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there's an anime where a 30 year old chad is walking through a field at noon, which unbeknownst to him, is a high school property. some kids call him over and say "who are you?" "are you from this school?"
he replies "yeah bro i'm in 8th grade", and they don't laugh or bat an eye. later as he's walking home, he realizes they actually believed this. he uses his newfound superpowers to do really bad stuff.
what anime is this?
i want to watch it to annualize peod psychology
Replies: >>1703
>>770 (OP) 
Uhhh... sorry, I don't know what anime you are talking about.
But that's an interesting picture, with teenager Shio.
Replies: >>1706
Dude, look at the date. He's not gonna come back and read this TWO YEARS later.
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