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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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 Dress to impress!

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>The OT is a story of the Jews being terrible people
>Jesus calls the Jews the "Synagogue of Satan", chases them out of the temple with a whip for doing Jew shit
>Modern Judaism is based around the rejection of Christ as the messiah
>Jews hate Christ, so much so that they killed Him and believe that He's boiling in a pot of human shit
>Your ancestors conquered the world because of their belief in God
>Every major scientific advancement for the past 2000 years have been made by Christians (hell, a Catholic priest proposed something similar to evolution long before Darwin got around to it)
>Jew shit (i.e. usury) was outlawed because Christians believed it was all sinful, only to be legalized by Jewed-out deists and atheists
>The Bible says that races are preserved in Heaven
>Atheists are always one step behind Jews in subversive beliefs
>etc. etc. etc. etc.

Also, Christianity isn't really all that hard to believe in if you actually do your research. Atheism is laziness. Repent and believe the Gospel.
cope shitskin
Replies: >>228009
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Do you even practice what you preach?
Replies: >>227167
of course not
he's going straight to hell if his retarded fairytale is real
which is the main reason i hope it is
The Old Jewstament and New Jewstament are all jewified judaism  made by jews for jewtiles and so is jewddit jewtheism. Nice try, jewsusfag. Go back to jewchan.
Replies: >>227178
This but unironically.
>>227159 (OP) 
>>etc. etc. etc. etc.
funny that after all of that, modern christcucks still worship pissrael and kikes.
Replies: >>227186
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But is it Christianity causing that? Were they atheists, would they necessarily hate Israel and kikes?
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Replies: >>227198
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not this shittu againaru
Replies: >>227194 >>227198
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2000s of Christian Europe beg to differ with your retardation.
2000 years*
Replies: >>227216
But sure go ahead and tell me how a bunch of men whose gods wore dressed and fucked other men are the way of the white man.
Replies: >>227216
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This is how people communicate in the 21st century.
>>227159 (OP) 
Jesus was not Jewish. Jesus was Greek. He was a gentile.
shut the fuck up SHUT THE FUCK UP
why are you rambling about these things that don't matter and never mattered, while missing obvious elefants in the room
you know how people say you're supposed to kiss someone if they happen under the mistletoe with you? jewsus. it's a mass-subversion psyop to make us into hypergamic pedophiles. just imagine how many times. 
the jewsus religion is controleld by the deep state who are following a depopulation agenda starting with unwanted births to pedophilia and insest finally to miscegenation and then mass-importing people of other races
mistletoe is a forced meme and you people see nothing strange going on when you hear lyrics like "ohhhh, i was under my mistletoe with my son, next i was pregnant..."
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altarboi cope
Replies: >>227226 >>228009
I'm not catholic you stinking jew.
Replies: >>227231
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churchboi cope
Replies: >>228009
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Replies: >>227237
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Replies: >>227242
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Replies: >>227244
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>>227159 (OP) 
Fun Fact: The guy who wrote a good deal of the New testament was a gnostic.
and he was also an Antisemite.
make of it as you will.
Fun Fact: The gnostics weren't around at the time so you are just pulling shit out of your ass.
Replies: >>227318
Yeah the same way Karl Marx repackaged christianity into "communism" kek. Who the fuck do you think you are fooling
Replies: >>227318
Log off, rabbi. Here's a teaching from your "antisemite"

Romans 13:1 from NIV
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
Replies: >>227318
>>227159 (OP) 
I find it funny you posting a person far more cruel than satania and you are christian. Very fitting
>>227159 (OP) 
>Repent and believe the Gospel
Read the teachings of Christ, but understand that mentions of "men" and "human" are in relation to the jewish definitions of "man".
Christianity is a religion designed around curing the jewish people.
Don't bother with it unless you find yourself acting or thinking like an OT (normal) jew.
The normal jew way of thinking is to enslave everything and everyone else, weaponize everything, or destroy it if you can't do either.

Every major scientific advancement would have been made regardless of Christianity.
Christianity was a catalyst that drove charismatic men from the Mediterranean to explore north.
The resulting cultural and knowledge exchanges are what advanced European knowledge and technology.
Replies: >>227285
Hello, Rabbi
Replies: >>227386
Christians are retards who dont understand their own religion.
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>>227159 (OP) 
bait, never believing your cuck shit religion that DOES but also DOESNT worship jews depending on what cancer youre pushing
Replies: >>229755
>>227159 (OP) 
Sin = fun. It's a slave religion. Controlled opposition and alll that. Where's my stem cell reseach also? *dies a horrible death*
Replies: >>227328
Gnosticism just means after Rome fell they shoved all religion  together tyrannically and "the" "bible" got shat out, with many versions of course. New world order bullshitery after Rome fell. A power vacuum sorta thing.
Replies: >>227340 >>227397
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>sin = fun
>murdering, robbing, lying, etc etc = fun
>fucking other men in the ass and getting aids = fun
We get it, you're a low IQ psychopath shitskin who likes making others' and xheir own life miserable.
Replies: >>227337
>don't kill a dick suck bully cock instead, call the cops rather than be your own hero! No more duels to the death!
>don't copyright infringe nor patent infringe pay your (((  royalities  ))) Don't steal from the people born rich and don't give to the poor!
>No privacy for the goyim! You might be planning on resisting us! No telling lies! What do you have to hide?  
>do not relax slave, slothful goy get to work!
>do not aspire!
>have a child so that you can be an indentured servant some moar after you end up paying child support! We need to fund the welafare system! Who is gonna pay for your retirement check after all the good die young?

inb4 who am I quoting. I'm clearly "quoting" jews.
Replies: >>227339 >>227341
>why yes, I get all my knowledge on christianity and its laws from edgy 2010's atheist youtubers and LGBT cuckchan memes
Replies: >>227342
Sounds more like you have no idea what you are talking about.
Replies: >>227342
>have a child
Yeah sister, telling whiteys that they should be continuing their race is so heckin racist and environment-unfriendly
Replies: >>227343
Not everyone likes jewtubers. Jewtube got bad when jewgle bought it in 2007. I was already 18 in 2007 and was an agnostic by 15ish before I even had Internet access. 
Maybe they changed what "the period of gnosticism" was about since I read about it. It means knowledge but in reference to religion, truth seeking after they knew not what to believe anymore. It is stupid shit and led to stupid shit in modern times.
Every time you type out heckin like this you prove you're projecting. You will have a child and that child will be a nigger loving kike enabler and because you vwill love xer you vwill submit to xer lifestyle.
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Anyone remember the duel between Joseph and the ""🎅🎄🐰🎃" schizo? That was some epic shit.
Replies: >>227346 >>227470
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>"🎅🎄🐰🎃" schizo
I did some digging on him. I looked up that emoji combination on a search engine and I came across these steam pages
These pages point to this jewtube channel
Pic 2 is how our beloved schizo looks like IRL
Replies: >>227461
We Wuz Greeks. LMAO
Replies: >>227386
You didn't read anything I wrote.
Kikes like you need Christianity to fix yourselves.
>After they were thus expelled, they settled around Jerusalem, and were afterwards united into one nation, called the nation of the Jews; but their hatred of all other men descended with their blood to their posterity. And therefore they made strange laws, and quite different from other people; they never will eat nor drink with any other nations, or wish them any prosperity. ... It was Moses who built Jerusalem and brought the nation together and who established by law all their wicked customs and practices, abounding in hatred and enmity to all other men.
> Diodorus Siculus, "Bibliotheca historica", Book 34

The purpose of Christianity is to provide guidance to a cursed people on how to cure their affliction.
And what does Christianity teach? Live in harmony with nature (don't be a jew), and destroy deceivers (kill all jews).
Both of those concepts were widespread throughout aryan territories long before Christianity spread, therefore Christianity is useless to the descendants who follow those ancient beliefs.

Not too far off. Jesus was the son of a whore raped by a roman soldier by the name of Pantera.
Replies: >>227387 >>227389
This is like that Mark Brahmin shit
Replies: >>227398
>Jesus was the son of a whore raped by a roman soldier by the name of Pantera.
Using the Talmud as a source. Something that came 200-300 years later. Fucking hell. You are such an obvious kike.
Replies: >>227396
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The Old Testament is not about "The Jews" being terrible, everyone is terrible. God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. (Psalm 53).

And Jesus did not call "the Jews" the synagogue of Satan. I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2). Either,
1. They were Gentiles falsely claiming to be Jews. (Black Hebrew Israelites, British Israelism) And these were they which went up also from Telmelah, Telharesha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer: but they could not shew their father's house, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel. (Nehemiah 7).
2. They were Jews, but by their actions they were not acting as Jews. For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2).

That lie is from the Roman Celsus in the second century who says it came from a Jew, or at least he tells a story about a Jew saying that to Jesus. Celsus is the first surviving critic of Christianity. Writing a book against Christianity and Jesus in the second century. Only surviving because Origen responds to the book with his own and quotes from it extensively.
Celsus introduces an educated Jewish person confront Jesus and tell Jesus that he was illegitimate and that his mother was turned away from her husband for adultery, and she ran away into Egypt and it is in Egypt that Jesus got his powers and came back proclaiming he was God. As always, Jesus performing miracles is undeniable. And when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was desirous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him; and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him. (Luke 23). Early critics tried to assign them to demonic powers.

And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house. (Mark 22)

But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: and if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? (Matthew 12)

But some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils. And others, tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven. But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth. If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub. (Luke 11)

And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? (John 10)

 But the claim of Mary being a prostitute and being with a random Roman named Panthera is so ridiculous that Origen doesn't really even address it because there's nothing to address, he instead goes on about the doctrines of Plato and others since they might be the reason Celsus is against the idea of the birth and talks about the sou land character of Jesus and its relation to his birth and things modern people wouldn't care to read about because the ancient greek religions no one longer cares about, but it is true that Jesus soul is too good to say evil of it. And Origen then proves that the Virgin birth is from prophecy which he says Celsus never mentions despite claiming he is well informed on these matters.

Now that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit the unforgivable sin, to say that the power of the Holy Spirit is evil. And many have had powers, but what is true power but this: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5) And what is greater than the movement of the Holy Spirit, which is the seal of salvation once you have received it. How can you know if you've received, you will know. And what change He works in you. What evil Spirit from God would give faith and love and kindness and abhorring the base things. "I was not angry when I came to France, until this instant." I was not at peace until the power of the Spirit came to me 3 years ago and the days since. For before that was only insane pain. The true power of God is love and care and faith and assurance of salvation. Working miracles make not one great and many can perform miracles by demonic institution. We know Jesus comes from God and is the Saviour and anyone who believes in Him receives the Holy Spirit and will be changed from that point to the end of their days if they hold fast their profession from the beginning. Bringing truth. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. (John 16) and we know any believer will speak the truth concerning Christ and God and his doctrine and showcase true love and goodness and gentleness. Not spite and hatred. There is no salvation without the Holy Spirit and it requires a true acceptace of the Gospel. I cannot save myself I need God and I am sorry for my sins please work in me, put me on God's team. Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (John 14). This life will be over very soon and then eternity. Everyone before has passed we will join them. There is only one doorway into Paradise and one way through to God.
Once you have received the Spirit by revelation in your own heart and spirit and for many in vision and experience, know that you are God's workmanship and child and you will be saved. The Spirit will not depart from you because you sin. The Bible says you grieve the Spirit when you sin, but that means He is still with you. But it hurts and is painful the more you sin and beyond your conscious you have a new mind a mind of Christ.
Replies: >>230030
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Gnosticism is the belief in the Demiurge and this physical word being hidden behind a, veil of maya if you will, and the real-deal true God is behind this fake and gay world in the real world, the higher realms. Sophia aka Wisdom birthed the Demiurge and there was Pleroma of spirits that each represented a different Virtue before Creation. The Nous within, the Divine Spark of God within you, comes from the true God. Matter is the realm of the Demiurge. If you pray to "God" and physical reality starts changing, you are talking with the lionheaded serpent and being farmed for Loosh. Ultimately, as fascinating and off-the-wall as Gnosticism is, it has been weaponized and used against our people as a limited hangout. The part about the Nous and achieving Enlightenment from within yourself is the kernel of Wisdom you should take from this and just view the rest as like a fantasy novel. Your word salad has nothing to do with anything.
Replies: >>227424
Mark Brahmin is a faggot and a charlatan, as is Dick Spencer. 

You don't need homosexuals to tell you the Bible is bad.
Evolution is not true. And Catholics should know best that evolution is not true since they include the Wisdom of Solomon as "Divine Scripture, Divine word, Sacred letters, Prophetical saying, the Holy Ghost faith." As the original Douay-Rheims Bible points out. But the Wisdom of Solomon utterly denies evolution's theories.

For God made not death: neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living. For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth: (For righteousness is immortal:) But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it. (Wisdom 1)

There is no place in the Bible for 500 million years of death and decay. God created the world and it was good. Man ruined it. Paul says death entered in by man and passed to all men. And then says that the whole creation is groaning because of us.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (for until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. (Romans 5)

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also (Romans 8)

Wisdom of Solomon makes it clear animals did not die. But Wisdom of Solomon is not proper canon. Even if animals (creatures with souls, different from plants) did die before Adam, we know death was first given to Adam that is truth. Then it is still desperation to try and fit at what point monkeymen became men and then Adam and then when did the monkeymen that became men start dying and why.

Evolution does not fit in the Bible. Nor does it fit everything known about biology. "But that's the thing! Evolution is impossible without God!" But there's no reason to believe it in the first place since it's not in the Bible nor is there any evidence for it. People are taught it in school because of Piltdown man, a fake monkeyman fossil among so many, but even after 40 years of pushing this fossil which turned out fake, the damage had been done and now the evolution religion is perpetually taught. Evolution has been the number one religion for less than 100 years.

First ask yourself, can I be deceived? If you say no then there's no helping. But throughout history many generations have been convinced of many foolish things that were considered facts. Atheists have to believe in Evolution because it's all they have. But God created life without death evil and destruction: men called that to themselves.

To begin deprogramming from Evolution think about it yourself, how many times does a sea sponge need to reproduce before you get clams and fish? How many accidental mutations are needed before single cells become a dandelion, a dandelion is very very complex, and oak trees, and butterflies. You have 500 million years to go from simple base life to all organic life that has ever been. It doesn't work. We have done so much work with wolves, we have bred them into just about every variation. But we cannot breed them into plants. No matter how many millions of years we have. We cannot breed them into anything but the wolf kind. The Bible says God created kinds. The wolf kind is still the wolf kind, in fact every breed of dog is inferior to the wolf. A wolf would rip apart any dog breed, and how well would a Chihuahua survive on its own? the Squirrels would eat it alive. There is variation in all kinds. But there's genetic entropy. And mutations build up and mutation are actually not good. 99% of mutations are bad. The idea you can transition lug system between the kinds just by mutations.
And if you've thought about it yourself, you can look at the vast number of people who now do real classic science, not modern science so-called which is only for profit and an agenda. Acknowledging that evolution is ridiculous leaves only the idea that there is evidence for it, which Darwin himself claimed there was no evidence, and honest evolutionist openly admit there is less than in Darwin's time. Negative evidence. Darwin would not believe evolution today if he was there for the discovery of DNA and the fact there are still zero transitional fossils. And the monkeymen fossils are all either monkies or men and you'd be shocked by just how much effort they put in to deny this fact, to push the ancient monkeypeople planet of the apes narrative.

Do not believe these pagan lies. These same people who deny the global flood. Mars is dry as a bone yet they believe a global flood occurred there. Yet Earth is covered in water (which they have no secular idea where our water came from) and yet they deny the flood as the Bible says they would, which none of the ancients did. All the Bible even though it seems too amazing to believe in our mundane life is true which causes uneasy feelings. And I would say the pagan stories are less believable and even more fantastical and involve no mind just as everything in an intelligent universe came from nothing for no reason.

But Jesus came to redeem us from the curse and death of sin, which began with Adam and we suffer to, not because of Adam, you cannot blame Adam and Eve, but because of our own sins. Babies are innocent but we have sinned just as our father Adam has. But in Jesus we can join a new family line away from Adam and into the perfect generations. So that whereas in Adam all die in Jesus we all are made righteous. And to be in Jesus means to believe in Him and be clothed in His righteousness and let His Spirit change us.
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>Joey returns at the same time as the CP bot
Really gets the aul noggin joggin
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I worship anime feet
>normalfag nigger meme
more cancerous than joseph and cp spammers combined
Replies: >>227415
>>227159 (OP) 
>The OT is a story of the Jews being terrible people
The OT is about how God tested the Jewish people until they degraded to such a state that the Book of Malachi was necessary. A downhill slope from Adam and Eve until Ezra (or Malachi) had to tell everyone that God will send Elijah to whip the Jews back into shape before the Messiah arrives.
>Modern Judaism is based around the rejection of Christ as the messiah
Wrong. Modern Judaism is derived from the Pharisees, who did reject Christ, but the Jewish response to Christianity is understandable. Imagine if Mormonism became the dominant religion and rejected Christians because they didn't follow the Book of Mormon and persecuted them for longstanding traditions. Judaism since Christ has had to exist in such an environment and be molded by the existence of Christianity and retaining its previously only spoken traditions. It just happens that Jews at their core are far worse than Christians.
>Jews hate Christ, so much so that they killed Him and believe that He's boiling in a pot of human shit
True, but imagine if Joseph Smith made America Mormon. It's the same feeling. To the Jews, Jesus was a subversive element who created a personality cult that became wildly successful.
>Your ancestors conquered the world because of their belief in God
That wasn't their only reason, and the main three Abrahamic religions have calls for conquest. Napoleon conquered Europe for himself. Alexander the Great conquered his known world for himself and his friends. Caesar conquered Gaul for himself and his gods. Most of the greatest conquerors didn't do it for God.
>Every major scientific advancement for the past 2000 years have been made by Christians (hell, a Catholic priest proposed something similar to evolution long before Darwin got around to it)
Wrong. Watson and Crick were atheists. There are plenty of other examples of other discoveries by non-Christians.
>Christianity isn't really all that hard to believe in if you actually do your research
It's not irrational to refuse the existence of miracles or think that religion, which has none of the grip on the lives of individuals in the West that it did before the French Revolution, isn't worth believing in.
thats a picture of Joseph you grumpy queer!!!!!
You don't know what word salad is and also 

>first century jews and christcucks etc etc
Made the new religion as Rome fell as I posted before. Whatever specific autisms you read about, I don't care to see Engrish twisted so much when the word gnostic to begin with twists things as it literally means just knowledge, but, as previously stated, it meant faith. At that point the society should have used gnostic as an umbrella term but no course not. I mean, Demiurge is in that article a lot, but actually reading up on some telephone game bullshit? It's primordial kike-shit... who cares? Modern people? I've not heard someone say Demiurge in my entire life and I've been here more than one third of a century and people have talked of Abrahamic religion very often around me. "The" bible's lion heads and split tongues and such is what is actual word salad by the by and should be overlooked and not taken so seriously as to even remember it.  Bibles are full of schizophrenia. 

By power you should think of the Pope being a warlord rather than a caeser. There was a power vacuum that caused kikes to take over and they called it a peroid og knowledge seeking as they slammed religions together while banning this and that.
Replies: >>227425
>>227424 (me)
Because it took Rome so long to fall indeed most agree blaming kikes is warranted. Chrstian sleeper agents and shit.... what was this thread about.....? I almost care.....
I like how about every three weeks on the dot we all forget we just had a thread on something Bible/Jew/Christian related, and it is always full of the same arguments as the last time. Pharisees this, Paul that, Gnostic this.
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How are you doing Gertrude? Long time no see
Replies: >>227468
>>227159 (OP) 
If there is only one thing I cannot fault the Jews of the Circumcision for, then it is calling the Gentiles cattle. 100+ recorded persecutions against the Jews in all of world history also means at least that many times the Gentiles are stupid enough to let the Jews back in. 
Moreover the Gentiles have what the Jews do not: The New Testament. And yet the majority of Gentiles saying "Lord, Lord." still fall for the same old 3000+ year old Jewish tricks! i.e. American Evangelism/Ukrainian Orthodoxy/etc.
Lastly if you, me, or anybody else were in the Jews' shoes, selling one of the most obvious scams in the world (which is "You can trust the Jews of the Circumcion."), and seeing people line up as far as the eye can see to quite literally sell their souls for the scam, then we would all be just as repugnantly audacious as the Jews.
Nevertheless none of the above means I cannot still hate the Jews for chasing after the heathen's abominations of idolatry and covetousness harder than the heathen can, or would if they could.
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Luke 2:21 And when eight days were completed [a]for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.
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The minor Umineko character?
Replies: >>227469
I'm not going to say. It was meant for him, not for you
What happened? I missed it
Replies: >>227474
It was a schizo duel where the emoji schizo was trying to convince Joseph that you should follow ze jewish traditions like sabbath, not eating pork, calling Jesus "Yeshua", etc, and Joseph trying to debunk those things
Replies: >>227478 >>227480
They are both schizos except one is more right than the other, and that would be the emoji schizo
There's no "trying" to debunk false Gospels, they fall on themselves. Anyone telling you you have to call Jesus Yeshua, first should explain if the pronunciation is so important why was it not preserved in any of the New Testament writings written by the Apostles who had no problem transliterating Yeshu's name to Iesous written shortform as IS. The Apostolic Church is already in agreement.

So, either believe the New Testament or believe cultist online, but when they contradict, I'll go with the New Testament.

Demanding people to "keep the sabbath" (which they themselves know nothing of) and not eating pork is also against the New Covenant of which is easy to disprove but is unnecessary since so few are of that opinion but the odd cultist here and there. But the Church from the 1st century to now has made it clear, because the Bible is clear.
Replies: >>227492
>Mention early christianity's relation to Gnosticism
>Goym (servants of the archons) come out the woodworks to seethe
Like Clockwork, You're the Jew's greatest tool you shitskin animals.
Replies: >>227493 >>228009
You mean the New Testament makes it clear that it contradicts everything in the Old Testament.
Replies: >>227495 >>227506
There is no relation to the Church of God and Gnostics. The Gnostics lost because they deserved to lose. Gnostics are the term for all insane heretics of the 1st to 4th century, and they are insane. Whether it's believing Jesus did not have real flesh, or that God mentioned in the Hebrew Bible is evil and different from the Father of Jesus. And all the rest of their bloody Antichrist spirit we will not partake in and turn away their names, but my delight is in the Saints of the earth, the excellent. Because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our cup and my inheritance is in heaven.
Replies: >>227515
It doesn't contradict anything in the OT. You just can't into reading comprehension.
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Then I will explain it to you, or if you will not listen anyone else. And I will not use anything from the New Testament.

"Why did God say not to eat pork (among many many other things) but you say you can eat pork?"
God makes covenants with man. He made one with Noah, with Abraham and with Moses and with David and arguably many others. To Abraham it was promised that through his seed the whole earth would be blessed. Now by the time of Moses that obviously did not come to pass. But God made another Covenant with Moses on Mount Sinai after God freed them from Egypt, which covenant Israel agreed to keep.

And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD. (Exodus 19).

Saying that, then God announces the 613 commandments which they are to keep. Have you ever in your life agreed to this? I haven't. Was God to judge the world based on his commandments to Israel beforehand and afterhand? The Commandments are mostly related to morality, and such things God judges. But many things people over the earth are ignorant of completely and there's no example of God judging the nations over not keeping the Covenant he gave to Israel. But rather for their evil alone.

Now the Covenant made to Abraham extended further in the time of king David. Because king David was given a covenant saying that his house would last for ever and he would have a descendant who would be the son of God.

Now Israel broke the covenant God gave them over and over again, breaking the commandments. So much so God says this: Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. (Jeremiah 31)

God's desire is not for 15th century BC Israel. It is the restoration of Paradise and to bless the whole earth. God refers to the covenant made on Mount Sinai as broken by Israel and that a new one will be made. He does not mention the covenant to Abraham or David in this way. The blessing of the whole world and the Messiah of the son of David is still to come, since, Solomon simply did not fulfill all the Messiah was said to be, and more than that, Israel is not the blessing to the whole earth, nor is David's line any longer around. In the first century Israel was destroyed and they were without a nation for 1,878 years. And without a Temple still.
The last time God destroyed Israel and the Temple it only lasted 70 years and there was great prophecy and warning all about it, God was sick of Israel and was going to punish them 70 years which is in the Hebrew Bible, the Babylonian captivity is a major event. But then God did the same thing in the first century for a multiplier more of time, destroyed his own people's nation, why? What could have happened in the first century? The reality is the Old Covenant is impossible to keep without a Temple. There is great prophecy further about the building of the Second Temple as the people returned to Jerusalem. The Second Temple was destroyed and still isn't rebuilt. And the Psalms and Prophets speak again and again about how the whole earth will praise and worship God. This was not accomplished at all by the Rabbinic Jews. Almost no one follows Rabbinic Judaism unless they are born into it as a culture (like most religions, but Christianity spreads by conversion). People are turned to the God mentioned in the Bible by who? by what? Who is the number one person who has made this happen?

The prophet Daniel says, And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary (Daniel 9). Messiah will come before the city and sanctuary were destroyed which occurred in 70 AD, well is there anyone who could have been the Messiah before then, is there any candidate at all? And even many Rabbinic Jews will admit this is talking about The Messiah, and some won't. The Messiah too must come from the seed of David as the covenant to David makes clear, the destruction of Israel in 70 AD destroyed genealogical records of the Hebrews. It would be impossible to determine anymore the line of David's descendants.

Now while Israel destroyed and was taken to Babylon for 70 years in the 6th century BC, the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. He dreamed of a statute of various metals and that a stone cut without human hands came and smashed the feet and the statue broke and the rock then turned into a mountain. Daniel interpreted this dream. That each of the metals represent a great kingdom that would rule in succession, and these are Babylon, then Persia, then Greece, then Rome being the last one, the feet. And Daniel says,

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2). So again there is a time limit. The Kingdom not made by human hands represented by a rock which turns over time into a mountain. The Messiah, the Son of God. Was to come and establish a Kingdom and a New Covenant. A Kingdom not built by human hands in the time of the Roman Empire that would grow. There is only one person in all history in the right time and place and who has had a bigger impact on the world than anyone else by far, there is only one who could have fulfilled as Messiah.
Replies: >>231442
the whole concept of gnosticism is funny when you realize that it's how commoners would cope when they learned how to read and realized that their civilization was built around the psychotic scribblings of incestuous madmen
Replies: >>227514 >>228009
Is that you, Tyrion?
Replies: >>227523
>The Gnostics lost because they deserved to lose
Spoken like a True Golem of the Jews.
Replies: >>227518 >>227531
Mark, your debate with Jay was awful. Plan better next time.
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>This World is Evil
<Jews Rule the World 
>The Demiurge (false god) is evil 
<Jews are ((( God's chosen people ))), and satan is often cited as the ruler of this world 
>((( God's Chosen people ))) Can Rape Usury and do whatever they want to the Goym (Everyone else)    
<They get away with it and nobody bats an eye.
>Everyone else is "Guilty" and damned to hell if they don't mindlessly worship (But not Jews of course, they can just murder Chickens and get a pass), until Christ was conveniently Murdered by the Jews and their Demon Idol after Calling them vipers and whipping their asses, even using their influence in the ((( Media ))) To release a Murderer over him. (Sound familiar?)
<and now we're all forgiven because of "his Sacrifice" ("Son of God" Being "Sacrificed" to his father, Like how Jews sacrifice their Children to Saturn (Father time).)
>tfw We got Jewed and Murdered our savior for nothing and have been tricked to worship his murder as something "Holy".
put two and two together and you figure out why Gnosticism makes sense. This world is Satanic and the Jews are Satanic
>niggas don't even realize that the archons usurped Christ and His Church as soon as He died on that cross
Why do christian schizo threads get so much traction? Is /b/ brown?
Replies: >>227526 >>227528
If you can't tell that it's almost exclusively the same two people who have been going at it for months then you are honestly stupid.
What traction? "Neo-Gnostic" "Neo-Pagan" and "I hate christianity" cringe posts. Where else can people expound there sheer hate for God unless it is given a chance like a thread. Count the number of posts in this thread from both sides and see who is desperate. Because the devil stirs them up. Because at the name of Jesus they fear. Why do people hate the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? Why don't they go insane over anything else? Because the truth is disturbing. God attracts attention and demands it. Jesus is not going anywhere, He will be right there from the moment you were a child to the moment you die until your face judgement the Truth is not going anywhere.

That is why Athenagoras wrote to the Emperor in the 2nd century, questioning why Christians alone draw attention to be hated,

"In your empire, greatest of sovereigns, different nations have different customs and laws; and no one is hindered by law or fear of punishment from following his ancestral usages, however ridiculous these may be. A citizen of Hium calls Hector a god, and pays divine honours to Helen, taking her  for Adrasteia. The Lacedaemonian venerates Agamemnon as Zeus, and Phylonoe the daughter of Tyndarus; and the man of Tenedos worships Tennes. The Athenian sacrifices 
to Erechtheus as Poseidon. The Athenians also perform religious rites and celebrate mysteries in honour of Agraulus and Pandrosus, women who were deemed guilty of impiety for opening the box. In short, among every nation and people, men offer whatever sacrifices and celebrate whatever mysteries they please. The Egyptians reckon among their gods even cats, and crocodiles, and serpents, and asps, and  dogs. And to all these both you and the laws give permission so to act, deeming, on the one hand, that to believe in no god at all is impious and wicked, and on the other, that it is necessary for each man to worship the gods he prefers, in order that, through fear of the deity, men may be kept from wrong-doing. But why—for do not, like the multitude, be led astray by hearsay—why is a mere name odious to you? Names are not deserving of hatred: it is the unjust act that calls for penalty and punishment." —Athenagoras
Since when did "The Jews" rule the world? And since when could they rape and charge usury, which are both against the Torah. And since when is not everyone including Jews guilty of sin? And everyone is condemned to punishment for their sins, mindless worship won't save you at all, only make it worse. And sacrificing too will make it worse unless there is repentance. God hates worship and sacrifice that is not earnest.

To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. (Isaiah 1)

Salvation is only through Jesus Christ. He has carried the punishment of our sins, to all who want salvation and grace from God and His Holy Spirit.

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. (Isaiah 53)
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so is this thread a free for all brawl between all christcuck sects, gaytheists, Unironic Zionists, and Schizo ideologies?
Replies: >>227551
Thankfully, the containment thread is working
Doesn't matter what religious background your white comrades are.
niggalations 6:9

kill niggers and sluts
Pretending to believe the bible just to own the jews is almost the dumbest thing imaginable.
Replies: >>227610
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The "west" is built upon the institution of the christian marriage. Is the only thing that only happened in the west and never in any other place on the world. This destroyed the patriarchy system of the helenic world. I'm not extending too much in this subject because it would require a whole essay.

Unrelated, but about usury, spanish catholics from the university of salamanca, which in economics is the proto-austrian school of economics were the first ones that discovered that it was not sinful, because the first christians, bring up that idea from ancient greeks, greeks thought that usury was bad and that followed until very late in the history of the economic thought, it is more a technical misconception than a theological one. This thought appeared with the theory that money has more value in the present than in the future, thing that was not very clear at first.

And about the whole debate of if christianism is jewish or not. Well, technically christianism is a jewish sect with things from a lot of cultures and religions mixed together, but problably the biggest difference is that Catholicism preaches universalism, every man is made by god, there's only one, universal church which is above the states and goverments, the church of rome (unlike jews were they are the chosen ones and the rest can kill themselves), in orthodox christianism for example, you have national churchs and instead of a pope, a patriarch, very similar to jewdaism, this concept of universalism is lost, is like the jewish version of christianism basically. Protestantism is a literal jewish subversion of christianism, they also have national churchs for example, and this subtle jewish ideology that is disgusting. I don't know a lot about orthodox christianism so i can't tell if is more jewish than protestantism, but probably orthodox is more jewish, at least in practice. And protestantism IS VERY jewish. In the context of the ww1 christmas truce, someone said: religion makes peace in the west, war in the east.
Replies: >>231579
cool thesis, bruh
Nobody is pretending, you limp dicked post ironic redditor.
Replies: >>227649
Get real, faggot. 90% of these terminally online "trad" Christians don't even read the fucking bible, much less have any sort of genuine religious beliefs or morality. They're LARPing contrarians doing it purely to be based and tradpilled, purely a political move with no basis on any sort of spirituality.
Replies: >>227653 >>228009
>90% of these terminally online "trad" Christians don't even read the fucking bible, much less have any sort of genuine religious beliefs or morality.
Replies: >>227660
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>>227649 (counting you as well)
This, so much this! Every zoomer is cope seethe rent freeing the coomer doomers and sneed feed and seed, they're locked and KEYED and SOVL and /pol/cel bloomer soulless slop kino peak fiction!
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Replies: >>231450
Why does Bible say that God demands us to keep sabbath and that he tosses all who don't into hell (Isaiah 66:23-24) and Christianity thinks they can change it to sunday or ignore it entirely?
Why does Bible have instructions regarding what animals to eat and not eat and that Yeshua will kill all of those who do so on his 2nd coming(2 Thessalonians 1:6-8 quoting Isaiah 66:15-17) but Christians think that means to eat bacon and shrimp?
Why are all these churches Im seeing preparing for halloween christmas easter valentines and lying about how "It's to celebrate Jesus" yet nothing in the Bible ever tells us do these holidays and a bit of research will tell you these holidays come from cultures that worship a bunch of sun gods and fertility gods that the Bible warns you to not do(Deuteronomy 12:30)?
Replies: >>231418 >>231442
2 Thessalonians isn't quoting Isaiah 66 and neither passage you cited talks about eating "unclean" animals, something that is negated entirely in the New Testament. What's the longest you've gone without being a lying faggot? Three hours? Five seconds?
This explains the sabbath, and further all questions of the old vs new testament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HpPEdNOyK0
It's not "changed to sunday" I explained in my post here: >>227506
I can explain further but I don't think I need to unless you're still confused and you've watched that hour and a half presentation which goes through every possible angle already. And I have no idea why you go on about Halloween and christmas and valentines.
i wouldnt be surprised if libtards were all christians now. its like how all conservatives are gay now. neither party ever actually believed in anything they ever said
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Why does cucktianity not approve of total nigger death?
Replies: >>231522
That's crude.
Replies: >>231529 >>231534
It's niggers doing nigger things, of course it's crude.
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Yes, this is precisely why we have to exterminate them. Same as pajeets, kikes, and other brownoids in general.
Replies: >>231538
Giving thieves beatings and executing murderers is based, though.
Replies: >>231540 >>231542
No trial?
You're a murderer and a rapist says I, now get hacked to death by niggeroids
Replies: >>231560
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Sure are a lot of words in all these replies to your awful thread. But, this is the legacy of Yeshua: Strife, decadence and confusion. Truly one could swap his name with that of any old trickster god without much ado. Some day maybe you'll be converted to some other way and vigorously preach that word, too.
Replies: >>231544 >>231554
how does it feel to be born after the year 2000?
Here's a fun theory:
>Yahweh is a trickster god
>Jesus is a sissy hypno sky father god
>Lucifer is a dying-and-rising god who was imprisoned to prevent his prophesied death and rebirth
>everything we're told about the devil is just Yahweh/trickster god projecting harder than any metaphysical entity has projected before
yea, they will side with their own no matter what pretty much
>The "west" is built upon the institution of the christian marriage
>Is the only thing that only happened in the west and never in any other place on the world
Tacitus Germania
Germanics were doing single-partner monogomy before Christianity spread through Europe.
>flat earth isn't really all that hard to believe in if you actually do your research
Replies: >>231606
>privacy on the internet is real bro
>feds fucked a drug seller in the ass just because he used the computer always at the same time
>>227159 (OP) 
I will repeat my question here. So, What's the best version of the Bible? Yes, I know about the Nag Hammadi Library. But I mean the mainstream Bible. KJV is written in great and ceremonial style but it has some problems (likely arising from the manuscripts that they had available at the time).

* The Dead Sea Scrolls scripture in English: http://dssenglishbible.com/
* intertextual bible site: https://intertextual.bible/book/testament-of-solomon/chapter/1
Replies: >>233055
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The issues purposed against the manuscript differences in the KJV I'd more than up for debate. And the reality is we have less access to manuscripts than they did. John Calvin in the 16th century mentions that the long version of I John 5.7 is not in all Greek manuscripts but is included in the best Greek manuscripts. The longer version of Matthew 6.13 is what we find in the first century document the Didache.
There's also internal evidence. For example the longer version of Matthew 9.13 makes sense considering Luke 5.32, (and there's no short version of Luke 5.32). And there's many many other examples of this. Every manuscript includes the word "new" in I Corinthians 11.25. Paul himself says that Jesus used the term "new" at the Lord's Supper. Therefore it makes sense when you read "new" also in Matthew 26.28 where as modern bibles don't because "we found a few manuscripts that we consider the earliest that don't have it!" Of course it should be noted, these were not "found" we've had access to them. Another problem is the idea of what we have left. Good Bibles die quickly. In the future you know which Bibles will survive the longest from our time? Mormon and JW Bibles. Why? Because no one reads them, they'll be kept in perfect condition for a long time. We shouldn't expect to have the most well used manuscripts read every day from the early church by this point 2,000 years later. But we can trust the church tradition, which the KJV is following. 
The manuscript differences don't change any meanings. Other than Job 22.30. Modern Bibles say the exact opposite of what traditional Bibles say. Surprisingly this isn't a manuscript difference, the problem is Job is a very old book and difficult to translate. The word either means "island" or "not" and therefore "innocent island" or "not innocent". And you can make a conclusion reading the debate on that. HOWEVER, let me just say, the Greek Bible translated in the 2nd century BC agrees with the KJV reading. The Latin Bible translated in the 4th century agrees with the KJV reading. The Peshitta also an ancient translation agrees with the KJV reading. It is the traditional reading. Which is why the KJV translators just went with that. But since the late 1800s there's been a slow movement of "we know better now".

The KJV has issues like translating many different words to "hell" which makes Revelation make no sense when it says "hell will be cast into the lake of fire" because the KJV also translates Gehenna to "hell" which every time Jesus refers to Gehenna he's talking about the lake of fire, so the KJV ultimately reads "hell will be cast into hell". And also the KJV and many traditional translations don't use the term "Temple prostitute" when they should. maybe because they find the term gross, but it actually matters in Genesis 38. Judah has sex with someone he thinks is a prostitute, then when he searches for her again, he asks the people "where is the shrine prostitute" in other words he's trying to make it seem not so bad, he doesn't want to talk to a prostitute, he wants to talk to a shrine prostitute like a dignified man! Kind of like someone saying escort instead of whore.
English Bibles though, almost none of them are "translated directly from the original text" it's just a series of edits on previous editions. The NIV (non-inspired version) is the worst most popular version, frankly I think it's horrible, just awful. the ESV is the best most popular modern Bible. the KJV and the DRB are the best I think of all time even though they're not perfect, because Christianity is not a "book worship religion" like Islam. Jesus gave us power and Spirit first. And we live in a fallen world of corruption.

I want the KJV because I want the English speaking church to have one central Bible, it used to for a long time, and I think that's very good. Just like there's one central Greek Bible and Latin Bible. Obviously you had other Latin translations like from Immanuel Tremellius. And you've always had other English Bibles, but the one most recognisable has been the KJV by far and it still is even over the ESV. Most people know the KJV that's where the famous quotes like "The bricks are fallen down" "O ye of little faith" "Hallowed be thy name" "Holier than thou" come from that's the translation that has greatly influenced English. However, the reality is most people cannot understand the KJV and if you want to reach other people it is better then to be familiar with the ESV or even the CEV which is a very loose translation but it's what I started reading at first I think it is great.
Another annoying thing about modern Bibles is and  you start to wonder at the narrative of these bible translations, we already know some translations are not even made by Christians. But "academic scholars" who have an agenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfiJcxvD3Yc

They find a manuscript with the right narrative and go with that despite it being one out of thousands and declare "it must be the oldest because it doesn't mention X and clearly X was then added later because Christianity was built over time oh ho ho." and that is 
how they date them yes. They don't put them in some science chamber and get a date.
This is the perfect example: https://www.thetextofthegospels.com/2015/09/codex-sinaiticus-and-ending-of-mark.html The long ending of Mark 16. TWO manuscripts in the whole world have a shorter version of Mark 16. And those two are known to be in relation to each other. 1,600 ancient manuscripts have the full version of Mark 16. AND Irenaeus in the 2nd century quotes from the longer version. so... what's the conclusion? Well if you're a very smart bible critic obviously the conclusion is the two manuscripts possibly from the 4th century are correct and everyone else is wrong and poor stupid Irenaeus from the 2nd century was just quoting from one of the corrupted bibles FROM THE FUTURE! Living in this world is like a giant circus of stupidity.
Why is it christians deny their religions asian semitic origins and try to cope that it's european?
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