[Hide] (6.3MB, 03:27) Some posts were clearly deleted here, as the owner of this website continues to delete the words of God and try to kill his messengers and prophets. Their blood will be required of him. The Imitation of Christ is maybe the best book that the church has produced. And he mentions how people can get discouraged if Jesus hides himself for a while. But those who love Jesus for Jesus will love Him regardless if he visits them or gives them any consolation. And that's a good word for believers. But also unbelivers. If someone doesn't want to follow Jesus. Jesus says the only way to eternal life for everyone on earth, is through Him. And that they have to give up their old life, they have to receive the holy Spirit and allow God into their life. If someone doesn't like that teaching... what's the point of trying to tell them anything more about the truth? Because while some might say "well but it's pretty bad for them to die in their sins isn't it?" But there's no cure for that. If someone doesn't want the cure, it's the end of the story. "Go through this door or die." "No." Convincing that person of how real the door is won't change anything. As many atheists point out, even if Jesus is who he claims to be they want nothing to do with it. You start on the premise of, does someone want eternal life, do they want God's ways, are they willing? Those three things are yes? then it's only a matter of time because they look into the facts and see for themselves. Otherwise if any of those questions are "no" then it's pointless to do anything. Of coruse I realise that's why hell exists, to scare people who don't want goodness to turn to God anyways. But I want to focus on Jesus anyways, so.
HIGURASHI IS A CHRISTIAN ANIME!!!! Is probably the title of some idiots video on youtube. There is a guy on youtube who does that with basically every anime. The new version is too sexual and I don't suggest watching it I couldn't watch it all. "It's only sexual because you want to rape Rika! You see! You are a peophile! This is the proof you see!"
Higurashi is about normal people who randomly go crazy for a moment then go back to normal, that's the whole anime. One thing I noticed was the madness that overcomes people is very demonic and shown in the right way. It's a rage that I used to suffer from all the time, that kind of madness fury. Back when social internet was still a thing, I would talk to my circle of people and I remember having episodes of madness very similar in aggression towards people in a sort of paranoia. And even yesterday I had an incident where I felt madness coming but since Jesus it never takes me over, it fails each time and I feel really bad about it even just get slightly angry with people. I hate it and bitterness. There was someone in church one time who mentioned that he felt unsaved because he got mad for a moment at someone who cut him off on the road. "How can I be saved when I'm getting mad like that." Of course rather we can see His salvation. People see what one can't in themselves, for we look through a glass dimly but then I shall be known even as I am known.
In Galaxy Angel with Vanilla there's begging of forgiveness to her God. And in Higurashi there's actually a lot of begging forgiveness from the local idol god of the story. It's a shame that it's about an idol earthly god. You know C.S. Lewis says an interesting thing at the end of the Chronicles of Narnia where there's this idea that every good thing people give for the sake of false gods is really given to God because he owns all good things or something. Well, that's a nice thought but, you know why there's all this begging of forgiveness and mentioning of sin in Higurashi? despite no mention of Christ? Because from the beginning of time to now there has been a problem, separation from God because of our sins. We know we're wicked and sinful and hurt the divine laws of the creation God created.
Japanese people used to put their sins into dolls and burn them, they still do the practice culturally sometimes. But also in Higurashi there's this tradition of taking cotton pressing it against your head and chest and stomach and sending it down the river, which is another common way to rid of sin, much like how God had the Israelites place their sins on the head of a live goat and send it off into the wilderness. And because they were sacred of the goat coming back eventually they just started pushing the goat off a cliff. That's where the term scapegoat comes from.
What is it about this guilt? It's less felt as chrisanity is spread, even if someone or culture isn't "Christian" the fact is Jesus influences the world. And Jesus brought an end to us dealing with our own sin. We don't sacrifice to the Roman god idols for that. Some times people would sacrifice others for the sake of appeasing sin. But mankind is sinful itself, you can't sacrifice people. You must sacrifice an animal, they are not from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We don't consider it unjust that a badger eats a snake. Out system of justice is so far removed from the animals. And that is why Jesus is the lamb of God, because like a lamb he is sinless. Just like the sacrificial lamb that the children of Israel ate in Egypt to be saved from the destroyer.
Justice is a universal of God, a nature of Him. We understand it. God cannot simply pardon sin, justice must be dealt and the wages of sin is death and the punishment thereafter of the sinner is destruction. Those who love Jesus will never die but live forever. There is also an understanding of getting rid of sin around the world, and it is only rid truly in the sacrifice in the central point of history, the Saviour of the world taking the punishment meant for us. So that all the wrath of God could be appointed to Him and to us all the goodness that He had earned. And in this is the goodness and mercy of God who is the Holy One of Israel and Father. People are desperate to be forgiven of their sins toward someone they don't even yet know. Yet they know He is. Because God is clearly displayed in our world and therefore we have no excuse. They want to be forgiven and have another chance. The mercies of God endureth forever, the bible says that many many times. The Prophet Elijah came to live with a woman, then her son fell sick and she thought it was divine judgment for her sins, and that was the reason Elijah had come, to bring her sins to remembrance. But Elijah did not. God doesn't come to bully people. But to give love and mercy and truth. Repent and believe. Believe in what, in the love of God. God sent the final sacrifice for sins. And that truth sets us free, as it did for me from the demonic madness that once ruled over my life. And sometimes I make mistakes, and it hurts. I recall the night I was saved, when I truly wasn't sure if he would forgive me and he did, and then only a few days later I masturbated to porn and I remember just crying and crying and being in so much pain, I felt so bad, after He forgave me how could I do such a thing I thought. And I just remembered the holy Spirit I received is with me forever even if I fail I can get back up and continue. But many other times I just felt very bad and I feel sick for the sins I've done after salvation. I feel nothing towards the past sins before that day. I could have murdered 100 children and I'd feel nothing anymore, such is the power of that lifting of sins. I don't even remember what it was like before Christ, it feels like that part of my life never existed in many ways, it was like I was dead and only came to life four years ago and it's those years alone I've cared about. And I can recall each time the Lord has visited me and I try to call those to remembrance, that even after some of my worst backsliding the holy Spirit filled me and I was just so happy to be reminded God loves me still and always will.
And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him. And she said unto Elijah, What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God? art thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, and to slay my son? And he said unto her, Give me thy son. And he took him out of her bosom, and carried him up into a loft, where he abode, and laid him upon his own bed. And he cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, hast thou also brought evil upon the widow with whom I sojourn, by slaying her son? And he stretched himself upon the child three times, and cried unto the LORD, and said, O LORD my God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again. And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived. (I Kings 17)
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (I John 1)