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Is it worth watching? I heard mixed things about it plus I was spoiled the ending a time ago.
>>648 (OP) 
>is it worth watching?
Sure, it's a pretty fun series, just don't set your expectations too high.
>>648 (OP) 
I'm not huge into anime myself but I really like the space setting and I just went along and started watching it since I've heard about it so much. I put it off to the side for some reason but it's not bad imo. It would be a 10/10 (or close to it) for me if they wore flight/space suits of some kind.
>>648 (OP) 
Probably one of the most influential anime of the early aughts that lead to anime gaining mainstream popularity in the west along with studio ghibli films of that era. It's good.
>>648 (OP) 
It's good albeit very episodic so a lot of it is more or less unconnected from what I guess would be the main storyline. It's also, one of the few animus where the English dup actually isn't god awful.
I heard its popularity overseas eclipsed its popularity at home by a pretty wide margin. That is to say, most Japanese anime fans would probably look to other shows as an example of a highly influential 90s anime.
>>648 (OP) 
Very boring and full of "diverse" characters (ie. trannies, niggers, faggots). Only episode 20 and the three last ones are good.
>>648 (OP) 
It's absolutely worth it. But all the people saying the dub is good are just nostalgia blind.
Not really, there's a couple good episodes near the end and that's it. It's the most overrated anime behind Evangelion.
Replies: >>1075
Its shit unless you have shit taste, its basically just episodic tripe about random escapades by largely depressed people in space
Replies: >>954 >>1075
i relate to depressed characters
Replies: >>955
that's fine, but the work provides no answers to that, it'll probably just worsen your depression because its theme is nihilism
Replies: >>956
yeah i dont think i need to feel worse about myself more than i already do
i wonder if any anime tackles these topics from an optimistic pov
Replies: >>957
>Welcome to the NHK
MC is a depressed hikkimori NEET, it was made by an actual NEET, it doesn't provide all the (right) answers, but its something more positive while understanding the roughness of such a life
Its morbid and brutal considering how prevalent death is in it, but there's some hopeful things in it and that's appreciable (don't read the manga though, its just despair circle-jerking, the anime director changed it to be better than that shitheap)
>Hajime no Ippo
MC is a dude who was getting bullied at school, completely friendless, extremely unhappy and dissatisfied in his life, had no self-confidence and didn't know what his future held, seemingly talentless, but, well, you'll see.
Well, its complicated. I wouldn't say its "hopeful" per se unless you really understand the ending, but its more of a warning, and there is some good in it and some actually good people worth a damn who do right by the MC and give some hopeful themes based on their actions, those are the ones who make the anime worth watching; plus people say the Rebuild movies make it more hopeful, but I wouldn't know about those
>Gurren Lagann
You'll see, just watch it; its something special.
I remember watching it for the first time my college freshman year, its one of those exceptionally few anime that have a strong chance to change your life make sure you use the old fansubs for it though, I got em if you need em. Its not an easy journey mind you, but its an incredible one.
>Great Teacher Onizuka
Specifically there's several episodes (and a small arc towards the end) which concern a suicidal nerdy dude, but just watch the whole damn thing, its great I personally recommend the dub for it though,  I thought Blum was a better fit for Onizuka than Takagi (he voices Okoyasu in Jojo for reference), even if a lot of the minor character voices are hilarious in the dub. 
>One Piece
Unfortunately it takes a long fucking time to really get to the part that I'm thinking of. Though pretty much all of the characters have some tragic things to deal with, though even with that in mind I'd hesitate before calling it about "depression" except for a specific part of it. Its just an all around great work though and worth watching until the part I'm thinking of.
>Rising of The Shield Hero
Its rage and anger against the world mixed with depression rather than just pure depression; it handles it well with a right answer.
Isekai where the MC's only power is that he can respawn from death, he's powerless so he gets killed over and over again, you can imagine what that does to a motherfucker.
Replies: >>958 >>1052
thank you anon, i will be sure to check these out. will probably start with welcome to the NHK
thankss again!
spike dies
Replies: >>1074
Opinion fucking discarded. Subaru can go suck a nigger dick, Felix helped ruin an entire generation of men, and the moment the kaijus started being a thing is the moment a part of me curled up and died inside from the fucking abysmal pacing. Even Reinhard, the best character, couldn't save it.
>b-b-but Reinhard is le oh-pee power fantasy faec!!!!111!!!1!1
Being a cracked out knight who could hold his own against Saitama doesn't get rid of the fact that he's a genuinely great character, and I wish the series was about him and his becoming more and more absolutely punished. Overlord is still the superior isekai, anyway, but this isn't the thread for that.
Replies: >>1072
Are you having a breakdown anon? There wasn't anything about rezero in his post.
As an anime newfag, it seemed okay. I like the loli, and obviously the animation was stellar. But I really couldn't be arsed to particularly care about any of the characters, especially how all their arcs felt completely starved for breathing room. You think that Fei would finally have a chance to finally stop being a conceited bitch all the time, and then the show fucking ends.
Replies: >>1076 >>1078 >>1190
falling over =/= death
Replies: >>1077
The space drawings are nice of ships and things but it is boring. Makes me watch Firefly and or Serentity to see what it should have been. Joss is good at that, taking something that flopped and making it better. He should have done it more often, like what he did with that shitty btvs movie. He enhances things. Not anime but you get it. 

Evangelion isn't boring though. It's actually good and most pepole would watch it and like parts of it while cowboy's in outer space most can't get behind as a theme because it reeks of 'the wrong side won' in regards to the American Civil war, of which is why Joss never finished Firefly. Being a terrorist or a racist, there were only two options there for such a theme. Joss implied the Chinese were the new Feds/yanks and no main characters are Chinks ergo racism route he went, southern accents and all. Cowboy shitbop I did not get through enough to say it was terrorist drama option but prolly was.
>I really couldn't be arsed to particularly care about any of the characters
I agree, I couldn't really form a connection with most if not all of them, save for maybe Spike. I think the issue was that it was too short, had it been several seasons maybe they would've developed more but that's all speculation. The animation was indeed very good though.
Replies: >>1190 >>1243
Lying to yourself =/= truth
Replies: >>1192
Everyone in that show besides the loli and the dog were horrible people.
Replies: >>1190
Just remembered why I could not into Gundam.
Just because credits roll doesn't mean that a true story is necessarily over. I figured it was just him poetically having killed himself by killing that other guy he fought the epic battle with as they were some sort of kindred spirits, from the same foxholl, something like that? He wanted to die and killed smoeone else that wanted to die ergo he felt dead inside and fell over. 

You cannot refute this.
Replies: >>1196
I mean, by ep 1 Spike nearly dies from getting choked out despite being so 'badass'. Like he wanted to die.
Replies: >>1196
Spike is an idealist, like those german romantics. Being unable to be with the woman he loves, he commits suicide at the end.
Replies: >>1199 >>1244
>idealists commit suicide
What are you talking about retard, Spike is closer to a nihilist than anything. All that he considered left to him in the world was revenge and saw no meaning left in his life besides that.
Replies: >>1243
Yeah I agree. He even rejects the love his friends have for him at the end when they tell him not to die.
>The animation was indeed very good though.
The sound track also permanently sticks with me.
Spike deserves everything bad happened to him. He stole his best friends gf. A traitor.
Replies: >>1245
Vicious on the other hand, he rid the world from many criminals. He is the good guy of the story
>>648 (OP) 
Outlaw Star is better in every way.
Replies: >>1398
I only watched 1 episode of Outlaw Star but I'll agree with you
> Is it worth watching?

What the hell are you waiting for. Even if Outlaw star is better than Cowboy Bebop. Just do it. Its one of the most influential shows to this very day.
Replies: >>2001
I thought Samurai Champloo was better overall, a bit more variety plot wise.
>sniping a new genre is being influential 
>>648 (OP) 
It seems fine but due to it being spoiled by the time anyone hears about it the ep 1 and 5 made me stop watching because it feels like it's over before it begins, the flashing of his life before his eyes, Spike's.  Even if not 1998 it's got great quality visually. If slightly more mature it'd be better. That episode about the fridge ayylmfao is when I decided to stop watching and make this post.
Replies: >>2002 >>2005
>>2001 (me)
To clarify, I stopped twice (so far). I get back to things... eventually.
Replies: >>2005
>>2001 (me)
>>2002 (me)
On ep 19... .Ed had two fantasy ep, shroom and space blob thing, prolly top 20 anime if i had to pick. Not op or nothin', just bored. Jazz when they are cowboys.... Ed's hackering.....After I am done I'd probably have a lot to say. Fae not knowing her child self due to changing so much ego wise was interesting.

Guess outlaw star goes on the backlog....
Soyboy bebop is overhyped garbage for westerners made by a talentless westaboo
Replies: >>2010

amazing take, did cuckchan give it to you?
Replies: >>2017
There is a spin-off of Outlaw Star called Angel Links, by the way.
>you're gonna carry that weight
 *puts down fork* 
Added a cowboy bebop banner
Nah, but you'd be right at home there considering your first instinct towards someone disliking a shit anime is to ascribe the opinion to people you don't like
Replies: >>2018
< I have derrived it from Cuckchan's previous work.

Overrated? Maybe. Shit? Nah. Its too well written for being that. Come back with real garbage by Westaboos.
Replies: >>2019 >>2023
>Come back with real garbage by Westaboos
JoJo :^)
Replies: >>2021
You are just saying this, because it is also overrated and has gotten a cancerous fanbase. I also don't consider the best battle Shounen.
Replies: >>2022
>You are just saying this, because it is also overrated and has gotten a cancerous fanbase.
You're a genuine retard if you think that mess was well-written.
Replies: >>2024
It was. Its not my fault your brain can't wrap itself around the episodic format and the overarching story and themes.
Replies: >>2025
>overarching story and themes
You mean post-modernist contrived novelties?
Replies: >>2027
Was it that bad?
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>>648 (OP) 
>Is it worth watching?
Yes, high productions values to cater the western audience, which worked wonders.
Great animation by Sunrise 2/Bones (Gundam Char's Counterattack, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hero Academia), comprehensive soundtrack, episodic enough so you can see most episodes isolated from each other, and often with somewhat mundane plots although packing decent action or set pieces so it isn't all brain dead exposition.
It's worth a try, at least episodes like the Unabomber Ted parody which surprisingly paint him in a non-negative light, if anything powerless compared to the bounty hunters due to his ideology, despite Japan at the time still having the Sarin panic.
Replies: >>2031
>high productions values
Meaningless westoid metric for "people" who watch Hollywood movies and play AAA games.
>to cater the western audience
Is that supposed to be a good thing? Go watch a westoid Netflix show if you want something super western.
Replies: >>2032 >>2036
expensive animation is pretty dope anon idk
Replies: >>2033
It's a good thing to have but it shouldn't be a decisive factor.
Replies: >>2034 >>2036
yeah you are right, storytelling should be placed above everything else and animation is just a means to that
Replies: >>2036
>Meaningless westoid metric
Not quite in animation, while i agree with you it's a trash metric in cinematography as it depends highly on the operator's skill (and ambiguous at best in video games), in animation in means more man power to fill cells, add fluidity and overall the quality of backgrounds and movements.
I suppose explaining each is redundant when we say "high production values" in an animation project, at least for me it is, perhaps you are right i should've specified.

>Is that supposed to be a good thing?
In terms of the late 90's market in western animation, which means teenage to young adults wanting to see complex action alla Hong Kong school, along with tits and ass/fanservice, simple stories or some that don't exposition which is extra important in 20-something minute episodes, and at this point in time no need to justify a killing or certain cultural nuances when the chinese (and indian vs. cowboys) have thrown for decades before into cinemas the blood brotherhood/revenge plot points along with other details.
AKA the japs could catter with somewhat minimal effort the western audiences as they had, at least in Europe and Latin America, accepted most things and adding western music like funk, jazz and rock along with futuristic panoramas of industrial urban settings only meant much more acceptance as it happened.
Perhaps i should've specified catering to the still quality-focused market rather than the current trends of the ideology-driven pseudo-market., because catering means different things nowadays, back then you only needed different music, shiny T&A and settings inspired in western places like the US, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbeans, Italy and i think France at some point.

The storytelling in Cowboy Bebop borders that of a classic Gen 5/6 videogame and by that i mean a mere excuse for the invention of action set pieces. There's perhaps exceptions, like government corruption and religious cults, but i recall those happen at the end.
Unabomber episode might be considered that but the execution is done as comedy, and the explanation is a joke itself with trivial problems and drama making people forget what Terrorist Ted wanted to say, which is that technology saturation and erratic lifestyle is a mistake to humanity as it makes them focus in trivial problems and drama
The series is shallow but entertaining, doesn't really overstay its welcome and has a lot of to see in its set pieces, soundtrack and visual settings enough to warrant a casual view of a couple of episodes. Certainly not something to binge, it saturates and it's a bit redundant in its messages.
The only good thing to come out of cowboy bebop was Ed, and she had the common sense to leave the show.
Replies: >>2065 >>2097
Ed is cute
Replies: >>2096
I like how Cowboy Bepop has a proper ending in tragedy, too much happy go lucky endings nowadays, so it feels good.
Replies: >>2070
>in tragedy
Is it really, one dude finally tied loose his own trauma, another guy was left without his best friend but was content enough that his buddy was finally done with it plus he was himself somewhat of a loner anyways and with money in the end, hacker found a friend in the dog and was ready to explore on her own, and the whore became somewhat mature enough not to be that retarded and work on her own without getting killed.
It's a nice round ending if maybe not quite happy, still all of them becoming rich as hell wouldn't end their sins or attitudes towards life, most of them did it because of the thrill or because those were the only things they knew how to do well enough.
eds a boy
>a joke episode due to xer
>father does not really know her/him to the point of not knowing xer gender aka daddy issues 
>hackering means putting on silly vr glasses and le XD
le zomg random character so avant gag

I'd appreciate the opposite, a sane older male character on IRC that would hax.exe with bad hygiene and thick glasses rather than VR cancer-goggles. 

Xe was the worst character. 

Her leaving was just part of the show trying to make you feel depressed for no reason. She leaves for no reason, the entire thing is batshit in regards to xer even finding her father and leaving, assuming he even is the father. I was listening to the Nip audio talking about their making the show and at the end of one ep they literally say "we talked about nothing!". 

It was nothing. zomg random nothing. Perhaps it wasn't even planned, it meaning to add to a sense of meloncholy, to add to that 'weight you're gonna carry' as the point of the show was indeed just to snipe it's own genre. Maybe they got rid of xer so as to make the ending even feel serious lest a buncho of XD fly all over the place near the end.
Replies: >>2098 >>2100
>the opposite
Forgot to point out how it's a darkie. Pale would be better for  a computer hacker. Pale and fat, not thin and tan. Low effort avant-garde bullshitery. Old, pale, fat, male, that should have been the hacker character. The faggot with the vhs collection should have been but him watching older tv would have been too much effort. They musta already blown their payload simulating tom and jerry as it was.
Replies: >>2099
brown loli nips though
<joke episode
>didn't realize the series itself is the joke, everyone who watched it was the punchline
Replies: >>2101
It is not to be taken seriously as in looking more into it rather than what is presented explicitly.
Kinda like The Big O but a bit more honest because that series did try to put some mystery into it, along with a EVA-tier ending but the creators said in the end that it was all done to make a toy line, that's it, what you see is merely what was thought.
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