. I'm not going to hell for the sake of porn, nor lewd things, nor corrupt communication, nor hate. Same with lewd women and people; and I will not trust my own body because it's stupid. People filled with hate and malice and evil want to drag you down into their world to entrap you, but they will only end up falling into their own trap and be damned by their own hatred.

"For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue. Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels" (Psalm 5)

While Jesus' way, which is all love, is much easier.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11)

Well, you say, I know that's a lie because Jesus' way is too hard,

"Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way." (Psalm 119)

Don't let my eyes behold vanity. That's impossible! No, because the whole point is that the Holy Spirit will give the person new interests, they will want to do good despite even themselves. They will have desires away from vanity and more towards God. All their old secular things grow dull. And only by grace through faith alone can we receive the Spirit. By asking God purely.

King David at the end of his life said he had followed God and did not stray from him. Well that is not true, he killed a man to take his wife. But God is interested in your end result and that begins not last minute but now. If we don't start walking now it won't be any easier in a decade later, but harder. That is why by the end we will be able to say we have followed God to the end.

"waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 1)
Kill yourself, trash.
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Frieren is one of those where the english dub actually fits. Like Haruhi.Lastly in review, since I went through the manga, don't bother. I rather not talk about it since it is so sad what the author is doing. A lot of people in Japan don't realise a story is not a series of disconnected arcs that go on forever. And if I may be blunt, it's almost as if they don't plan the whole theme of the show and the ultimate message. Stories must have a clear focus, no scene is wasted and it reaches its end. Frodo and Sam's travels were relatively short. The Friereneas and The Ferb should have reached heaven already.
I don't know if this is hard to understand. It goes back to that famous Trey and Mat Parker statement. If you're series is "this happens then this happens then this happens" you're doomed. What it should be is "This happens therefore this happens but this happens so this happens." And I don't really care about this show or anything, but it did (originally at least) have a religious message and it didn't do it well and then it gave up on the whole thing. The Pilgrim's Progress could have gone on forever, it doesn't, because it has a clear goal. You can make a long series but you'd need to be extremely clever to have each one of those pages be dense with purpose. Brevity is the soul of wit.

"OP, you are not making it easy for me to not call you RETARD! Have you not seen Frieren the fraulein!? It says in the series that the original journey took ten years! Therefore their journey should last 50 volumes at this pace, and that means more content for reader! It is win win win! You should be bowing to the Frieren, please everyone bow to Frieren, it is content gold!"
Replies: >>228161
>faggot is butthurt it's not kids twerking for jez0r
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I mean I can't not post this. That's so perfect. I wish I could make Tossed and Driven work https://thecrossing.bandcamp.com/track/tossed-and-driven The lyrics are perfect and it's a Celtic band.
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ALSO, the comparison to Pilgrim's Progress are warranted. You have two stories where people are literally walking to heaven. The only difference is Pilgrim's Progress is good and understands salvation, the Pilgrim is saved and then enters the highway to heaven whereas unsaved people always think getting to heaven is something they can just get to their own way on their own bumbling around. What an amazing commentary.

CHRISTIAN. Gentlemen, whence came you, and whither do you go?
FORMALIST AND HYPOCRISY. We were born in the land of Vain-glory, and are going for praise to Mount Sion.
CHR. Why came you not in at the Gate which standeth at the beginning of the way? Know you not that it is written, That he that cometh not in by the door, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber?
FORM. and HYP. They said, That to go to the Gate for entrance was by all their Countrymen counted too far about; and that therefore their usual way was to make a short cut of it, and to climb over the wall as they had done.
CHR. But will it not be counted a Trespass against the Lord of the City whither we are bound, thus to violate his revealed will?
FORM. and HYP They told him, that as for that, he needed not to trouble his  head thereabout: for what they did, they had custom for; and could produce, if need were, Testimony that would witness it, for more than a thousand years.
CHR. But, said Christian, will your practice stand a Trial at Law?
FORM. and HYP. They told him, That Custom, it being of so long a standing, as above a thousand years, would doubtless now be admitted as a thing legal, by an Impartial Judge. And besides, said they, if we get into the way, what's matter which way we get in? If we are in, we are in: thou art but in the way, who, as we perceive, came in at the Gate; and we are also in the way, that came tumbling over the wall. Wherein now is thy condition better than ours?
CHR. I walk by the Rule of my Master, you walk by the rude working of your fancies. You are counted thieves already, by the Lord of the way; therefore I doubt you will not be found true men at the end of the way. You come in by yourselves without his direction, and shall go out by yourselves without his mercy.
To this they made him but little answer; only they bid him look to himself. Then I saw that they went on every man in his way, without much conference one with another; save that these two men told Christian, That as to Laws and Ordinances, they doubted not but that they should as conscientiously do them as he. Therefore said they, we see not wherein thou differest from us, but by the Coat that is on thy back, which was, as we tro, given thee by some of thy Neighbors, to hide the shame of thy Nakedness.
>english dub actually fits
You have to go back.
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ALSO, because I'll never be free from talking about this stupid show I don't even like: There's a bunch of people online, if you look, who try to make the demons out to be no evil or something. I don't really get it. And in fact it's kind of scary that anyone could even think that, they also go into tirads about "the religious context of demons is wrong, you see, let me explain it to you!"
Even Donald Trump talked about Frieren recently, you know he was like, "I have to say I loved Frieren, right, I saw the demons eating children and I said... FRANKLY, that looks not so bad. Great work ethic though. So good when Linie was there, the great Linie! We got these illegal aliens invading demon lands, and frankly I said, they gotta go back, didn't get their passports, send 'em back the elf and her little companions. Send 'em out in the cold, don't give her her wizard's staff, confiscate her staff! Been alive a little too long. We're gonna make the Northern Lands great again. Now I call this the weave, we're gonna weave 'em out, all the elves, all the humans. Frankly, they're a little lazy, they've been using all our demon technology and frankly I think that's a bit unfair, 20% tariffs on each idea stolen I'd say. The northern wall just got ten feet higher. I was walking down the wall, when I saw, crooked Frieren and creepy Fern, AND I saw what they did, and they flew over the wall with demon magic, and it was so sick and so evil. If you think my wall's gonna cause a little more anger, the world is an angry place."
I mean he really just kept going on about it, it was weird. But the point is yes, internet, the demons are evil. And you can saw that they're just animals and therefore animals don't sin, we don't consider animals to be evil because they are just so far removed from our own ideas. And in part that's true but the demons in the show are meant to represent evil not animals.
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UNRELATED. I am very close now to reuniting with someone I used to know online. I have been waiting for this moment. Last time I talk to him was probably 6 years ago at least.

And this I say, that don't neglect true people online. From my perspective I've not met a real human online in many many years. I don't know if it's age or what it is. But assuming that for young 20s and teens they still do, then don't neglect those people. Because you know, (well anyone who still has a conscious knows) social internet, well, just look at it, look at zzzchan and 8chan's /b/ and 4chan's /r9k/ and these places. All I have to say is look at them. Real people who talk to you with real human conversation and aren't just awful all the time and these things, they do exist. But when Discord came out 2016 they just mass exodused. There's a reason Moot and Hiro don't give a crap about their creations anymore. Why they don't use them at all. Because friends are just people who have been with you a long time, the imageboards are against every good thing. Those people who have been through things with you and understand you and compare that to the heinous disgusting social media like these websites. But it might be indeed there are few who are faithful to the end. I've only ever known this one online despite meeting many great people who seemed good back in 2016.

In the Pilgrim's Progress there's a friend named Faithful and everyone needs someone like that, I have one in the church, but I am still a loser who grew up online and to find such a person in such a state as I am is rare. But I know this person is like me and last I talked to him I was still unsaved, and I know both we though were seeking God and he has said some interesting things that make me wonder if he also found the Gospel and Jesus. Whether I see him or not in the end, it is enough, that he is good and has made it clear he cares as I care about him even after all this time.
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Does Frieren the Ebangaylion of our times.
Is this Joseph? If so, he seems a little more coherent than usual
Replies: >>228297 >>228307
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>seems a little more coherent than usual
Doesn't matter. Never trust the severely mentally ill.
It's all a shtick to downplay the slights that upset him and his overall sense of entitlement. Pretty discernible the times he is choosing something more deliberate to say and wants it coherent. Not even shocking given that they were somebody who has acknowledged manipulating communities, playing victim, cycling identities, and, of course, avatarplay that he can't resist doing. It really doesn't have to be said that he's self-aware and not actually schizophrenic, even saying this himself. This whole mentally ill obsession or excuse is so r9k-core and pathetic. Even if done to be derisive like he is in a boring hate-watching review thread where he focuses on two anime girls, it's still just a display of being antisocial and insufferable.
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>>227664 (OP) 
>greatest cuckime ever
No such thing.
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I cannot contact my old friend, Google is blocking everything. I hardly knew him. Our time together was so short. I knew online relationships were short, but then why, why didn't I get to know him better.
The last person I tried to befriend he had given up on Christ because he thought it was too hard, he said he couldn't be saved because he can't mange to quit porn. So untrue. Jesus can save you. But I realised it must have been my fault for not explaining the Good News properly enough, I didn't want to push him.

Remember, you are a million times more valuable and worth much more than any company, management might not understand that. The simple Google employee is far more valuable than Google itself. Not understanding this in your heart can lead to dark places in this society, as I've seen in the workplace. Because you have the potential to be eternal, the business will fade away and be forgotten. So long as we don't distress others, over the night I unintentionally caused someone at work to be a bit disgruntled and had to apologise later I felt really bad. I would that no one would be upset at my uncaring attitude.

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be (II Peter 3)

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother. (I John 4)
Replies: >>228379
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Today I will remind them.
Today they've been reminded.

And if you want to read the Bible starting with the 1st century accounts of Jesus (those are the Four Gospels, Gospel means Good News in Greek), Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John: then any translation is fine as we know, the CEV is the easiest to understand. The ESV is the best all around. The KJV is the standard for the english church. Though I often forget it is totally unreadable to most people, but it does not take long at all to understand it. I found it very intimidating the first time I saw a wall of KJV text without any subtitle chapter names. Though I read only the KJV, using the ESV is a must for evangelism: that's the simple truth.
I actually do the Bible reading each sunday in the church (just like Jesus did throughout his life, that was his job in the synagogue was reading the Bible aloud), and I really need to buy a ESV Bible again as the Pastor has said we should be reading from that. Because of our location sometimes students visit.


Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. (Luke 21)
plays the smallest, saddest sounding 🎻 in a corner 4 u
<I cannot contact my old friend
>karma catches up to the pedonigger
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There's a lot of religious people in the world, which to be religious is better because it means people are thinking about something (the only thing) that actually matters. Is Jesus who He claimed to be? And the answer is yes... which is actually surprising when the scales are lifted from your eyes, yes, this fact changes the entire universe, however, is it surprising that the most important person in the world is important? Not really. Is it surprising the only purposed narrative for the universe is true? Not really. "No there's other purposed narratives besides the christian narrative, what about like... the elephant god with a bunch of arms or like maybe nothing exploded and created everything..." Like I said, it's not surprising.

Most people here will probably not care or never bother and they'll ignore what's in the face. But I implore anyone who loves the truth to look into it for themselves. Because it's really all that's going to matter in the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02zq8VSJXDU [Embed]

And I would that all sad saved people who have no friends I guess, I don't know, it's difficult. We know 4chan has zero value, and you have no friends outside of sunday, and what do you do, just read the Bible and pray all day, and the answer is yes that would probably be better than most other options. It's definitely good to always avoid getting caught up in social internet to be made like them again, always stand against it. It's so bad. It does desensitise us.

"Weeeellll... I don't know about all this stuff, I'm suppose to believe an IDIOT on the internet telling me the whole meaning of the universe is what's most obvious!? What do you know!" I don't know anything at all, I'm just saying it is true because it is. And that's something anyone can see for themselves if they want. Yes Jesus rose from the dead as his disciples said and as many died for this truth. The God of the universe is one, there's a reason that one God has expanded to the world through His Messiah the Holy One of Israel. God is the King through Jesus Christ the world over. Forever and ever more ever and Amen. You can follow the dead ends of manmade philosophy if you want, which all fades and is forgotten about from ancient times all to now. But the truth endures, Jesus words will not fade away, and any who come to Him shall be saved. Not by works because everyone is evil, we are not God's champion, He is our Champion.

"But I saw a christian pick his nose once!" Oh, well I guess the truth of the universe must be wrong. But I know truth is not subjective, I was not a prophet, nor was I the son of a prophet, I never cared what any christian said or did, I never cared what the church had to say, but I have cared only about what is true. And the actions of you or anyone won't change that.
The Gospels can be listened to by anyone online. Gospel just means Good News in Greek. And these are the four accounts of Jesus' life written in the first century. Matthew and John are first generation Christians (they knew Jesus) and Mark and Luke are second generation christians (they knew disciples who knew Jesus).

The problem with these four accounts, there is a big problem no one has been able to solve, and that is that all of these four accounts talk about a man that performed miracles and raised from the dead, and in fact there are 30+ first century christian documents that confirm this, and there are zero which say otherwise. There is no other alternative version of Jesus where he wasn't performing miracles and raising from the dead.

And from Celsus in the 2nd century to Neizetche in the 20th, many have purposed theories to explain this away, but they all fall flat. In fact Celsus' main argument is that while Jesus did perform miracles, he must have gotten his power from demons in Egypt... so. And Neizetche just claims that the disciples were so sad that they just invented the resurrection maybe kind of to feel better. Which has many problems, for one, it assumes that people following the most and Godly Man themselves loves lies and hated God and yet loved a Jesus that ultimately lied to them. And they were willing to die for this lying version of Jesus and dedicate their whole lives to all this nonsense instead of just getting back to their ordinary lives after three years. Yes Jesus only preached for 3 years, and yet became the most important influential person in the world just as he said he would be. And as the prophets said he would be, a light to the world.

Matthew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgUWg3ZY_C8
Mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP_RkiS8GsA
Luke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMFlleaJnc
John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1kQIiy-DZU&

No one else is offering eternal life. Just Jesus.

AND, also, no matter how much vain philosophy you have, you cannot defeat the fact that without eternal life, life has no meaning or purpose, you can make all sorts of great pretty words and speeches but you cannot defeat reality.

People have loved and had fellowship with God from the beginning and so to with his Word which was made flesh, that is Jesus Christ who is alive today. The Truth the Light the Way. Under no circumstance will good people go to heaven, nor will bad people go to hell. Forgiven people, made new by God's grace and Spirit, walking in the light of Jesus have eternal life, everyone else is already condemned by their evil actions. God's standard is perfection. That's why Jesus alone is the only one who deserves the Kingdom of Heaven.

People are addicted to porn, they hate and say mean nasty things to others, they lie and steal, and full of pride thinking they somehow deserve heaven over others. You lust, but think you're better than a prostitute, or hate and think you're better than a murderer. Humans can't live perfect lives, that is why Jesus has already lived the perfect life, and went to death for our sake to bear the shame we should have, that we could be made clean and free from God's righteous judgement of our old lives, to have a new life with new interests and goals and motivations. Born again by the receiving of the holy Spirit, a real experience. Jesus with the tiny bit of strength left, helped by Simon, carried his cross uphill because He loves you and me. Not the nails holding him to the cross, but His love for you and me. So that God can look at us and see the payment and punishment of our sins fulfilled in full on that cross 2,000 years ago. So that we can be presented blameless on the day of our death.

Praise Jesus Christ who saves me and makes us clean and justified before God. He has defeated sin! Jesus alone. I was dead, now I'm alive forever, because God loves me. Going Home. No man can take away my salvation. No need to be afraid, Jesus has come to set the captives free, and if you listen and abide in Him, you will be made free indeed by the Truth.

So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” (John 10)
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That we are not atheists, therefore, seeing that we acknowledge one God, uncreated, eternal, invisible, impassible, incomprehensible, illimitable, who is apprehended by the understanding only and the reason, who is encompassed by light, and beauty, and spirit, and power ineffable, by whom the universe has been created through His Logos, and set in order, and is kept in being—I have sufficiently demonstrated. I say "His Logos", for we acknowledge also a Son of God.  Nor let any one think it ridiculous that God should have a Son. For though the poets, in their fictions, represent the gods as no better than men, our mode of thinking is not the same as theirs, concerning either God the Father or the Son. But the Son of God is the Logos of the Father, in idea and in operation; for after the pattern of Him and by Him were all things made, the Father and the Son being one. And, the Son being in the Father and the Father in the Son, in oneness and power of spirit, the understanding and reason of the Father is the Son of God. But if, in your surpassing intelligence, it occurs to you to inquire what is meant by the Son, I will state briefly that He is the first product of the Father, not as having been brought into existence (for from the beginning, God, who is the eternal mind, had the Logos in Himself, being from eternity instinct with Logos; but inasmuch as He came forth to be the idea and energizing power of all material things, which lay like a nature without attributes, and an inactive earth, the grosser particles being mixed up with the lighter. The prophetic Spirit also agrees with our statements. "The Lord," it says, "made me, the beginning of His ways to His works." The Holy Spirit Himself also, which operates in the prophets, we assert to be an effluence of God, flowing from Him, and returning back again like a beam of the sun. Who, then, would not be astonished to hear men who speak of God the Father, and of God the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and who declare both their power in union and their distinction in order, called atheists? Nor is our teaching in what relates to the divine nature confined to these points; but we recognise also a multitude of angels and ministers, whom God the Maker and Framer of the world distributed and  appointed to their several posts by His Logos, to occupy themselves about the elements, and the heavens, and the world, and the things in it, and the goodly ordering of them all. —Athenagoras (2nd century)
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The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear him. (Psalm 103)
you are a shitskin faggot pedophile
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If you don't know Christ yet it's not the end of the world. Now, I had thought I was a christian all my life, I was a cultural christian, it never occurred to me to pray or read the Bible or to believe in or know anything about Jesus. And then after I couldn't stop with porn and I start to invent my own gods and I was very depressed extremely more than typically. I was so sad that I was alone and everyone was awful and terrible. Because all I had was social internet, and, once you're past a certain age or whatever it just dawns on you "wow..." and so I was very very sad even past my anger, I would get so angry that people online wouldn't just be better people, slam my keyboard "what's wrong with everyone! They're all such stupid pigs!" Which, I mean that is true. But the question is the answer to that fact, yes, humanity is hopelessly evil continually in such an extreme sense and dumb and whatever else, and frankly I've always cared so much about humanity, it's really a problem, it's a form of insanity, to have hope in humanity.

And then while that is happening I started to get worried about death. Everything is bad, and also I'll have to die and I might as well die now so I'm going to go travel across Canada and die in the Rocky Mountains. But then a new thought came over me, I could live forever if I froze myself, which lots of people are doing, but it's expensive so I planned out my life to start making money and save up and freeze myself. In fact I started to feel better and more confident in this idea, then shortly after that the Lord showed me the Gospel. I never knew so many people wrote about Jesus in the first century, I had no idea so many people wrote about him hundreds and thousands of years before he even came to earth. And I started to think it could be true. Then I was told about the holy Spirit which I had never heard of before. And I've already told this many times, how when I prayed the Spirit came to me and a great weight was lifted all my sins were taken away.

I didn't mean to get so much into that whole story, the point is, it's okay if you're not sure right now. But it is true. I just want the Lord to visit me all the time. I try not to obsess about it. The last time the Lord visited me was some time ago, and I was traveling across Canada by bus, we all got off and I was praying and He lifted up my heart and reminded me I was His.
There's a really good comic book series called Fear Not, and it proves once and for all that christian entertainment is possible. One of the only things I remember from it was a line about how your faith should never be used to put other people down. And I never will, no matter how filthy you smelly disgusting hell-bound heathen are.

But after the positive reaction I received for my review of Frieren (my youtube video has about 50k views) I decided to explore all the fake christian stuff and review it and hate on it and put down the authors who made this garbage... wait. Well anyways the next review is of Chrono Trigger, and here is the review, it stinks, it sucks, it's awful. And let me just say, if I was making a hinduism cartoon, I would actually understand hinduism to do so. I suppose the issue is people think they understand the Truth but well they don't. "Oh uhh the church and christian stuff is like be good and not bad and heaven and hell right?" Imagine just having that mindset for anything, though, christianity is special because people don't want to understand it because it's offensive to everything we are. The world cannot receive or know about the holy Spirit. Mankind rejects God's Spirit and His ways in every which way. In fact the english dub parody of Ghost Stories is more christian than any entertainment I've ever seen, even though it makes fun of christians at least the author knows what he's talking about.
In Chrono Trigger I have this scene where Rosette is in an ice cream store and she's saying some mean stuff to people, and she dies and after death is on a train. Now this is a real part of the series she dies and is on a spiritual train, and someone comes for her ticket. Now this is a christian allegory very common. But what is the ticket in Chrono Trigger, is it the holy Spirit, faith in Christ, or anything else related to the Good News of God and His Messiah our Saviour? No! The ticket is the kind of life you led or some nonsense and has nothing to do with God.

For those not in the know, you're not going to be standing before God in a state of salvation because of your good deeds. Jesus (God) is salvation. That is why the Prophets said out of the line of David would come one that would be a light to the world and in Him would the people put their trust. By believing in Jesus receive the holy Spirit and you will have new desires to live the life God wants each of us to live.
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After doing some evanglism again recently online, I'm not too sure about things. Why should I bother if no one cares about eternal life and what is known to be true. Everyone is just like Pilate, What is truth? But truth is not subjective. The fact God doesn't bring the hammer down on this world shows what great mercy he has, amid all the hate and vitriol and greed and insanity and disgust and putting down of others to try and keep them in bondage. Let people live their lives and build up condemnation for themselves if they want. King David lived a righteous life despite all his evil, because there is always time for repentance, so long as your heart was right in the first place when you fell. Because if it wasn't then expect nothing, you choose to be rotten to the core or not. Some want to be the bad guy.

I praise God every day that the christian 4chan community is dead and gone and only I am left, and now they seek my life to take it! I'm a fool for sure therefore if I think I can change people's skin colour and stand amidst the burned down village. Which was never a great village in the first place but was evil. Christians have been set free as they always are. Those who hate God, they will continue to be held captive by websites like zzzchan, websites that hate their userbase and want them to fail in every possible way. Hiro openly says he wants 4chan to be bad so that it's addictive and, well, I've gone on about this before. As for me I would that everyone wins in every sort of way, that they overcome the enemy. "But the enemy is my friend!" No he's not, he doesn't like you. Hiro doesn't like you. The owner of zzzchan and whateverchan, they don't like you, had they loved you, they would delete their website and prevent you from seeing such evil things. They only want your addictions to increase, your time to be pilfered, and your bitterness to rise. But who wants you to do good, to be free of porn and therefore closer to God? Is it the one who puts erotic images in his website banner or is it Jesus? Who is your friend then? Are you so foolish you think friends ought to be negative influences on you?

This I say, Jesus is still alive and will continue to be the Saviour of the world. The enemy will fade away like new cut herb. But this is about whether it is worth it to tell people the truth. What shall we say then? it is worth it, no matter the amount of repeating and I will not speak on anything but Christ alone and Him crucified, because the power of Christ is the power of Salvation. Not the acknowledging fact that the world cannot form itself or that history supports the christian narrative or anything else, very useful and I'm glad that people can learn such things and slowly draw near. Jesus is at the end of the road however. Just remember that. I rather be in the grave than give up salvation of Christ and turn to this world, hate this world hate my life in it, love only God.
Replies: >>228545
Praying for you to die painfully so you can burn in hell forever.
\And I understand most aren't even imageboard users. That's not really a thing anymore, these websites are just "fun little things when my friends are busy" which is good. So in fact most would use them as I do, EXCEPT, I see any social thing as a platform of outreach, not a place to gather together and smoke weed as people have decided social internet is for. And it is interesting that it can't be helped. I'm really into the idea that it could work. But I know it can't. The internet makes people nasty and/or stupid, end of story. 

I was thinking, perhaps because I'm so unemotionally based that is the reason I can do it, right. I'm informationally based. That's why I can't really help so many people on a personal level. I'm just informational and I'm not very emotionally intelligent. Anyone who has the slightest bit of emotional intelligence sees the internet and is like "wew lad". But at least the internet can be used by retards like me in that way for information. Get it across, even if so so few care for information and also I rather not talk about information in the first place. Or maybe I should, I could get into the biblical timeline and interesting things but the power is in Christ, so.
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I'm quite feeling sick. One thing that is cool is I find even though they hate my insanity, I have seen people randomly, God has shown me my work is not in vain and so often I do come to realise it is not a waste to say Christ is King and Jesus is who He claimed to be. Believe in Him.

"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?" (Galatians 3)

Believe it or not, while we were enemies of God, God sent Christ His very Reason/Logos to die for us. Because Jesus doesn't despise you. But the best years are still ahead of you, and God sees something incredibly valuable in us, despite our deeds, to warrant offering salvation. And faith only is required to enter into the gates of that salvation.
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>I praise God every day that the christian 4chan community is dead and gone and only I am left, and now they seek my life to take it!
So you relish in the death of your former haunts? Fucked up and sick. You really are a psychopath of some sort. This is (You): Worship skydaddy NOW NOW NOW or else I will report the -chans to the registrar and MAKE you worship him!! All that amidst the grooming allegations, which you don't even try to deny. LOOOOOOOOOOVER, I don't fap to 'p anymore, I'm changed!! and then some poor sap falls for your textwalls and adds you on discord... then the tbp pics come out... you are a textbook encapsulation of every reason I left the church. "Those in glass houses" etc.
Replies: >>228547 >>228551
This is why greentext doesn't work (as I have pointed out many times). Anyone can read my post though and see what I'm actually talking about. The foolish will be confounded.

And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. (I Kings 19)
Replies: >>228548
I read your post and came to the same conclusion as Stevie. You're just as much of a narcissistic gay pedophile as you were before christcuckoldry.
Replies: >>228550
As I said, the foolish will be counfounded. You may hate God and Christians and all others. But I love them, and will glory with them that they are free from 4chan. As all christians who are free from 4chan do. But you people will be kept here in chains.
Replies: >>228552
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You're also free to produce any accusation against me. The problem is no one ever produces any accusations. "You groom children!" ...okay. "Disprove it!" ...okay. You pick your nose! Disprove it! No, I don't have evidence of this but I said it and now I'll keep saying it forever nose-picker!

And that's it, that's all you say in your post along with your sadly pathetic "I'm leaving church because people are not as holy as ME!" Clearly knowing nothing then of the scripture or Church history. As Paul himself when he addressed the church member sleeping with his own mother as still a brother possessing salvation and cared for him. Or as Polycarp in the second century when he addressed the church leader who had committed a grave financial fraud with the tithes, he prayed for his well being and to count him NOT as an enemy.

But you have no love, nothing but hatred and evil in your heart. I say that very boldly, and I think you know very well it's true, by your actions you condemn yourself, by my actions I show forth the gospel of salvation which you reject.

The fact the worst of this board and all other places are always stirred up to hate me gives me great consolation in my soul. You are and will ever be Alexander the Coppersmith and nothing more, not because God wants you to fail, but because you want to fail. And your evil words will be allowed for the sake of my salvation.
You're still here complaining to yourself and trying to hide behind jewsus' dress, so you're no better by your very own logic. You still get off on negative attention as you always have, otherwise you'd fuck off and stay away instead of coming back every couple months to spew meaningless textual diarrhea all over the place. The lion's share of the insults are pointed at your character, not your gay little religion.
Replies: >>228553
I stopped reading at the mocking of the Lord's name. If you wish to beg for my attention and grab at my skirt like a child, you will first be respectful from now on.
Replies: >>228554 >>228654
<I stopped reading cuz butthurt on behalf of my imaginary jewish boyfriend
>shitskin pedophile narcissist desperately searching for excuses to deflect from facing the truth
How pathetic. Eat shit and die.
>If you wish to beg for my attention and grab at my skirt like a 'child', you will first be respectful from now on.

lots of fantasizing of power here from the kind of guy that had a fart and cuck fetish
Fuck you.
Joey wears skirts lul
this anime is shit not only because the waifu(s?) is some shit midget made for simps who go for the leftover girls because they know they would never have a chance for anything else.
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Some posts were clearly deleted here, as the owner of this website continues to delete the words of God and try to kill his messengers and prophets. Their blood will be required of him. The Imitation of Christ is maybe the best book that the church has produced. And he mentions how people can get discouraged if Jesus hides himself for a while. But those who love Jesus for Jesus will love Him regardless if he visits them or gives them any consolation. And that's a good word for believers. But also unbelivers. If someone doesn't want to follow Jesus. Jesus says the only way to eternal life for everyone on earth, is through Him. And that they have to give up their old life, they have to receive the holy Spirit and allow God into their life. If someone doesn't like that teaching... what's the point of trying to tell them anything more about the truth? Because while some might say "well but it's pretty bad for them to die in their sins isn't it?" But there's no cure for that. If someone doesn't want the cure, it's the end of the story. "Go through this door or die." "No." Convincing that person of how real the door is won't change anything. As many atheists point out, even if Jesus is who he claims to be they want nothing to do with it. You start on the premise of, does someone want eternal life, do they want God's ways, are they willing? Those three things are yes? then it's only a matter of time because they look into the facts and see for themselves. Otherwise if any of those questions are "no" then it's pointless to do anything. Of coruse I realise that's why hell exists, to scare people who don't want goodness to turn to God anyways. But I want to focus on Jesus anyways, so.

HIGURASHI IS A CHRISTIAN ANIME!!!! Is probably the title of some idiots video on youtube. There is a guy on youtube who does that with basically every anime. The new version is too sexual and I don't suggest watching it I couldn't watch it all. "It's only sexual because you want to rape Rika! You see! You are a peophile! This is the proof you see!"

Higurashi is about normal people who randomly go crazy for a moment then go back to normal, that's the whole anime. One thing I noticed was the madness that overcomes people is very demonic and shown in the right way. It's a rage that I used to suffer from all the time, that kind of madness fury. Back when social internet was still a thing, I would talk to my circle of people and I remember having episodes of madness very similar in aggression towards people in a sort of paranoia. And even yesterday I had an incident  where I felt madness coming but since Jesus it never takes me over, it fails each time and I feel really bad about it even just get slightly angry with people. I hate it and bitterness. There was someone in church one time who mentioned that he felt unsaved because he got mad for a moment at someone who cut him off on the road. "How can I be saved when I'm getting mad like that." Of course rather we can see His salvation. People see what one can't in themselves, for we look through a glass dimly but then I shall be known even as I am known.

In Galaxy Angel with Vanilla there's begging of forgiveness to her God. And in Higurashi there's actually a lot of begging forgiveness from the local idol god of the story. It's a shame that it's about an idol earthly god. You know C.S. Lewis says an interesting thing at the end of the Chronicles of Narnia where there's this idea that every good thing people give for the sake of false gods is really given to God because he owns all good things or something. Well, that's a nice thought but, you know why there's all this begging of forgiveness and mentioning of sin in Higurashi? despite no mention of Christ? Because from the beginning of time to now there has been a problem, separation from God because of our sins. We know we're wicked and sinful and hurt the divine laws of the creation God created.
Japanese people used to put their sins into dolls and burn them, they still do the practice culturally sometimes. But also in Higurashi there's this tradition of taking cotton pressing it against your head and chest and stomach and sending it down the river, which is another common way to rid of sin, much like how God had the Israelites place their sins on the head of a live goat and send it off into the wilderness. And because they were sacred of the goat coming back eventually they just started pushing the goat off a cliff. That's where the term scapegoat comes from.
What is it about this guilt? It's less felt as chrisanity is spread, even if someone or culture isn't "Christian" the fact is Jesus influences the world. And Jesus brought an end to us dealing with our own sin. We don't sacrifice to the Roman god idols for that. Some times people would sacrifice others for the sake of appeasing sin. But mankind is sinful itself, you can't sacrifice people. You must sacrifice an animal, they are not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We don't consider it unjust that a badger eats a snake. Out system of justice is so far removed from the animals. And that is why Jesus is the lamb of God, because like a lamb he is sinless. Just like the sacrificial lamb that the children of Israel ate in Egypt to be saved from the destroyer.
Justice is a universal of God, a nature of Him. We understand it. God cannot simply pardon sin, justice must be dealt and the wages of sin is death and the punishment thereafter of the sinner is destruction. Those who love Jesus will never die but live forever. There is also an understanding of getting rid of sin around the world, and it is only rid truly in the sacrifice in the central point of history, the Saviour of the world taking the punishment meant for us. So that all the wrath of God could be appointed to Him and to us all the goodness that He had earned. And in this is the goodness and mercy of God who is the Holy One of Israel and Father. People are desperate to be forgiven of their sins toward someone they don't even yet know. Yet they know He is. Because God is clearly displayed in our world and therefore we have no excuse. They want to be forgiven and have another chance. The mercies of God endureth forever, the bible says that many many times. The Prophet Elijah came to live with a woman, then her son fell sick and she thought it was divine judgment for her sins, and that was the reason Elijah had come, to bring her sins to remembrance. But Elijah did not. God doesn't come to bully people. But to give love and mercy and truth. Repent and believe. Believe in what, in the love of God. God sent the final sacrifice for sins. And that truth sets us free, as it did for me from the demonic madness that once ruled over my life. And sometimes I make mistakes, and it hurts. I recall the night I was saved, when I truly wasn't sure if he would forgive me and he did, and then only a few days later I masturbated to porn and I remember just crying and crying and being in so much pain, I felt so bad, after He forgave me how could I do such a thing I thought. And I just remembered the holy Spirit I received is with me forever even if I fail I can get back up and continue. But many other times I just felt very bad and I feel sick for the sins I've done after salvation. I feel nothing towards the past sins before that day. I could have murdered 100 children and I'd feel nothing anymore, such is the power of that lifting of sins. I don't even remember what it was like before Christ, it feels like that part of my life never existed in many ways, it was like I was dead and only came to life four years ago and it's those years alone I've cared about. And I can recall each time the Lord has visited me and I try to call those to remembrance, that even after some of my worst backsliding the holy Spirit filled me and I was just so happy to be reminded God loves me still and always will.

And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him. And she said unto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God? art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son? And he said unto her, Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. And he cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son? And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again. And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. (I Kings 17)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (I John 1)
You are definitely severely unwell in the head to be typing endless diarrhea of nonsense out all the time.
As for the neo-neo-social internet. Here's the problem with the social net. I'm like Trump out here, "But here's the problem with internet, got a lot of great friends on there, love the internet people, but why am I spending so much time preaching to them on discord and imagesboards and other places? I don't need their milk, I got a lotta milk." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LInWcvSyVQ Priest with a shotgun.

Mark Goring actually talks a lot about how good it is to go out into the wilderness for some days. And thankfully I will be again once winter ends. I'm trying to figure out what I want to bring, I've gotten smarter, looking at Greg Ovens. I tell you, the Rocky Mountains are so beautiful, if you live in Canada you need to come and see them. I want to return to them soon. Those mighty majestic mountains and those open forest spaces where no one is.

People at my job constantly say "Oh you're part time that's too bad you want more hours, huh? You need to work harder so the store can make more money, revenue drives more hours! as for me, I don't have to worry because I'm fulltime but you're part time. If you guys don't start working harder we'll be cutting your hours. You better be worried because you can get fired up in here! the manager doesn't joke around, she watches the cameras you know for anyone not working hard!"
In the words of Vanilla, Oh Lord, please save these wretched souls. They talk in a way as if this is life, due to the fact this is life to them. And they're all so bitter and angry and get mad at this thing and that. Guys, oh guys. Please. You've never lived an unloved day in your life and your best days are ahead of you. The world only wants to enslave you. God has freedom and salvation, not for hard work, but it is the gift of God. Jesus came to earth to preach love and the right way to live and people want to kill him. How hateful humanity is, they go around hating God and blaming him for everything their wicked hearts conceive of, how wicked they are, how loving God is. Jesus died even for them, even for the most wretched and hateful. That we could have freedom, who are sinners, the defiled, the broken, them Jesus came to save.

I have much more to say about going out into the wilderness, and it is related to social internet, as in I'm glad I'll be away from technology in general and it also helps when you return from that you often don't care at all about those things you were without, but I will not say anymore here. But so good to go out into the woods for everyone no matter who you are even if you're an atheist.
I hate oaths but I shouldn't post on social internet for a very long time (well, no one should), even though I hardly do anyways. the library is closing, I have my stuff downloaded for home. I'm excited to listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENwmT-wICE8

Ha! Can you imagine? Imagine having real humans in your life, and friends? People who don't just cuss at you and hate you and are just nasty and mean and ugly? Listening to these two and Atheist and Christian talk about anything and they I don't know, it's like an alien world like "oh right, humans actually exist and they talk and are nice and good and stuff with each other, I guess." It's not the terrible satanic anger like social internet, it's not the horribleness like in the workplace.
Of course in Church I get to experience love from people but that's once a week that we meet and maybe rarely some other times. They all have Christian partners and some even Christian friends. Or they're social enough to hang out with church people even outside of church and do things I don't know. But soon this world will be over and goodness then at last, away from the hate and lies and deceit.
And I just don't understand because the few times we see real humans post online they're soon gone, I just wish I knew where they went, well they have real life people and stuff. They are just like the church body too they have real stuff so. They're like "wow this is awful, bye." And they leave me behind, noooo, don't leave me with the psychopaths who want to eat my flesh!
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Does anyone have the discord grooming screenshots?
Replies: >>233267
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>you want to rape Rika! You see! You are a peophile!
This is what being a demiurge bitch looks like.
Replies: >>233267
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This is what being a follower of hate looks like.

AMV Heaven now has 4 clips, which is all I want to contribute, I just need to find others to contribute, of which I will find none, so.
You are a narcissistic schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur.
Replies: >>233270 >>233271
It really is a delusion of grandeur to want to make a christian version of AMV Hell. How bold and haughty of me, behold I am as one who has mighty thoughts and I am as Joseph was, a dreamer of dreams. Behold I ride to zzzchan on my flying donkey and they say "here comes that dreamer, he thinks he can get us into the Kingdom of heaven, little does he know we'll NEVER be saved! Raaawr!"
Replies: >>233271
It's bait, bud. Joseph would never be so concise.
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This song began while outside. That Jesus love and obsession. That is what Christianity is is a Jesus obsession. And I don't care what anyone else wants to foolishly believe about the world, because His throne is established and it shall not be moved, of old yea He is too. Jesus Lovers.
Clothed in majesty; He is all the goodness and His grace is sufficient for me.
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Don't you have nigger feet to wash?
>hate is bad
Nah it's cool, kill niggers, jews, pajeets, normalniggers
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And not long after having posted this I was attacked again by madness, that very strong.

Yesterday was my birthday. 29. One more year of social internet left, as I had promised 10 years ago. The time of my departure is at hand, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course: the Lord stood with me and strengthen me that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all the 4chan users might hear it, and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

And speaking of which, the soul is in the body and the spirit in the soul, which is why you can only have one body one soul but multiple spirits in the soul. And the enemy is one that loves madness among other things. Before I became a christian it had attacked me. After I became a christian I have seen the enemy at least twice, once he came to me as a lion and told me that Jesus didn't love me anymore. For he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8). But all I care about is the times God has come to me, I have not felt the presence of my angel in a long time. With this said to chase after spiritual experiences is wrong.

The madness wherewith I was attacked on my birthday subsided by God's power. And something amazing has happened where now I am living with someone. The goodly thing yesterday was that it was a fast day and I fasted from internet, and I think if I hadn't the madness would have overcome me. Usually I play the part of the character I avatarplay as, but Rena is just a coincidence here. Now that I am living with someone I feel quite good quite better, he goes to churches and talks to pastors, I suppose he is a Jesus lover. But you cannot tell of anyone, no, not if you live with them days, week, months, maybe even years. For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (I Samuel 16) and we've seen that, I've done that, where you think you know someone and how much they love God or spiritual what they be but it turns out you are often wrong. Even just the heart.

I suppose I only wanted to say I am glad and God freed me from madness again, whether anyone should believe or understand, I care not. But I cannot do anything in this world, I have no strength or goodness, no wisdom of my own. There was a man in Christ who prayed in his closet and was taken by the Lord to see the lake of fire (whether in the body or out of the body I know not, God knows) and he was told to forgive people who had done evil to him, or else he would be given over to a reprobate mind. God holds us, and without Him we'd go back and worse. Though I'm using Paul language I'm not talking about myself just a testimony of another.
Replies: >>233775
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How many nigger feet you washed on your birthday? Why do you love niggerinos and kikerinos so much? Kill yourself.
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Also, Lovers, Mustard Seeds, and others; I've been getting a lot of emails from all of you, saying, "You need to rebuke this thread >>233510 this thread is HUMILIATING your faith, your religion has been DESTROYED you see! By the vast wealth of knowledge of this wise warrior, you are scared to respond you are SCARED! Scared to engage, because OP will HUMILITE YOU! You will be humbled! You will be HUMBLED! You will kneeeeel! You cannot withstand the arguments! YOU NEED TO REBUKE HIM!"
This is orthodox christianity now, rebuke everyone who disagrees.

Men serve their gods of wood and gold and silver and there perish at the hand of the LORD. Vengeance is His. Let a man say the man Jesus is not believable but follow pagan myths rather. Further, let a man judge others by the law which he himself follows not and let him receive his own reward. But we preach Christ and Him crucified. That there is one God and one Lord, even our Saviour who saved us; not because we are good, but because He is good. If the cross offends one, yes it offends many. But without Jesus no one will enter into His Kingdom: all who climb over the wall are thieves and robbers. A man who is interested in culture and not the knowledge of God gropes blindly in the night and does so gladly resisting the Spirit. We care not for churches and doctrines of men but the man Jesus Christ and what He has said, let anyone who loves eternal life see what Jesus has said, rather than judge the world to boast in himself. Because he will find that he himself is evil and wicked and blind and naked. But Christ is perfect and so too all who have not their own righteousness but His.

Now that the madness has been defeated in the battle yesterday I have great hope and I am glad to be helping house a man who is goodly. It's actually amazing how it all has happened and I think at last as I have prayed I'll have a task to do apart from online. And I have a reason to continue to support, because I have someone. Don't engage with the hateful haters of God online, but find out yourself what is the length and breadth and height of the weight of glory.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (II Corinthians 4)
Replies: >>233780
Sounds like they just want to see you throw more tantrums about how you can't understand basic formatting in written communication and link more 9-hour Ken Ham videos on how to suck cock really well.
We will sow to those who are inheriting eternal life. There is one Church, and one head of the Church, Jesus Christ. And so to seek out about "denominations" is foolishness, who knows the church but the head of the church? And if you do not know Him then you do not know the Church. How much more the servants of God which the same people try to put down. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14).
On top of the foundation of Jesus Christ people can build stubble and hay or silver and gold. And it'll all be tried by fire. The most precious things the english church has produced are the KJV bible, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Pilgrim's Progress. These have withstood the test of time, that's why they are still at the top. Even when people began to make replacements for the KJV in the late 1800s it has failed. Even when replacements have been made for the Book of Common Prayer, they are tiny specks compared. Even Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia will be forgotten but the Pilgrim's Progress will remain. What shall we say then? The KJV has Calvinism pushing; Thomas Crammer would not want people to use his prayer book in the modern day; and who is John Bunyan that I should regard him?
Even the Pilgrim's Progress has the answer in and of itself. That there is a certain vial of muddy water which with careful setting the mud sinks to the bottom and the clear water to the top for to drink. And so are like all but God. Because in God is no unrighteousness.
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One last thing. I have a serious problem with jesting. I just find things so funny, I guess I find myself so funny. Even though people always take me like I'm being serious whenever I tell any joke. What's the point of trying to get other people to laugh when they're so miserable and incapable of understanding. humour. Sigh.

I should just give up on trying to make people happy I guess.
WEEEEELLLL I guess that's it for me today in terms of internet. It was a fun few hours.... wait, no it wasn't. Everyone is still the same angry miserable humourless hatefilled person as ever, and for what reason? Who knows. Well it's because they don't know eternal life is real. And following Christ is actually the greatest joy.
"W-what!? It's the narrow path! It's too hard!"
Life is difficult either way.

And I was going to post a text wall but why bother, those who want to remain without God will continue. Instead of just making that first step and saying "I believe Jesus, I forgive everyone who did me wrong and I am a sinner like everyone else who needs saving." And apparently that's just the most difficult thing to do.

When you look at those true crime videos on youtube when they were popular everyone was always so angry towards these criminals it was insane. How can you have so much ill will towards people, but rather, Father I have no ill will towards anyone and I forgive any evil that others have done to me if they have done so, I don't even recall or think of such things. To be under the cross is hard for people because it means they can't be terrible anymore and well being terrible and thinking you're above others is apparently sooo much fun. Were literally dust, we're all on the same boat and death approaches and that's what your goal is? Come now, let us reason together says the LORD.
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I've become way too powerful. Knowledge puffeth up. Partly it's the internet's fault for all these interactions that are more aggressive than they should be. At this point the types of people I evangelise to believe in the most basic stupid things, and they aggressively reject the simple truth. I feel like Obi-wan vs Anakin in every conversation.

It's over Anakin, The days in Genesis 1 don't represent millions of years!
"You underestimate my reasoning!"
Don't try it.
*Plants were created before the sun*

These kinds of things you know. I seriously don't mind AT ALL answering people, like someone asking "Uhh I don't think the Bible actually says anything about Homosexuality!" or "Uhhh Jesus actually isn't his name it's actually a Greek insult!" which by the way was a real thing someone was telling me one time and they just wouldn't accept reality, ideas really can get a hold of people. IT's so weird, and he actually got this other person to believe him. If you say something with enough confidence I don't know people just follow it or something even if you have no nothing to back it up. And we like to think that's not true, it really is. You just have to tell lies loud and confident enough. I don't mind answering or correcting some things, but some people just don't want to learn and they want to believe nonsense and have false ideas and often I get faced off with these people and DESTROY them even though I don't care or want to. I just have the high ground, what can you do.

In other words "I've been thinking of retiring". There's a guy on youtube, small guy who does street preaching and so often he's like "I'm going to take a break it's too awful these people won't listen you know I should take a few months off and--" yeah next video he's back doing it, because you get discouraged but you have the gift to do it.
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It's best if we engage maybe in things that we are on the level to engage with. But who among you is on my level. Let him come down hither. MY CHAPION AGAINST YOUR CHAMPION! Tell him he can have these garments... dude. There's this insane thing in the ancient Sumerian records.

They record conversations between Noah and Nimrod, because Noah lived several hundred years after the flood. Now it's possible it was Noah's successor but anways. Nimrod sends these messages to Noah telling him things like "Let you people of the mountains store up gold for Inana! May the mountains humble themselves before me!" He literally talks like this, "Go messenger! Go tell this to the Lord of Aratta! Tell Him I have a garment that is not one colour or two and not quite a mixture of colour... but tell him he can have this garment!" And he's probably talking about the clothing God made for Adam and Eve but anyways it's this whole insane thing.

Because basically while Nimrod was building the Tower of Babel he was telling Noah to help him out "Build for me the great abode! And I Nimrod THE RADIENT YOUTH! (he's a lot younger than Noah)" And we know in the end that Nimrod did actually destroy Noah's city in the mountains of Ararat but he put up a fight and it may have been after Noah's death. I just imagine Noah standing on the walls of his city and looking out over this massive Nimrod army and singing something like Psalm 3.
Narcissistic, shitskin retard resorts to patting itself on the back for its continued spergery and failure to convert anyone as attention dries up.
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*pats self on the back*
Replies: >>233945
Joseph you're so cute, can you be my wifey? (〃ω〃)
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-So, we've gotten a lot of mail from our viewers, haven't we Philip?
-That's right John, this is Jamie from California and he asks, "Lovers, I've heard about this new anime web comic called 'Vtuber Saviour Messiah-chan', I was wondering if you guys had seen it and what's your thoughts on it." Well that's for your question Jamie, uhhh Philip you wanted to say something about this?
-Yeah, well it's another christian aesthetic thing, and you know a lot of people are down on that recently haven't they been John?
-Here's the thing, these people aren't trying to mock Jesus, they aren't trying to make fun of God and blaspheme, if anything they're interested. And so while it may not be christian we shouldn't say it's an intentioanlly evil thing, I mean just think of all the actual intentional evil against the Gospel, this isn't like that at all. Maybe at best the creator is being a bit of a useful idiot for the devil but really he's getting the aesthetic out and...
-Well and it pushes the narrative of how christians are percieved.
-That's right.
-This idea of the holy saint but they're not quite perfect, it's good that people have the ideal of the follower of Jesus as a very holy person. When we incorperate other religious cultures it's not always for that reason. When people want to express a "holy charater" they use a christians acharaceter, well isn't thatinterested.
-You know that's exactly right, so it's in some way no harm done, it's not for us, like most of anime.. but..
-But it's something and we need something sometimes, I mean we're here on radio wave 109.5 and a half FM we have very little viewership and very little to talk about considering most of anime is soft core porn.
-That's right Philip.
-Next up after the break, the top 2 best christian anime characters and why they may or may not be christian. Coming up, in the afterhours.
*Church bell rings*
*Re-re-re-repent for the Kingdom of God is here!*

Anyways if I still have time I wanted to make two more posts.
First of all, I think people should start just saying "Hey talk to me in voice chat to have a real discussion." I think things would change massively if that happened. I mean it's just obviously, I'd like to see some of the more vitriolic haters to actual say what they say with their voice and feel the embarrassment rise up in them. And also it's just easier to communicate to people that way.

Someone is staying in my apartment now, a homeless guy I had met while I was homeless and so he finally decided to stay and it's pretty cool, it's actually amazing because well I won't go into it and how the Lord is doing amazing things other than to say, He is. So if anyone wants to REALLY talk about serious things I think they should add me on Riot/Discord and then we'll talk like humans. Because it's a lot harder to dismiss and misrepresent and all the rest and have miscommunication in that case.
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