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Is anyone else really alone on the internet? 
I find it hard being a part of any community now. Most boards or communities feel quite fragmented.
Of course. You aren't going to be capable of connecting with people in your 30s or 40s when your life derailed at 13-16. It's like video games, where I go without for long enough to forget and upon returning I say "Oh yeah, this sucks. That's why I stopped doing this."
>>227102 (OP) 
i know a forum, they have an amazing community, but its behind a login-wall so i couldn't bother to join.
They probably don't need a retard like you anyway
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The only reason I come here at all is because I'm too lazy to make an X account. People there are more intelligent and have more interesting ideas and thoughts and more new content and OC.
>b-but it has retards and normalfags!
So do imageboards. The difference is that imageboards don't have the good parts anymore but X does.
>People there are more intelligent and have more interesting ideas and thoughts and more new content and OC.
not sure if bait...
If you really think that way then >>>/digi/ is more your flavorful.
Replies: >>227125 >>231004
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Replies: >>227127
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I joined a forum years ago and loved it but I eventually stopped out of anhedonia and all my familiar faces left.
I considered doing it out of loneliness but getting acquainted with how the people are and what it does to them via Nitter it's a skinnerbox that consumes your attention and energy, constant rapid fire of people's bullshit thoughts that they succeed upon without break making a plaque that cocoons their minds.
Replies: >>227208
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That's not what I was suggesting, but fuck you anyways.
I stopped using websites with accounts once the pigs and antifa began tracking emails in about 2018. Even fake emails arent safe because of the ip address timestamps. I use a vpn 24/7 but i just didnt trust myself enough to not slip. So, only the webring for me.
>being butthurt enough to make this
lol, lmao
Replies: >>227132
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Replies: >>227137
>definition of fun = being butthurt and obsessing over some literally-what isolated community no one cares about
Sure thing, bubby
Replies: >>227139
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>definition of icy = the measure of what's up
what are they saying? I'm clean?
Replies: >>227154 >>227422
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Replies: >>227156
>portraying digi as White supremacists
>meant to be insulting
Replies: >>227158 >>227422
The segment of that sketch that was clipped doesn't portray them as that it took on a different meaning when applied with a new context, retard.
Replies: >>227163
<e-erm??? d-dont point out how my faggot attempt at making a meme backfired on me....!!!112
Overdose already, knuckledragger.
Replies: >>227168
It's just a shitpost.
Replies: >>227179 >>227182
autists don't understand jokes or humor, don't bother
Replies: >>227180 >>227182
<autism is... le bad!!!1
Replies: >>227181
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I'm not going anywhere
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The digi-hating nigger-loving kike reveals his true form
Replies: >>227183
digi sucks lol
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>>227102 (OP) 
>Is anyone else really alone on the internet? 
I know that feeling anon and it often (or sometimes) leads you into a dark rabbit hole of trying to join into some furry discord server.
I've seen that shit happen and it changed people to worse versions of themselves.
Even worse is how in order to even get acquainted on any social media you have to have build up some kind of reputation just to even have any conversation. Almost like you need to have some sort of privilege to even talk to them in general.
Replies: >>227259 >>227264
why are you so obsessed with a board composed of five people that dont even know you exist
Replies: >>227217
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I hold a disdain towards that place because it's comprised of failed normalniggers who think that they're too good for /b/ and are afraid to have "their" views challenged. It's for the most part a inorganic circle jerk that's a drop in the bucket compared to all the other circle jerks that have existed on the internet since time immemorial. Namefags never amount to anything interesting.
Replies: >>227219
tldr obsessed
Replies: >>227220
If you didn't care enough to read, then why did you respond?
>forcing another thread into inorganic /digi/ hate thread #59379170733982107509973
Replies: >>227225
Did you know that you could always post about the OP topic whenever you want?
digi are so gay even 8chan didn't want them. ponder that for a moment
Replies: >>227236
<false flag #315986032579319870847
they left blacked.gov, they didn't get kicked out false flag newfag
Replies: >>227241
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Fucking turncoats.
One time I went to /digi/ and I saw a picture of Drumpf and I had a meltdown and started screaming and shitting on the dinner table and my mother beat me with a broom I hate /digi/ wtf.
>off my meds, at home enjoying some ZZZchan™
>trying to find some boards to shit up
>click on /digi/
>immediately hear a knock at my door
>walk over and look through the peephole
>for a split second I see a fully naked man with his cock in his hand, stroking with extreme vigor
>immediately the door flies off the hinges and the beast walks in
>stands over me with his cock casting a shadow on my sobbing face while I piss my pants
>walks over me while letting out a brap in my face
>grabs my dakimakura and rapes it while I watch in horror
It depends on the site but it wasn't like that for me. When I had a Facebook account I just added random people and were practically immediately accepted into their shenanigans because we had the same general worldviews and humor. Some people don't care about opsec, don't mind that they don't know your real name and what you look like, or even meeting them without showing them your face beforehand, we were accepting and open of each other because it just boils down to people talking on the internet (and having to properly vet takes too much time for how fast the pace is). I don't remember what it was like in the actual beginning but I interacted with pages and people, and eventually people liked me, it's all exponential. As petty and pathetic as it is there were some great arcs and people that I cherish.
>discord tranny server 
I may be lonely but I'm not a pathetic lonely faggot like you.
I just use kohlchan. I dont consider myself a anon anymore. I've been a Bernd for a couple of years now.
Replies: >>227303
I dont feel the need but if I wanted to have a community on the internet I'd join some gaming community again, havent done that since last decade but it was a good laugh and I'd do it again
Replies: >>227287
Gaming communities are all made up of tiktok zoomers.
Malnourished chomo fights off kidney failure to make an utterance (diseased)
>>227102 (OP) 
It all died, anonymous conversations. You should have felt it, the death rattle, as things like omegle finally died off.
>some brown tigers may enter if they --- UNCLEAAAAAAN
His mistake for not having a closed discord group to avoid letting niggers in.... but wait, isn't that a little.....retarded to let them in either way? Unless whites are lazy niggers they don't need niggers, and in reality this is a shitpost about online community... but why would you even let a brown tiger in? Anywho, it does not fully equate, obviously, not that I posted it, but if I did I'd point out that the tiger is retarded for an obvious reason. Move in but don't think of white tigers.... totally realistic idea my royal goy. Why keep digi open if it's totally also unrealistic to avoid banter? Banter and be banned, the tiger just let the brown in to ban them all chidlish and the like. How could you not get that?
Replies: >>227423
<hurr durr what's lurk moar mean???
You sound very new to message boards, having this allergic of a reaction to gatekeeping.
Replies: >>227426 >>227467
>implying imageboards always gatekept when to be in an imageboard there is no way to even get rid of x person 
The only reason they can boot ya is because it's one thread with every user being a breaker of it's own rules, attention whoring, moderators. Possibly the same person talking to himself. I've seen that on the now dead infinity. A guy was literally uncomfortable with my posting on his dead board as he talked with himself....but whatever. Believe what you want about lurky lurk status tho. I can't stop ya. 
>be me
>cookie glitches
>digi shows up
>see aboslute over-bait
>post genuine reponse and opinion
>get banned harder than a redditor huffing jesus farts
>......hide thread again
Replies: >>227427
<>>implying imageboards always gatekept
Yeah, you're very new. You talk like a retarded fag anyway. Stupid nigger tourists coming to random boards expecting freeze peach then getting butthurt and causing trouble when they don't get their little way. Congratulations on acting just like the typical migrant invading and ruining the West.
Replies: >>227429 >>227443
The Jews teaching whites it's okay to enslave the Native Americans was dick and the whites actually were the real illegal immigrant  there bucko.
Replies: >>227434
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I applaud /digi/ for how they've been able to keep out the undesirables and retain their culture. Everybody complaining about that place just doesn't know what good moderation is. :^)
Replies: >>227432 >>227434
I agree, reddit and discord too
Replies: >>227434
>>227429 (samefag)
>>227430 (samefag)
>>227432 (samefag)
Thanks for proving to me that you aren't as informed as you believe yourself to be. Dunning-Kruger narcissist blames others for not entertaining its obnoxious, retarded screeching under the umbrella of freeze peach. This website has multiple political boards for you to treat like Toastmasters competitions and show everyone how you're the brightest redditor in the room, yet you're still a little piss-pants baby and throw a fit because one slow board for casually chatting with other users doesn't blow hot air up your ass about how intelligent you are.
Replies: >>227444 >>227454
>You talk like a retarded fag anyway
It sounds like Fagatha to me, but if it isn't, it's some other sort of fag because I've seen this sort of obnoxious writing style across multiple threads in the past 24 hours.
Replies: >>227467
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Replies: >>227446 >>227451
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My only real problem with /digi/ is that it doesn't allow TORposting. This wouldn't even be so much of a problem because I rarely have a need to post on /digi/, but when they took over /a/, they infected it with this shit too.
>December 2024
>still using Honeypot Browser like a kid who just learned about the scary darkwebs from his favorite e-celeb and thinks that Tor "is a browser"
See: https://digdeeper.club/articles/browsers.xhtml#tb
Doesn't prove anything, but OK fag. You should kill yourself for simultaneously whining about muh fascism and posting scat anyway.
Replies: >>227453
>Doesn't prove anything
It proved at least my post wasn't samefagged, but now that I think about it someone who's really obsessed could have had a normal browser up simultaneously to be deceptive.
>whining about muh fascism
Why do you see everything in black and white? It's a circumstantial joke, just like >>227127.
you sound crazy
Replies: >>227458 >>227467
>Why do you see everything in black and white? It's a circumstantial joke
You sound like the kind of "person" who would also post nigger memes
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you sound mad and insecure
You sound retarded.
Why don't you make note of what I said instead of how sounded? Even though it was a joke at your expense, you still should have been able to understand that it was just a bait and switch, not a declaration of any political perspective.
Replies: >>227467
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Yall got text to audio synthesis activated? Is it in the settings? I wanna have a super smaht sounding voice!
kek, owning the insecure incel racists, so based
Replies: >>227479
so true sister, he's MALDING!! we need to deplatform the racist weaboo christcucks RIGHT NOW
Replies: >>227479
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cringe samefag mad
Replies: >>227483
Your zoomer e-celebs are not any better.
Replies: >>227484
only you care retard
Replies: >>227490
Probably not entirely what OP was getting at, but I feel as if I'm almost dealing with the opposite.
>Is anyone else really alone on the internet?
If only...
>being a part of any community
If I wanted to be part of a community I'd go outside and interact with people. Internet used to be a refuge from that. Have recently been jumping through hoops to join a particular "community" and the friction was that they requested links to active social media for verification, but I gave up on whatever sock accounts I had long ago because I completely lost interest in the medium. Used to rely on internet for interacting with ideas that people generated and not the personalities behind those ideas. I was at peace being alone online, but now so many of these walled gardens have sprung up and, even though it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things and can be routed around, I can't help but feel that a degree of forced socialization that used to be mainly relegated to IRL is now becoming more and more commonplace online. Maybe that's nice for friend collectors, but it can be a damned nuisance for anon.
> i find hard being a part of any community. 

I understand your point anon, i was walked all internet and i  don't find a great community for talking things and because this now i use imageboards for talk. 
Maybe the internet are going for you fall, the peoples now are using Instagram and twitter, no more forums.
If have bypass or iron mask, is for peoples like you man.
Very much this, imageboards are widely known for their e-celeb-centered culture.
Replies: >>227501 >>227504
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nobody said that, you are insane
Replies: >>227502 >>227504
>i have zero reading comprehension and/or i am a dishonest kike
Replies: >>227504
You don't have to resort to misquoting and reinterpretation to get your point across.
I think if you like /digi/ you should stay there and stop derailing this thread, you sperg(s).
In any case I'm sure many of us feels disconnected and lonely. It's baffling to me that anyone feels connected, at least anyone in the west. Villages have been replaced by cities and cities are nothing but commercial centers full of strangers and outlanders. Can't even get a wife what with them being all brain scrambled and "empowered" and all. I want to see the world burn in the fires, personally. It's not payback, and I know that, but I'd take some small measure of joy in seeing it all melt down.
It wasn't a pro-digi post that brought that board up in the first place, champ.
What sort of nonsense did you train your language model on?
>>227102 (OP) 
I feel that way sometimes. There are places on the webring that have regular events where you can feel like there's a community, but everywhere else is incentive-driven. Xitter was always bad, and the term "anon" there has been perverted to mean an account without a face, rather than without a name. Worse still, money incentives continue to creep into it, and its dynamics lend themselves to a refined version of forum culture where high follower, non-gimmick accounts are respected and low follower accounts are given the cold shoulder. This isn't to mention the rampant grifting and cults of personality or the classic issue of reputation. You can't rexeet something funny or gross or absurd on your main account. That's what alt-accounts are for. You can't say something serious on your gross or absurd account for the same reason.

The same is true for Discord, especially if it isn't among friends. Discords for e-celebs are cults of personality with their designated e-celeb as God and the moderators his angels. It doesn't matter if the e-celeb is a game reviewer or a VTuber, it's all the same. Cultures form there that aren't reflected in the e-celeb's work. Then there are places like Substack, which is a weak continuation of the blogosphere, again with a price incentive, and it's now trying to become like all of the other apps but "high brow" as they gravitate toward the perfect ideal of a social media app that the Chinese developed. 

Even the most popular "altchan" is linked to these things. The Sharty is infested with xitterfags looking for content and has opened its own forum and blog sites away from the imageboard. On the flip side, the webring and 8kun are as dead as door nails. They just don't have the same population they used to, and those who remain are becoming increasingly demoralized in what may be a war of attrition with normalfag social media. 4um is filled with shitskins and ESLs and other bad actors who have ruined, rather than advanced, the cultures of the boards they've hijacked. "Oldfag" imageboards have the inverse problem. They don't want to move on from or advance the imageboard culture they grew up with.

It could be that this is what would always happen. Leading figures appear in all communities in all forms, and people gravitate toward them because, even if they are only a spectacle, they have charisma, and people want to be around like minded others. Imageboards fought this by hating namefags, but now there is no significant kind of social media to do the same. One online as much as the average imageboard user would have to be truly antisocial, either due to chronological or psychological reasons, to remain on imageboards. The internet has become the real world. Billionaires and nations fight for and buy social media. People tie fiscal assets to its workings in cryptocurrency. Yet the opposite isn't true. The real world has not become the internet. Many trends have found their way into the real world, but the average person doesn't browse Reddit seriously or use Discord or know what Substack is. He doesn't post on imageboards. He uses Xitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for minor moments in his daily life. He might follow a few accounts for a laugh or the news. He doesn't care about the money attached to it. Yet the people who are online want his eyes so they can receive money. He's a customer.

Maybe we've reached the true opposite of normalfags. Maybe how combative imageboards are now wasn't always serious. Maybe those like us have been trained to remain on them by taking it seriously. It could be that what I've typed in this post is reflective of the same issue. When was the last time you saw anyone on an imageboard disparage another for leaving a comment on a YouTube video? No one anywhere cares.

I don't know the solution to this issue. I have heard the proposal of (pay)walled gardens where users can talk to like people within a bubble of their own, but that doesn't seem satisfactory. I don't want to be a part of a scene or a fandom or some group for intellectual discourse. I want to have fun talking to anyone at any time without knowing his face online, but I may have missed out on even that. The opening up of the internet may have been its death kneel, or maybe it was 8chan dying, or maybe it was the webring being killed in its cradle.  For now, buy a burner if you want to give any social media that requires a phone number a chance. Unless you're a 2FAfag, it doesn't matter if it's a flip phone. You could get a virtual phone number too. Get tech literate and remove yourself as far as you can from the frontends of non-imageboard social media platforms, like Revanced or its forks for YouTube. A script to let you switch between libre and normal platforms for reading and writing, respectively, shouldn't be too hard. You want to connect with people on imageboards? Make posts and threads and attend events.
>someone has been spamming how much he hates /digi/ for weeks
<it's clearly someone who likes /digi/ and needs to go back
What are you, a fucking nigger abo with down syndrome or something?
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I don't obsess over /digi/ like certain other Anon(s), but I'm going to leave my 2 cents.

They try to create an image of being basically so culturally insulated and ascended in terms of being an autist/anti-normalfag than the regular imageboard user... but in practice they're like Facebook boomers or "redpilled" zoomers on Xitter, they worship controlled opposition like the cheeto kike and even fucking El*n M*sk (aka. the antichrist) and one in every 5 posts is some social media screenshot or inane social media drama.
They also obsess over random Western goyslop and the latest trendy Steam games... but what disgusts me is that in the same breath they also slander grassroots otaku masterpieces like Clannad (and KEY as a whole) for being too "normalfaggy"... like what the fuck?? That's some extreme levels of cognitive dissonance/hypocrisy, nigger.
A recent thing that I also witnessed there is the main guy going on a bitch fit and posting 10 consecutive posts (like it's IM) exposing his very naive opinions and views in response to a guy saying that artists shouldn't ruin their work (adding watermarks and visual noise, etc) as a vapid attempt to "fight AI".

That is all to say that what I don't like about them is their self-contradicting hipster culture. I have no problem with their 1 thread format, namefagging, and focus on gatekeeping (which is what "triggers" the /digi/-obsessed schizo(s) and makes him call it a "Discord").
Agree and they are niggerlovers to boot
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You articulated some of the grievances I've had about /digi/ that I was too lazy, frustrated, and/or stupid to communicate effectively. I actually used to like /digi/ when I first discovered it because it felt like I finally found somewhere to share perspectives, opinions, and special obscure stuff that I hold dear with other like minded "anons" who I sympathize with. The namefagging put me off a little, but I kept an open mind since I was an outsider and I thought there might have been some depth to it that I would understand by lurking more. Anyways, I did end up sharing the special obscure stuff in question, and it was appreciated, but I felt off about how it was received. It was like it wasn't given the appropriate amount of consideration that you'd expect an anon to have. They recognized that it was "good" and very unique, but it didn't seem to reach them on a level that wasn't superficial. I'm gauging this off of the responses I got, they may as well have had their own generative and valuable insight, but it was not shared or I didn't pick up on it. On the matter of opinions and perspectives, it became apparent that they held under developed two dimensional views that I would have had if I was still going through puberty.
<muh music was 2deep4u so i dont like them now
>it became apparent that they held under developed two dimensional views that I would have had if I was still going through puberty
>I don't obsess
>proceeds to obsess
Replies: >>227623
Making just one post about a board isn't obsessing about it. Derailing multiple threads because of a board is obsessing over it though.
Replies: >>227654
Song title pl0x.
Replies: >>227647
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your arthouse sloppa is not why digi sucks kek
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"They" (virtual) started it when he deleted the most recent posts that were criticizing /digi/ in the power rankings thread, which was then purged by some other fag mod.
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>When was the last time you saw anyone on an imageboard disparage another for leaving a comment on a YouTube video?
And why would they? Ignoring all the bullshit and telemetry YouTube is used by almost everyone who has access to a personal computing device with an internet connection, it's the buffer zone for every online "community" or ideology or whatever. You could probably get a thorough understanding of the internet and the rest of the world as a whole just from YouTube alone if you're looking in the right places. Though in the past 5 years or so there's been an increase in censorship with comments being purged or not even going through and people just up and leaving the website or dying. Going on YouTube now feels like sifting through one of those sensational gossip magazines at the checkout aisle of a grocery store.
>I want to see the world burn in the fires, personally. It's not payback, and I know that, but I'd take some small measure of joy in seeing it all melt down.
Me too.
Replies: >>228857 >>228915
>youtube alone
False, a lie. Forbidden topics on the kikes are utterly forbidden on youtube. Certain scientific topics are also completely and utterly forbiden.

Most of the internet has been robots for over a decade now. The old ip check project proved that a decade ago on 8ch before it became 8cuck. Its why you can see so many fools attached to their phones, and they be knowledgable about a kike approved subject. Yet their knowledge on parts not kike approved is hidden or curtailed to a kike approved viewpoint. Its how you can get a echo chamber of kike approved ideas/views so easily but utter silence on non approved ideas/viewpoints. Image boards are the containment for non kike approved ideas/viewpoints and even those are spammined by bots constantly even to this day. It's very easy to identify them as they use ":^)" to mock the goyim.

Meanwhile in real life I see Its either complete fools showing themselves, usually the young. Or extremely redpilled, but decieved into kike approved views, like anons.
Replies: >>228860 >>228915
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Ok, maybe not entirely YouTube alone, but consider that videos like these are still up and also consider the kind of comments they get:
>>227102 (OP) 
>Is anyone else really alone on the internet? 
>I find it hard being a part of any community now.
Shut up. You faggot. Lmao. Bottom text
Replies: >>228920
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>>227102 (OP) 
>Is anyone else really alone on the internet? 
>I find it hard being a part of any community now.
I feel this way too.
>Most boards or communities feel quite fragmented.
Indeed, even here on Sleepychan, as some anons on this thread >>218669 have pointed out. I'm planning on leaving imageboards altogether soon.
>I want to see the world burn in the fires, personally.
>Me too
Same. I believe we will get our wish in the near future. The big question is this: What will emerge from the ashes, a dysgenic jewish NWO or an eugenic Aryan world order? The final battle is coming, choose your side wisely.
It has been a while since I have read such a high quality post, especially in a random board of all places.
>The internet has become the real world. Billionaires and nations fight for and buy social media. People tie fiscal assets to its workings in cryptocurrency. Yet the opposite isn't true. The real world has not become the internet. Many trends have found their way into the real world, but the average person doesn't browse Reddit seriously or use Discord or know what Substack is. He doesn't post on imageboards. He uses Xitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for minor moments in his daily life. He might follow a few accounts for a laugh or the news. He doesn't care about the money attached to it. Yet the people who are online want his eyes so they can receive money. He's a customer.
This part belongs in a fucking book. 100% truth.
>I have heard the proposal of (pay)walled gardens where users can talk to like people within a bubble of their own, but that doesn't seem satisfactory. I don't want to be a part of a scene or a fandom or some group for intellectual discourse.
I would, but I can't find any decent ones and don't like the idea of paywalls since I'm kind of a poorfag. I know about stuff like matrix and things like that but I'm too tech illiterate for it. The nice thing about imageboards is that you don't have to go through much to access them. 
> For now, buy a burner if you want to give any social media that requires a phone number a chance. 
Your ideas aren't bad, but in my honest opinion, these sites that require phone numbers can go fuck themselves, this shit is one of the many things that has ruined the internet. They may be nice to lurk, but I'm never registering to actively participate in them.
> they worship controlled opposition like the cheeto kike and even fucking El*n M*sk (aka. the antichrist)
You know what's up.
>I actually used to like /digi/ when I first discovered it because it felt like I finally found somewhere to share perspectives, opinions, and special obscure stuff that I hold dear with other like minded "anons" who I sympathize with. The namefagging put me off a little, but I kept an open mind since I was an outsider and I thought there might have been some depth to it that I would understand by lurking more. Anyways, I did end up sharing the special obscure stuff in question, and it was appreciated, but I felt off about how it was received. It was like it wasn't given the appropriate amount of consideration that you'd expect an anon to have. They recognized that it was "good" and very unique, but it didn't seem to reach them on a level that wasn't superficial.
I feel the same way about /digi/ and sorta had a similar experience with them. I really like them though, they're not bad people (quite the opposite actually, and they're not niggerlovers like an anon here said), but I'm definitely not going back there.
>Most of the internet has been robots for over a decade now.
You also know what's up.
>Image boards are the containment for non kike approved ideas/viewpoints and even those are spammined by bots constantly even to this day.
While I don't agree entirely with this, there is some truth here. I think anonymous imageboards were a completely organic development at first, but after normalfags started being affected by actions taken by anons both online and offline, glowniggers gradually started paying more and more attention to them, to the point of eventually deciding to hijack them and use them for a large multitude of purposes, including as containment areas for dissidents.
Replies: >>228919
at one point the people we used to call ecelebs were random nobodies and they didn't make money by acting like self centered freaks
my only conclusion from all my time on the internet is that  there's a similar amount of people who used the internet over 10 years ago ignoring social media and the amount of people  basically begging for money if you actually look at things it starts to make sense
I  used to care about twitch and tried to talk to people online in games but at one point the discussion became hostile when the internet is a place for you to fuck around and say stuff without really stepping on egg shells none of it is truly serious
nowadays I just play old games and watch specific  streamers[unironically vtubers I'm a weeb]

there's practically nothing of actual value attempting to socialize with people in almost all parts of the internet  it's essentially is like trying to talk to a wild animal or a brick wall there's no sense of community
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>>227102 (OP) 

Anons, you have taken too many redpills at once.

Give yourselves time to digest them.
Replies: >>228921 >>228940
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F-faggot??? I'm not a faggot!!!!!! You are everything wrong with imageboards because you called me a faggot, now I'm gonna project about how you wrote this and that post I don't like. I bet you don't even run your posts through a grammar / spell checker omg you're so ooooo o black. YOU'RE THE FAGGOT I BET YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN MY DISCORD OMG LURK MOAR YOU'RE NOT W-W-WELCOME HERE YOU'RE NOT ONE OF US BTW I'M TOTALLY AND  OLDFAG AN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. anyone who doesn't talk to me daily here and ask me how my day was is a faggot and cancer and nigger and retard and autistic y-yeah that's it HMPH!
let the man OD so we can finally accelerate total internet death and allow it to be a corpo hellscape where it's no different than cable tv
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>Give yourselves time to digest them.
I already have. No offense, but that screencap has to be one of the worst posts I have ever seen screencapped.
>there is no single revelation, its not one red pill.
>your worldview grows darker but more accurate
>you have to start hiding your power level
To give credit where its due, these parts are 100% correct.
>there are no happy redpills
This is incorrect, they are rare but do exist, some call them whitepills.
>suddenly you don't like people so much
>you don't see much good in them
>you have nothing in common with normalfags
>your extraversion dies along with your faith in humanity
>you think you hate the world and everything in it, you stop caring or at least try to.
In alchemy, this is known as nigredo or putrefaction. It's a completely normal and necessary process, and is meant to be temporary. I know this because I have went through it myself. The correct course of action is to break out of this state of mind and start the albedo and citrinitas process of seeing the positive aspects of everything quoted above (and also of everything else that exists), and trust me, they do exist. Once this process is finished, its finally time to commence the rubedo process of attaining the philosopher's stone (self-improvement and spiritual development) in order to transmute lead (an undesired state of being) into gold (the desired state of being).
>then you realize, it's not that you don't care. It's that nobody else does...and you care too much.
There is some truth to this part. Its correct that normies don't care about anything truly important, because they're mostly incapable of caring to due to their exclusively animal nature. The part about "caring too much" comes off to me as implying this is a bad thing, and in some ways it is. If you have a higher nature, you're not supposed to care too much about this world and become attached to it, but you definitely do have to care about it, and more importantly, you have to care about what lies beyond it. Considering the joker picture, it seems to imply (at least to me) that anons shouldn't seriously care about anything, and that along with
>remember, you're here forever
is what ruins what could otherwise be an actual good post. I don't hate Jung but personality types are overrated, they along with solar astrological signs (I do believe in astrology) aren't everything that makes the psyche of a Man or Woman. Man is an extremely complex being, and every Man or Woman that possesses an higher nature is in fact an unique being that is not constrained by any archetype or personality type, and this is why I hate this retarded
<hurr durr you're here forever, do I fit in yet guise???
meme. Stop pushing this nonsense into anon's heads. Not even the demiurge itself has complete control or perfect knowledge of people's fates, especially people with higher natures. To assume every anon will always be an user of /pol/, any other board or just any site in general, is foolishness. People, real people at least, are capable of profound change, which can be considered a type of metamorphosis.

My advice for anyone reading this: Be the best Man you can be, change the world around you to suit your needs and desires, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not capable of changing yourself or anything else, or that everything is hopeless.

Another advice: Salvation is a personal affair, the only entity that can save your Eternal Spirit is yourself.
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> I already have.
< In alchemy, ...

You are still in denial anon.

Alchemy, transmuting, metamorphosis. This is escapism. Escapism from yourself. Escapism from life.

> If you have a higher nature, you're not supposed to care too much about this world and become attached to it

And here is an example of it.

"This" world is the world. Right here, right now. That is all there is to it.

PS: the screencap is not a commandment, it's a Rorschach test.
Replies: >>229130
No, there's more to this world than mere matter, a whole lot more.
Thank you for the wise words.
>My advice for anyone reading this: Be the best Man you can be, change the world around you to suit your needs and desires, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not capable of changing yourself or anything else, or that everything is hopeless.
That's physically impossible, the world around you is the people surrounding you.   you cannot just remove animals out of their environment. you can only change the environment but even then some people are doomed to their fate just by existence
the internet pretty much proved basically majority of humans are nothing but mindless animals who will fuck anything they could if there were no repercussions  and  trying to have a  existence that isn't simply depressing just seems like a impossible challenge in today's world without pretty much living in pure fantasy.
which will only work until the internet dies to censorship and legal mumbo jumbo basically makes it impossible to have free entertainment.

the mindless animal's suggestion would be just accept it and pretty much lower yourself and your standards and live a completely artificial life but why bother if you're that miserable already?
this thread is similar to /digi/: https://www.28chan.org/board/b/res/11389.html
Replies: >>231016
I took a quick glance to it and it doesn't really seem to be the case, that thread feels too gay.
Replies: >>231220
>>227102 (OP) 
no. it's where i come to not be lonely
not that much different from the gay stuff the BO has done before
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