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only the dead can know peace from this FUN

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You seriously didn't cum this month did you nonny?
>>226237 (OP) 
still going strong kek, how about you?
Replies: >>226239
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yea tbh i just forgot to cum
>>226237 (OP) 
No one cares about reddit meme holidays like that.
Replies: >>226277
>>226237 (OP) 
I cam 4 times but I am going to make it through December for Jesus. No Nut December.
Replies: >>226275
"Yea, and thou shalt not crank thy hog, for thou must save thy seed for the LORD thy god."
-Madeupicans 99:99
Replies: >>226889
its a plebbit chalenge for sure, but who knows, maybe some guys will find out about the benefits of not being being a coomer.
Replies: >>226281
>its a plebbit chalenge
where was that first shilled, really?
Replies: >>226284 >>226993
i have no idea, but the chalenge got a huge traction over there, its funny because their community despise nofap, so it is just a silly meme with the wrong and distorced aproach to porn and masturbation.
Can I steal this?
On 4chins in the early 2010s if I recall correctly, with the source of the supposed nofap benefits eventually being tracked down to a couple of jewish doctors running some scam.
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im happy to announce that not only did I not cum in november i also worked out the entire month.
Replies: >>227105
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>he needs crapps on his phone just for working out
Replies: >>227107
i dont know what you're trying to convey here, ive been working out at home for a lot of time, sometimes i use apps (they help with timing and routine) and sometimes i do create my own routines (when i do i also use the phone to track rest times, i.e. time between repetitions) im using the technology in my favor here.
nofap is actually good thing. i learned this too late. my prostate started chronically hurting after years of being a heavy coomer.
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>>226237 (OP) 
i came that month, december, and this month
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