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What have you been watching?
I've been re-watching Fist of the North Star and DBZ.
I grew up with Hokuto no Ken and is still one of my favorites. DBZ is pretty fun too.
I'm also planning on watching 79' MSG and Sailor Moon.
What are some good anime that aired on these two decades? I know there's a lot of good stuff but I've barely scratched the surface.
Replies: >>5 >>7 >>12 >>674
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Should I watch Weiss Kreuz? I can remember how it was being shilled to death on forums back in the day but I've never actually seen it.
>>4 (OP) 
>DBZ is pretty fun too. I'm also planning on watching 79' MSG and Sailor Moon.
I've watched so much Dragon Ball as a kid that I can only love it. When there's a DBZ movie on TV I'm most likely going to watch it. It seems people are pretty pissed off with current Dragonball but I don't care to that degree either. It's just fun stuff that always goes.
Never got into Sailor Moon but Moonlight Densetsu is a great song.
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>>4 (OP) 
I started Outlaw Star a bit ago and have been slowly going through it. I don't know why but there's something comfy about this type of show that you don't get today. The Toonami bump that has this show featured helped a lot too I suppose.
Replies: >>11 >>14
I watched dbz and enjoyed i up to the first tournament wherein the ref refused to call it for the old man like eight times just so goku would win. lost interest after that. I still need to watch evangelion.
Replies: >>66
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Obvious one, but Akira. No matter how many times I watch it, the latter third of amazes me every single time. It's so fucking immersive, you can really feel how Tetsuo becoming angrier and angrier. It's like a orgasm of violence. If you somehow haven't seen it yet, don't let yourself be turned off by its popularity and watch it.
Almost forgot about Outlaw Star. It doesn't particularly stand out but it's a very good scifi anime.
>>4 (OP) 
>re-watching fist of the north star
Watching it when I was younger it really blew me away and even now I admire the show, especially its tone, but man is it repetitive; like holy shit was it that cool that I didn't notice back then?  Just the same animations and the same dudes dying for like half of every episode.
I tried outlaw star once and it didn't grab me but I've been meaning to try it again. I've been looking for something else to watch so this may as well be it.
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I just watched Key the Metal Idol on mostly random whim.
Creepy cute robot girl tries to become a real human before her battery runs out by making 30k friends/becoming an idol at the cryptic behest of her dying grandfather. I expected this would be another Nuku Nuku, mostly because of the cover art, but ended up with something a lot less actiony. My big takeaway was the jarring moments of violence, lulled into by that seeming lack of action at first, and the sort of 'shit happens, oh well' sort of mentality the characters seem to have, or at least the lack of dwelling on the deaths albeit usually because there's something still pressing going on or the scene just progresses to something different, as the story moves forward while I'm still recoiling at the blood and guts. It isn't excessive gore, I'm just a faggot I guess and I didn't know what I was getting into. While death happens semi-frequently and isn't really built on for the most part, there's a twist to that death formula, that i'm still angry about, down the line that puts you into one of those thinking moods, but overall the themes were kind of blah and not as deep as other 90s shit, even the main thing of Key's quest which is the whole 'humanity' thing just felt a little shallow when it resolves. I'll just say it was 'different'. Show answers most questions it raises although it didn't really do it well, but that pacing issue isn't apparent until basically the end though. There's some scant few tits, but it's overshadowed by staring at D's man ass for 50 episodes.
I'll probably watch it again at some point, was pretty good.
I have been watching the original mobile suit gundam. It's good. Is every mecha anime forced to have an "I don't want to get in the mech" episode?
Replies: >>94 >>98
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I got halfway through it and wasn't capable of finishing it because I got so bored. I don't understand why anybody likes it.
Replies: >>68 >>77 >>80 >>99
I felt like that many times when I was watching it but still sat through it. In the end it was worth it. But sure, at times eva can be unpleasant in a numerous ways.
I finished it but didn't think much of it, it's certainly not the masterpiece that people keep talking about but hey the mechs are pretty cool.
Replies: >>81
that's 99% of anime under the sun dude, I just like looking at the pictures
Replies: >>81
Yeah, I thought the artstyle and the mechas were awesome. If it took itself way less seriously It would have been a fun show.
Replies: >>86
>If it took itself way less seriously It would have been a fun show.
It wouldn't even have to. But it certainly doesn't make it easier for the show to shine, sometimes it just cannot live up its own ambitions when there are fuckups that were caused by lack of budget/time/Anno's special relationship to endings.
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The Eva talk here reminded me about Gunbuster, so I watched it for the first time.
It was cheesy, but fun. Cute girls, tits, space radiation syndrome, and pure californium nuclear warheads for 5/6 parts before I notice a pattern in Anno's stuff where the money runs out, things get all fucky animation-wise, and the ending is retarded. No blood to speak of. Other interesting observations include Gunbuster being on screen for all of about 3 minutes total despite being the title, and next to nothing being revealed about the enemy alien things, but given the tone and run time, in contrast to Eva, it didn't grate on me. With the way things flew by I found myself thinking on and appreciating the elevator and Kaworu in 01's hand scenes for some reason.
I liked Gunbuster a lot actually, but don't see much point in watching it again.
This one did.
I think the only ones that don't are shit like VOTOMS, but that's because the protagonist is a professional (autistic) soldier and not a scared kid. Haven't finished it yet but Domon from Mobile Fighter G Gundam seems like a contender for "gets in the robot" status.
Anno is the same kind of hack as Kojimbo, the good shit in his work is usually done by other people. I think /a/ssholes more or less agree the only good parts of Eva were the mecha/Angel designs, some of the fights and the OP, which was actually forced on Anno by Gainax execs. The OP Anno wanted was Kum, susser Tod.
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Is the Bubblegum Crisis series and its spin-offs any good?
Replies: >>104 >>106
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Haven't watched it yet but if it's only half as good as its soundtrack it's worth it.
Replies: >>106
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I have watched all but two of them, To protect and serve and Parasite Dolls. I have enjoyed them enough. As >>104 the sound track of the first  OVAs are surprisingly good. 
Although its clear the director has a favorite girl, he even managed to sneak her into to be the hero in the TOKYO 2040 series at the last moment. I like to think as he was storyboarding it everyone just rolled their eyes and went with it because it was almost over.
I really should just finish up A.D.P. and Parasite dolls, they have been sitting on my hard drive for a while now. 
As it turns out the studio has also done some really nice hentai as well.
Most from the 80s and 90s in my opinion animes aren't anything amazing like some hype them up to be. I can understand why some enjoy Gundam, Galactic Heroes, Evangelion, Dragonball and SEL, but animes such as DBZ, Sailor Moon, etc are overrated.
Replies: >>149 >>162
You could say that about every period of time because there are always some masterpieces that everyone remembers among lots of mediocre stuff. Gaussian distribution I guess. Of course everything was much more expensive to produce. Digital offers endless possibilities for little cost, and that often leads to laziness. It has creeped into everything, often making even highly anticipated series underwhelm. That's of course not limited to anime but also true of, for example, music production.

I don't know if DBZ is overrated. When I first saw it, it was something else. But I was a little boy when I was watching it, I don't know if I would like it as much if I would watch it for the first time now. I didn't ever get into the generation of shounen that came after. Never watched much of Sailor Moon either because 10 year old me thought it was gay as fuck. It's technically part of my backlog, but not one that is likely to be resolved very soon. You could say I haven't paid attention to it in over 20 years.
Replies: >>156
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Sometimes the writing is a bit repetitive but it's funny as fuck.
Replies: >>162 >>2085
DBZ is ok, but it's not as good as Dragon Ball. What DBZ suffers from are entire episodes being dedicated to fillers and there's are too many episodes for each fight and the lack of focus on marital arts rather than laser beams and spirit energy n shit. Most of the characters from DB used to be admirable and favorites of mine, but then for some reason Toriyama decided to turn them into useless wimps who contribute nothing other than sucking off Goku and vegeta's dick just to say how strong they are compared to them.
Replies: >>171 >>651
No, not everything is gold, in fact there is a lot of bullshit and stuff that is just straight up bad but thats what you get when a studio could just throw something on a shelf and have it sell. 

>When you want to meet Lina but know she would ruin everything you love.
Replies: >>233
>but then for some reason Toriyama decided to turn them into useless wimps who contribute nothing other than sucking off Goku and vegeta's dick just to say how strong they are compared to them.
That might of been because Shounen Jump rushed some of his ideas and time to work on the story, due to the tight schedule they set for mangas authors, so it's possible that he didn't have enough time to make DBZ as story and character rich as the OG.
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>roastie/nigger derivative of tfw
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Didn't DBZ Kai resumed the whole anime pretty well? Although I haven't seen it in several years. I don't mind watching the original anyways. I grew up with it.
>>4 (OP) 
Just finished watching Air Gear. It was pretty cool and I can well understand why it is popular. The last part felt somehow incomplete though I am guessing that was partly intentional. The open ended nature being intended to leave the audience wondering what new heights the MC is likely to soar to. It is something I would really recommend in terms of plot though at times it can be repetitive, falling into the 'challenge of the week' format.
Initial D

Started watching it couple days ago, all these years i thought it would be boring for someone like me who doesn't care about cars, but i got super into it right away.
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Red Cat Ramen, an SOL about a human girl working at a ramen shop ran by talking cats and a tiger. It has a lot of recognizable voices and a very relaxing pace. Animation is kinda cheap and when they switch for CGI its very noticeable but it makes up for it.
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The only old stuff I have watched recently is Digi Charat. Neat Comedy show and I can understand why it became the brainrot of choice in 1990s. 

What good shows aired in the span of two decades? The stuff that made it into our hemisphere alone is way too much to discuss in one post. So I take something random. And the lucky winner is Versailles no Bara from autumn 1979, which source material was one of the most influential Shoujo works ever created. Rightfully so given that it enabled more women to actually write them. 

The story concerns the entire life of Oscar Fançois de Jarjayes, who is in reality woman but was raised by her father as boy, because he needed an heir for his rank of commander of the Royal guard. During her life she experiences the entire failed regency of the last Bourbon King Louis XVI. and became frens Marie Antoinette, some Swedish guy and various people from the third estate. Her life tragically with the monarchy she swore protect gone and she herself basically cucked. 

Pretty good with many up and downs and if it can be helped, I recommend watching the original TV animu or reading the Mango. If you think it impossible to obtain, don't worry! It got some rare as hell Western releases as well.

In contrary to the foot drawn fare that was Mazinger Z and certain episodes of Gundam, this one holds up. A bonus the original has over the movie that gonna to come out is that its design is pretty much the same as the Manga. Which is really simplistic in itself. 

No idea about the sound and the rest. To judge that properly, I would have to rewatch the show. I can't even tell you anything about the original voice acting, because I grew up with a localized dub. 

If you like historical dramas and Shouji outside of cute girls doing cute things, definitely give Versailles no Bara a watch. It is considered a classic of animation eve outside of its Japanese context. Once again rightfully so, because the show itself is a pretty good historical drama that can at least walk side by side with Gettysburg and the soviet movie adaptation of War and Peace. Also if Oscar's crossdressing looks gay to you, its probably because you are pornbrained. Let's not sugarcoat what else it caused since you and me are sitting on the turf of the Tomboy fetish. Yeah, feel free to blame Ribon no Kishi all day. Just mind that you will look like the world's biggest newfag, since Tezuka's show was for Babies whereas Versailles no Bara wasn't.
Replies: >>2039 >>2085
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this sounds very interesting, i might have to check it out just because i love historical content

i always liked the pseudo historical old stuff like pic related
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>it's funny as fuck.
It's even funnier when you realize how much real occult and esoteric knowledge both Kanzaka and Hayashibara packed both into nearly this entire series and Lost Universe as well. If one has the eyes to see, many truthful facts about the world we currently live in and its workings can be found. I can strongly recommend it to anyone who would like to be initiated into magic and mysticism while also having fun.
>Versailles no Bara
Nice, very Aryan.
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